All the big institutions have adopted a messianic, horribly sanctimonious illiberalism. It's like an end times cult. Every failure is twisted into a cause to double down. Every catastrophe is proof of virtue. The banks already lowkey throttle the real economy and the people who work in it. With this new doctrine, they'll remove what's left of their utility to regular people.

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Your comment is even more terrifying than Alex's article.

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Human's are very adaptable & can be indoctrinated into almost anything with the right methods.

This indoctrination bypasses objective thinking.They join mass movements in which they can disappear! Eric Hoffer wrote about this in his book about Mass Movements

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"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." - apocryphally attributed to Henry Ford foreshadowed the tyranny.

What frightens me is that they do not need to hide anymore.

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Correct. However, I think that the people in many nations are beginning to understand banking and the monetary system. A revolution is coming, only it will be different from what Mr. Ford thought it would be.

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They would still be hiding if not for the fact that their gigantic Ponzi scheme has run it's course & they need to surface!

The Globalists are frantic to set in place a new system they can control before the old system breathes it's last. I don't think they will make it!

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The greatest genocidal maniacs in history were the banking Oligarchs. Lenin and Mao were just their agents. I was trying to locate their path thru history for a while - but I had some big gaps in time. If you assume all wars/famines/pandemics(mass poisonings) are intentional, it is easy to fill the gaps. Just search on "list of famines". And wars, and pandemics. Chronological order. It is a pretty clear path since Roman times 2000 years ago.

The deaths they have caused shakes my soul. They are the true evil on planet earth

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Indeed, I believe you are right. History makes it quite clear that wars, misery and famines are artificially manufactured from this malignancy. It is time we put an end to it.

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The old booklet from the 1930's 'War is a Racket'' by retired Marine Corp General

Smedley Butler!

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I readit a couple of years ago. I wish I had read it 40 years ago. Instead, like Smedley I ended up being a "Useful Idiot" (Marine).

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"we put an end to it."

Absolutely. Main problem is, that hardly anybody is aware of the spiritual roots and causes of the evil. Read my comments to the post on "France under attack".

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Hi John & ALL.

Mao was 'educated' in China at an 'affiliate' of...*Yale Divinity School* if I remember from...'multiple(!) sources during the 1930's(!).

Lenin, took an 'armored train thru Germany-Stockholm-St Petersberg(Petrograd) was the name at the time) (factoid, how do I know? I've got maps, atlases, erdglobus-(german terrestrial globes) among other things that confirm(!!!!) this Fact. "On My Honor & Ancestor's Graves btw).

Anyway, in Stockholm, V Lenin was...financed by a guy called *Aschberg*, owner of *Enskilda Banken*. Yep. Ya'know, a amish-guy. The BIGGEST Bank in Sweden today is...SEB-Skandinaviska *Enskilda(!!!)* Banken, publicly (cough-cough-cough) known by ...'Wallenbergs'...excuse Me...'vomit time'.

So. Anyway, V Lenin in his armored train which was paid by among others...'Warburgs(Deutschland)' got themselves to Petrograd when 'Alexander Kerensky' 'transitional gov't was empowered for 3-months in 1917: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Kerensky

The rest is *History*. Now You guys know the...'background material'. ;) :)

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The death toll by these wars/famines/scamdemics is terrifying. These banker/Oligarchs have been culling humanity forever. This puts todays' situation into better perspective.

In addition to cutting Europes population in half, twice (Black D and Plague of Justinean), what they did to India and China in the 18th and 19th century is just as bad. These numbers are not in the history books, unless you look at alternate sources.

Mao and Lenin were rank amateur murderers compare to what has been done in the past. I would rank the Mongols as the GOAT, with the British version of the Empire coming in 2nd. All done, under the influence and/or control of the Bankers/Oligarchs.

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Modern War, since the *gatlng gun*-1861 most definitely has been a *euthanasia & profit 'surge' project* Modus Operandi instrument employed by TPTB with tremendous wealth & Control/Power as a consequence. Warfare became industrialized(!) and the peeps were placed on 'the conveyor-belt' on the battlefield & factories.

A Win-Win for the *Pathocracy* i.e. the Black Nobility & their bankster-gangsters with friends. An interesting 'factoid' is the population dubbled-2X during the 1800's. Yep, dubbled. From what I can deduce from 'historical sources', it appears the big wars occur circa every 100 years +-ca. 10-20 years. Catherine Austin Fitts pointed out this 3 yrs ago after reading *The Edge of the World by Michael Pye* : https://home.solari.com/book-review-the-edge-of-the-world-by-michael-pye/ You may want to read a short presentation about the *Hanseatic League* which was Northern Europe's pre-1648 TPTB : https://home.solari.com/book-review-forces-of-the-hanseatic-league/

Catherine's short 'reviews' of these 2-books are excellent. Hope this helps You & All.



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Tamerlane & his successors murdered hundreds of millions Hindus in India!

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Totally agree with you!! The banking cartel oligarchs are genocidal psychopaths--the work through agents, so most still don't get it.

Yes, I've looked up the famines before--the British Empire caused so much death and destruction in India (several famines, leading to the deaths of millions), and there was also a famine in Persia, leading to the deaths of 8-10 million.

Kind of interesting that we never hear about these genocides. Seems like there is a concerted effort to hide certain aspects of TRUE history. The history we have been taught has been nothing but agreed upon lies and propaganda.

Here's a great article going over the wealth these banking families have amassed- we are up against trillionaires:


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I still can't figure out any real purpose to the Vietnam war other than to sell billions$ in war materials & at the end not rearm the south. Just left them to be overrun!

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With the new glasses thru which I view history, I can't figure it out either. Or Korea.

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Jul 17, 2023
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This 7-stage sequence is very arbitrarily formulated and far oversimplified. We had many of the same symptoms of social dysfunction including wars and wealth transfer not only while on gold/silver standard but even when gold and silver coins were the currency, fully backed money.

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It's not only in the UK, but likely atleast in all parts of EU too. I live vaguely said in 'northern europe' and moved in 2016 and had to open new bank account due to taking new mortgage back then and it wasn't convenient to do so from my old local bank 500+ kilometers away since you had to sign papers at the office etc.

I had to fill 3 pages questionnaire about my finances and personal life before it was possible to open an account, they said it was required by new EU money laundering prevention, and it was not possible to open account in any bank without that info being logged at the banks automated verification system, and if the system rejected my answers, banking there would not have been possible.

Couple months after this i had to answer another online questionnaire from the bank about basically some of the same questions ; i asked why : because some of my answers 'deviated from the norm' and were 'flagged by the system' , so additional info was needed.

Idiotic really, because no money launderer would use some small local bank, small amounts of money and their personal information, but instead shell companies and offshore accounts, nothing more than obedience test and unnecessary data hoarding of honest citizens. Unfortunately had no options then, had to have that mortgage or not move.

Also a tip ; if you ever have to withdraw more money in cash than you can get from the ATM, its best to lie at the counter and say that you are purchasing a used car in cash, saying anything else like investing in gold or going to poker tournament may get your account flagged as 'suspicious' , this i heard from former bank teller.

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Thank you - that's great feedback!

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It's a chilling threat to us all from the traitorous totalitarian tyrants. ANYONE who speaks out against the Dystopian False Narrative of orchestrated Orwellian groupthink will become a PEP (politically exposed person) and may be at risk of having their bank account closed. They'll then be unable to open an account anywhere else. As tried and tested by Totalitarian Trudeau during the Canadian Truckers Protest early in 2022. Defy or comply? Mass compliance got us into this mess. Mass defiance might get us out of it. If not, they'll eventually pick us off one by one for wrongthink.

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"will become a PEP (politically exposed person)"

Anything that wakes up even the dumpest sheeples is welcome and useful as only the total unmasking of tyranny of being the current principle and of all tyrants in persona and named is the only path to freedom.

This will cause some losses and injuries but be it for the better of all! We all live many times and freeing most current incarnations from mental, taxational and often also physical slavery is worth almost any price.

In "Little rest of Britain" the local Gestasipo have begun to pursue people for "non-crime hate incidents“ (NCHI)", which is their way to destroy the social existance of self-thinking and ciritical Menschen.

Gestasipo is my word creation from Stasi and Gestapo and all witnesses, who suffered from both, called Stasi the far more dangerous and evil one (which does not excuse the older version).

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Will it wake more people up though? I'm not so sure. People have been slowly 'frog-boiled' so that they don't even notice the tyranny creeping in around them. They might just comply harder - for their own deluded 'safety' or convenience (and demise). If the bogus Convid-1984 Political Plandemic didn't wake them and phoney 'Climate Change' hasn't awoken them, or even another manufactured globalist war alongside orchestrated societal austerity, then I think we're running out of wake-up events.

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Another point:

As the Deagel list had "promised", though without telling any reason, the death shots have the effect that the average IQ will increase remarkably over the next few years.

No, it's not me who is cynical, its God, nature, or destiny, who ever is in charge and in neither case I'd dare to oppose. The delinquents all had free will and choice!

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In short and also @BFTEyesWide

I am too tired and haven't got the time to go into details and would not really do that here anyway but:

- Press and media are the keys

- One needs a truth-based alternative to Wikiliar

- And a lot more, mostly software based and IT related

- Constant dripping wears away the stone

- In one phrase: Only the truth shall set us free!

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If Mr. Farange had read his R. L. Stevenson, he would have been forewarned that Coutts had also been the bank of Dr. Jekyll.

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Good analysis. I don't know, however, that this is really a People v The Banks thing. I don't see that banks benefit from closing accounts.

I think what is going on is that, in our emerging new world, democracies are seen as too slow and lumbering to compete with finely honed autocracies like especially China, or Russia.

In meetings which have no doubt taken place behind the scenes, I think it's been decided that the best way forward is to get Western citizens behind one narrative, thus diminishing the time between need-for-action and taking-action.

There is thus now increasing social pressure to drive conformity, especially in political views. The "stick" end of this is the threat of losing your access to money if you don't agree with the dominant narrative.

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"democracies are seen as too slow"

"finely honed autocracies like China or Russia"

Lol, you on drugs? Replace "democracies" & "autocracies" with "oligarchies" & you'll be closer to the target.

The biggest difference between the "democracies" & Russia & China are that Putin & Xi are working to lift their people out of poverty, not impoverish or outright murder them.

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Well, one of the biggest issues Xi has dealt with is restraining the aspirations of the middle-classes.

As China's stepped-up industrial output brought more and more wealth to the country over the last 30 years, so a burgeoning middle-class inevitably formed. Middle-classes tend to aspire towards European values - liberalism, globalisation, inclusion, travel etc.

This was an issue it seems clear the CCP saw coming and successfully (for now) reined in, through controlling the net, reducing travel and making high-profile imprisonments.

In Russia, Putin's regime has been way more oligarchal, driving big money to those oligarch's on Putin's approval list, with a much slower trickledown effect to the actual masses.

I would agree that both Xi and Putin are more concerned with the lot of their citizens than Western leaders. But that's not a high bar!

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"But that's not a high bar!"

Can't argue with that, lol. Especially since I'm in a group targeted for death. Never could have imagined I'd spend my "golden years" trying to keep my government from killing me.

I'm not fooled by the shining "city on a hill" pix of Moscow. Those beautiful, photogenic buildings & clean streets were made for the "elite." And China, with its massive population & degraded environment, faces its own, special challenges.

My response is to keep as far from all power centers as I can.

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"I don't see that banks benefit from closing accounts."

The benefit is indirect. Compliance, by the bank (as for us droids) gets them an improved ESG score, from which they benefit vis-a-vis the opportunity to deal with the 'big money' people who insist on such things.

It might cost them a little service fee and interest income from Nigel Farage's business, but that is a small price to pay to be in the good graces of the powers that be.

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the seizure of the assets of 5 million people, for months at a time, with no consequences?


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Hi Alex & All. I'm on the 'original list' submitted to emigrate to Russia in the so-called *American Village Project* earlier this year. ;) Dasvadanija /Prevjvet. ;) :)

Wanna change the World? Do it!!!

Regards Alex ;)

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My best wishes!

I shall follow in a few years!

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With regard to "normies" - It's amazing(negatively) what complacency, and obedience do to people - here in the West especially: We are dumbed down by our "educators", enslaved by our comforts zones and conveniences which consequently numb our neurological pathways responsible for critical thinking and we have sacrificed our common sense, and reason on the altar of so-called "experts", to whom, we've became accustomed to trust and follow their "lead" blindly. Now, Western civilization is on the brink of a cliff, and it is up to us to either regain our critical thinking back, wake up to the reality that only we, individually, are responsible for our own lives and destiny, and pull back, away from the cliff, by placing our humanity over our comfort zones, regaining our sovereignty and dignity, or head straight into an abyss - it is up to us now!

As for the question of where one would prefer to live, the West or Russia? - my personal response is not that simple: I've lived in USSR since my birth and through my teenage years, then moved to the USA, where I now live longer than my migration age (16). I have never considered nor felt 100% American because, in my mind and spirit, the roots of my upbringing are stronger linked to Russia - its rich culture, and history. Don't get me wrong, I love America and my home and most of my family is here! And, I still believe that Russia and USA will regain their long, forgotten partnership and friendship, and both these countries play key roles and are destined to shape the world for the greater good of humanity. I am not sure when and how long it will take for this to happen. - hopefully, in our lifetime!

That said, I personally, prefer the option to be a citizen of the world and have the freedom to visit and experience, historical sites, cultures, and traditions of any country, my soul desires and I have the means needed, without any fear that the government or bank cutting my lifeline based on my personal voice, opinion, or ideas.

Thank you, Alex!

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Thank you, great comment!

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I believe that you will like this series (10 parts total) from Burning Bright:


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Will check it out, thank you!

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I will be interested to see what you think, as a former USSR citizen -- WB

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I will let you know, from a USSR, former citizen's perspective Lol :) To me, as of late, I am a citizen of the USSA. Ironically, I arrived to USA on January 20th, 1989 - you may look up a "special" event that took place on that day :)))

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Aaaahhh, so it is all YOUR fault!!! 😎

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Ha ha ha! Perhaps, indeed its all on me, If I only knew it then... :D

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Upon reading your comment again, I noticed that you did not mention the media and press as the most powerful sources of "brain fucking" when blinding the masses.

Changing this unfortunate situation is, in my judgement, the primary, mandatory and first requirement before anything else can happen as the consciousness of the masses must be raised. From my knowledge of a large number of US people I know very well that this is even more needed for them compared to Europeans.

Apart from this I fully agree to your first chapter! And again: much of the causes are in religion and basically in the contradictions between the Christus bible and the wrongly embedded YHWH bible. The short answer to this is in Ioannes 8:44.

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Agreed with you on that front and yes, Americans, the "US people", as you named them :), for the most part, are completely ignorant of many historical events, facts, and experiences that European nations had endured, not to mention, complete ignorance of their own history - credit to the Western Education system! And, this is a result of the country that has never, in its history, had to face an outside invasion and defend its motherland, and as a result - an "American exceptionalism" - the entire world is spinning around US Axis.

For the most part, American people, in general, are good a good folk and some are aware and have a pretty good understanding of what is going on. A generation of the baby boomers, and all following generations that are alive today, will be facing reality very shortly and it will be that, much needed, wake-up call, a painful one no less but very important and much needed.

As for the MSM, Google, Wikipedia, etc - are the devilish machine of misinformation and fallacy but thanks G for alternative sources such as one we share our discourse.

Hope you have a great rest of the day :)

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Thank you, same to you.

I have been in IT as a software architect and "entrepreneur" for a couple of decades, so I am quite aware of what's going on - especially "over there".

Do you still speak Russian?

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In fact, I am in IT software business myself :) and yes, I do speak, read, and write Russian and I consider it my first language

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I will come back to this later, must be out now.

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Too tired now, I am an "early bird". More here over the weekend. Promised!

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sounds like a plan Good night!

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"Russia and USA will regain their long, forgotten partnership and friendship"

Such never existed except perhaps in nightmares of the victims of the USSR. Or you mistake the USSR for Russia, which it never war. USSR was the murderer and suppressor of the Russian soul.

"both play key roles and are destined to shape the world for the greater good of humanity"

Seems the nationalisation process in the US has turned your values upside down or maybe you see the permanent wars against innocent nations who became competitors (like both German Kaiser Reich with Austria as the second) or because others were sitting on oil and other natural resources that really, of course, belonged to the US of A as the "choosen nation" (but only by the "Lord" of this material world).

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The friendship and partnership, even alliance btw. Russia and the US very much did exist throughout the 19th century.

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I apologize, I was not aware of this.

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Another tidbit is the flag colors. US, Russian, French, Dutch flags are all red, white and blue. My understanding is those colors were signifying the republican dreams of a bunch of countries (which also includes Germany and China) during the 18th and 19th centuries. A breakaway from the Empire. Unfortunately, the Empire struck back, and devastated all those countries except the US. Maybe we are next.

Just another bit of history that they didn't want us to know.

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Not surprised that you are not aware of US history, probably because, you will not find any mention of the Russian fleet on the shores of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans circa 1861 - in support and protection of the Union Army suppressing the Anglo-Franco, possible invasion in support of the southern confederates. Also, you may want to ask yourself a question on why, Ekaterina the Great, sold Alaska to the USA - hint; not for personal interest nor gain :)

And, concerning USSR - whatever your perception of that country is, it was never as terrible as it was portrayed in the West by that same "Iron Curtain" demagogy and "masters of perception" that are selling, the same crap to us today about "Democracy", "Freedom", "Sovereign" Ukraine, and NATO's "superiority".

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It would have been quite difficult for Catherine the Great, empress of Russia (who died November 17, 1796) to have sold Russia's Alaskan possession to the USA due to her having been dead for about 70 years before that transaction occured on March 30, 1867- The ruler at that time was Tzar Alexander II.

I presume the rest of your information is just as well researched & accurate.

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Thank you for correcting me! Indeed, the sale that took place during Tsar, Alexander II's reign.

There is a good series of books written by Matt Ehret and his wife, Cynthia Chung (you are probably aware of them :) that I recommend to anyone who would like to explore some historical events from a much different point of view which to me, delivers credence.

Here are the links:



https://risingtidefoundation.net/aesthetical-education-and-the-re-unification-of-beauty-and-reason/digital-library-of-alexandria/ - a lot of good research material

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"The history of the world is the history of warfare between secret societies"

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On the grand scheme of things, yes but there are always nuances that often shape the causal effect of those battles, and in between, there are real people, whose lives and well being at stake

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"you are not aware of US history"

Well, not aware is true for most before 1871.

"whatever your perception of that country is"

You should better not assume such if related to a born Berliner, which I am, who grew up literally in the morning shadow of the Berlin wall with family in the communist occupied part and who has from the 1990-ies on lived in countries all of which used to be east of the "Iron Curtain", which it truly was as people were murdered or at least imprisoned, not only in Germany, merely trying to cross the street.

Your comparison is in principle correct but by far not in quality

Related to Alaska: What were the reasons of the highly esteemed Ekaterina from Stettin. which today is still Polish occupied?

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I feel your pain, Berliner, truly! However, as for the wall, separated Berlin on E vs W - a horrible idea and experience, I am sure of. But, USSR was not the only "villain" who you can blame. In fact, you, as a German-born, were most likely aware that Russia and Germany were meant to be allies, before, "some party of interests", had found such an alliance "disturbing" and "threatening" to the interests of the Empire of that time, same as today - nothing changes under the sun. Anyways, those hardships made men stronger, smarter, and resilient and it is our duty to never forget the mistakes and follies of our ancestors and hold no grudge but move on with knowledge and experience of the past.

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"I feel your pain"

Thank you! The pain today is that Stasi is governing in the Reichstag with the expressed goal to destroy the German Volk. I perceived most painfully in about 1994/95 when I lived in former "DDR" that Stasi was about to take over the US colony "BRD". I then decided to move to the former Habsburg "crown countries" (Kronländer), basically the Visegrad4 (PL, CZ, SK, HU).

My main accusation of the Anglos has always been that they let "some party of interests" use them as their military arm.

And these daemon driven hidden rules were successful:

- in 1913 Germans were the largest group of immigrants

- almost none of the Germans were ever involved in US slavery or murdering of the native (true) Americans

- German was very close to be chosen as the US' common language

- and so on, and on, and on.

The great Otto von Bismarck, who unified the many German kingdoms to the Kaiser Reich in 1871, always asked to unite with Russia. Before becoming Prussian chancellor he was Prussian ambassador in St. Petersburg, speaking Russian. of course. Wilhelm II, an extremely social sovereign, did all he could to convince his cousin, the Tzar, NOT to go to war - but in vain.

Little known is the Willi2 (German nick) and all the generals went to regular holidays in summer 14 as nobody expected the Brits to be so disingenuous to start a war because of Sarajevo. German naiveté, same later again in Dunkerk (Dünkirchen), which would have ended WW2.

I have devoted the rest of my life to do as much as I can to achieve what Bismarck intended. I know that sounds silly, but I won't go into details.

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Thank you for sharing such an important piece of history! Your devotion says it all - your mind is in the right place and I truly hope that your effort will come to fruition and we all will live in a peaceful world where the sovereignties of each nation are excepted and respected and, most importantly, the lessons of the past, will prevent deceiving interests in dividing us with "iron" or any other types of curtains or the walls!

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Addition to this "you will not find any mention of the Russian"

Interesting to read that history books were also filled with lies and, even worse, suffered from omissions in "the land of the free" (laugh) very similar to mine. The "difference is" the my history books were also falsified by the Anglos (or by their command).

My wake-up event was the lie that Katyn (murder of 20-30.000 Polish POW) were the Germans although is was beyond doubt from the first message on that this was the Sovjet secret police who were >97% of the YWHW cult and hated Christians for that reason alone. I was 16 when I discovered this lie and since never believed anything in any German history book. There are just a couple of subjects that one better does not mention or discuss outside the US.

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Unfortunately, the Brits can't arm themselves and actually force the issue like we can in the US.

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Among the Brits, many are also fatally bamboozled by the royal pomp and circumstance. Their attention is fixated on shiny objects as they pick their pockets.

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Yep, many there over the channel still dream of again "ruling the waves"

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They may rule the waves,but they no longer rule India!

India financed Britain for over 150 years.

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"India financed Britain for over 150 years."

This verbalisation implies an intention and is therefore false.

Reality is: "India WAS exploited by Britain"

India did not choose this role, neither voluntarily nor deliberately.

I apologize but it's not the first time that I as a German feel obliged to teach an Anglo cleaner use of their own language. The frequent abuse of "should not" instead of the correct "must not" or "may not" are far worse. And I had good teachers!

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Banks, one of the classic network goods, are wilfully reducing their networks now.

What a world we live in.

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What if I told you that the banks deal in paper money,the amount of which they can expand or contract as needed.Fiat money backed by nothing?

That is why western Europe is done as power brokers!

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Fiat money is backed by only one thing - the desire to use it. Hence why I consider currency and banks as network goods. :)

Cutting off parts of the network is equivalent to chopping off your arm at the shoulder.

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sounds reasonable

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The same pricks have been using "Babylonian Money Magic" on us for so long, I don't think any of us has any idea what "perfect" money would be. Gold and silver were flawed (coin shaving), and paper money backed by gold always failed as well because the bankers always cheat, and print too much paper.

I have an inkling that money should be based on something that civilization values. The base of all civilization is probably energy. But what form? Even petroleum has numerous grades with different values. Maybe just straight up BTU's or calories.

I hate Bitcoin and always have. I love the idea, but it still has counterparty risk, and it works backwards. You have to spend 1000's of dollars of energy to "mine" 1 Bitcoin. It should work the other way. You should "mine" Bitcoin by CREATING energy, not wasting it.

But ultimately, I just have to say I don't know. I am all ears.

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Hi John. I read a 'detailed article', a credible source that, the 'sequence-of-program' contained...*script only available to a certain few abc:s(!!!)*, from primary...see-i-aye-coding. Just sequences, but ;) :) ;)

About 10-yrs ago btw.

Obviously it's...a...'magician's trick' orchestrated by...your...favorite abc:s. :)

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1. Fiat money is backed by the tax demands of the issuing jurisdiction.

2. And within that jurisdiction you have to accept it as payment.

3. Further in case of default all parties in 1. & 2. are punishable by the courts in the issuing jurisdiction.

Its thus a disingenuous 'gold bug' misrepresentation to ask whether "Fiat money [is] backed by nothing?" as if it needs to be "backed" by something else beyond 1. 2. & 3. above (e.g. already billionaires who own most of the gold mines).

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But the problem is that Paper money,uncontrolled by the need to be backed by some form of tangible wealth, can be printed Ad Infinitum till it's worth is washed away by inflation!

The current Western paper IOU's cant compete with the new Russian money redeemable against gold or any basket of tangible commodities!

There are only a few nations with vast amounts of land & natural resources & North America is one of those regions

Western Europe consists of small nations with limited tangible commodities & the age of colonialism is past! The Glory Days for Western Europe are past!

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'Gold bug' nonsense: "paper" money is a tiny fraction of £ and $ and EU's and Ruble and Yen etc... in circulation. And if whatever "gold or any basket of tangible commodities" you want to spend it on is not on sale or doesn't exist you can't buy it no matter what your "money" is made of. Do yourself a favour: go read some David Graeber, or Michael Hudson.

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I never said gold,I said commodities.You have this obsession with gold!

It could be wheat,oil,iron ore ,lithium or any other commodity.

At a fixed rate for any particular commodity only so much paper Promissory notes can be printed!they have to equal the face value of the commodities!!

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Gold is a commodity ! That's the point. You have the obsession with commodities as money, when in fact the anthropological record practically everywhere and at most times in history, shows that exchanging commodities hardly ever occurs. Fiat banking was a Sumerian invention 5000 years ago. As were debt jubilees - which are necessary now to get us out of the unplayable debt hole the world is now in. Calling for a mythical return to mythical barter i.e. exchanging commodities, which was re-invented by libertarians last century as a way to fool people that gold backed currency is a good idea, will not work, and if its implemented will only worsen unplayable global debt burdens. Please go read on this topic - e.g. Graeber & Hudson - as your comments here suggest you have a significant knowledge gap in the history and definitions of money.

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"tangible wealth"

Seems you still believe that 12 carriers & co are some kind of wealth.

My Champagne is on ice awaiting the day that these exploiting and suppression tools sink to the deep down where they belong by Putin's great weapons.

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I agree that the UK often pushes the globalist policies first. But we don't have any evidence of who gives the orders. Boris Johnson certainly didn't plan all this. The UK was getting very friendly with the Chinese under Cameron (Asian Investment Bank etc). Then they made a complete u-turn and started attacking China and Russia. My guess is they were given an offer they couldn't refuse. That's probably quite easy to do to a country whose main industry is a housing bubble.

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I listened to a video today which spurred an epiphany relating to your (Alex) theory of Putin's means of side-railing the evil global vaccine pass. Could Russia's initiation today of a digital Ruble be using the same MO to put a major cog into the wheel of the Globalist's plans for their draconian CBDCs? I haven't researched yet of how the digital Ruble is to be used/implemented. Am I just being too optimistic or could there be another humanitarian move in the works by Putin, this time in the banking system?

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Hi Nan K. I'm not sure at all. Digital currency is not inevitably an evil thing - in fact, it can be an absolutely emancipatory technology, like the blockchain. It depends how it's managed and what the agenda is on the part of those who control it and whether the people are given the choice. If they have the choice and choose the digital payments because they're better/cheaper/more efficient, etc. it could be a great thing. If people are obliged/forced to use it and if it shuts them into a control matrix that could ultimately deprive them of their liberty, then it's an abomination. With Putin at helm, I wouldn't expect that this is the goal, but if it creates the matrix that could fall into the hands of an oligarchy, then it's a dangerous thing. I think it will be essential to exercise caution and vigilance to make sure that the levers of power in society never fall into the hands of an oligarchy (any oligarchy, whether Russian, Chinese, Anglo-American or otherwise). That would be my 2 cents on that issue. Whether Russia's digital ruble will somehow be able to derail the globalist CBDC plans, I can't tell.

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IMO the young are not equipped to take over their parents' dreams. The young only want to play, not work. It won't take long for their corrupt system to fall apart.

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I stopped reading this article very quickly, this person's incredible ignorance on the subject of Ukraine, when people are dying!

Really immature these people who 'everything is some Western imperial conspiracy...' grow up!

If this person had seen past their own bias, they would have realised that Ukraine joining NATO had barely "nothing" to do with Putin invading Ukraine. And the staggering "hypocrisy" is that if the West behaved like Putin has, Alex Krainer would be shouting from the rooftops!

Ukraine only added joining NATO to its constitution 'after' Putin invaded Crimea! Secondly, this was in response to the Maidan Revolution and the people of Ukraine rising up against Putin's puppet Viktor Yanukovych being deposed.

Secondly, Putin has invaded Chechnya, murdering "100 000" people, Georgia (where his troops gauged women's eyes out, and cut off their breasts, similar to Ukraine atrocities) and Putin still occupies a 1/5 of this country.

Putin also invaded Syria, murdering "100 000s" of people, including dropping napalm on children in their schools!

Putin has been instrumental in attacking and undermining the democracies of "millions" of people around the world!

Then Alex Krainer "stupidly" falls for main line of Putin's propaganda... these countries I spoke of, these people just wanted their freedom!

What does Alex Krainer not understand, any country that is a democracy, dictatorships view as a threat because they don't want their own people to be inspired and fight for that very same freedom!

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I stopped reading this article very quickly, this person's incredible ignorance on the subject of Ukraine, when people are dying!

Really immature these people who 'everything is some Western imperial conspiracy... grow up!'

If this person had seen past their own bias, they would have realised that Ukraine joining NATO had barely "nothing" to do with Putin invading Ukraine. And the staggering "hypocrisy" is that if the West behaved like Putin has, Alex Krainer would be shouting from the rooftops!

Ukraine only added joining NATO to its constitution 'after' Putin invaded Crimea! Secondly, this was in response to the Maidan Revolution and the people of Ukraine rising up against Putin's puppet Viktor Yanukovych being deposed.

Secondly, Putin has invaded Chechnya, murdering "100 000" people, Georgia (where his troops gauged women's eyes out, and cut off their breasts, similar to Ukraine atrocities) and Putin still occupies a 1/5 of this country.

Putin also invaded Syria, murdering "100 000s" of people, including dropping napalm on children in their schools!

Putin has been instrumental in attacking and undermining the democracies of "millions" of people around the world!

Then Alex Krainer "stupidly" falls for main line of Putin's propaganda... these countries I spoke of, these people just wanted their freedom!

What does Alex Krainer not understand, any country that is a democracy, dictatorships view as a threat because they don't want their own people to be inspired and fight for that very same freedom!

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