The Decline and Fall of Western Civilization is being intentionally instigated by the (British) Globalist Fascist Oligarchy so that once their goal of “The Great Collapse of Society” is achieved then they can “Build Back Better” a One-World NWO in the shape of a Global Technocracy (Corporatist Fascism).

The source of the (British) Globalist Fascist Oligarchy’s power is their financial wealth that is derived from their control over the West’s monetary systems through all of the Western Nation’s Central Banks, and their headquarters at the British-controlled BIS in Basel, Switzerland.

The only way to defeat the (British) Globalist Fascist Oligarchy is to take away their control over the West’s Central Banks. This can be accomplished very simply through the following change:

Today, Sovereign Nations borrow other people’s money by selling them Treasury Bonds, that are created out of thin air, and then paying interest on those bonds to the buyers, who are the Central Banksters.

The solution is for Sovereign Nations to create Loans out of thin air that other people borrow from the Sovereign Nation and then pay interest on those loans back to the Sovereign Nation’s Treasury.

In today’s Western monetary system, the Central Banksters (British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy) get wealthy and powerful by keeping Sovereign Nations in perpetual debt by forcing them to pay interest on the Treasury Bonds owned by the Central Banksters.

Tomorrow’s empowered Western monetary system could result in Prosperity for the citizens of each Sovereign Nation by forcing the borrowers of Treasury Loans to pay interest on their loans back to the Treasury of the Sovereign Nation.

The Great Bankster Debt Scam!


A New Monetary System with A New National Bank


Who Are The Globalist Fascist Oligarchy?


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Mar 1Liked by Alex Krainer

Time to get a blue roof over my head.

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You, Matt, and Tom Luongo are at the top of my list. Matt and a friend do a weekly show called Breaking History which is brilliant.

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Indeed... And it ALL begins here.... now... with the CHILDREN...

I have posted the following elsewhere and repeatedly.... and will likely continue to do so ... Please take what you like and leave the rest...



"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

~ Krishnamurti


"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)


NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society, because EVERYTHING that humans think, believe and DO, happens DOWNSTREAM from the way we perceive and treat children during their FORMATIVE years. The human brain is not fully developped until the early 20's...

Furthermore, #childhood #adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.

The "masses" are essentially clueless and unaware of their own conditioning...

It will never end... as long as we continue to raise children with violence... however subtle and insidious or well-intentioned, ie violence in the name of "discipline", "religion/tradition", "preventative health care" or "protection"....



"It is paradoxical, yet true:

Children are the most

in need of loving attention,

when they act the least deserving of it."

~ Aletha Solter



“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

~ Alice Miller

Full article



A piece of gruesome, little known, historical context...

The Childhood Origins of World War II and the Holocaust




"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:



Why males are more violent:



Eric Clopper and Dr Denniston ... #circumcision




Circumcision: the human rights violation hiding in plain sight:



"One area of the CIA’s research that is rarely talked about, or even known, is male circumcision or genital mutilation.

Cansever describes a study of the psychology of boys circumcised between the ages of 4 and 7 both before and after the surgery, based on various methods of psychological examination, and reports the following trends among the subjects:

• lower IQ as measured 7 days after the operation

• infantile regression of drawings and expressed wishes

• greater measured levels of aggression

• new fears and anxieties

• weaker control over primitive impulses to the point of maladaption

• greater aggression towards their mothers

• withdrawal from human relationships and difficulty responding to demands of external world

• perceptions of having been castrated

It turns out that in 1961, the CIA had payed “Cansever” to study the effects of circumcision, and he found that it made boys dumber, more infantile, more fearful, and more aggressive, with less control over their base instincts and a healthy dose of aggression towards the most significant female figure in their lives, their mothers.

If the findings of this study hold true for boys circumcised younger, it might suggest that the United States contains some 100+ million men who have been psychologically altered, from as early as infancy, to be stupider, to have lower impulse control, to tend towards aggression and violence, and to possess an instinctual distrust of women.

Throw in the diminishing effects of circumcision on penile sensitivity and the consequent difficulties of sex and tendency towards paraphilias, and a picture begins to emerge of an organic golem that can be manipulated more easily by carrots and is less able to establish a normal, healthy relationship with a woman—splitting the family apart or preventing its formation has always been a goal of oppressive regimes, including the one that currently rules over the US.

Unfortunately for many of us, there exists, at this point, ample evidence that events in infancy can and do have measurable effects on the hindbrain, the part of our brain that drives instinctual, “gut” reactions and behavior. This is especially true when it comes to traumatic events that trigger stress hormones such as partial amputation of the penis, routinely performed at birth in this country.

Although humans are cognizant of their lives, making behaviorism a dead area of psychology, it is still understood that instinctual behavior plays a role in decision-making, which is why propaganda and advertising are so widespread. How attached will men be to their women if they are surgically predisposed more to masturbate to pornography than to enjoy normal, PIV sex? Is it really a stretch to claim that enjoyment of sex is determined, in part, by the existing or removed enervation of the sex organ involved, and that this might have an effect on the interpersonal relationships of men and women across the country?

It is also worth noting that, according to Leonard Glick in Marked in Your Flesh, circumcision of gentiles is twice used in the Old Testament as a means of disfiguring humiliation and domination by Israelites, and it may still be interpreted as such by a certain religiously-minded tribe. I am not a mind-reader, and intelligent minds can differ on the motivations of various groups that encourage circumcision in the United States, but the historical context of mass, non-consensual circumcision of gentiles may be a clue as to what is going on here."

Link to PDF:



Dissolving my vaxxed illusions:




~ Ghislaine Lanctôt

Direct link to PDF file:



Paul Valery declared “War is a place where young people who don’t know each other kill each other, based on decisions made by old people, who know each other and hate each other, but don’t kill each other.”


Harry Patch, last surviving soldier of WW1, who died in 2009, bravely said “War is organised murder and nothing else”.


"WAR is the spectacular and bloody PROJECTION of our EVERYDAY living."

~ Krishnamurti

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9Liked by Alex Krainer

".... systemic disfunction at the core of our “democracies,”..."

IMO it's NOT a problem of systems, oligarchs, governments, etc.

It's a problem of NEGLECT and child ABUSE and LACK of ATTUNEMENT.

We need to STOP raising children to live up to adult expectations and instead put the primary focus on MEETING CHILDREN’S NEEDS... physical, emotional, psychological, developmental... in ALL areas of "modern" life.

Children who are raised having their needs met adequately, do NOT grow up to become sociopaths/psychopaths, driven by suppressed narcissistic NEEDS, manifesting as bottomless greed and power hunger.


First published in 2012 as EPILOGUE to Heart to Heart Parenting, by Robin Grille 🙏🏼

A question to consider while reading:

How does this apply today?


A letter to US parents, grandparents and teachers

In today’s world, it is increasingly true that no one can thrive unless all are thriving together. Our communities are becoming more and more interconnected and interdependent. Malaise in one corner will inevitably, sooner or later, affect the whole. On the other hand, a burst of happiness anywhere in the world sends ripples that touch all of humanity eventually, if only subtly. As we strive to create a loving environment for our own children, we should pause to think how the children around us are faring. The babies and children of other families will one day be the leaders of our children’s world. They will be our children’s doctors, lawyers, senators, and community leaders. Every one of us has a stake in the wellbeing of all children; and so it is well worth “taking the temperature” of childhood in our nations and around the world."


"A new society is eminently possible—one that is driven by love rather than greed, fear, or suspicion. All that is needed is a collective commitment to giving more children an emotionally healthy environment in which to grow, play, love, learn, and feel secure. This requires giving all parents a chance, support and enough time—that increasingly rare commodity—to enjoy their children."

Link to PDF:



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Cat McGuire posts this. There is something halfway down the scroll, a graphic of the top 25 hedge fund managers. https://uppityupstart.substack.com/p/america-is-a-gentile-nation

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Mar 4·edited Mar 4Liked by Alex Krainer

"Original Blame" looks into the question of "Why", regarding inhumanity and economic collapses for thousands of years, perhaps the origin of this, where we are now, and a reliable a means to "blame the victims".


Also, Good On ya' recommending Michael Hudson ;-)

"The mills of the Gods grind slowly, but they grind exceeding fine" (as Bismarck might have said of Russian transactions.)

Don't you think Russia is now blocking the initiation of any EU/NATO invasion of Russia, preventing even a bud of that from forming? The Luftwaffe telephone discussion of Schultz's resistance to providing Taurus cruise-missiles to Ukraine, and how it was flawed, may have been sent on an unsecure channel to tar Schultz, but it may bolster his case. https://gilbertdoctorow.com/2024/03/04/9718/

EU v. Russia & Northamerica v. China? What could go wrong? (Huh, Mexico in BRICS+?)

"The purpose of elected politicians is to deliver the people to the will of the oligarchy." (somebody)

Xi Jinping is a prominent Chinese "princeling". Wang Huning wields tremendous patriotic power behind the scenes, and has guided policy since shortly after Tiananmen Square:


What is the point at which the "western oligarchs" are forced to re-negotiate a broad social contract?

2024 looks like 1968 to me.

How about you?

The Vietnam War persisted until Saigon fell 7 years later...

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a 'be safe' social greeting society has lost its freedom well before its starts affirming the need to be safe... the end of a long process of social engineering.....

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The decay is happening in the east too.

Both sides of this 1984 like dystopia are doing the same crap to their people. The wealthy are stealing the wealth of those who actually produce. RENTIER CAPITALISM. Owning things gives profit... Casino finance economics.


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I have known about cycles of history and markets for way over 20 years. I thought they were naturally ocurring. But it sure seems those cycles are inflicted on us intentionally.

Scarcity, inflation, bubbles are all manufactured.

It sure seems somebody views humanity as cattle.

It feels like the cattle are waking up.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

On a recent post by Matthew Ehret he writes: "Peak oil is a false hypothesis, and it is much more likely that oil is abiotic."


But it is irrelevant whether oil creation is abiotic or not. We are extracting it faster than it's being replaced. This is measured by EROI (Energy Returned On Invested) data that flatly refutes Matthew Ehret statement that: "Peak oil is a false hypothesis". The EROI for the production of oil and gas globally by publicly traded companies has declined from 30:1 in 1995 to about 18:1 in 2006 (Gagnon et al., 2009), etc...

Why didn't Matthew respond to this challenge to his hypothesis? He tells us he's too busy! As such, anyone who is so clearly deluded about global raw material supply means their other insights built upon such a massive flaw and hugely significant blind spot can be safely ignored.

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The UN and China’s CCP are facilitating the migrant invasion across Panama’s Darien Gap and directing them towards the US southern border.





Checkout Laura Loomer’s investigative reporting from the Darien Gap:

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Jewish NGO HIAS Joins Forces with UN in Creating Camps in The Darién Gap to Help Illegals on Journey to The USA







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We need to change how money works or nothing will change.

No money making money.

no rentierism, usery.

Only one house per, no speculating, a house is a home not an investment vehicle.

US closes down all military bases, pulls all covert operations, ends CIA.

90% tax on all income over $200,000.

None of this will happen so nothing will get any better.

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You and Matt were exceptional.

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"Righteousness exalts a nation,

But sin is a reproach to any people." Proverbs 14:34

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A certain percentage of the population are born psychopaths who tend to achieve power over the majority since they are not hampered by normal human emotions such as guilt, shame and empathy. Then there are the conditioned sociopaths and narcissists. There is a book written on this subject called 'Political Ponerolgy'. I hope to get around to reading it someday.

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