This article proves that there are in fact heroes in this world.

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Yes, exactly!

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The Chief Justice has pictures of himself with you know who, on you know whose private jet, so there is that.

I heard the modified DNA being patentable argument a while back. It appears to be credible.

The way our laws are corrupted is slowly over time. They will insert language into some law that no one knows what it means, and by itself, it is meaningless. But it might interact with other vague language from 10 or 20 years ago in other law(s), or 10 or 20 years from now. Our current health predicament goes back at least 50 years.

This is the same legal model they used for "The Great Taking" Decades of interacting language, regulations, and laws.

The bad guys are going to lose, but we won't vote our way out of this.

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👏👏 I did not elaborate the parallels with Webb's "Great Taking" only to keep the wordcount digestible but I'm very glad you picked up on it - 💯🎯!! Chapeau, sir!!

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I know of at least one other BIG example but it is to far removed from the current situation and was done mostly over 100 years ago in the US, and probably the rest of the world.

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Do tell

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It involves who we are as citizens, and that we have been downgraded in status from what we were originally, and I believe that exists across the British Commonwealth and the US, and probably the western world. In the US this started from the end of the Civil War. I can't verify all of it, but I have verified enough to believe it myself.

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It has to do with the 14th Amendment,Section 1. We the People went from being sovereign Citizens to citizens as 'subjects' (to whom?!) Get out your US Constitution and notice how prior to the XIV Amendment the word 'citizen' was spelled with a capitalized 'C'. This is part of the language play referred to in the article above that changes laws (in this case it is punctuation, but it is a definite change, and it makes a big difference.) Anyway, it is worth a further dive!

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Not Hunter Biden Again is it?

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Now I need to read that “Report from the Iron Mountain.”


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It's a sickening document, I assure you.

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Let's fucking destroy these evil bastards!!!!

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Yes, it's us or them! Thank you Nick, that's the state of mind, spirit we all need! 👏🎯

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This post is of incredible relevance and highest priority, thank you Alex!

Will do all in my power to support Todd Callender.

Katherine Watt was inspired by him as well to begin her amazing documentation of the “killbox” that has been implemented.

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Thank you Terry!

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Hmmm, I wonder if Austin's absence and/or alleged sickness is related to that ?

And there are of course the wild rumors he was in Kiev lately, at the wrong time and wrong place ...

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Oh wow, this is spectacular, if true.

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https://rumble.com/v464h8x-2024-01-09-scott-bennett-dr.-james-fetzer-lloyd-austin-dead.html Video following up No solid intel but a discussion on possiblities

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Thank you Greg!

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I found a rabbit hole that's quite intimidating: The Black Council. Supposedly all the royal families of Europe, and the Vatican, and CFR, and Rhodes Scalars, and many others, are a part of it. I'm really leery of looking down into this 1!

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These people have in fact increased their power on humanity and nation using STEM very stealthily since the end of colonialism and the onset of the farce called multiparty democracy. As Neocon Stephen Bryen admitted in his substack these royals want NATO soldiers lead by US troops on the ground in Ukraine AFTER the next US president elections to invade Russia and then from there take down China. The Russians and Chinese have got wind of the plan because of which there is massive military recruitment and in both these countries as well as Nato. Let's hope this Satanic kakistocratic kleptocracy which has held humanity hostage from Philip of Macedonia and the animals in Herods court today are eliminated in the coming war or 95% of humanity will be enslavened if not exterminated.

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It's all rather depressing and confusing if you let it! The following I borrow from Richard Poe's 4-27-21 article How the British Invented Globalism:

In 1842 Alfred Tennyson wrote the poem "Locksley Hall", pontificating the concepts of "universal law", a "Parliament of man", and most worryingly a "Federation of the World".

Influenced by Tennyson was John Ruskin, who declared to his Oxford students that Britian's destiny was to "Rule or Die", leading to the doctrine of "Liberal Imperialism". Per Poe "Liberal Socialism" is a more accurate title. Ruskin called himself a Communist before Marx wrote Das Kapital, and felt the British Empire would be the "prefect vehicle" to spread global socialism.

I'm highly confident I'll never find the end of the Rainbow, or the Rabbit Hole!

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Indeed it was very depressing in the early ages of the empire itself which is why the old testament and new testament revealed an alternate plan and gave a hopium to humanity - then the mithraite luciferian Constantine took that hopium itself captive and laid waste to it. Unless Russia holds some truth somewhere within it there is no hopium left.

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HOPE is not an investment, nor any other strategy; and yet Hope I must. Without Hope for our offspring or descendants, what's it all for? So Hope, and Fight I must!

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Moscow became the centre of the Eastern Orthodox Church after the fall of Constantinople in 1453, the true continuation of the Church that Christ built, after the Great Schism of 1054 when Rome broke away from the 'Church' as it was known up till then.

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Indeed that seem to be why they are determined to destroy Orthodoxy physically as Satans duo from hell Nazi-Bolsheviks are doing in Ukraine and otherwise trying to subvert it spiritually. But it emerged from 70 years of Sabbattean Satanist Bolshevik captivity undestroyed - so they are in seething rage. It has literally survived the gates of hell - so it may hold some truth in it.

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Yes, Dostoevsky refers to this in his book 'The Brothers Karamazov' when Ivan Karamazov reads the prose poem 'The Grand Inquisitor' https://yandex.com/search/?text=the+brothers+karamazov+the+gtrand+inquisitor&lr=10146

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Given modern civilization will shrink to under 1billion people by end of this century due to biophysical laws of thermodynamics geology etc... i.e. fossil fuel and dozens of other critical raw input material depletions, then perhaps the 'defendants' in this case have already told the world they'd predicted this was going to happen way - via the "Club of Rome" - back in the 1960s and ever since, they've deviously but very simply been preparing / grooming / satanic ritualising 8 billion of us, in order to ensure their 'families' can maintain control over humanity throughout the coming decades of an unprecedented fast and deep collapse of the bio-sphere and consequential re-set of human ambition on a small otherwise insignificant pale blue dot?

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Pleased to hear you mention China's minor role in this sordid state of affairs. I'm no Sinophile yet neither am I a Sinophobe. A long-time friend recently came back from a tour of China. He loved it there. Zipping between cities in 200 mph trains isn't my cup of tea but to each their own.

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After reading this article several times, I am struck by some of the same questions and analysis that I had during the COVID 19 jab roll out;

1. For this level of medical coup to be successful on paper there has to be coordinated neutering of all countries' governing documents/constitutions. It isn't enough to say 159 countries bow to the WHO. Legal remedies and mechanisms to prevent a supra-national takeover need to be removed/neutered from governing documents for any real chance of any global coup succeeding. Is there any information of this occurring in any other country besides the US? Or is this just about the US (which I really doubt) bowing to the WHO?

2. The level of competence, expertise, even enough bodies (only 6000 "medical officers"?) , the ability to carry out any coordination at the right time, everything being in place etc. is frankly just as possible as 1000 elephants flying by my window right now. So yes this DOD/HHS/US GOVT medical conspiracy as part of the 1963 reading in of the 45 conditions for communist takeover is incredibly important but in terms of ushering in a one world govt ? How many things do people like this predict, state and it fails? Many. And the ones that succeed are the ones that get the populations in a total fear state. All of them. That didn't happen under COVID .

Alex your comment about how we rolled back the MRNA mandates is really how this gets dealt with.

Think about how many of us neutered and found hacks around the Vax Pass and lockdown limitations. Be ungovernable (as Tom Luongo says), tell them you see them and what they are doing , continue to uncover and share with others their stated and written down "desires" on how they want to control us, and importantly unplug from their clearly very desperate set ups to monitor and control us. To this day we should be reminding those businesses, organizations etc. of what they did to us during lockdown. That's how we tell them you won't get me next time. Look at what is happening in Germany today-- farmers and supporters blocking the roads -- joined by Poland and the Netherlands.

I really hope Todd's SC case wins but to me the most important lesson in this case is the sharing of information between affected groups and then the coming together to find solutions. A lot of us got those lessons during the "Special Period" (ie lockdowns). The harder they try to do it again, the smarter they will have to be this time to fool us. Why? Using the same play book is the only thing all these idiots know how to do- you see it in the financial world, in wars and in censorship. We will continue to have even more creative solutions for them to battle. I know who I would put my money on -- it's not them.

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🙄 yawn- how many times will we hear the wolf wants to blow the house down? Be ungovernable and live your life. How exactly do you prepare for that? get fearful? 🙄

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Hope springs eternal! But I am afraid the Supreme Court has been corrupted for quite awhile. They are the very cherry on top the cake.

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Yes, you are right. But the struggle must meet them wherever possible - as Todd said, their agenda depends on all cogs working together.. Every day they can be delayed and attrited is a win.

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The problem with text like this:

“Getting a court hearing matters hugely because this is how we establish incontrovertible truths and set them on record,” is that if the Court doesn’t hold as we think it should, we have preemptively called their ruling “truth.” Imagine had we written something like that after Plessy, before it was overturned...

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Has the SCOTUS accepted Dan Robert, et al. v. Lloyd J. Austin, III, Secretary of Defense, et al. for cert or are they just considering it?

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They were discussing, meanwhile we learned that it was denied. Not good.

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Since the SCOTUS only grants cert on less than 1% of the applications filed for it, the odds were pretty long to begin with.

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Yes, unfortunately, they already denied the petition.

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Alex, in this article: "If the Supreme Court agrees to hear the case, and it could be days or weeks before reach that decision ..."

They are still discussing it.

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I din't know that. Todd doesn't either.

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Yes, it would appear so. Bad news.

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That URL probably changes every day, being a current events thing.

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What is the jurisdiction of "ownership" following vaccination? Is it within the US only, since that is where the case is being heard? If it's beyond US jurisdiction then, how do such "ownership" powers spread outside the US? Would if fall under bilateral / multilateral treaties? Or... ? Thanks

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I don't know Natasha. This is the implication of legal cases on US books and in the Federal Registry as pieced together by Callender and his legal team. These are all serious lawyers and researches and they went by what the laws say, not by conspiracies or propaganda. At the same time, neither the DOD nor HHS nor any court denied any of their claims nor evidence they presented in support of them. How it is in other countries, I don't know, but it should be safe to assume that similar provisions were made in all western nations. This does not necessarily mean that they'll "pull the trigger," only that they laid out the groundwork to make it all legal. This indicates their intentions, just as they did with regards to equity collateral, as laid out by David Webb in "The Great Taking". It is also true that they contrived these plans five decades ago (same for The Great Taking). They knew what they wanted to achieve, but they couldn't have predicted the circumstances: the rise of Russia and China, the Internet, social media, the great awakening, etc.

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Thanks Alex, I 'hear' what you are writing ;-) but you use the phrase "constitution" of the "United States" five or so times in your article, whereas for example the UK is (in)famous for not having a 'written' constitution to corrupt in the way you describe. Nonetheless either way the judiciary itself, irrespective of whatever is being 'filed' in both jurisdictions whether 'written' or not is deeply corrupted anyway, so perhaps in a sense 'we' have to 'overthrow' the 'constitution' as well as the 'politicians' and get cracking on our next job of eating the rich?!

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Yes, I understand - it's all rotten to the core, but regardless, I agree with Todd Callender and his team that bringing this fight to the court matters a huge deal. He said this: in the US two things change people's opinions - if they see it on TV or if they see it in court. In that sense he said, even if we lose we win. The truth goes on the record and from there it will not be possible to deny it as conspiracy theorists' flight of fancy. From there it can go into history books.

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Yes I agree, best to at least try to get the truth on the public record and out into open public discourse. Thanks for all your writing and research work, very much appreciated.

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A heartfelt thanks to you also Natasha. It seems that this initiative already failed (SCOTUS denied the petition), but onwards and upwards we go, the truth belongs to us and we carry on struggling for it - with their rotten structures or without them.

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Thanks for update, not surprised it was denied. I will put a nice bottle of single malt on a prediction that the US will disintegrate into separate countries by end of this decade (i.e. middle finger to SCOTUS !!)

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Jan 30, 2024
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Yes, but I think that we win't se3 Nuremberg trials unless Russia/China force them.

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As I signalled previously, we are glued into a system which has very deep ramifications and been in gestation for a very long time...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29AHtZMWAkk

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