Dec 29, 2022Liked by Alex Krainer

Thank you so much Mr Krainer.

Wishing you, your family and all your readers a Happy New Year.

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022Author

Thank you Rosinda, and the same to you!

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Happy New Year Alex !

Medyedev's oil / gas price prediction will be simple to arrange ;-)

As for the EU this is music to MY ears :-))))

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Happy New Year Eleni!!

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022Liked by Alex Krainer

Another well written article, thank you! But I am afraid China is in for another surprise. After having read The Hundred-Year Marathon by Michael Pillsbury, I am very convinced the Chinese are masters in trickery and fooling the other nations. It was the old Chinese idea that as there can be only one captain on a ship, there can only be one hegemon in the world. And the Chinese are really fed up with the arrogance and humiliating agression of the US and so they very stealthily tricked the Western countries. I am afraid that after Russia has done its war, and the US is fallen apart, the Russians will be stabbed in the back by the Chinese. I hope I am wrong, but the signs are not good. Thanks again Alex also for your input on Medvedev, I had missed that.

The full title of Pillsbury's book is The Hundred-Year Marathon, China's Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower. This title says enough.

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There's no question that the Chinese are playing a very tricky game; it took me a long time to work out if we should expect ugly things from them or otherwise. I am now leaning toward "otherwise," but I can't say that their ultimate objective is clear to me yet.

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I'd only argue the 4th Reich is here....in the immortal lyrics of "Rage against the Machine": 4th Reich culture-American! Nice post Happy New Yr Alex! Truly loving those long conversations w/tom you're having monthly w/Shawn!

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Well, that 4th reich thing was the most surprising thing in all of Medvedev's predictions to me.

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Not to me. When my parents were posted to Washington DC in the late 50s early 60s the place was heaving with Nazis. The US military uses Wehrmacht strategic operations manuals. NASA, the Common Market and UN and Bretton Woods institutions all had Nazis at their head - appointed by the US. Either they've given up pretending and are coming out of the closet - or - they think people are so brainwashed they'll refuse to believe their lyin' eyes. NATO will go down under a "3rd generation" , Christia Freeland, Slava Ukraine!. Nazism has absolutely nothing to do with religion, during WW2 Irgun even sent a letter offering to partner with Hitler...which was rejected, but not because of ethnicity (true, look it up). In Ukraine the jewish oligarch Kolomoisky paid an AZOV regiment to protect him and "rule" Odessa.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Alex Krainer

Sounds like a wish list from Mr Medvedev. I am not even sure what he means by 'Fourth Reich'. Words can be interpreted in different ways. The term was first used as a rallying cry in the 1930s by German opponents of the Nazi regime. The groups who employed the term spanned a broad political spectrum. Whatever, living under fascism is on the cards for all of us unless we say "no" quickly and continually.

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With you there; I've no idea where that 4th reich thing came from. Time will tell - maybe he's really just trolling with that.

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