A fine presentation Alex, of a clear graphic case of more vaccine-initiated chronic disease without recovery over time, especially for the elderly, a culling of the "useless eaters", a category which I entered last year, myself.

Whether this is "good" or "bad" depends upon who you are, of course, but it is only "good" for a few, and they prefer to remain invisible to the rest of us.

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Yes, the increase in gradient of that curve for over-70s is very telling. That should be saving a fortune in pension liabilities while keeping the evil in business.

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I missed the shot. I get sun and grow vegetables.

I'll live-long-and-prosper despite their cunning machinations.

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And we should all do precisely that!

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I do the same! So far, so good. 62 yrs, 6 mos. and each and every subsequent day is a blessing.

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I remember the day JFK was assassinated clearly.

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You could also take it a step further and show how ALL of the 'germs' and 'viruses' these criminal companies are allegedly protecting us from in the first place have never been shown to exist! The scam is much, much bigger than the average person suspects.

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I would question the hypothesis that, with health care such a large proportion of GDP, it would be damaging to the economy if we all became healthier. I would argue that the simultaneous poisoning and harvesting of effected persons is the very definition of malinvestment. Putting it another way, if we all became healthier and healthcare was reduced, over time, to (say) 5% of GDP, the improvement in productivity within the economy would more than offset the loss experienced by the medical industry. In fact, it could even be the "productivity miracle" that Luke Gromen tells us we badly need.

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Yep, the true disaster for the economy is the continuing decline in health of the population.

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The absolute psychopathy of US doctors....a video is circulating of a pre-natal nurse fired because she insisted covid deaths be registered to VAERS. She was treated as a clown by her nurse-peers and attacked by the doctors. How is this to be tolerated? The medical profession is riddled with criminals who care nothing for patients. Take your life into your own hands and stay away from doctors who hate you, but love the profits your death brings them. Thank you Alex for waking us up weekly with truth, justice, but lacking the American Way.

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The sordid history of the pharmaceutical vaccine campaign of genocide goes back to the Burroughs Wellcome company.

Scroll down through the following article:


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It's been a century in the making

Smallpox inoculations killed and injured many

So did polio shots. Instead of calling the side effect polio, they called it other things even though it was paralysis etc just like polio. They ignored the real cause , DDT etc in favor of blaming the virus. Perfect way to hide the damage of DDT! Can't sue a "natural virus"!


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I have that polio virus as another cull. I haven't read Dr Mary's Monkey but that's approximately contemporary and I'm quite certain they knew how to induce cancer. Nixon, with other-wordly prescience, then picks this up with his "War on Cancer". How could he know that cancer was about to explode? Because it was planned that way.

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exactly. it is all about the money. back to nature's medicine box, safe herbal and even safer hemeopathic remedies that really help and heal, not 'treat'. I remember reading how a doctor came from Europe to the States and was advized not to heal patients, because then they were no longer patients, but to treat them with forever treatments. Milking cows.

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Thanks for sharing this, Alex. It really puts into sharp focus the Janus double-faced 'Medical' system and its true genocidal purpose. The global population hasn't been Guinea Pigs for experimental pharmaceuticals, we have been actively targeted for removal. For whatever reason, their depopulation plan has accelerated and has thus inadvertently awakened a lot more people to their Evil plans. How utterly terrifying that all of the institutions that we trusted and thought were acting in our best interest have in actuality been making our world unliveable for we the 'Useless Eaters'.

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Yes, agreed.

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Are you sure it's unintentional?

Couldn't the plan actually be to kill gullible people who listen to propaganda.

If we assume that the powerful have already assumed control over most nation states, then the only reason to have them fight is to kill people and destroy infrastructure.

The character of a nation can be eliminated by displacing its people across the world and destroying all the buildings and records.

The only people who will be willing to fight in the war are those who believe nationalist propaganda, the rest will just leave. Notice that the refugees from Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan and other countries were all given shelter.

In a globalist world, nobody will have any loyalty to a nation, and that's exactly what you cultivate by killing nationalists.

Equally all the religious violence being stirred up throughout the world is driving those with religious fervor into battlefields where they will be annihilated by artillery.

The people who follow medical propaganda will die from vaccines and pharmaceuticals.

The people who listen to climate alarmism will be paralysed by fear of imaginary problems.

The result can only be a world where the survivors are non-religious, international and skeptical of everything.

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Of course it was all intentional - you can't keep making things worse for 30 years unless it's intentional.

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Rod Serling: Submitted for your approval … & offered for your consideration:

“Hope is not a strategy” I’ve heard said. But I’ve not seen that not actively manifested much.

The Man from Hope … & Change, too … isn’t a strategy? What about the woman of/from/bringing “Joy”?

Is it a lure, then?

(Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don’t. Almond Joy’s got nuts. Mounds don’t.)

Isn’t luring a strategy?

And lurid, too?

“Not” in a largely color-blind world where all too many are from MO (mo, mo … of the same) - the “Show Me” state.

JFK: “The legitimate discontent of yearning people is exploited. The legitimate trappings of self-determination are employed. But once in power, all talk of discontent is repressed. All self-determination disappears. And the promise of a revolution of hope is betrayed.”

Pandora’s Box is a stress positioning torture technique. And the foundation of that position is hope. Hope that is ever more easily elicited for ever less acceptable return … because “the hopeful” can be counted on to “make it up on volume.”

The part of the Network rant that goes “Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won’t say anything. Just leave us alone.” Is hope.

“Nationalism” is hope is strategy is bang … you’re dead (Jan Michael Vincent’s character reading Charles Bronson’s character’s note from the grave, in The Mechanic) …

… Because there is no you in nationalism.

Nationalism is one of the synonymous graveyards where individualism ~ the primacy, the smallest minority evah ~ goes to die.

(“Mounds don’t” because dead nuts in burial mounds ain’t nuts no mo ….)

To kill & be killed. Its a murder-suicide (I’m)pact(ed) “wisdom” tooth fairy paying pillows to sleep - & stay asleep.

As in “You cannot wake a person who pretends to be asleep.”

And persons who emphasize peoples are such method actor sleepers.

“Nations” are figments … in the divide/conquer firmament-infirmary … where Doc Frankenstein & Nurse Ratched “just” - but more than that - “follow orders.”

So, goofball as it would be, loyalty to a Fig Newton (even the packaged-poison ones for sale in supermarkets) would still at least have some cookie to crumble …

… Instead of being the cookie that volunteers to be crumbled.

Ben Franklin? “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”

Sounds good. To a fortune cookie reader, maybe.

But the nutritious fact is that whether its a scaffold for one, or a scaffold for 345,743,247 … everybody dies alone.

“Except” in mo-o-mo-o-mo-o cowbell fever “dreams.”


And this Joe Tex plays the car-toon watchers well:


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Ultimately the truth can only be the elixir of healing for economy and the human race in general.

Bring it on! We each have to arrive at our own truth - what works for each one of us on this human journey. But the time for institutionally imposed "truth" has come to an end and we will all be better off for that monumental change.

I suspect that the increasing number of vaccines that people are being subjected to is almost certainly a factor in this all as well. The more, the deadlier. The number of vaccines that are recommended is astonishing and reckless. And they only intend to increase them. Madness.

Thanks again Alex! The truth is out there and being recognized more and more as we all wake up to our own personal power and responsibility to ourselves and not to the people who seek to rule over us.

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An even stronger case could be made against the food industry. Sugar (especially high fructose corn syrup) is hidden everywhere and driving cancers and diabetes. Similarly, seed oils (especially rape seed) and modern refined grains etc. All potentially even more damaging than vaccines, and, worse, we consume them every day, and feed them to our children, all without question.

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"Of course, they would never do such things, unscrupulously jeopardizing their clients' health just for the profit of it. "

Uh-huh. At this point in my life I probably have more distrust than you can imagine...

But there's a catch. As they release not only dangerous vaccines but dangerous diseases as well, we will be stuck, at every juncture, figuring out which disease is worse than which vaccine/cure. I see no way any pat rule will solve this.

And they know it. Which is why they undoubtedly look forward to brainwashing, disabling, and/or killing vast numbers of rebels ("the far-right") with some lab-created, *actually* super-toxic disease(s) ... and blaming the vax refusers. Brave New World, indeed.

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Ii can't help my sarcasm overflowing and spilling all over the page. 🙂

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Granted. It was low-hanging fruit. :)

But you avoided the question. So... how about my concern here? About killer cures *combined with* killer diseases?

I brought this up with Off-Guardian, and they went ballistic denying the possibility of killer diseases ("they would have done it already" ... say what?), leaving me recalling "thou dost protest too much, methinks". Is OG a limited hangout? A honeypot of some kind?

Separate the pro-cure and anti-cure into manipulatable "sports-team" camps, the way our pied-piper "leaders" do for everything else? Then, COVID disease as actually non-deadly, but claimed deadly, does the needed pan-population divide-and-conquer psy-op trick.

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OG's wrong on this one, but they've been very good on other things, so not sure what to think..

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There are lots of nasty lab-created poisons in the form of vaccines and pharmaceuticals but no lab created diseases. These are invented from the various symptoms caused by the vaccines and pharmaceuticals, the symptoms being suspiciously similar.

By calling a selection of symptoms different things, the medical industrial complex can persuade the gullible masses to take the poison shots and drugs.

Should too many people get suspicious they do a rebranding exercise, a renaming with some fancy title to throw people off the scent. This is standard industrialist procedure in other areas.

This is the power of advertising and why so much money is spent on it, people prefer soft lies to the hard truth.

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Fascinating. Thanks Alex. The only real question is: Is this businesses just being businesses, doing the best for their shareholders in pushing sales as far as regulatory constraints allow?, OR Is there a truly dark agenda to limit the human population through such a program?

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Thank you. My money would be on the dark agenda.

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The human population is headed back to under 1 billion by end of this century anyway due to high energy density fossil fuel depletion. Any extra vaccine injury / death is relatively incidental to any purported 'dark agenda' plan behind 'secretly' poisoning us via vaccines to maintain profits from overall care of resultant sick people.

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That seems very likely unless enough people move back to the land and learn regenerative farming/organic gardening. Read 'Farmers of 40 Centuries' and similar books. Or learn about the many regenerative farmers who are producing nutrient-dense foods without agrochemicals. Examples: Joel Salatin or Gabe Brown/USA, Ben Davies/UK, Richard Perkins/Sweden.

Even then, material living standards will decline because of resource depletion. The late 20th. century, not the 21st, was 'peak prosperity'.

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The answer is yes. The movement started as Eugenics.

See for info Margaret Sanger, and the history of Planned Parenthood.

Also the "T-4" euthanasia program in Germany 1939 that dispatched

handicapped & disabled children.

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I'm done with vaccines.

Never again!

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Even more evidence for the globalists' Eugenics Agenda. Reinforced by the US and UK governments continuing attempts at cover-up.

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I would add a lot more governments than that!

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Or this title:

"A 225 year psyop........gone, gone, gone."

Vaccines were always designed to harm - they just got better at it over time.

One thing I have been thinking about is how various "Triggers" are installed in us from a very young age. 100 plus years ago you got if from church. With the advent of public schools, they had you all day to scare the bejesus out of you.

They have been terrifying us of disease for many centuries, and using those events for power and control - aka Plague of Justinean and especially the Mongols/Black Death. Bubonic Plague, Smallpox, Polio, HIV etc.

But what else? In the 70's and early 80's it was global cooling and overpopulation. I was a teenager in the 70's, it never "stuck" with my generation. But it did a decade later with global warming with Millenials/Gen Z.

I am the last year of the Boomers. If we were so smart to not fall for the climate scam, were we immune to fear triggers installed at a very young age? Watching current events, that is a resounding "No".

So what "Invisible Unicorns" that will kill us all were Boomers taught to fear? Maybe Gen X as well, as I was on the cusp of the two.

I hate to say it, but the fear of nuclear weapons is the exact same business model as the others. We can never see them, but they are always there ready to kill us. We have to trust out leaders to protect us from them.

I have no technical knowledge one way or another if this is true (even though I was "qualified" to deliver them by aircraft). I never saw a real one. I will not try to convince anyone one way or another, and that includes myself. I just don't know.

But is sure has a very familiar smell.

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Agreed. In the 70's we had the "fuel crisis" - people pushing their cars in endless lines at the gas stations. I was afraid that all I would ever drive is an electric golf cart if I was lucky. The lies have been endless - many intentional and some simply just the madness of the crowds. We are learning - slowly.

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Interesting diagrams! Another explanation could be that we get less resilient and prone to sickness because of bad food, environmental factors.

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