Is Civil War 2.0 coming to the USA?
Will they put Biden to sleep like they did with king George V in 1936 when they were brewing up WWII?
One week ago today, the most powerful man in the world, US President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID (Covid-19 according to CNN and just Covid according to most other outlets). Who knew that they were still testing the President for the virus that allegedly produced a pandemic five years ago? But how can there be any doubt?
As we have learned over the past few years, the PCR and other tests are very exact and reliable and if they come out positive, that can only mean one thing: the President's got Covid. Covid 19, or whatever. Thankfully, the president has been vaccinated against this terrible disease, otherwise he probably would have tested even more positive and he would have to isolate even harder.
I can hardly help my sarcasm from spilling all over my keyboard: the narrative management politburo must be the most talent-free bunch of apparatchiks ever assembled and their media toadies the most talent-free, supine bunch of stenographers ever recruited. As a result, the news today read like the inmates have taken full control of the asylum.
Are they planning to put Joe to sleep?
I can understand that they wanted to remove Biden from the limelight to interrupt his series of spectacular gaffes. I can even understand that some might want to remove him from the scenes altogether and some day announce how sad it is that Mr. President succumbed to the terrible disease.
That could give quite a PR boost to the DNC. Imagine: suddenly, we'd have an outpouring of sympathy for the man... The state funeral would be such a solemn, sobering event, it would absorb the nation’s and the world’s attention for days, maybe weeks during which everyone could pretend that criticizing the late President would is utterly distasteful and un-American. The party could now call for the nation to come together during this sad and difficult moment, bla, bla, bla… Hugs and unity would flood all over the place and the DNC could all play the good guys like it’s 1999.
They’ve done it all before…
But who would actually think up such a monstrous scheme? Last August, I wrote an article titled, "The Death of George V in 1936 and why it still matters?" George V, the monarch of Great Britain was unceremoniously put to sleep once his existence had become inconvenient for the powers behind the throne. This is no longer a conspiracy theory: we know that for a fact.

But surely, such a thing couldn't possibly happen in this day and age in our precious liberal democracies, all bursting at the seams with the rule of law, tolerance, freedom, democracy, human rights, free press, and all things good and decent? That would be unthinkable! It would imply that the most powerful man in the world is merely a pawn in some hidden power network's schemes. It would mean that our precious democracy is a sham from start to finish and that we are only voting for political puppets. That just can't be, so we can dismiss such silly conspiracies straight away.
Covid? Really?
But so far as Covid itself is concerned (19 or otherwise), it did seem to be making a comeback of sorts. Last week we saw the Australia's national swim team arrive in Paris, all wearing face masks like it was 2020. Earlier this month the Tour de France ordered the cyclists to wear masks when not racing and banned selfies with fans and dinners in restaurants. Clearly, the terrible, deadly virus is back and perhaps it will soon be time for us all to go back to PCR testing, masks, social distancing, mail-in ballots and all.
Bird Flu to the rescue!
And just in case the great unwashed should remain unconvinced that the threat is real and that the measures, once more, are strictly about public health, Covid 19 might need to get reinforcement from Bird Flu. I’m grateful to my friend Ivor Cummins for drawing my attention to this. Namely, some organization called Sylabus X, located in Reston, Virginia is planning an International Bird Flu Summit for 2-4 October this year (IBFS 2024) in order to "address the pressing concerns surrounding the recent developments in avian influenza."
Apparently, "it is imperative that we come together to discuss preparedness, response strategies, and the future implications of this evolving situation. The topics of discussion at the IBFS 2024 will include the following:
· Mass Fatality Management Planning
· Surveillance and Data Management
· Preparing Communities Strategies
· Local Partnership & Participation
· Delivery of Vaccine and Antiviral Medication
· Medical Countermeasures
· Socio-Economic Impact on Poultry and livestock Industries
· Benefit-Risk Assessment: Public Health, Industry and Regulatory Perspectives
· Prevention Education Efforts and Risk Communication
· Command, Control and Management
· Emergency Response Management
· Business-Based Planning
· School-Based Planning
· Community-Based Planning
And yes, strategies of countering disinformation and misinformation will be discussed, so please refrain from doing your own research. Ignorance is strength. It looks like we'll all be in this together again, just in time for the US Presidential elections. For everyone's safety, mail-in ballots should be used for US elections one more once, since they have proven as safe and effective as the PCR tests.
If all this were a dystopian sci-fi plot, I would wager that it would flop because nobody would buy it. It's too stupid. Even the willing suspension of disbelief has its limits. Today however, we are so deep in the twilight zone that even the 1980s Soviet politbureau members would blush with shame.
Where’s Joe?
I wrote the above in my TrendCompass report on 18 July and perhaps my intuition was on the right track. Two days later, on Sunday, 20 July Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential elections. But the way he announced this move was extraordinarily odd. He, or somebody on his behalf, made the announcement via Twitter, posting his letter without the White House letterhead and with a signature that appeared to be a forgery. Even Biden's closest aides only learned about his announcement after the fact through social media. Coupled with the fact that Biden has not been seen nor heard from for five days prior and that nobody seems to know where he is, this raises a lot of difficult questions.
Of course, somebody does know where Biden is, but the public, which supposedly elected him to run the executive, are being kept in the dark. Why? Are they really planning to announce that the "president" had died? According to Laura Loomer's sources at the White House, the "president's" condition is terminal. Terminal, really? From Covid? Only people who think that men can get pregnant would buy such nonsense.
It walks like a coup and it quacks like a coup…
But people’s attention spans are really being overwhelmed with events over the last two weeks, especially with the incredible saga around the attempted assassination of Donald Trump and the even more incredible fact that to this day (10 days and counting), we still have not had an official press conference about the shooting either by the FBI, DHS or the DOJ.
The political establishment seems intent on forcing the issue down a memory hole, pretending that we can simply let bygones be bygones and move on like nothing happened. The head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle had to be hauled to congressional hearing about the event by a subpoena. But instead of answering the questions from congressional representatives, she lied, obfuscated and stonewalled in a way that was shocking to see.
Most likely, the reason for her stonewalling was because it is becoming increasingly clear that Trump's would-be assassin wasn't acting alone. Apparently, someone was making frequent trips between the home of the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks' and a building in Washington DC that's located near an FBI office. This revelation was based on a Heritage Foundation analysis of metadata of 9 pertinent smartphone devices. Perhaps the only notable statement from Ms. Cheatle was her reference to the recently deceased representative Ms. Sheila Jackson Lee:
"I would be remiss if I did not also extend my condolences on the passing of your colleague, congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Ms. Jackson Lee was always engaged in the oversight of the Secret Services and her passing is a great loss to this body."
Those who think that men can get pregnant will appreciate the magnanimity of Ms. Cheatle's condolences. Everyone else will recognize the statement for the chilling threat that it was: don't rock the boat for us; we have six ways from Sunday to get back at you...
We will certainly learn a lot more over the coming days and weeks, but it would appear that we are looking at a real, if covert, coup d'etat unfolding in the US. Is it too far out now to consider that the 2020 election was also rigged and stolen? Either way, the country's democratic facade is now disintegrating to the extent that again, only the cohort that thinks men can get pregnant may still believe in it.
These are entirely uncharted waters for the United States and the "free" world. Key events are unfolding outside of institutional bounds and if one side of the political spectrum is engineering a coup, their rivals might decide to do the same. They might move to preempt the Democrats' covert coup with an overt, in-your-face one, led perhaps by a group of Pentagon generals, who knows... The US could now be sliding towards its second Civil War and the unfolding sequence of events will turn the tides of history in ways that nobody can predict today.
Alex Krainer – @NakedHedgie is the creator of I-System Trend Following and publisher of daily TrendCompass investor reports which cover over 200 financial and commodities markets. One-month test drive is always free of charge, no jumping through hoops to cancel. To start your trial subscription, drop us an email at
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As an American no longer living in America I’m embarrassed and shocked at the level of “in your face” we can do what we want from the Dems, the media and the deep state.
They’ve thrown all pretense out the window and are not even trying to hide that they tried to kill a former president on live TV, again! And they just pulled off a coup to replace a president we all knew had cognitive issues 5 yrs ago.
Where we go from here who knows. Some how I don’t think it will be civil war, but Martin Armstrong has been saying that the US would break up by 2032 and I can see that certainly happen not just in the US but throughout EU.
The cat’s out of the bag and I don’t see how anyone will really believe anything after this.
Beaking news!! Bird flu has fled the nest and gone walkies through dog populations globally.
Top dog at Canine Disease Control, Deborah Barks, held a press conference at CDC houndquarters and con-furmed that a novel avian flu, which experts have christened "AVI-BARK 21" has migrated from birds to dogs.
Initially, fears circulated among the press corps that the novel CoronaDogger virus might have jumped to humans as Deborah Barks, fresh from an inspection of quarantine gulags in Siberia, was speaking in a voice that was rather HUSKY. With dogged determination, she insisted that such speculation was merely "barking up the wrong tree."
When a reporter from the chicken shits that comprise the sick dog of (MSM), our Muttstream Media asked for evidence of the furr-ightenig claim of viral migration, Barks skilfully referenced the initial sequencing of a tin of dog food. A small piece of bat shit from the Chinese Rufous Horseshoe Bat was found in a can of Pedigree Chum‘s High Protein Beef and Liver mix, inducing fears that the CCP were cooking up a dish of Fowl Chop-Poohey to limit our freedoms.
Bark‘s assistant from Yorkshire, Collie Terrier muzzled calls for kennel lockdowns, walkies mand-rakes, and for infected dogs to be impounded at Guano-tamano Bay. She assuaged fears by referencing a phone call she made to Dogerna‘s German CEO Spitz Sheperd 30 minutes ago, who insisted his doggedly determined teams from Spain-el and Fort Dingo could have entirely safe and effective jabs for every dog ready that afternoon. To encourage uptake, a month‘s supply of Premium Royal Canin would be offered with the first jab and each subsequent Rooster. Dog-tastic!!
When Berger Picard from Rolling Shar-pei expressed concern that a vaccine couldn‘t be evaluated for safety and efficacy over a morning phone call, Bark‘s feathers were clearly ruffled. Picard‘s inquiry was met with dogged resistance, her words mUffled by low-pitched menacing growls, fangs showing. Repeat calls for hard data were met with, "Trust me!! I am science." Anthony Woofci didnt like a young pup encroaching on his territory and dogma, and a dog fight quickly broke out with Woofci howling to the press gallery, "No!! I am Science!!" Deep state handlers from the Canine Impound Agency tried to calm things down. Eventually, they agreed to sniff each other‘s butts - the source of all their "health" advice. It appeared to work. A mutual respect blossomed for each others‘ shit "work."
Bark‘s agitation by requests for specifics, made it a prerequisite for reporters to fetch sticks she threw before answering. This was widely perceived to be a delaying tactic designed to give her more time to formulate lies and dogma.
Rmours have been circulating like a rabid dog on heat on Mutt Social Media concerning Anthony Woofci‘s spat with Bark‘s. If there is any currency to them, it appears that flocks of Woofci‘s ex-birds who are jab injured have been singing like canaries all over Twitter, disparaging his Miniature Schnauzer. The alleged dimensions were later confirmed by a fact check from Snoopes, exclusively relying for data generated by the Poodle search engine.
The CDC has advised dog owners to consult with a specialist should their dogs exhibit any unusual signs. Mild symptoms of Avi-Bark 21 include: dogs mimicking bird calls, pecking at dog food instead of munching normally, gathering sticks, leaves and other materials to construct nests in backyards, flapping ears vigorously accompanied by enthusiastic jumping as if trying to take off, removing eggs from the refrigerator and sitting on them to keep warm, and engaging in elaborate ‘mating dances,‘ hopping and spinning around in circles, hoping to impress nearby birds.
Long AVI-BARK 21 is far more serious and has resulted in a spate of injuries and deaths. Such travesties can stem from something as simple as trying to perch on tree branches, garden fences, and on owners shoulders pirate parrot style. Other concerning behaviours have witnessed dogs diving into shallow ponds to catch fish with their paws. Perhaps, most worrying for dog owners is the recent trend of dogs from the same neighborhood running in V-formation on busy transport arteries, not keeping their eyes on the road but constantly looking up at the geese and barking commands to slow down. The sight of their beloved canines transferring their loyalties to migratory flocks is heartbreaking. If traffic accidents don't claim them, migration to another continent will.
Stay tuned for more Beaking news! Pups and pooches, remember to keep those tails wagging and noses twitching for all the latest pup-dates on the new pup-demic! From all of us at Canine News Network, have an awesome evening and keep those bones buried!