Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 29, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

I was totally unaware of the Grand Inga Dam project and its implications for African development. Of course, we can't have it, since with such development we would no longer be able to exploit Congolese children to mine for minerals needed for the EV boondoggle.

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Ha! Exactly!!!

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Alex, I find you inspiring because you are an optimist. At 76, if I'm lucky I have 10-20 years left. I hope to see signs of the blossoming of a multi-polar, anti-authoritarian world order and the end of authoritarian government. The triumph of personal freedom. I regret I have not been a spearhead of such a movement, though I have made small contributions over the years.

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Way to go Africa! Stand up for what is right and true! Thank you for posting!!

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The more I see the big picture, it sure looks like China really set up the Empire, post-Mao. And some of the American bankers might have been as well.

If the BRICS are successful, the vast financial Empire, misnamed the British Empire, should come crashing down.

We are hopefully at the end a financial Oligarchy that goes back at least 2000 years( probably longer), trying to control the world. They were nearly wiped out 1800 years ago, and again 700 years ago. We need to finish the job this time.

I was pretty black-pilled a year or 2 ago. But the more I learn and watch events unfold, the more optimistic I get. Watching Marron get dressed down was brilliant.

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And all Hell is breaking loose in France today...

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Europe scares me. Lots of migrants that have no intention of ever assimilating.

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If that prospect scares you- live in parts of Canada where consecutive federal governments have openly supported and encouraged all cultures to retain their culture with no regard to assimilation even at the most basic level.

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It's all part-of-the-plan, written in a book 100 years ago John.

The EU actually has an award for the, let's call-it intentional importation of non-Europeans to the EUSSR. It's called The *Charlemagne Prize* awarded yearly.


"The first Charlemagne Prize was awarded to Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, the founder of the Pan-European Movement. Following the presentation of the award to the Italian Prime Minister Alcide de Gasperi in 1952, the International Charlemagne Prize of the City of Aachen has repeatedly sent messages going far beyond Germany and promoting the ... "




">English translation of selections of Practical Idealism (Praktischer Idealismus)<

By Count Richard N. Coudenhove Kalergi - published in Vienna 1925.

*Europeans To Become Negroid Mongrels*

The man of the future will be a mongrel. Today's races and classes will disappear owing to the gradually vanishing of space, time, and prejudice.

The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. [22]

Christianity, ethically prepared by the Jewish by the Jewish Essays (John), spiritually prepared by the Jewish Alexandrians (Philo), was regenerated Jewry. As far as Europe is Christian, it is in a spiritual sense Jewish, as far as Europe is moral, it is Jewish...."


It's all there in plain sight if One knows where-to-look.

Me? A raycisst? NO!

Hopefully, some readers here might find the ^^above^^ 'food for thought'.

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

I hope Africa and other so called southern countries can negotiate to death the Who agreements of medical tyranny and the new world financial order you present on your post today. They know that these ideas originate from people and organizations that are not to be trusted. I imagine some countries are purchasable, but not all. The Zambian President diplomatically engages with the appropriate language of climate change, but I can imagine that he might not believe it at all. The new world order cannot force all players to opt in so negotiations must be had. Too bad for the power holders organizing all this that the poor regions of the world have more educated leaders who actually care about the wellbeing of their people and are not all for corrupt sale. Maybe Africa will save the world, imagine that!

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Thank you, for this important article, information and insights. I just hope we survive the extremes I expect the failing empire to go to. I feel so much hope hearing about African agency , BRICs etc. I think though about the practice of deliberately sabotaging infrastructure, when they can't block fairer development in other ways. I wonder for instance if the Zaporozhye power plant will be the next Ukrainian/ NATO orchestrated atrocity. I think of Libya, Iraq, Syria.. The north streams. I think of this real hard deeply sadistic feeling-less 'power'. The true nature of this beast. And I want to believe it can be overcome, guarded against, even won over. Not swallow the black pill.

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Thank you. Of all generations of humanity, our generation has the best chance of overcoming the beast. We've no excuse not to give it our all.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Beautiful Alex 🥰-- I feel the same. Persevere, have faith and support fellow ungovernables.

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I could not agree more. Even Lula in Brazil, before a Davos puppet, is onboard with BRICS. Very close to checkmate.

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Like Meloni in Italy I feel he is playing both sides until the clear path emerges. Apparatchik? there are always a few. He started BRICS hard to walk away when he returned. For me I watch actions (ie Lula tying social support payments to getting the jab) I don't listen to their words.

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Thanks Carol. I didn't know that about Lulu and the jab. ;)

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Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 30, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

The way to lift African people out of poverty is through abundant and inexpensive energy. What delivers that? Fossil fuels. But lifting people out of poverty is not what the globalists want for Africa. They want them on their climate scam plantation. But they'll be saving the planet! Yeah, right. Even if they were it would be at the expense of millions of human lives..

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No offence but Africa doesn't need to be "lifted" out of poverty. That implies that they can only do it with outside help from the west, BS!

What the west needs to do for Africa is cancel all debt, pay reparations for the 100s of trillions of dollars in resources they stole, and get the hell out of there.

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

The perfect scam. Then with global cooling they will say look what we did!

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

So Haiti was like the small test tube experiment that showed the oligarchs how to keep control of the entire colonial world.

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In a way, yes. At first they kept the slaves and the commodity production enterprises going the old fashioned way with slave owners, guards, severe, sadistic punishments for disobedience, etc. But after the slaves revolted and broke free, they imposed a tribute which Haiti could not pay. So they forced them to take out massive loans from French bankers. Repayment of these debts was the new system of slavery and it was quickly adopted in other colonies and by other colonial powers. Haitians had no choice. None of the colonies had any choice. So making sure they didn't have the choice has been the struggle ever since and has lasted to the present day. Destroying Russia and China, and turning them too into client regimes is precisely the struggle we are witnessing today.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Bravo Alex...when we hear the words "Great Reset"...we think of the oligarchs and the tyranny of the many generations of delusional heinous thought leadership...mental colonization that now requires global financial and civilizational collapse...to the benefit those same "masters of the universe". I am very pleased to read your article amidst so much designed/engineered/architected darkness. This is a wonderful bit of light...a spark at least... that you have shared. Provides an "alt-great reset"...and hope! Grazie

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Many thanks Bill!

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

For what reason soever their "Covid" plandemic failed to achieve the desired objectives, it marked the begin of an epic chain of fails. Or so I think.

The next one is their attempt to crush and carve up Russia, with China next in line.

I get the impression their actions become more and more desperate and rushed. Which includes their digital central-bank Euro slated for autumn this year. I bet quite a lot will happen until then.

Neither had I heard of the Inga Dam project before. Though the empire relies on their peripheral vassals to live in poverty, this project would never materialize in cooperation with the West. Under no circumstance would the empire allow the vassals to consume their resources themselves.

Although I could imagine China and Russia realizing this project.

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Yes. And you can add their failure to regime change Syria and hang onto Afghanistan to the list of failures.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Thanks Alex. You are doing good work by keeping us informed with honesty

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Thank you Slimbo!

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When the west is unable to continue to secure total access and control over the resources of the South and keep the South from consuming them western economies will collapse (already happening imo). When the BRICS+ refuse to provide access to their resources to the west it will collapse even faster.

Western nations understand this, particularly France as they have very little resources of their own.

France has been one of the worst countries for Africa over the last centualy and what was done to Libya, which France was a major part of is one of the greatest crimes against humanity and destroyed hope and was a huge set back for Africa.

Haiti was established as a haven for escaped slaves and oppressed peoples of color is the south. Anglo-Empire vowed it would never let Haiti prosper.

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Thanks again for your keen perception, Alex. It appears that most African leaders realize that BRICS, and China in particular, is their ticket to the end of neocolonial exploitation. One caveat to their renewed optimism could be the West's overloaded military capacity because it's obvious they can't compete in a fair economic playing field. Up till now, the Wagners have been instrumental in offering military assistance to counterbalance the tendency of the West to support coups. We still don't know whether Wagners in Africa will remain Prigozhin's private militia, or if the Russians have secured the loyalty of local commanders.

The other more positive thought is the role Saudi Arabia could play as a source of funding. As a petroleum rich desert nation it doesn't have manufactured goods to offer, but it does have the need for the basic agricultural and mineral wealth that Africa can offer. The globalists must be nervous, and Macron, for one, relies on the support of those with heavy investments in Africa.

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Hi Bob. Sorry I didn't answer your question from a few weeks ago, but, it would have taken many hours to give You the 'cliff notes edition'.

Anyway, I worked in Saudi Arabia for a year in the late 1970's. Actually with irrigation-farming in the southern part adjacent to the *Rub al'Kahli/Empty Quarter*. Last time I heard the Saudis export(!) different grains.

Wild Bill's comment below is...not accurate.

The BIGGEST Secret about the Saudi/Yemeni War is...the *borderlands* there contain....an unimaginable amount of...OIL!!! This has been known by a very very very select group from our friendly anglo-american abc:s Cheers :)

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Thanks for that, Chris! It would certainly put the Saudi-Yemeni conflict in a different light, which makes more sense than religious rivalries.

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Saudis know the oil is running out. They are diversifying their economy. They will be a major player in the next generation.

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Sounds like the west’s karma has run over its dogma. And high time.

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Jun 30, 2023·edited Jun 30, 2023

All the mining and refining of minerals & metals needed to build dams in Africa, and their electric generating and distribution networks, and end use electric machines - ALL require fossil fuels. It's thus completely immaterial (literally!) adding up how ever many $billions it'll cost if there are not enough input materials and energy.

Background: Regrettably, human's one-time easy-to-extract fossil fuel and minerals inheritance is running out: the bio-physical laws of nature on our finite ‘pale blue dot’ dictate these building blocks are getting more energy intensive to extract and use.

Further, reality is that in the past easy to extract coal, oil, gas, and minerals have powered the exponential growth of global industrial civilisation's quadrupling of human population over the last 100 years.

In 2021 primary global energy was supplied by: fossil fuels (~80%); wind (~2.7%); water hydro (~6.3%); solar (~1.5%); by, nuclear (~4%); with all the rest by traditional biomass (~6%).

However, fossil fuels can't be replaced by energy from the sun and secondary flows induced and amplified in wind and water, because they are around ten orders of magnitude – a billion times – less energy dense than oil, coal or wood, and fifteen orders of magnitude (a quadrillion times) less than uranium.

This is because for an equivalent electricity output, harvesting wind, water and solar flows with ‘Modern Renewable’ infrastructure build-out demands correspondingly orders of magnitude more land, and fossil fuel energy for mineral mining and refining, than using fossil energy directly.

Further still (even if low energy density was not on its own the compete show stopper that it is), geologists warn critical minerals, materials and energy needed to scale-up ‘Modern (so-called) Renewables’ are orders of magnitude insufficient, needing decades to expand if they can at all. Supplies to meet existing metal and mineral demands for non-energy production already face steep competition, with dwindling reserves rapidly hitting geopolitical limits too.

Manifestly, humans are thus already sliding down the global ‘de-growth’ slope of ever decreasing energy and material consumption, with prospects over the medium-term future of ever less aggregate wealth, complexity, and prosperity.

And by end of this century the current 8 billion human global population will most likely have returned to pre fossil fuel age numbers less than a 1 billion.

Reality is that none of these alleged fossil fuel replacements (except traditional biomass) can scale-up at all without fossil fuels. Neither can nuclear. Nor can whatever other magic 'techno' wand you want to wave at physical thermodynamic reality.


The only meaningful question that remains then, is how to manage the end of growth reality on our finite ‘pale blue dot’?

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Great comment Natasha! The future is allllll about less for those who are use to nothing but more.

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Bravo Global South! That’s another prove that Macron is trying to sit on two chairs at same time. He’s Trojan horse

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