Waiting for a trigger event, then stirring up unrest and supplying weapons certainly was the US-UK strategy a few months ago in Iran. So what's happening in France seems to have the same MO.

But there the Iranian gov did call the West on it and garnered considerable support among trad Iranians.

I doubt Macron has the balls to call the US-UK on it here though.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Great article Alex, certainly food for thought

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Wow! This essay is absolutely remarkable—an extraordinary in-depth analysis that surpasses any I've read on the topic. Such a level of astuteness is truly impressive. Thanks, Alex!

I have nothing of value to add on the topic, but I'd like to share my overall impression of the U.S.'s disastrous policy. They are brilliant in executing their plan. Russia bleeds, and the EU is left teetering. They still have all the money in the world, funny-money or not, for now it buys both the people and the stuff.

While I am fully aware of the BRICS's ascendancy and de-dollarization plans, those are still fledgling efforts. Despite Russia's military might, they seem unsure how to handle such an insane opponent like the U.S., which is ready to carelessly and callously support the gruesome killing of one country and its people. China, on the other hand, possesses immense economic power, but it too faces its own set of problems.

That leaves us with the Empire. Their biggest mistake, in my opinion, is that they lie 100% of the time to 100% of the people about 100% of the issues. They do not let us, the people, to catch a breath from their endless brainwashing attacks and their perpetual money-grubbing shenanigans. They left their own strategy behind—they used to let us discuss any issue, no matter how narrowly, but now they’re not letting a word of opposition to fucking anything. My way or the highway, see something, say something, with or against us as the leading policies.

The people, beaten to a pulp by such merciless negligence of their own issues and lives, have begun to see through the immense cloud of lies.

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Fascinating info on Meloni. She has been all in with Ukraine.

People should never worry about upsetting English people when talking about the Anglo-American Empire. More and more English people understand what's going on. This Empire is in the interests of The City of London and the elites not the masses.

The Brexit vote was a rejection of our establishment (their mass immigration policy particularly) and shows the anger there is outside of London to the current system.

I've always believed pushback in England and Middle America will be key to real change.

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It's very interesting. Thanks!

That explains why Macron, once a while, says or does decent things. Yet he's too narcissistic and unlikable to lead a country.

France needs another de Gaulle.

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Fascinating! You've added a lot to my understanding of events in France.

I've heard about you from Tom Luongo, and Alex Thomson 👍

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Alex, you are one of the greatest and most "woke" geopolitical analysts of the 21st century. Along with other great minds, Tom Luongo, Jim Willie, Matt Ehret.

My list also includes James Delingpole, Douglas MacGregor, Andy Schectman, Clayton Morris, Francis Hunt, JD Rucker, Mel K, and, of course, the great Mike Yeadon and David Icke.

But - unlike the great Matt Ehret - you are making a BIG mistake.

Soon everything will be censored, everyone including yourself will be de-platformed and defunded. All your podcasts and substacks will be deleted. The only way to "survive" is to write books, because books will survive whatever they do. So my advice: you are a genius, please start writing books, lots of books. I will read them all!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

What Bush actually said was far more insidious. "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

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Bravo! Stellar piece Alex.

You mention that France has been skimming off 50% and that has been true for the 14 countries that used the CFF plus many other African nations trading with them. We are talking trillions and massive resource extraction too, no small potatoes.

France and indeed most of the EU is totally dependent on this dynamic for its existance. Without it they are done. Again the term existential is accurately applied to yet another global development.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Another excellent, insightful article, Alex!!

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France has always been the fiery, rebellious child of the west - French revolution, Paris Commune, Charles De Gaulle. We need more of that to keep us honest.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

The french riots are a beta test for what is coming worldwide. be prepared.

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Anglo-American empire is run by Nazis and Zionists. Nazis (CIA) and Zionists (Israel) are two wings of the same genocidal bird. The Republic of the USA was killed in 1963 when JFK was assassinated by these two. The global unipolar terrorist state was created by CIA and Israel on 911. BRICS+ will destroy their debt slavery system and NATO will be military defeated.

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Spot on, Alex, thank you. By the way May '68 was also a US regime change operation resulting a few weeks later in US nemesis DeGaulle's sudden resignation. The poster boy for the students was pedofile NWO / EU-er Daniel Cohn-Bendit, heavily promoted by TIME, despite the real leader being Alain Geismar.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Well written, Mr. Krainer. Thank you!

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

WOW...where do you find the time? Some would say we are in a post-literate world. Our ability to comprehend is limited by the digitalization of history. TLDR...Too Long Did Not Read. I am thankful for your not abiding to modernity...and worry that wisdom...is also deteriorating...like the quality of life....imposed by the managers of payment systems. Ignorance is not bliss...Thank you Alex once again for your informed...literate analysis....we have to do all we can to "Fight the Stupids"

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