Feb 3, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

And this is why I keep pushing back against people who claim the UK and other Nato members are being manipulated by or are ordered to do certain things by the U.S. Britain's historic hatred of Russia is the most underreported aspect of this entire fiasco. In fact, with Boris's visit to the U.S. we can now say that the opposite scenario is happening--Britain is trying to push a reluctant America into war. There's a huge antiwar rally Feb. 19 in DC which has not--unlike the London confab--been cancelled. There are no Parliament members asking for a ceasefire. At least a few members of Congress are.

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Exactly - thank you for pointing that out.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

"US Britain's historic hatred of Russia" is easily explained in context of Khazarian Mafia. Russia was able after many horrible yrs of it's own to flush them out and develop it's own monetary system unlike Rothschild Britain and US hence Russia becomes the bad guy on the world stage. It's all very clear to me. Let them send all the warmongers over to fight amongst themselves, we can just sit it out thank you.

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Thank you for your post it is spot on. This has Khazarian Mafia written all over it. Especially since that's how they grabbed hold of power in UK centuries ago by dethroning legitimate bloodlines, replacing w their own and taking over financial centralization of Europe thru London banking center. And probably the worst player here is King 🤮 Charles who is deeply enmeshed w WEF and NWO. A book The Antichrist and A Cup of Tea by Tim Cohen goes as far as predicting him as the coming Antichrist, very factually I might add. His handling of his scandalous younger son, at least to me, is very telling. He's covered up his criminal behavior and intends to continue. All very SUS to me. Henry has stated his support for one world govt, etc and I personally would not doubt he is in cahoots w Charles on some level.

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Thank you!

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Thank YOU!

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Thank you Alex for naming the culprit and in fact enemy to all, not least continental Europe whose interests do not include Britain in any way..

Worth mentioning here are Britain's 2 wars to grab Crimea, thus depriving Russia of her only warm water port. Following this Britain incited Japan to attack Russia's NE naval base at Port Arthur in 1904. Japan attacked the Russian base Pearl Harbour style, destroying most of Russia's eastern navy. To protect herself Russia was forced to send her Baltic navy on the famous 9 month Voyage of Death, down the Atlantic coast of Europe and Africa (Britain denied passage through Suez), across the Indian Ocean and China seas to Port Arthur.

That's just one example!

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Yes - they didn't call it the "perfidious Albion" for nothing.

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Can you point me toward a source for 'Britain incited Japan to attack Russia's NE naval base at PA'? Not that I doubt it, I am prepared to accept any charged leveled against Britain. (I'm British, btw). I would just like to look at a credible account of this episode.

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Hi Simon. First off, we're always talking about the imperial cabal, and lying to and deceiving the British people is what they've done consistently. Like Americans today, the British people tended to be strongly anti-war and consistently voted anti-war. But the secret cabal had a different agenda. Anyhow... One good source for the UK involvement with Russo-Japanese war is Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor's "Hidden History: the Secret Origins of the First World War" (Chapter 5).

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Oh yeah, I've come across GD and his presentation of JM's WWI work before.. Thanks, Alex. I'll check it out..

It wasn't until the Dodgy Dossier episode just before the Iraq war that I finally fell in to what has indeed been going on in Britain for well over a century and a half - probably very much longer. But even so, after finding example after example of their deceit, hypocrisy and greed, I still find the role of the Crown and the relentless connivance our so-called Intelligence and security services never ceases to surprise and appall me..

Reading one reply to a post in this comment stream, I'm more than prepared to accept Charley Boy really is the Antichrist.. :lol

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Hello Simon. I'm glad Alex supplied you with a source. I tried looking online and found english language mockings of the voyage of death, as in, the tsar's navy was pathetic and ridiculous. If you speak french you'll find fairer accounts. We learned it at school in Greece, as a story that brought tears of sympathy from both adults and children.

The point really is that due to Russia's geography this is why her enemies focus on Crimea and why in 2014 Russia was pre-prepared to protect it. Not in the MSM : while the world was distracted by the coup events in Maidan, the UAF was positioned outside Crimea to take it over.

By the way, it is a beautiful place, especially the mountainous south...a more humid greener Greek landscape, which is maybe why so many Greeks were there. Quite apart from all of today's Black Sea ports having been ancient Greek colonies!

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Apologies for tooting the Greek horn but a clue is '-polis' or '-pol' on the end of various city names. As for Odessa Catherine the Great named it after Odysseus. If you know the story of Jason & the Argonauts the Golden Fleece was at one of these Black Sea ports :-)

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Despina Eleni! Αδερφή....no apologies necessary! I am an ex-classical scholar (not a very erudite one, though it was always a labour of love more than anything else). A poor degree since I always read around the subject rather than follow the degree syllabus...hey, it was the early 70's.... But an hellenophile of the first water with a very deep love of Nikos Kazantsakis, whose Saviours of God seems highly prophetic in its relevance today.. His Christ Recrucified blew me away as a young student..Δεν ελπίζω τίποτα. Δε φοβούμαι τίποτα. Είμαι λέφτερος. υγεία!

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Here's a story about a statue of Prince Charles depicted as the winged "saviour of the world" presented to him by the colourful and naive natives of Palmas, Brazil in 2002: www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1678.cfm

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Once again right on target Alex...thank you!

Watching FTX developments...Sullivan and Cromwell...the Dulles brothers law firm to the bankers...still advocating for the bankers/industrialists now for over a century and a half...money laundering for the vultures of war

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Thank you Bill!

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Allen Dulles, who ran the CIA "Operation Mockinbird", was also a director at the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) for 40 years. The CFR is the US branch of the RIIA "round table" network.

Same stuff, different decade. CFR members on the "Biden team" include the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and Homeland Security. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, and dozens more. And the CFR still controls the US media: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

The web/network seems to go back through history to "humanity's" existential roots...external conflicts...wars...contests...we witness recent unsustainable events/history thru the lens of our contemporary noise...easily reconfigurable...local to our own minds...the precious ancient story/song the "Bhagavad Gita"...about a "global" war between family members...was a metaphor for our own internal conflicts...expressed originally through sonics...songs...to preserve first order meaning...immutable forms of communication...extinguishing conflicts of truth...in the beginning "there was the word"...sound...isn't it so?

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Patterns repeat, but we live here and now. The current crop of psychopaths intend to trap us all in their "technetronic" gulag, and they will succeed unless we expose their plans and develop effective resistance.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Psychopaths never fold, they just double-down (attributed to various sources).

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Yes - a must read is Stephen Kinzer's ~ "The Brothers - John Foster and Allen Dulles." And in 2023 - both of these 1950's - powerful brothers have been airbrushed from history.

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The Dulleses pop up (amusingly so in retrospect) in the most unexpected places.

From Wikipedia The Protocols of Zion , subtitle The Times exposes a Forgery, 1921:

"....a dramatic exposé [of The Protocols] occurred in the series of articles in The Times by its Constantinople reporter, Philip Graves [ British intelligence, brother of poet Robert-], who discovered the plagiarism [Protocols were plagiarised-] from the work of Maurice Joly.[1]

....Allen Dulles, who was in Constantinople ["] developing relationships in post-Ottoman political structures ["] discovered "the source" of the documentation and ultimately provided him to The Times. ....

Done & dusted!

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Take a look at the list of USA Interventions since WWII:

US Launched 251 Military Interventions Since the Cold War Ended in 1991 at https://gulfcoastcommentary.substack.com/p/us-launched-251-military-interventions

Taken together, who ARE the good guys??

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Yes, I've pointed that fact out many times as well + another: the US initiated 80% of all military conflicts around the world btw. 1946 and 2001. It's not about who the good guys are: it's that the UK and US have been coopted by the Anglo-Dutch imperial system which generates the perverse incentive to constantly wage wars of conquest to subjugate other nations into becoming their clients, sowing mayhem abroad and misery at home. It's the system, not the people.

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Another great article you never disappoint thanks Alex. Very much looking forward to your upcoming conversations w/Tom!

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Very kind Anthony, thank you!

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Thank you so much Mr Krainer.

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Thank you Rosinda!

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

"Not one inch Eastward" was misquoted; it should read "Not JUST one inch Eastward"!

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Well, that's a good point. Even if it's "not one inch," the West kept its word: they've gone many inches... =)

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Yes a must read to understand the synthesis of our synthetic history/propaganda/indoctrination…”We’ll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false”…C.I.A. Director William Casey

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

They pretty much accomplished that. Fortunately many have been awake and many have awakened. However, there are those that do not wish to do so and apparently never will. Definitely a tough battle but needs to be fought.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

"A point of view can be a dangerous luxury when substituted for insight and understanding." ~ Marshall McLuhan. Thank you Alex for your incredible insight and understanding during a time when so many are employing a "dangerous luxury." Recommend Stephen Kinzer's "The Brothers - John Foster & Allen Dulles." Great insight and understanding how "European Generational Institutions of Wealth and Capital" implemented their intentions and objectives during the 1950s.

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Thank ou again PaPa!! =)

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Alex, thanks for what you do. Trump, and the forces (deep state) that align against him, are what it took to open my eyes. Something that gave me a very unsettled feeling re: Russia gate was the British involvement, and in the ensuing years a lot of other things have come to the surface. Two dying empires uniting to take the whole world down with them is how I have come to see things. We are emulating them step by step as we both swirl down the drain and their only tried and true solutions to any event is more and more war. Disgusting times we live in .

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Yes, and the most amazing thing about Russiagate was how it was covered. On FOX, Sean Hannity kept fulminating almost daily about "Russian lies, Russian propaganda..." Then when British agents started crawling out of the woodwork everywhere, he'd repeatedly refer to them as "foreign nationals," but continued pouncing on the refrain, "Russian lies, Russian propaganda..." nonstop.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Not even my wife watches him anymore and she was pretty hardcore for a good while. Screeches too much and never shuts up. But bottom line, it's more obvious than ever that our own deep state, accountable to no one, is also aligning with other nations deep states in order to advance "their" agendas, which more and more point towards WWIII.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

To b clear, "Screeches too much and never shuts up" refers to Hannity, not my wife.


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LOL - there you almost caught "died suddenly" syndrome!! =)

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

My suspicion is Britain is looking for a way of using small battlefield nuclear shells or missiles in Ukraine but not on a scale large enough to trigger Russia's nuclear doctrine.

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Yes, I agree. I think British agents were also involved in the preparations of the dirty bomb a few months ago.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

I totally agree with your recent reply to Tom Luongo's assertion (on the GG&G podcast) about the US having technologically superior weaponry to Russia. And anybody listening to Andrei Martyanov (who has been studying this closely for a good long time) could not fail to state the precise opposite in terms of anything but naval power - especially submarines. That said the Russian hypersonic weaponry entirely neutralises this. But even more importantly this eastern European war is a land war... We are entering extremely scaring times. And it is difficult not to arrive at the conclusion that this is one more part of a process designed to collapse the global economy in order to install something truly horrific. This seems like 'shock and awe' tactics against the enemy. And the enemy is us.

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Yes, I fully agree - the war's on us.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Hello Alex, again an excellent article. Would like very much to support your work but as I am on fixed income would only be able to do so on occasion. There is no choice to do so that I can find. Is there a way that I could do so that I am not aware of ?

The Old Man

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Hi Peter, thank you - that's very kind. In fact, I wasn't asking for support at all - Substack inserted the "Pledge" buttons with this article. I'm not even set up to receive money, and they're also encouraging me to do that too, but for now I don't have plans for doing that. Happy that you enjoy the articles and grateful for the feedback.

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Dear Mr. Krainer, this is an excellent piece which I have gladly referenced and cited in my own 25-page report on the subject entitled: Canada’s dangerous escalation in the Russia-Ukraine War is based on lies and deception, https://fournier.substack.com/p/canadas-dangerous-escalation-in-the

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Considering the articles for the establishment of “The United States of America”( after the revolution circa 1776) was not ratified ( formally recognised & signed off) by King George therefor the “Crown” does not acknowledge the Republic of the People. However the British Financial Establishment allegedly registered “The United States of America Incorporated ” & “The District of Columbia Incorporated” registered in Honduras? & Panama? (Memory rather foggy on that exact locale)

So therefor “The Anglo - American Establishment” The Council on Foreign Relations (Royal Institute on International Affairs) basically run American Finance & foreign policy.

This is how the British Empire scaled back its military commitments (costs£) & created the greatest military in the history of the world, under their control, but saddled America with the debt. Currently $30 trillion with a bullet.

America you are not now, never were & are unlikely to ever be “FREE”. Sorry, but a certain Irish President tried to tell you “all is not well” what with all that secrecy stuff being repugnant & all.

I would trust RFK jnr. To exact a ‘Kennedy revenge’ on the establishment before Trump “the Judas goat” or Ron De Sanctimonious the rehabilitated rino. Home if the brave has a demon infestation problem. Shame

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