My body rejected both alcohol & cigarettes early on. My life has been full of precognition & clairvoyance since my early teens. I am an empath. Since retirement I have become increasingly reclusive. Other than brief, superficial encounters, eg grocery or feed store, I can barely tolerate being around most people.
When young, I had to retreat from family gatherings to nap. They called me a loner.
But what happens is their thoughts & feelings become a tangled mess with my own. With the exception of highly spiritual people, it is exhausting...they are exhausting.
My most recent knowing was when my best laying hen walked into the woods & disappeared for a week. I searched the woods fruitlessly. Prayed for a sign so that I could let go & stop searching. The next morning I woke up & *knew* she was safe & *knew* she would come home on the morning of July 4. (I was worried that fireworks would scare her deeper into the woods). With knowing, my anxiety was gone.
On the morning of the 4th I was greeted by a loud chorus of clucking by my other 2 hens & Roo under the apple tree in front of the barn door. Then I beard a faint "buk.. buk ...buk" from the far side of the tree. There I found her tucked deep beneath a low trunk.
In my teens to early thirties I was always a social person, too social, always looking for a party, an adrenaline high, and sex. That bought me in to contact with so many negative people, and some who became close friends, and as being "friends" I'd feel guilty whenever I had thoughts of casting them adrift when problems arose.
Now I am a loner, except for a couple of close friends and family, and my mind is much more peaceful.
I find Thanksgiving and Christmas difficult, because there is a strong emotional wave going on. Many people celebrate the holidays, but many people feel great sorrow at those times.
I do my own, private holiday celebrations. This year I expect I'll be celebrating with re-connected guardian angel(s). Actually, pretty much every day I am.
I lost that connection ~6 months before 911, as did an energy-worker friend & her friends. My understanding was everything was being moved to a higher, less dense vibration. It's taken years for me to be fully cognizant of them again. Their voices were so faint I could barely hear them, but they've been their all along. Now I rarely feel alone because they hover around the outskirts unless I specifically call for answers or help.
I think you're right; we are evolving and those who seem to be getting ahead quicker are listening to their bodies and wanting to be free from artificial stimulants and depressants. My husband finally, one day 10 weeks ago, just stopped drinking alcohol. He explained that he realised he was killing himself slowly. I had been trying to tell him that for years.....Anyway, people wake up in their own time and now he has more focus, regular vivid dreams and a sharper more productive mind. And he is open to listening to me talking about chakras....
there is also the fact that when we were young, wine was naturally made. I do not know exactly when they started using chemicals to clear the wine. There is the joke of a father who called his 3 sons on his death bed, and told them you can also make wine from grapes. Too much messing with natural things ruins them. I am sure a glass of natural wine or beer won't harm anyone. It even helps digestion.
You're a sweetheart for bringing up the world of "paranormal" phenomena, Sasha. We are coming out of the closet; Yes, there is another way of being, another way of seeing, a source of power. Most individuals have had psychic experiences that the scientific community shuns. I have had a similar experience as yours with alcohol. I liked having a glass of wine, only one, at end of work day, a good Bordeaux with an hors d'oeurve, and never missed my little break. Then one night I dreant a force unknown advised me that this routine was not a good idea. That's it, I stopped the routine.
Not that I'd ever feel guilty about it, but I've regularly forgone making more money & riches by going out skiing or cycling.
On a semi related note, I had a 6-month run as a Speed or Meth user in the early 90's. I noticed once I'd stopped, when out in nature I saw a lot more wildlife than when on the Dope. I've always believed since that nature has it's own strange way of discerning when we humans are in a damaged or unstable state. So since then I've always considered it a good omen when I cross paths w/a deer, hawk, squirrel, etc in my outdoors adventures.
Fascinating. Thank you for sharing these insights! I am having similar experiences with alcohol and have gotten used to the thought that my body is changing, i.e., getting older, and I no longer have a desire for it. However, my thinking is now more precise; I am more and more capable of connecting the dots and thinking across various fields of study, simultaneously producing interesting insights and experiencing intriguing observations. I have known for a long time that to find solutions, answers, or material things; I must forget or let go of them first and have 100% faith that the universe will bring an answer. That practice has become much easier after giving up the alcohol. Until I read your article, I hadn't connected the dots between alcohol and evolution. I, too, believe that human civilization and the planet are going through a bottleneck. Wisdom and insights are now needed most. From both a material and spiritual perspective, evolution is truly amazing!
Great article Alex, thank you. I had many experiences telepathy with my parents, older brother and children. But the most significant was regarding birth of my daughter. In my first marriage, i said to my husband that i want to have child be born next year on 13th of February. I got pregnant and my doctor told me that my due date was from 10-16th of February. My answer was, i know date, she will be born late morning on 13th. That’s exactly when she was born 13of February 11am. I just wanted to happen my way without any reasoning and it happened as i planned.
You would like reading the book Blink by Malcolm Gladwell.
It ends up being that our subconscious sees a different picture, a gestalt that does influence our conscious thinking, even if we are not sure why.
I suspect this was called "psychic" before modern psychology, because it fit the interpretation of religion as they have prophets etc.
In my technical blue collar job, a lot of times I am able to troubleshoot complicated systems by intuition. I don't consider it psychic, but that I can feel how the machine sequence works which helps me eliminate a lot of testing that would be extraneous. I've met a lot of engineers during my career who were great at details but horrible at seeing the big picture in order to sense the "life" of the system. There were a few that did have similar abilities of intuition but they were the exception, not the rule.
Another book you would be fascinated with is by Ian McGilchrist called The Matter with Things. The right brain - gestalt, while the left brain - details and logics.
The theory of black holes was 'invented' to explain why two heavenly bodies are acting on each other, at distances too great for gravity to apply ie they argued that there must be a third body in between, of such mass & density that it is exerting the necessary gravitational force. It is an absurd notion, with zero observational data to support it. Conversely, the explanation is simple and elegant once you consider electromagnetism as the relevant force. Due to the way science research is now funded, however, astrophysics has become as corrupted as climate change research ie both continue to promote unsubstantiated (and largely discredited) theories as if they were unquestionable fact.
Alex, to build on your thesis, you may know that earth's magnetic poles have been behaving erraticly since the 1860's, not only wandering but also reducing the strength of the magnetophere by some 15% (so far). A reduced magnetophere, of course, means that we are exposed to an increasing level of cosmic radiation (of all frequencies). One might think that would be a healh hazard but two (spirituality aware) scientists have argued that it actually has the effect of reawakening our psychic abilities. Maybe, just maybe, the "Great Awakening" is not just driven by the development of the internet but in mankind's spirituality getting switched back on?
Fascinating, thank you Alex. In addition to removing alcohol from your diet, consider also fluoridated water (if that applies in your area). I lived on my boat for six months, drinking (and cooking with) only rainwater and, after a few months, begun to dream vividly and 'see' things more clearly. Got me wondering if the enforced (and at the time, somewhat controversial) decision to flourinate municipal water systems had another agenda (than tooth decay).
Thank you Stephen, I'm aware of fluoride and the fact that they're deliberately spiking our water with it. However, they don't do that in Monaco so far as I can tell (but who knows...)
I have heard some substances, like magic mushrooms, actually enhance your connectivity to different planes or dimensions of consciousness. I still drink, knowing I am dumber for it. Maybe someday I will try shrooms.
Knowing now how much of modern society is intentionally toxic by design, I have a hard time believing it is any different with ashrouds.
As a side note, part of Terrain Theory vs Germ Theory is that our bodies are connected at some level we don't understand and that cold and flu and other "infectious" diseases aren't caused by invisible unicorns, but are some invisible signal that we share with those around us. The best example is when women who are strangers, start hanging around or working together. Their menstrual cycles "synch" up.. Germ Theory would say this is caused by a virus.
My guess is I will never know the truth, but at least I know what I was taught my whole life is a lie. I am making progress.
I too have had many times the solution to a vexing problem appear out of seemingly nowhere while sleeping, or half asleep.
Once I dreamed an entire comic book with detailed illustrations and dialogue and told myself when I'm awake in the morning I'll put it to paper. And when I awoke I could not remember any details.
I have taken a cursory look at some of the scientific publications on neurogenesis. If you had included a reference that you thought best illustrated a finding about neurogenesis (and its function) in human adult hippocampus, I would have possibly been convinced of what you and some researchers contend.
As far as I see, there is no direct evidence of this in adult humans, although there is scientific proof of so-called precursor cells in human adults. All of the scientific work on hippocampus (that I am aware of, as someone with a old physiological psych Ph.D., indicates that hippocampal function differs significantly in humans compared to nonhumans (where it controls perseveration more than memor consolidation). When I see claims, especially when they are related to ESP and "powers", I ask myself how a valid scientific procedure could provide proof of in vivo function. Has this been proven in living humans?
My reading of your examples tells me that you don't understand sleep, sleep stages, the factors that influence recall of experiences during sleep (of which there are many) and the fact that the brain is an organ specialized in predicting the future (when you are aware of it doing so, and when you are not). I could expand why this is an accurate statement, but suffice it to say that humans that cannot predict everyday events, would probably die at a very young age.
I do not dispute evidence obtained via valid experiment.
I just do not tend to believe explanations for which there is no valid proof.
In my personal experience, I have solved 100s of "problems" while asleep (probably 100s of thousands but, not having awakened immediately, I did not recall the great majority). Much more often, I solve problems, sometimes nagging problems, during the day, all day, everyday. When you appreciate the number of predictions your brain comes up with, you can mathematically grasp that their startling coincidences have a much better chance of being just that: coincidences. How many thoughts of your children did not result in synchronicity? You only focus on the anomaly. 'd guess that, If you invested this way, you'd run out of money, fast.
As for the alcohol observation, I also find that my alcohol metabolism has apparently changed as I aged and increasingly find the negative effects tend to outweigh the positive. I know that's why I drink less. But I also note, as someone who has experienced a lot of aging, that there are quite a few other changes in how my body works and how it reacts to food/drink, various inputs and how I process it all.
Thank you Alan. In fact, I don't know whether the neurogenesis part is strictly true. The studies I read about are from secondary sources, so I can't comment on the published papers. I did once read a study about neurogenesis in fish and the fact that newly formed neurons traveled to specific areas of the brain to fulfill a specific function, which inclines me to believe that the same process must exist in humans. I can't imagine why it wouldn't if it works in fish. Also, you are correct that I don't have a clear understanding of sleep and its cycles - again, I read about it but I didn't delve down into details. Now, when you say, "you only focus on the anomaly..." you are right again and I have a good hunch that my children had more thoughts than those I conveyed in my article. But for the sake of brevity I didn't include every thought they ever had, it would be a different kind of article and maybe a bit long. Perhaps the point of it would get diluted a little.
This is my favourite article that youve put out Alex.
Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of our world, we need to focus on how to shift that paradigm, evolve our consciousness.
Perhaps through the power of connection to the universe via our minds we can become far more powerful than any super AI.
Thank you Brett!
We are more powerful than any AI.
Or become friends with any super AI.
My body rejected both alcohol & cigarettes early on. My life has been full of precognition & clairvoyance since my early teens. I am an empath. Since retirement I have become increasingly reclusive. Other than brief, superficial encounters, eg grocery or feed store, I can barely tolerate being around most people.
When young, I had to retreat from family gatherings to nap. They called me a loner.
But what happens is their thoughts & feelings become a tangled mess with my own. With the exception of highly spiritual people, it is exhausting...they are exhausting.
My most recent knowing was when my best laying hen walked into the woods & disappeared for a week. I searched the woods fruitlessly. Prayed for a sign so that I could let go & stop searching. The next morning I woke up & *knew* she was safe & *knew* she would come home on the morning of July 4. (I was worried that fireworks would scare her deeper into the woods). With knowing, my anxiety was gone.
On the morning of the 4th I was greeted by a loud chorus of clucking by my other 2 hens & Roo under the apple tree in front of the barn door. Then I beard a faint "buk.. buk ...buk" from the far side of the tree. There I found her tucked deep beneath a low trunk.
I've been a loner all my life, by choice and, it seems, by circumstance.
In my teens to early thirties I was always a social person, too social, always looking for a party, an adrenaline high, and sex. That bought me in to contact with so many negative people, and some who became close friends, and as being "friends" I'd feel guilty whenever I had thoughts of casting them adrift when problems arose.
Now I am a loner, except for a couple of close friends and family, and my mind is much more peaceful.
I find Thanksgiving and Christmas difficult, because there is a strong emotional wave going on. Many people celebrate the holidays, but many people feel great sorrow at those times.
I do my own, private holiday celebrations. This year I expect I'll be celebrating with re-connected guardian angel(s). Actually, pretty much every day I am.
I lost that connection ~6 months before 911, as did an energy-worker friend & her friends. My understanding was everything was being moved to a higher, less dense vibration. It's taken years for me to be fully cognizant of them again. Their voices were so faint I could barely hear them, but they've been their all along. Now I rarely feel alone because they hover around the outskirts unless I specifically call for answers or help.
Alcohol the cause and solution to all of life's problems (Homer Simpson).
My grandfather always told me if you have a tricky problem go home go to bed and you mind will work it out while you sleep, and it does work.
Good article
Thank you eoc!
I think you're right; we are evolving and those who seem to be getting ahead quicker are listening to their bodies and wanting to be free from artificial stimulants and depressants. My husband finally, one day 10 weeks ago, just stopped drinking alcohol. He explained that he realised he was killing himself slowly. I had been trying to tell him that for years.....Anyway, people wake up in their own time and now he has more focus, regular vivid dreams and a sharper more productive mind. And he is open to listening to me talking about chakras....
Wonderful - thank you Ingrid!
there is also the fact that when we were young, wine was naturally made. I do not know exactly when they started using chemicals to clear the wine. There is the joke of a father who called his 3 sons on his death bed, and told them you can also make wine from grapes. Too much messing with natural things ruins them. I am sure a glass of natural wine or beer won't harm anyone. It even helps digestion.
You're a sweetheart for bringing up the world of "paranormal" phenomena, Sasha. We are coming out of the closet; Yes, there is another way of being, another way of seeing, a source of power. Most individuals have had psychic experiences that the scientific community shuns. I have had a similar experience as yours with alcohol. I liked having a glass of wine, only one, at end of work day, a good Bordeaux with an hors d'oeurve, and never missed my little break. Then one night I dreant a force unknown advised me that this routine was not a good idea. That's it, I stopped the routine.
Brilliant, thank you Lorraine. So interesting, as though we're receiving gentle guidance from other realms..
Not that I'd ever feel guilty about it, but I've regularly forgone making more money & riches by going out skiing or cycling.
On a semi related note, I had a 6-month run as a Speed or Meth user in the early 90's. I noticed once I'd stopped, when out in nature I saw a lot more wildlife than when on the Dope. I've always believed since that nature has it's own strange way of discerning when we humans are in a damaged or unstable state. So since then I've always considered it a good omen when I cross paths w/a deer, hawk, squirrel, etc in my outdoors adventures.
Fascinating. Thank you for sharing these insights! I am having similar experiences with alcohol and have gotten used to the thought that my body is changing, i.e., getting older, and I no longer have a desire for it. However, my thinking is now more precise; I am more and more capable of connecting the dots and thinking across various fields of study, simultaneously producing interesting insights and experiencing intriguing observations. I have known for a long time that to find solutions, answers, or material things; I must forget or let go of them first and have 100% faith that the universe will bring an answer. That practice has become much easier after giving up the alcohol. Until I read your article, I hadn't connected the dots between alcohol and evolution. I, too, believe that human civilization and the planet are going through a bottleneck. Wisdom and insights are now needed most. From both a material and spiritual perspective, evolution is truly amazing!
Thank you - brilliant feedback!
Great article Alex, thank you. I had many experiences telepathy with my parents, older brother and children. But the most significant was regarding birth of my daughter. In my first marriage, i said to my husband that i want to have child be born next year on 13th of February. I got pregnant and my doctor told me that my due date was from 10-16th of February. My answer was, i know date, she will be born late morning on 13th. That’s exactly when she was born 13of February 11am. I just wanted to happen my way without any reasoning and it happened as i planned.
Hi Kristina, thank you. Wow, that is utterly amazing!!!
You would like reading the book Blink by Malcolm Gladwell.
It ends up being that our subconscious sees a different picture, a gestalt that does influence our conscious thinking, even if we are not sure why.
I suspect this was called "psychic" before modern psychology, because it fit the interpretation of religion as they have prophets etc.
In my technical blue collar job, a lot of times I am able to troubleshoot complicated systems by intuition. I don't consider it psychic, but that I can feel how the machine sequence works which helps me eliminate a lot of testing that would be extraneous. I've met a lot of engineers during my career who were great at details but horrible at seeing the big picture in order to sense the "life" of the system. There were a few that did have similar abilities of intuition but they were the exception, not the rule.
Another book you would be fascinated with is by Ian McGilchrist called The Matter with Things. The right brain - gestalt, while the left brain - details and logics.
Thank you Rob. The Matter with Things is on my reading list! I did read McGilchrist's Master and his Emissary and found it profoundly important.
The theory of black holes was 'invented' to explain why two heavenly bodies are acting on each other, at distances too great for gravity to apply ie they argued that there must be a third body in between, of such mass & density that it is exerting the necessary gravitational force. It is an absurd notion, with zero observational data to support it. Conversely, the explanation is simple and elegant once you consider electromagnetism as the relevant force. Due to the way science research is now funded, however, astrophysics has become as corrupted as climate change research ie both continue to promote unsubstantiated (and largely discredited) theories as if they were unquestionable fact.
Alex, to build on your thesis, you may know that earth's magnetic poles have been behaving erraticly since the 1860's, not only wandering but also reducing the strength of the magnetophere by some 15% (so far). A reduced magnetophere, of course, means that we are exposed to an increasing level of cosmic radiation (of all frequencies). One might think that would be a healh hazard but two (spirituality aware) scientists have argued that it actually has the effect of reawakening our psychic abilities. Maybe, just maybe, the "Great Awakening" is not just driven by the development of the internet but in mankind's spirituality getting switched back on?
Oh wow, interesting!!
Fascinating, thank you Alex. In addition to removing alcohol from your diet, consider also fluoridated water (if that applies in your area). I lived on my boat for six months, drinking (and cooking with) only rainwater and, after a few months, begun to dream vividly and 'see' things more clearly. Got me wondering if the enforced (and at the time, somewhat controversial) decision to flourinate municipal water systems had another agenda (than tooth decay).
Thank you Stephen, I'm aware of fluoride and the fact that they're deliberately spiking our water with it. However, they don't do that in Monaco so far as I can tell (but who knows...)
Of course, it also appears in most toothpastes (although it is possible to find a few without).
Yes, I only buy toothpaste at the organic stores and read the ingredients! =)
I have heard some substances, like magic mushrooms, actually enhance your connectivity to different planes or dimensions of consciousness. I still drink, knowing I am dumber for it. Maybe someday I will try shrooms.
Knowing now how much of modern society is intentionally toxic by design, I have a hard time believing it is any different with ashrouds.
As a side note, part of Terrain Theory vs Germ Theory is that our bodies are connected at some level we don't understand and that cold and flu and other "infectious" diseases aren't caused by invisible unicorns, but are some invisible signal that we share with those around us. The best example is when women who are strangers, start hanging around or working together. Their menstrual cycles "synch" up.. Germ Theory would say this is caused by a virus.
My guess is I will never know the truth, but at least I know what I was taught my whole life is a lie. I am making progress.
Cheers, John - thank you!
"The night brings counsel"
I too have had many times the solution to a vexing problem appear out of seemingly nowhere while sleeping, or half asleep.
Once I dreamed an entire comic book with detailed illustrations and dialogue and told myself when I'm awake in the morning I'll put it to paper. And when I awoke I could not remember any details.
The mind is a labyrinth.
Somebody ought to invent a dreams recorder so we could rewind and watch in the morning! =)
Great idea. Did you think of that while dreaming?
LOL no - after reading your comment! =))
I have taken a cursory look at some of the scientific publications on neurogenesis. If you had included a reference that you thought best illustrated a finding about neurogenesis (and its function) in human adult hippocampus, I would have possibly been convinced of what you and some researchers contend.
As far as I see, there is no direct evidence of this in adult humans, although there is scientific proof of so-called precursor cells in human adults. All of the scientific work on hippocampus (that I am aware of, as someone with a old physiological psych Ph.D., indicates that hippocampal function differs significantly in humans compared to nonhumans (where it controls perseveration more than memor consolidation). When I see claims, especially when they are related to ESP and "powers", I ask myself how a valid scientific procedure could provide proof of in vivo function. Has this been proven in living humans?
My reading of your examples tells me that you don't understand sleep, sleep stages, the factors that influence recall of experiences during sleep (of which there are many) and the fact that the brain is an organ specialized in predicting the future (when you are aware of it doing so, and when you are not). I could expand why this is an accurate statement, but suffice it to say that humans that cannot predict everyday events, would probably die at a very young age.
I do not dispute evidence obtained via valid experiment.
I just do not tend to believe explanations for which there is no valid proof.
In my personal experience, I have solved 100s of "problems" while asleep (probably 100s of thousands but, not having awakened immediately, I did not recall the great majority). Much more often, I solve problems, sometimes nagging problems, during the day, all day, everyday. When you appreciate the number of predictions your brain comes up with, you can mathematically grasp that their startling coincidences have a much better chance of being just that: coincidences. How many thoughts of your children did not result in synchronicity? You only focus on the anomaly. 'd guess that, If you invested this way, you'd run out of money, fast.
As for the alcohol observation, I also find that my alcohol metabolism has apparently changed as I aged and increasingly find the negative effects tend to outweigh the positive. I know that's why I drink less. But I also note, as someone who has experienced a lot of aging, that there are quite a few other changes in how my body works and how it reacts to food/drink, various inputs and how I process it all.
Thank you Alan. In fact, I don't know whether the neurogenesis part is strictly true. The studies I read about are from secondary sources, so I can't comment on the published papers. I did once read a study about neurogenesis in fish and the fact that newly formed neurons traveled to specific areas of the brain to fulfill a specific function, which inclines me to believe that the same process must exist in humans. I can't imagine why it wouldn't if it works in fish. Also, you are correct that I don't have a clear understanding of sleep and its cycles - again, I read about it but I didn't delve down into details. Now, when you say, "you only focus on the anomaly..." you are right again and I have a good hunch that my children had more thoughts than those I conveyed in my article. But for the sake of brevity I didn't include every thought they ever had, it would be a different kind of article and maybe a bit long. Perhaps the point of it would get diluted a little.