“Truth eludes us if we do not concentrate our attention totally in its pursuit.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
One of the discussions that came up at the Better Way Conference in Bath last month and which pretty much blew my mind, was the question of law. Three of the speakers on my panel delivered their remarks on this subject shedding light on issues I never gave much thought before. It was a striking experience, so much so that I had to go back and view these three speeches once more to try to properly digest the matter.
For me, the effect of these ideas was akin to when the James Webb telescope started transmitting high resolution images from space (this was last July almost exactly a year ago), enabling us to see deeper and farther back in time than ever before. All of a sudden, we learned that there are Galaxies and other structures in space that are much older than the maximum age possible under the Big Bang Theory of creation. In one fell swoop, the Big Bang Theory, the core stuff of advanced science of creation for the last 70+ years, was instantly disproven.
In a similar way, the presentations on law that I heard from Dr. Dolores Cahill, Karen-Ruth Skolmli and William Keyte had a similar effect on what I thought I understood about law. Like most people, I thought that in most nations, the Constitution would be the high law of the land. Lower in the hierarchy would be the legislature, supreme court, high court, district courts, local courts, councils and regulations (somewhat differently arranged in different nations, but more or less corresponding to that basic hierarchical architecture).
For me, the groundbreaking, James Webb telescope moment came when Dolores Cahill said, "what most people don't know is that the Constitution is only half way in the hierarchy of law, and there's an area of law above that." Below, I’ve summarized the most poignant parts of the three presentations. Their messages were strikingly consistent even though the three speakers formulated their remarks independently. Because each of the speakers’ wording was beautifully elegant and simple, without big words or convoluted arguments, I’ve simply quoted or paraphrased these ideas as they presented them.
Cahill: where does freedom come from?
Cahill opened her speech with the question, "Where does freedom come from, and what's the significance of it? Your freedom for life, travel, speech, privacy and property come from the highest up area of law and it’s called inalienable rights. It’s an inherent right, and that means that it is with you for every second that you are alive. Inalienable rights come from you; they are not given to you by anyone and they can’t be taken away. So, where does freedom come from? There is a hierarchy law (of laws?). It’s like a tower – a 12-story tower, and something that’s higher up cannot be affected by something that’s lower down..."
She explained that inalienable rights originate with "a force in the world which has different names..." and that this force is intelligible to our conscience: "everybody inherently knows right and wrong." Even a 3 months old baby, when he/she sees a wrong, they intuitively know that it's wrong even if they can't speak. This knowing of right and wrong is within all of us at all times. That, as Cahill explained, is the very top of the hierarchy of law.
Just below this "force" is what we call Natural Law. It's something that exists in nature even if there were no men and women, it's always there, one of the elements of nature. Natural law is very simple and it amounts to the principle, "Act in honor and do no harm." In medicine, it's "first, do no harm." Crime, under natural law, would be to act in dishonor, which would be things like committing fraud, or to do harm - things like committing murder or theft.
The 5 inalienable rights
"So you have conscience, the natural law, and then (the next level of the hierarchy) you have men and women, the people who are born into natural law. And, from the very second that you are in existence, you have your natural law." This is where our inalienable rights and freedoms come from. There are five inalienable rights: the right to life, the right to travel, the right to freedom of expression, the right to privacy and the right to property. These weren't given to us by anyone and nobody can lawfully take them away from us.
Skolmli: we’re sovereign beings, not creations of state
Karen-Ruth Skolmli had spent 3 decades researching the deeper reaches of law and her remarks were entirely consistent with what Dr. Cahill presented. Skolmli’s speech started with the simple remark that, “we live under the illusion that others have power over us and that they can tell us what to do. … Most of us believe that government made legislation is law. It is only our belief in that that gives it the power – that is the illusion that we live under. Government has no power over us – that’s a bit of a shock, but government is our creation and legislation is the creation of our creation. A creation can NEVER have authority over its creator – that is against nature and against natural law.”
Skolmli proposed that the comprehensive hierarchy of law is as follows:
Law of the Creator, Natural Law, Universal Law (highest, cannot be changed, was not written by man)
Law of Sovereign Man and Woman (must align with natural law)
Rule of Law, Constitution, Law of the Land – that’s our social contract(s)
Government, Legislation, Government agents, Monarchy, Police and other oath and affirmation takers
Creations of the State: registered, contracted beings, children, Mr., Mrs., Miss., Taxpayer, National Insurance payer, Occupier, Resident, Landowner, Driver, Voter, Citizen, Employee, Business Owner, Social Worker, Enforcement agent
We each have an inalienable right to live in peace and security. However, if governments are left unchecked, they quickly seek to make themselves the ultimate power and introduce thousands, perhaps millions of pieces of legislation including punitive laws that induce fines, punishment and control by fear. Much of this legislation is unnecessary and even unlawful. In order for governments to apply legislation to us, it has to make us creations of the state.
Once we become creations of state, the government has authority and jurisdiction over us. How does this happen? By getting into a contract. By getting us to register. We register our children at birth, we register our cars, our homes, our land, and we register to vote. We register to pay tax, the national insurance, health care, even to get married. And we register to drive. The list goes on and on. We become Mister, Mrs, Miss – we become contracted beings … we become our job title. And this is where we’re all operating – in the majority, we operate down in the diminished status when we should be operating as Sovereign Man or Woman. That is our true status and we should be operating only under natural law.
Fraud unravels all contracts
When we operate under the illusion that we are the creation of government, under their authority, under their legislation, this is slavery, and we are all living as slaves. It is not easy to hear that, but that’s how it is. The good news is, it’s all done by deception, done by fraud, and fraud unravels all contracts. Here are the solutions Skolmli laid out, along with the “law in 2 minutes,” and “your rights in 2 minutes”:
Know what the law is, know what it’s not,
Know your rights
Uphold the law and your rights
Hold people accountable for their wrong doings
Educate your sons and daughters
Educate and support people around you
The law in 2 minutes:
Cause no harm, no loss, no injury to anyone else
Act reasonably and proportionately (lawful excuse to cause harm)
Know that your rights end where another’s begin
Then you can do no wrong
Everything that is not a wrong is your right.
Your rights in 2 minutes:
Inalienable: rights you must have to exist, survive and thrive; they cannot be taken away or given away by you. They are yours, always.
All other rights: anything that is not a wrong (harm, loss, injury to others) is your right; they are limited only by your imagination and creativity, just cause no harm and know that your rights end where another’s begin; any suspension of your rights requires your genuine, fully informed consent (i.g. work contract).
Responsibility creates Freedom, Convenience creates Control
We have handed over responsibility for life’s essentials; this makes us controllable and fearful
Take back responsibility: food, water, health, energy, education, protection, shelter
If you don’t know your rights, you have none; educate your sons and daughters, educate those around you
Uphold your rights, uphold the law
Hold people around you to account when they do wrong; it is not someone else’s job
Support those around you when they hold others to account
Take back control over your life
Know your true power and set yourself free
Keyte: the importance of trial by jury
William Keyte spoke about law enforcement. Its “magic mechanism” is (or at least should be) trial by jury, which must include authentic jury independence. True independence includes a jury’s right and duty to disagree with or ignore legislation when delivering their verdict if their consciousness so dictates. This idea is consistent with what Cahill and Skolmli had expressed.
In a proper trial, a defendant may be in court because they have breached a statute; but that statute is also itself on trial. It’s a balancing act: is the behaviour of the defendant defective, or is legislation defective? How does the jury do this? Well they do this by using their consciences to determine whether the defendant had malicious intent. This is about moral principle, not about whether someone has broken predetermined rules.
Laws shouldn’t have the power to punish
Legislation can exist under our constitution – just – but it is not itself meant to have the power to punish. It is merely a flagging up device to bring a defendant before their peers. For a crime to exist, there must be an injured party, and the jury should decide on right and wrong behaviour. Unfortunately, under our current, distorted rule of law, this is not the case much of the time. Instead, the rule of law has devolved to merely obeying statutes in fear of punishment. Basically, it’s down to following orders and suspending our moral faculties (and oftentimes violating the natural law and abdicating our own sovereignty).
Oliver Wendell Holmes talked about the “Bad Man” concept. Basically, a codified law or legislation benefits the immoral man because he can plan ahead of time how he can get around the law. And you can’t legislate around every eventuality. But law based on conscience as judged by common law jury, benefits the moral individual. The jury should have the right to judge on all aspects of the case: the facts, the law, the admissibility of evidence, and even the punishment – everything. Even if the defendant has breached the statute, jury can still return a not guilty verdict if they feel it would be unjust to pass punishment on that individual – this is called annulment by jury or jury nullification. The establishment calls this perverse verdict.
Unfortunately, the concept of trial by jury has been denigrated by state in our societies. Supposedly, people can’t be trusted – they may be insufficiently learned, biased, or can’t be bothered with the inconvenience of jury duty. Often, juries are scapegoated for the failings of the justice system. But Keyte mentioned the research on the effectiveness of the jury system carried out by Cheryl Thomas QC, which appears to disprove much of the criticism…
Jurors are seldom given the full account of their powers and rights or instructed to understand the importance of being in the jury. It is not only their power to affect the defendant’s life but also their opportunity to affect the nation’s moral character. The real reason why trial by jury has been maligned was perhaps best expressed by Alexis de Tocqueville when he said that, “Jury is an institution embodying the sovereignty of the people and the very best way of preparing the people to be free.”
Then Keyte connected the concept of trial by jury to freedom: our condition of slavery is largely a manifestation of our current consciousness. Our outsourcing big portions of our lives is not the behaviour of sovereign beings. Freedom must be earned through collective moral behaviour. Why? Because in earning something you are self-improving and that is what the universe wishes for us. It’s about shadow work on oneself, personally and collectively.
What is freedom?"
Freedom is an expression of spirituality, spiritual emotions and psychological health. Someone who has true freedom, is one who is fully responsible and self-mastering. They have removed unconscious behaviour, habits, triggers, deep traumas, and self-contradiction. Embarking on that hero’s journey is key and the Constitution gives us the kick-start to assist us to raising our consciousness. It teaches us through jury deliberations to take moral responsibility and perform that much needed shadow work. Under a common law democratic constitution, it is people that govern themselves as true anarchists and the government is subjugated merely as an administrative body. But this requires that we do the work and get united on the issue and really shine a spotlight of truth on how wildly off track we have allowed our governing system to become.
The above, plus countless individual conversations over coffee, walks and meals in Bath is why I thought the Better Way conference was an overload of awesome… And why coming together in such venues is as enlightening and enriching as it is energizing. If ever you feel tempted to attend or participate, do not hesitate. And if you think you could organize your own get-together or local action, just do it!
Alex Krainer – @NakedHedgie is the creator of I-System Trend Following and publisher of daily TrendCompass investor reports which cover over 200 financial and commodities markets. One-month test drive is always free of charge, no jumping through hoops to cancel. To start your trial subscription, drop us an email at TrendCompass@ISystem-TF.com
For US investors, we propose a trend-driven inflation/recession resilient portfolio covering a basket of 30+ financial and commodities markets. For more information, you can drop me a comment or an email to xela.reniark@gmail.com
Excellent piece Alex. I was the MC at a wedding recently, international crowd, my first toast was to 'natural law, serendipity and attraction'. Natural law, as I grow older in the countryside of St France, is unambiguously the only one that matters...
Off Topic perhaps but IMPORTANT!!!
Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online. Everything from Hillary Clinton's emails, McCain's being guilty, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic. Happy Digging! Here you go, please read and pass it on..... https://file.wikileaks.org/file/... These are Clinton’s emails: https://file.wikileaks.org/file/clinton-emails/
Index file! https://file.wikileaks.org/file/...