Re Zelensky...I think you painted an accurate picture, Alex. He's been traveling all around the world lately and I believe he's scarred shitless to go back to Kiev where he's become a liability to his chosen friends. Good luck with your deposits! The banksters know that ATM stands for "at their mercy".

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Thank you Bob. The amount wasn't ruinous, but the fact that they can take it willy-nilly, no cause, no warning and that the recourse is a maze made for delays and complications and that legally there is close to nothing you can do about it, that is a huge problem.

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Infighting at the top is inevitable. Why? Because the top is populated with people driven by base motives. These top teams require direct and indirect reports who are of a similar base profile and are easily wielded tools. In other words, there is no honor among thieves. It is a very strange and dangerous time.

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It's interesting that you have written about the disappearance of money in bank accounts on the very day that my wife of 40 years and myself are arguing about this subjuct.

many years ago before I was married I bought houses in Toronto. Today ,not through any brilliance on my part but through luck they are worth millions of dollars.

My wife believes we should sell them now as property will drop as the economy implodes. I can not disagrea with here thoughts but I feel uncomfortable having that much money in the banks under the Trudeau regime.

I believe it will be harder for the government to confiscate homes than to empty bank accounts

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In NSW, and Queensland, the two largest Australian states, paper title deeds are no longer recognised by law as proof of legal ownership. The title deeds are now held electronically by privately owned entities on behalf of the titles office.

Now imagine you are a political dissident, a whistle blower, etc and your electronic record of your Title is "accidentally" wiped. No problem you say, as you still have your paper Title Deed.

So you attempt to present this to a court as proof, however that is where it ends. The court will not recognise it as it is no longer a legal document.

Would the totalitarian WEFers do that? Ask the UK journo, Graham Phillips , currently in Donbass, he has had his bank account frozen and his property confiscated.

From the British Boy Buggerers https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-62308528

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Wow... just surreal!!!

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Yes it is.

And worse is that a former senator has been travelling around the state giving talks for over a year, trying to raise awareness. And as expected the dumbed down mass of morons don't give a shit.

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Yes, I think both yours and your wife's ideas have merits and I understand that it is extremely difficult to decide the best course of action, and the idea that cash in the bank is unsafe was exactly the point I wanted to make. One of the overlooked "values" in modern west is simply the family and communal bonds - mutual help and reliance. But I see that even there, more and more people are realizing that this is the ultimate safety net. With regards to banking institutions, if you can use the ones that are subject to local law enforcement if that even exists.

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Thanks so much for your reply. You are doing great things by speaking the truth to power.

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Thank you! 😊

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I have been listening to your podcast with Crypto Rich and Tom Luongo, and you were talking about Abraham Lincoln and mentioning things that I had never heard before regarding his need to destroy the fifth column within the union at that time. I would love to investigate this further. Can you point me towards a resource that I can read in this regard? Thanks.

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Hi Mfwarner, thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately I've no sources for what I said at the podcast you mentioned. I saw lectures by Thomas Di Lorenzo in which he pretty much demonized Lincoln and years ago I actually bought that narrative... Except, over the years, I realized that large conspiracies, engineering consent for war and social engineering depend on cooperation of hundreds if not thousands of individuals in the media, academia, think-tanks, Hollywood, etc and that any attempt at reform can be overwhelmed through sustained PR-sabotage. This is exactly how Trump's reforms were sabotaged during his 4 years. It also explains a number of mass purges in countries where this can be done. One of the most recent examples was Erdogan purging thousands of judges, professors, police captains, military generals and media people in the aftermath of the attempted coup a few years ago. Trump wasn't able to do this so they did away with him. I believe that Lincoln was facing a similarly hostile environment. Anyway... it's my own conclusion drawn from observations, rather than any research specifically dealing with this.

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I watched you on CryptoRich with the young lady who lived in China. I did as well during a similar timeframe, and Vietnam before that which gave me more insight into both places as their base culture is similar. China (and Vietnam) were never 1 people or culture. Vast differences in different parts of the country. The east coast provinces are very westernized and have been for a long time. It is very different in other parts, despite the Marxist attempt to make it all the same.

On a daily basis I never felt "unfree". It didn't feel like a police state. But on the other hand, there is very little freedom for the average Chinese. Their fathers' last name decides how far they get in life, not their dreams and hard work. Whatever province you are born in, that is where you must stay unless you are highly connected. A bit like the Hunger Games. I could go on for an hour.

My job there was a commercial pilot, so I also have a perspective of how the country is laid out which happened during the Great Leap Forward. I lived in 2 different provinces there, and flew to most major cities in the country.

I don't view the Chinese as a huge threat, and they are more likely to fracture as a country than invade anyone. The biggest threat they pose would be an ugly fracturing - global supply chains would swiftly break, catastrophically. More and more I see Xi as a patriot. He seems to have kicked the CCP to the curb.

I am setting up to try to do a few podcasts, the first of which will be on China. After that I am going to try do 7 for 8 to try to explain the Empire, where they came from, and their effects on history, and all of us. And keep them as short as possible.

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Thank you John - great feedback. Please keep me in the loop on your podcasts, I'm very interested in your perspective!

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"21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, ..." Romans 1:21,22

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Alex, will you extend that chart to 2030 to show the effects of defeat in Ukraine?

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Writing "The Fall of Global Britain 2.0" is on my 'to do list,' so yes, I am planning to do that (but it will be weeks).

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Blink and you'll miss it, Alex! Hurry hurry!

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I know... but things are ridiculously hectic here.

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Alex, you wrote, "But beyond this, I think cash could become an issue." Could you elaborate? Thanks. Great information.

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Hi plat4life, I think "Surviving the Billionaire Wars" below here did explain it well. It seems that over the last decade, perhaps longer, the oligarchy has built up a legal framework where in ways subtle and unsubtle they can simply confiscate assets from people without giving any cause, without there being any crime and entirely at their discretion. In the case of Amazon, the confiscation decision is almost certainly algorithm-driven (to identify easy targets - I'm sure they wouldn't dare do this to a best-selling celebrity as it would become widely known instantly). But these small amounts add up, incentivizing the use of such algos. We also saw "GoFundMe" do the same and Canadian banks freezing people's accounts based on political decisions, again without any due process. The remedy is either to safekeep cash with institutions that are subject to local law enforcement (so you can denounce theft to the police), or to have a generous cash cushion if one gets "temporarily" locked out of one's accounts.

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I think he explained it pretty well. Banks can, without warning, cause or recourse, freeze your account or deduct from your account & not give you your $$. And Amazon etc ( etc. being paypal or any other payment service.)

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Yes, I could interpet Alex's comment as maintaining cash-in-hand; I could also interpret it as the value of cash become deflated (not necessarily worthless). Was just asking for more clarification. Thanks

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