I'm ready for Ivor's Zoom follow-up. Meanwhile downloaded to read the PDF. (Thank you for such generosity.) I still remember Israel Shamir's wonderful wrap from 2016; "The Untouchable Mr. Browder." Then silence. Can't wait.

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Thank you Elspeth!

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Apr 30Liked by Alex Krainer

Almost finished listening, already ordered the book, thank you! I read the Browder books, but then…. Started following the Duran for news and rapidly realized they were pure propaganda, can’t wait to read yours!

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Thank you Helma! 🙂

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Apr 30Liked by Alex Krainer

Hvala Alex!

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Just curious … what led you to conclude that the Duran is propaganda?

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Sorry if I was unclear, the Duran made me realize the Browden books were pure embroidered smear material.

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Was going to say, the Duran seem like one of the better geopolitical commentators that I have come across.

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1000%, they are the ones who removed all delusion of what is really going on worldwide.

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Thank you for clarifying. Makes sense now.

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What an eye opener right?

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Sep 4Liked by Alex Krainer

Khazars really hate the Rus who took over their land.

The Golden horde also hate Perisans aka Iranians.

They were between both and chose to try to stay neutral and assumed Judaism to avoid angering one of them.

Given their history since then, we can deduce that they were always subverting those regimes covertly. Even then. German Jews. AshkeNAZIm. When Drumpf takes over ...interesting times.

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Hi. I am new here. Introduced by Ivor Cummins, in his best ever interview.

Please let me recommend Unacceptable Jessica (Canadian Jessica Rose) the beautiful and brilliant force that seeks to save us, as you are.

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Thank you ApexpredatorEagle for your kind words. Of course, I know Jessica Rose and met her in person last year (have a nice selfie with her); she's a force of nature and a very fun person to talk to.

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In case you were not aware, I was able to purchase the audio version of your book today on Amazon.

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Thank You, Alex.

The first layer of this stacked selection event comes from our "owners".


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Two recent postings that support your evaluation of Putin:

The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Aleksandr Dugin

Aleksandr Dugin is a 62-year-old Russian academic philosopher. He's spent his life in Moscow. He was an anti-Soviet dissident as a young man, and now he is famous the world over in the English language press anyway, as "Putin's brain." But he is not a political figure here in Russia…..


The WEF Meets in Saudi Arabia: Last Stand for the Global Elites?

…..Far more significant was an entirely different second agenda which was grafted onto the conference, one which focused primarily on Israel’s war in Gaza and secondarily on the war in Ukraine. The two individuals who were assigned the task of presenting the imperial game-plan for these crises were U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and British Foreign Secretary and former Prime Minister David Cameron (or Baron Cameron of Chipping Norton, having been raised to the Peerage by King Charles in 2023). Both individuals were spotlighted at the Conference with prominent interviews by WEF President Børge Brende.

Clothed in the sheepskin of strategies for “peace,” what was actually presented was a plan for escalating confrontation with Russia and China and anyone allied with them. Both toadies began by defining a few “irredeemable” enemies—nations apparently outside the human family—including Russia, Iran, and the Houthis of Yemen, with China, Hamas and several other nations and groups in a “gray zone” of “will they or won’t they” play ball with the “global consensus.” Blinken’s talk was particularly unhinged from reality, while Cameron just acted the part of the aristocratic “British Public-School bully.”


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I used to think it was Russia China vs the West but that's before seeing that they followed the same western authoritarian response to covid, even after learning that it was no more deadly than the flu.


And yet, even after that they promoted vaccines for this not deadly disease, just like the West, even though there's more efficient and safer treatments.

The Russian sputnik V is loosely based on Astra zeneca's shot, which both have clotting issues.

The Chinese shot, I have not heard enough about to tell if it was harmless or not. After all, it wasn't until a decade+ later that we started to see that the flu shots are detrimental.

Anyway, if they all went in on the covid scam even after it was clear to not be what the west claimed, why did they continue this crap on their people? Both sides are run by bad guys. They just differ in their globalism.

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I too have trouble with this, however I would imagine the political price of not doing anything must also be taken into account, if indeed there had been a deadly lab made pathogen. The issue of 'jibjabs' stopping at national borders should also have acted as a wake up call, for if there really was a global pandemic, why would countries restrict to their own 'jabs'? Also to manage the population, who would have been exposed to the media, a solution would have to be offered so as to avoid importation of foreign medicine with no manufacturing oversight.

So, I agree, troubling inasmuch going along with the scam, but lots of nuance as to actions and reasons. Also, we have no idea what was in the vials... Lots of saline in the West for plausible deniability, who knows what was manufactured anywhere?

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Yeah. I'm not saying it was wrong for Russia and China to do what they did at the start. Who knows what it could have been? That's how I treated covid at first. But they continued it and gaslit their populations still talking like it was something new.

It was another scam just like the h1n1 virus...


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May 2·edited May 2

Covid19 is a scam and primarily an economic one.....to further in-debt countries with US dollar debt and to hopefully bring down the Worlds # 1 economy China and Israels #1 enemy Iran. There is no such thing as a virus. To answer why every country went along with the Scamdeimic you need to realize not every country is Monolithic. There are opposing factions vying for absolute power (i.e. Finance Capitalism vs Industrial Capitalism). Finance Capitalism is parasitic whereas Industrial Capitalism benefits the majority. The British/American Empire is Finance Capitalism. Now, have some courage and learn the truth about viruses.....it's like everything else in mainstream; lies and misinformation to control the masses of sheep: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/the-truth-about-viruses:a

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Great interview--short but meaty. :) I also like Ivor Cummins very much and am glad you two have found each other. I had no idea of the friendly relations that Russia and the US have enjoyed in the past. Certainly the Neocons have been instrumental in spoiling that--but have the UN and NATO both played a role in trying to separate Russia--and the Ukrainian people--from this very resource rich area? I just heard an interview with Catherine A. Fitts where she said that she sees the agenda in the Ukraine Russia war as the depopulation of the Ukraine--not on the part of Russia, but on the part of the NATO and US. It appears that NATO is now moving its bases into the Ukraine? Fitts puts the loss of life in the Ukraine to 500,000 and the people who have left due to the war as over a million. What say you to this?

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I watched Ivor on YT prior to the "Scamdemic" when he covered health (i.e. Keto diet) BUT since the Scam-demic, he's become an unhinged sinophobe demonizing everything China (i.e. the Scamdemic). This is classic "controlled opposition" and a shame as his Irish roots should have made him aware of the British Empires tentacles around the globe enslaving the majority. Is Ivor a changed man after learning about Alex Krainer's wealth of information? I suppose the zoom follow-up will tell. However, my instincts say he's "controlled opposition" and NOT in favor of World peace and World development/prosperity for all.....a dream entirely possible with the correct leadership and cooperation.

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It's Easy,

The Bankers in London were having a marvelous time financially dismantling the new Republic in Russia

After the demise of the USSR in Dec.1991.The new president was a drunk,Boris Yeltsin,& the Bankers,being financial parasites,were financially destroying the New Russia.

Then Putin came in around 2000/2001 & started throwing the parasites out.

They are determined to get back in,without their empires London & Brussels are just small time hustlers!

Ukraine is just the punching bag to take the beating fighting the Russian for the bankers as they watch from the sidelines.

What Perfidious Albion is doing with Ukraine is a repeat of what it did to Poland in 1939!

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Good interview.

Btw, your book can be purchased on Barnes & Noble online as an ebook:


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If you're ever in the SW of France Mr. Krainer, please drop in we could have a great chat about my time in the big Investment banks at the height of Russian IPO fever and the building of Londonograd, probably around the same time you were there... International Piracy Ordinance... Isn't that what the acronym meant?... I forget... 😜

It was pretty obvious what was going on then and what the plans were this time.

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I think the British/Bankster hatred of Russia goes back 1000 years, which also explains Mackinder/British foreign policy with regard to the World Island and the Heartland. The first Bankster funded invasion of Russia was the Mongols, who had a "special" relationship with the then Venetian bankers. The Russ were nearly wiped out, as were large swaths of the Middle East, China, and "The Heartland".

The Russ ran the Banksters off of their growing empire about a 1000 years ago. The Mongols were just the first of many payback invasions of the Slavic people. When they ended up in the City of London, they brought their hatred of the Slavs with them.

My guess is you already know this, or most of it, Alex. And quite possibly quite a bit more.

The destruction of history has been continuous. I heard Alexander the Great destroyed great stores of scrolls and manuscripts when he invaded Egypt. The Library of Alexandria and others were destroyed in the first couple of centuries AD. Al Qaeda and ISIS both destroyed great historic sites in Afghanistan and Syria. It is ancient, and continuous.

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