Oct 9Liked by Alex Krainer

"If we can’t predict something, how would we even begin to control it?"

Economists have no problem mustering up this chutzpah.

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We (that is, all of us readers here) have to recognize the possibility that this is a limited hangout, and that even Alex Krainer may slip sometimes. Sigh.

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"Information asymmetry" is important to realize.

Human flight, the atomic bomb, etc. would seem fantastic before they were known facts.

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That too!

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You completely missed Alex's point... interesting, people are starting to "preview" in their minds an expected take on something... you may want to have a cuppa and revisit reading this post.

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Immediately above, I was jokingly responding to John Day MD.

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phew! I get what you mean now - thanks!

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Yeah, I should have tried something less obscure. (I don't usually use /s as it takes the fun out of it.)

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The use of ‘we’ to encompass some ill-defined amorphous collective that collaboratively manages western society on behalf of us all, indicates that the writer identifies with these organisations of control as if they were working with & on the behalf of all of us, that is ‘we’.

The writer somewhere in their subconscious identifies with the state & has not accepted the split between those in power - the state - & the people: that the state does not work in the best interests of those they rule over. In fact it actively works against the people’s best interests. So there can be no ‘we’

Maybe there was a ‘we’ in some far off time when those in power actually worked collaboratively with the people in their best interests, creating a ‘we’, but I can’t bring to mind when that was.

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Populism comes into play sometimes in elite power struggles when a rising elite has a strong case and can enlist the populace on its side. The social contract offered is better than that offered by the declining elite.

This looks to be happening, but we can all die quickly, instead.

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"We" assumes information-symmetry and common purpose of various involved parties, which I see as fallacious.

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I interpreted it as the royal "we", as in Queen Victoria's "We are not amused."

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Where did "Alexa" get THIS IDEA? Alexa Calmly Tells Stunned Americans Hurricane Helene Was Artificially Created, By Cloud Seeding, Celia Farber

"It Was Also The First Manmade Hurricane In History." —ALEXA https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/alexa-calmly-tells-stunned-americans

Celia Farber, Catherine Austin Fitts On Helene: "It's Not A Natural Event." Says It Is A Giant Taking, Land Grab, WH Leveraging Disaster Recovery Against Election: "Assertion Of Top Down Control Of Counties"

"The goal of this operation and [Hurricane Helene] is an operation, it's not a natural event...[it] got steered in my opinion," Fitts says. "The goal of this operation is to take assets and...it's basically a giant taking...to grab land."

The investment banker says:

"We're having lots of reports of land grab tactics being applied" and adds that the operation "relates to the [U.S. presidential] election."

"I suspect we're seeing the White House basically—and, again, this is conjecture—negotiate terms. You know, you'll get disaster recovery if, you know, you do this, this, and this for the election," Fitts says.

"The president is saying he's gonna call back Congress, that there's not enough money at FEMA to go through the hurricane season, and so they're strong-arming Congress to come back and basically give the administration what they want on the continuing appropriations process."

Furthermore, Fitts says this is also an instance of central bankers attempting to wrangle more control for themselves. "This is all part of installing the digital ID and financial transaction infrastructure you need to assert absolute control," Fitts says. "And if you look at the patterns, whether it's the taking or the land grab or other other reports we're getting out of that area, it looks to me like a lot of assertion of top-down control of counties." https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/catherine-austin-fitts-on-helene

Dane Wigington, in 90 second time lapse video with artificial color for ground-based radio-frequency transmissions, proportional to output-power, shows that these steering transmissions were everywhere that the Hurricane Helene was not, leaving an open channel of travel. It had been heavily seeded with charged nanoparticles while it was forming, which makes it more subject to radio-frequency steering. Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/hurricane-helene-and-frequency-transmissions-90-second-alert/

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I'm very skeptical. They may be able to light the fuse with cloud seeding. But any control of the aftermath - the intensity and the trajectory of the storm - is out of the question. And Alexa is a psyop - of course they want is to believe that they're omnipotent and omniscient.

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Thank you for giving this your consideration, Alex.

Dane Wigington and Catherine Austin Fitts both have very good long term records.

They are sincerely trying to understand what is going on. The video at the last link is short, and pertains to radio-frequency steering of a hurricane which has been seeded with charged particles.

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Yes, agreed. I've followed Catherine Austin Fitts for a long time and learned a lot from her. I consider her a very credible voice out there, but this domain is out there... The more you dig into it, the harder it is to fathom that someone could control this - it is such a massive event, so beyond the scale of anything we could influence that I would question any claims that "they" are capable of doing it. Could the start a hurricane? Yes - of that I'm sure. Again: not in any sure-fire way but where the conditions are ripe, perhaps cloud seeding could really do the trick. But once the cyclone gets spinning, it's almost certainly beyond anybody's ability to control.

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It is difficult to get my mind around, or even a Cray Supercomputer, but the Pentagon boasted about "owning the weather" by about-now, a few decades ago...

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Just because something is written down, like the GOF e mail paper trail between Fauci and Daszak, doesn't mean it's true.

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Agreed, but these are the "Masters of War".

"Know your enemy and yourself", Sun Tzu

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Maybe they just got lucky? Does it matter though? A bit like starting a forest fire, you don't know where it's going to go, but you know it's going to do damage.

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Despite whatever Dane knows, he still believes in anthropogenic climate change which is easy to see as manipulated....

Catherine Austin Fitts is an economist, where does she show any data about weather besides what she repeats others say?

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As opposed to, say, our friend Alex!

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Not everyone is perfect😊

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Its not control on the level you describe. According to geoengineeringwatch.org, it could more accurately be described as sort of "repelling" and "concentrating" already existing systems as a way to maximize impact in a given area using the exact tech you already listed. They have obviously had more than 50 years of practice.

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I am disappointed with the standpoint you have taken. Diving into the inadequacy of the chosen analysis/modelling approaches and thus obfuscating the general potential of weather weapons by applying false dialectic arguments.

You are not from an Atlantic coastal region and you do not have a lifetime of actual experience tracking low pressure systems (I'm a surfer) and being "in the weather" they create. This is not reference data for me, but my felt environment.

The manipulation of low pressure systems seems beyond question from the reading I've done, (HAARP, chemtrails etc).

I recently read about a Norwegian owned island in the south Atlantic, where something is superheating the ocean, visibly on radar maps, could that not increase the water temp to enhance systems to magnify their size considerably?

Anyone can find and quote establishment sourced data (Princeton ffs?) to seemingly debunk "those crazy conspiracy theorists".

You can read a million articles telling you that chemtrails don't exist, but if you merely open your eyes and look up...

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Alex is saying they can't control the weather, but the point is that there is a ton of evidence that they are trying to control the weather. We suffer the results.

Dubai admitted that the damaging floods were cause by their cloud seeding gone wrong. Just because they can't predict the results of their efforts doesn't mean there's nothing to see here!!!!

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Christ people FGS the # and intensity of the solar flares has been building for 6 month. They are expected to continue through 2025( along with increased seismic activity). Its the pissed off sun cycle people and eclipse season.

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A bunch of somebodies had to program Alexa to spy, and to influence minds. 'Her' info didn't arise out of nothingness.

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"of course they want is to believe that they're omnipotent and omniscient."

Ayup. That was my first gut response.

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Psyop is the nice term for Alexa- we call her Big Brother

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The American Journal: Hurricane Milton Set To Rip Through Florida (AKA Trump Country) Just 26 Days Out From Election Day - FULL SHOW - 10/09/2024


Bombshell Exclusive: The Pentagon/Department of Energy Is In Control Of Hurricane Milton, One Of The Most Powerful Storms In History Set To Devastate Florida Wednesday! Alex Jones Will Exclusively Lay Out Smoking Gun Government Documents Proving US Government Has Had The Power to Completely Control Hurricanes Since 1967! White Papers, Patents, Silver iodide seeding, Steering hurricanes with doppler radar, and trillion watt lasers - FULL SHOW - 10/08/2024


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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

Controlling weather would be as effective as pushing a herd of elephants off course with a single blade of grass i.e. caca del toro

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What do you mean by "controlling the weather"?

Do watch the 90 second video at that last link and give it consideration.

This is US military investment since the early 1950s which is under discussion.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

"controlling the weather" like the course of a hurricane, not a bit of cloud seeding here and there. Not sure what link you mean?

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"Steering" is worth considering:

Dane Wigington, in 90 second time lapse video with artificial color for ground-based radio-frequency transmissions, proportional to output-power, shows that these steering transmissions were everywhere that the Hurricane Helene was not, leaving an open channel of travel. It had been heavily seeded with charged nanoparticles while it was forming, which makes it more subject to radio-frequency steering. Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/hurricane-helene-and-frequency-transmissions-90-second-alert/

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There was certainly a motive with acces to mineral deposits, as with the land grab on Mauii and maybe Florida next. I'm told the US Government then buy up your property for its market value.

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"Market value".


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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

Such a suggestion defies the laws of thermodynamics i.e. energy required for "steering" trillions of cubic meters of turbulent atmosphere highly energised by kinetic energy, by "based frequency transmitters" (of presumably electromagnetic transmitters) is erm.... caco del toro.

Plus, correlation is NOT causation.

Plus, trillions of cubic meters of turbulent atmosphere, being "heavily seeded with charged nanoparticles" would a) require years of preparation, and manufacture and would require billions of tons of such "nanoparticles" being already loaded onto tens of thousands of aircraft waiting to go and seed such a brewing storm within hours!

Let me say again in English: BULL SHIT.

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"Caca De Vaca" Joe King Carrasco & The Crowns ;-)


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Not necessarily so. The RF energies set a certain static condition in the relatively undisturbed air ahead of the hurricane. A hurricane is constantly getting energized from its surrounding conditions. This seems to be more about facilitating a most-preferred route as the storm advances.

It is clearly above my pay grade, but "preferential-invitation" is different from "forcing".

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You can make prompts for everything.

If everyone who questions knows AI is bullshit, why now are they thinking this is for real? 😂

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Stop asking such hard questions! We know that AI is bullshit, and so we trust it! ; )

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Oct 9Liked by Alex Krainer

The human mind is an amazingly powerful and dynamic piece of machinery. Turning it inside out with propaganda and psyops is the only way the "globalists" can truly indenture humanity. Whether "they" can steer these storms or not is less important than how people react to the possibility.

Thank you for your commentary.

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Yes, the idea of the 'covid' pandemic was more important than its reality. It was all created with social media https://jowaller.substack.com/p/xi-and-li-and-the-great-hoax?utm_source=publication-search

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Thank you Alex for this very helpful corrective. I saw the kinds of posts referred to elsewhere in the comments, and while I do understand why people speculate in this way and what it says about our society, such speculation need to have some basis in practical realities. It bears repeating: we don't do ourselves any favors by overestimating the power and intelligence of our Overlords.

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Yes, exactly! That was the idea behind this post - thank you!

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Sadistic juveniles, NO doubt. The spawn of our entrenched "royalty."

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It is my experience that once they start talking about something, it's already been done. First, they pretend it's not happening and then they say well, of course it's happening, just not the way you think it is. Eventually, the truth, the whole truth, comes out.

They may not be able to create a hurricane, but I read somewhere they can change its direction. Anyone else read or heard of that?

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Yes, correct.

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Dane Wigington, in 90 second time lapse video with artificial color for ground-based radio-frequency transmissions, proportional to output-power, shows that these steering transmissions were everywhere that the Hurricane Helene was not, leaving an open channel of travel. It had been heavily seeded with charged nanoparticles while it was forming, which makes it more subject to radio-frequency steering. Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/hurricane-helene-and-frequency-transmissions-90-second-alert/

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Thank you. I thought it might be real.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Alex Krainer

Current weather science ignores the huge variable of the magnetic and electric effects of the sun on earth.

Heat is indeed a factor but not the only one.

And just because there is a magnetic/electric effect, the size of haarp and other installations are teeny tiny in energy compared to the solar circuit.



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thank you thank you thank you for a rationally based post 🙏🙏🙏

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'weather science' does not ignorer magnetic fields at all- I looked into it here. Plus gratuitous picture of John Taylor. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/industrys-excuses-for-human-climate

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Oct 9Liked by Alex Krainer

Alex, 5 years ago I would have agreed with what you have presented here. However, there is NO QUESTION that the 'science' capabilities of those children who would pretend to play god have advanced their technical capabilities way past what they used to be capable of... Their ability now goes way past merely trim-tabbing barometric pressures and atmospheric heating. I think a case can be made that so-called "Climate Change" as we've come to understand the term is a much more international financial manipulation scam than most have surmised. Don't underestimate the capabilities of some very nefarious people who are little more than psychopathic plundering political ponerists who are endangering far more on this planet that we're willing to admit humanity to be capable of. We dismiss them at our peril as a species.

I invite you to reach out to Dane Wiggington at the site below:


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Thank you, I'll check it out.

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I have been watching for storms like this for 20 years because of climate change. It follows very simply.

The "greenhouse effect" is that carbon dioxide selectively catches heat of a temperature/wavelength that is typically re-radiated out in to space. So the earth is exposed to the sun's radiation, and less of that radiation leaves the atmosphere. So more stays in the atmosphere, as the CO2 level increases.

Water has a much greater capacity for storing heat than air or the physical earth. So the heat is added to water bodies. These are huge and have a very large capacity to store heat without it being sensible to us.

Energy is continually being moved around to try to balance it out around the planet. Ocean currents are a major way of doing this. Evaporation is another. Rain is a third. Winds are a fourth.

The Caribbean Sea is surrounded on three sides by land. This can cause it to collect energy to very high water temperatures, beyond what the Gulf Stream can remove.

Those enormous amounts of heat energy get moved by hurricanes. This drives the rapid intensification of them.

When the Caribbean is bathtub, massive hurricanes would seem to be inevitable. Weather is basically a heat/energy transfer mechanism. Interestingly, the Caribbean is below 30C right now. It is often way above that.

Climate Change should lead to very intense hurricanes coming out of the Caribbean. I watched the sea surface temperatures there for many years for signs of climate change. Eventually I gave up. The climate moves on much longer time frames than my attention span.

So are these monster hurricanes consistent with human-caused climate change (Climate Change)? Unfortunately, yes.

Is human-caused climate change the only possible cause for them? No. The Ethical Skeptic has had fascinating postings in the past few years that the Caribbean is heating faster than could be explained by Climate Change.

What is causing this heating of the Caribbean is a very important question for the US. These storms are not one-off things. Is it Climate-Change driven? It is definitely worth considering.

One final note. (This is not personal to anyone here.) An ad hominem response of "Liberals are idiots who are right about nothing and so Climate Change can not possibly be true" is very short-sighted and immature. The evidence of Climate Change is real. Unfortunately, a sensible look into it is unlikely in either a Harris or Trump administration.

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I find Dane Wigington's documentary 'The Dimming' to be compelling. At minute 49:00 the topic of cyclone/hurricane manipulation is raised. https://rumble.com/v5hwqq3-the-dimming-full-length-climate-engineering-documentary.html

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Oct 9Liked by Alex Krainer

I must be a member of the minority who have noticed the strong correlation between a string of coronal mass ejections from the sun and the upsurge in hurricanes and heat domes.

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Nope I am in that club also😊

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I was wondering about this. Again thank you for your diligence and good will.

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Thank you Margaret!

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Oct 10Liked by Alex Krainer

Predicting the westher, especially tropical storms is one thing, but we can never control weather systems like that once they've developed. We know that the US is toying with the weather, but likewise cannot control the outcome of their outlandish experiments.

Another thought that doesn't leave my mind since we've this year experienced exceptional rains and flooding pretty much everywhere in the Northern hemisphere around thevsame time (i.e. in recent months), is about the farting cows. Remember them? You've read about how these mamals produce so much methane that it affects our climate? Well, most people probably don't realize that by recklessly bombing the Nordstreams , the USA managed to release some 478,000 tons (!!) of methane gas into the atmosphere. Let that sink in. It's not because you can't see the gas that it isn't there.... And that has no effect on our climate? Maybe so, but it's certainly worth considering and investigating.

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Thanks Alex, Tom L had a pretty good anti-HAARP rant on his Market Report today, which I wholeheartedly agree with.

The real "cloud seeding" going on right now is the Zeitgeist is being seeded with BS. For my own sanity, I created an "I don't know" bucket in the back of my mind. It is getting to be a pretty big bucket. But for my own sanity, I know I need to not buy into anything I can't prove, other than my own Faith. I keep myself focused, that the Zeitgeist is being seeded intentionally with BS, intentionally to keep us all stressed out, and scared. I try to stay very slightly pissed off, at the people doing this to us.

So HAARP, Directed Energy Weapons, Jewish Space Lasers may, in fact, exist. But that they have the power to generate the required energy to create/control the weather is a reach. If they do have that power, they can just kill us all, at will.

Cloud seeding is a real thing. I have no personal knowledge of how effective it is. It is in my "I don't know" bucket for now.

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Apparently they made rain in Dubai with cloud seeding. But what they got was a cataclysmic flooding. So again, i seems to me they can mess with stuff but they can't control it. And you're right: it seems there's a lot of psyops involved - they're stuffing the information space with all kinds of nonsense, perhaps as misdirection or perhaps to convince us of their omnipotence.

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Yep. There is a great 10+ year old video of ObaMao talking about fill the information space with nonsense. I am pretty sure many of the people reading your substack have seen it.

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Oct 9Liked by Alex Krainer

If they can kill us at will why redirect a hurricane. Not a very effective method. Heck they need roads and power to “ take over the land” for lithium mining right ? Why knock that out when they can just kill people?

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Oct 9Liked by Alex Krainer

They might not be able to "control" the weather, but they are trying.


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Well that is ecactly what I tried to say. The difference between messing with nature and cintrolling it and being able to achieve the desired outcomes.

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Oct 9Liked by Alex Krainer

They (aka "they") don't control or build. They destroy and poison.

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While I enjoyed your article, I found your conclusions extremely weak. Paraphrasing your argument modeling is so inaccurate, controlling hurricanes is not likely. Accuracy and impact are very different. Hand grenades are very inaccurate but they are very impactful weapons, like the weaponization of geoenginnering.

Certainly chaos theory is critical to understanding the modeling limitations, which you apply noted. ( See The Blunt Truth about Global Warming Models - American Thinker, Vic Hughes

https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/08/the_blunt_truth_about_global_warming_models.html )

So we are very much on the same page on modeling and, as ex-natural gas trader, we also understand the trading mentality. I think that’s where you go wrong. Traders know that at the end of every deal there is a score and they either win or lose. That doesn’t hold with geoengineering. The guys doing it get paid whether it works or not, with failure, as you apply noted the likely outcome, potentially rewarded with more grant money. The incentive systems is very different and defining winning is equally much different.

While you are absolutely right about the accuracy limitations of atmospheric models, that doesn’t necessarily mean there isn’t the potential for trying to geoengineering hurricanes. Remember always that geoengineering is a weapon, and weapons don’t need to be perfectly accurate to have an impact. Artillery shells, machine guns, and carpet bombing can be inaccurate, that doesn’t mean they are not effective. Even inaccurate attempts to modify hurricanes doesn’t mean Governments won’t try.

I think you also underestimate the fortitude of the Deep State to control people. If one technique doesn’t work, they will keep trying. Over very long periods, unlike trades that have a definitive date. Again accuracy is not critical, mass is. Particularly if their objective is to create chaos and fear.

“To suppose that anyone would actually be capable of controlling such systems and achieving desired outcomes is to credit them with omniscience and omnipotence that’s beyond the human grasp. It takes a particular mental disposition to venture and play God with our societies, economies, viruses, earthquakes or weather modification technologies.” Viruses? Like Covid? 10+ million illegals, many hardcore criminals?

You were more right than you knew when you said: “Based on what we’ve seen so far, the people who are inclined to do so have much more in common with cruel, sadistic and stupid juveniles than they do with learned, mature and responsible scientists.” You nailed it perfectly. There is a reason the definitive biography of Rajendra Pachauvi, past head of the IPCC, accused sexual harasser, and porn book author is named “The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World's Top Climate Expert by Donna Laframboise (Author)" Couldn’t agree with you more about these scumbags. That makes them much more dangerous.

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Great feednack, thank you. I'm not arguing that they are not trying to mess with the climate - in fact I've explicitly stated that they are - it's clear from Brennan's statement.. But I'm very skeptical about the claims that they can control the outcomes.

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Thanks for getting back to me. Paraphrasing a great physicist who said something “he had two questions when he met God. Why quantum mechanics? Why turbidity? He may be able to answer the first one. No one can answer the second.” I am sure I butchered that a bit but the point is we truly don’t understand turbidic flow (and a lot of things), but we still can make your toilet work. Or figure out by trial and error what impacts hurricanes. Since even great batters hit .300, the geo guys don’t need to be right very often to hit the ball out of the park. Take care, Vic

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