Alex's analysis always goes deeper, while zooming out to see the bigger picture. While everyone thinks this is a step toward WW III, he sees it as a step back. Inshallah, indeed.

Alas, the true issue is the rotten-to-the-core, borderline insane, and utterly incompetent crop of idiot "leaders" in the West, under the ruthless boot of the U.S. military-industrial complex—a hydra that can't live without war. Another reason to despair: WW III would end us all, but these "small wars" will continue inflicting pain, death, and destruction for decades to come.

The collective moral and spiritual decline of our part of civilization is the underlying horror that powers all of this, WW III or no WW III.

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I think the superpowers of Russia, China, USA, and Iran could settle this with an agreement: Nuke Israel First in the event of any war.

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Most of the population of Israel supports genocide and by all accounts is irredeemable. Only total defeat resulting in capitulation is a realistic option as the forces behind this will use any break to resupply and gather strength for the next round. See the similarities with what's transpired in Ukraine?

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Similarities? I see a Jewish President in Ukraine leading Whites to their certain death in attempts to stop BRICS and keep the Rothschild Banking Slavery system running. I see a Jewish President in Rotschild’s fiefdom /Israel calling USA Whites to the slaughter to stop BRICS and keep the Rothschild Banking Slavery system running.

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Variously described as the Venetian system in its guise over the last five hundred years. Michael Hudson and David Graeber have written extensively on the pernicious system of debt slavery.

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I think BRICS is very much a part of the Rothschild banking system. How else do you get a Goldman Sachs paper coining the term BRICS as a collection of high growth countries and then, magically, 20 odd years later, have those very same countries gang together in a strategic alliance and create their own settlement system? Like everythying else, it's way beyond coincidence.

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It is a possibility that BRICS has Jewish Banking Mafia influence, BUT China and many other countries have nationalist immune systems. Zionism means jack shit to Asians. Asians do not have Stockholm Syndrome for Jews. Even a Jewish empire ends.

As Israel falls and the NY/London Jewish Banking system fails, the Western world will need to ACT. One cannot fight for their freedom without bloodshed.

You will notice that I have advanced the Overton Window to Pogromming the Jews. It is necessary to strike as Jews are vulnerable.

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And to think we all fund it through taxes and other means we buy into.

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What does such a world war look like(assuming nukes) aren't involved?

The "west empire" is depleted in virtually every regard, while Russia is in full production & China has manufacturing capacity that exceeds that of the "west empire" by orders of magnitude.

Such a "world war" will not last long & will be the end of the "west empire".

Why do we plebes of the west imagine or think this is a bad thing?

We the plebes have long stopped enjoying or receiving any benefit to being a "westerner".

Israel disappearing, the Rothschild led west empire bankers cabal & the USD/American/western financial "system" destroyed- would/will be good for the globe & eventually for we the plebes.

Hard times are coming to we the plebes of the west, courtesy of the west empire cabal. The longer this is delayed, the harder/harsher the times we will have to endure.

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I think that a major population shift of Israeli citizens (10-30% chance) (perhaps 500,000 to 1 million?) into the USA is at least a possibility, and could change the political balance in both Israel and a few U.S. states (NY, Florida, CA?) But regardless, Israel will survive, and remain strong and militarized for many years to come.

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A significant number of the population will return to Russia; I hoping that the government there will filter these people for crimes against humanity/war crimes. Of course most will flee to a range of English speaking countries where there will be uncritical open armed acceptance, just as these same countries harboured NAZIS after WWII.

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Well, I think you are being generous here, Alex. The only people who can reign this in, IMO, are the Pentagon. They are the only ones who knows how dangerous this. Israel will escalate, no doubt about that. They would gladly sacrifice whatever it takes to start a US / Iran war. They simply do not care as they are absolutely fanatical psychopaths. The Western politicians will go all in, safe in their bunkers.

But the Pentagon....yeah they know the deal. They know the deal with Russia, they know the deal with China, and they know the deal with Iran. The US Navy ran away from the Houthis remember!

I have no idea what is about to happen. It really could go either way. But, that said I agree that Iran has made a statement: We can level your entire country and there is nothing you can do about it.

My biggest worry, actually, is that Israel gets so crazed that they get the nukes out. They will have no other choice IMO

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Same worry here. They are as likely, if not more, to fire up the nukes as back slowly away.

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It's the same with the US. They will escalate to nuclear quickly in a real war as that would be the only option.

I mean, what else are nuclear weapons for?

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One other thing Nuclear weapons do. They can hide a multitude of sins. They introduce Earth to a long winter it may have never known

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Even if/when Israel ‘gets its nukes out’, Irans dead man’s switch includes destroying the oil production in the region, including Azerbaijan. So if it’s avoiding a western economic meltdown the west tells itself it’ll avoid, the opposite will happen only worse it’ll last decades longer than the 73’ one. Our leaders really are deranged, all of them.

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They don't have the codes for the nukes. Pentagon aren't that crazy.

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Of course, but if there was a hot war, the US would start to lose assets very quickly, and I believe they would have no other choice but to go nuclear.

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There's no doubt whatever that Netanyahu will just keep doubling down and re-raising the stakes until the US is forced to step in. (just one scenario of many - Israel airports taken out, US gives Israel all new planes and they fly from US bases, those then get hit....). US Gov, both parties at the moment, have been totally stripped of ability to consider their own interests. That includes the Secretary of Defense and probably enough top Generals that the SecDef can credibly threaten to fire those Generals who do disagree. So I doubt it about the nukes, personally, but only because I think Israeli gambit to drawing the US (which won't end well for anyone, including the US) will succeed sooner or later

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Yes, the “nukes.” I guess the point of war is eventually everyone has to stop bluffing and show their hand.

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Had heard that Israel was given enough notice to scramble their F35. At first I was a bit dismayed by the news (Simplicius latest article) wondering why yet again they allowed them warning. Maybe it’s all part of the cat and mouse strategy though.

Hope you are correct Alex and this sobers some people up. Until yesterday I was becoming convinced the Israelis apparently could do just about anything they wanted to. Not particularly fond of bullies and Israel’s actions of late have been nothing short of outrageous. So good on Iran for punching them in the nose.

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With such a substantial count (200!), it's kind of hard to miss the launchers getting ready via satellite, and certainly not once they go up. The key demonstration tho was that this is what a barrage of ballistic missiles looks like.

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As Marie Antoinette did not historically say - "Let them eat missiles!".

What happened to her?

The French peasants - Public - sacrificed at least 50,000 of their number (Low estimate) to remove their insane ruling classes and heads. And the Froggie Aristos back then were not backed by a genocidal and lunatic hyperpower quite willing to use WMDs to maintain their global hegemony.

As we have all seen, Orwell's time with the British Empire's ruling classes gave him a clear view of where that insanity would lead, and we are ALMOST in that World - with the notable exception that Russia and China now want a peaceful, shared Eurasia.

Western "leaders" are desperate to create 1984. Lots of us will simply have to die to prevent that.

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"Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad, sometimes given in Latin as Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat (literally: Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first deprives of reason) or Quem Iuppiter vult perdere, dementat prius (literally: Those whom Jupiter wishes to destroy, he first deprives of reason)..."

"..An early version of the phrase Whom the gods would destroy... appears in verses 620–623 of Sophocles' play Antigone: τὸ κακὸν δοκεῖν ποτ᾽ ἐσθλὸν τῷδ᾽ ἔμμεν' ὅτῳ φρένας θεὸς ἄγει πρὸς ἄταν; translated "Evil appears as good in the minds of those whom god leads to destruction."

Plato's Republic (380a) quotes a fragment attributed to Aeschylus (but otherwise unattested): θεὸς μὲν αἰτίαν φύει βροτοῖς, / ὅταν κακῶσαι δῶμα παμπήδην θέλῃ; translated "A god implants the guilty cause in men / When he would utterly destroy a house."

Yes. History repeats itself. And, it rhymmes alot too i.e. nut-and-yahoo ;)

sources: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/articles/Whom_the_gods_would_destroy


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The first given translation is not literal at all, do you actually read Latin or is this just pasted from your 'sources'? I don't mean that as an accusatory, rhetorical question, but I get tired of seeing the languages of ancient peoples so often misquoted or misunderstood (even and especially by academics, who see them as secret codes rather than languages of great peoples). Mistakes abound and the popular translations given are almost always wrong.

For one, the masculine pronoun is obliterated in this translation; it is not 'those' as a neuter, but 'he' in a plural that is referred to, although I cannot think of a literal English equivalent as 'they' and 'those' are unfortunately exclusively a neuter. Two, "Deus" in Classical Latin refers to any god, not to the Abrahamic God with a capital G; it is cognate to Zeus (hence the mention of Iupiter in the other quote) and they are even pronounced the same in some dialects.

I would render a literal translation as something more like, "He whom a god wills to waste, first mads." Or, "He whom a god wills to loss, [he] first drives mad." Ditto with the version that invokes Iupiter rather than Deus/Zeus. "Destroy" is not a proper translation when that has far more direct cognates in Latin, being a Latinate word.

Unfortunately I cannot quickly find an example of the third person present 'mads' in usage past the 17th-century, as English has been in linguistic decline for a long time and ever simplifying in proportion to the ever greater number of speakers (as the models predict languages to do; all modern languages lack the grammatical sophistication of ancient languages). Usually it is quite impossible to literally translate Classical Latin and Ancient Greek without using older forms of English grammar, and as such I rarely bother with translations from after the 19th-century.

Those Greek translations have problems too as to be expected in English, but at least aren't said to be literal, so I won't bore anyone with the details.

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Love this! Sadly I've forgotten all the Latin and Greek I ever knew; reduced to a level that now could just about be called General Knowledge. It's actually an incredible feat of forgetting. Had I managed something similar in sciences I would barely know what an atom is.

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The brain fog is strong in the West, just today there was more "China, China is our enemy". I hope you are right Alex, but the masters have created a hive mind of morons so massive that it has an inertia that they can't easily redirect, as they intended but now find trapped by.

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Under the post-industrial logic of the Trilateral Commission agents that took over the reigns of government in the 1970s, a full spectrum program was unleashed that shattered the spirit of progress that once animated a vibrant western culture. The creative momentum towards new breakthroughs in nuclear fission and fusion power, space tech and assisting former colonial people in their aspirations for industrial progress was systematically sabotaged as a new logic of scarcity management, population reduction and global governance was made the top priority for all US foreign and domestic policy.










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No idea what you are talking about. The rambling about Satan is gibberish, but AFAIK China is one of the foremost leaders of WEF objectives like digital currency. China and Russia are economically rebellious for not being subservient to the same systems, but that doesn't mean their politics is any less in favour of globalist status quo and ideas.

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"If the Israelis bombed the Vatican tomorrow and killed the pope, that wouldn't be the end of Catholic Church."

I'd guess that a lot of Catholics wouldn't even care if the Vatican was bombed and Pope Francis killed. Some might even celebrate it.

Have we reached peak follow the leader?

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Nice parting catch phrase! I think you are right. Historically the Catholic church has suffered under many really bad Popes, but for the modern world Francis is the absolute worst. He is not leading his flock, he is following orders, not from God, but rather from those who see themselves as gods, the masters of globalism. Like the West in general confusion abounds in the "Church" and that is attributable to Francis and his band of Jesuit nut cases.

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Yes most of us have. Pluto has only another month and a bit in Capricorn (old ways, institutions, hierarchy etc.) and wont be back to that sign for 250 years. Next up Aquarius-- cooperation, collaboration and technological advances-- very different vibe. Its coming...

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Sounds delightful, I do hope some of the superstition/fringe science causes people to calm down a bit.

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“Peak Follow the Leader” I may have to use this!

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Thx for the posting.

Per another website closely monitoring the situation, quite a perspective of personalities the ME has to deal with: (tribal psychopaths??)


"Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has been martyred. His murderers imagine that killing such a great man will magically solve their problems.

The Zionists, being tribal psychopaths, think in purely strategic terms. A psychopath sees no difference between taking an axe to a locked door that’s in his way, and taking that same axe to a human being who’s in his way. He is endlessly surprised that normal people don’t share his view.

Mossad chief Meir Dagan explained his love of assassinations to Ronan Bergman:

“Assassinations have an effect on morale, as well as a practical effect. I don’t think there were many who could have replaced Napoleon, or a president like Roosevelt or a prime minister like Churchill…It’s true that anyone can be replaced, but there’s a difference between a replacement with guts and some lifeless character.”*

High-IQ tribal psychopaths like Dagan are competent chess players. Their strategy involves trying to remove the opponent’s high-value pieces from the board while preserving their own. That might work in chess. But in life, it’s shortsighted."

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Thank you!

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What about the risks that Israel uses Nuclear Weapons?

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Yes, that's a risk. However, I don't think it would be a winning move for them. Only new Hiroshimas on the way to perdition. Iran, Syria, Lebanon will stay where they are.

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I'm 100%-convinced that Russia is tracking the 6-izzreali *Dolphin Submarines(German-made super-silent)* with a-bomb tipped warheads. Remember Alex I pointed out that 'modern a-bombs', especially H-Bombs(hydrogen bombs) are 99.9%-radiation free. The tech has been 'officially acknowledged since the 1970's. Most people think of the *Neutron Bomb*. Same thing. My only Question is, what tech is now available 2024? ADDENDUM: they are *cruise missles* meaning can achieve extremely low-altitudes, flying literally a few meters above the surface.

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About as high as them using disintegrating rays or magic rings.

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The zioscum filth may as well use nukes. It's over for them either way.

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We already had world war 3.

It was COVID.

Despite it being a Western big pharma and UN backed scam, Russia, China, Iran etc all went along with it. I understand falling for it at the first year, but still to this day they act like COVID is a super dangerous thing (when the facts show it's the flu).

It's just like out of 1984, there's a divide between areas - Oceania, Eurasia, and EastAsia. This divide is there to give power to each area to abuse and steal from their populations.

The oligarchy is global.

"As traumatic transformations go, the covid operation is up there with industrialisation and de-industrialisation, and for time compression it is out on its own."

"And as for the rabbit hole trope – well, I don't think we’re going down the rabbit hole at all. We’re climbing out of it into the light."

From https://realleft.substack.com/p/no-conspiracies-please-were-reality

Remember that because of the industrial revolution, we got labor and safety laws. After covid, we are going to get medical freedom laws. They can't hide the catastrophe they caused!

I call this the sequel to 1984. The party lost the trust of the masses. Look how they're trying to make us scared of war with China and Russia.... Meanwhile the oil and money still flows.

What a joke.

To use the Alice in Wonderland analogy, we were hallucinating in wonderland and now waking to real land which is much less insane.

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Yes, your assesment mirrors my own, everything points to world leaders all working for same elite globalists. Either puppets, minions or the occasional actual globalist. I believe that almost all leaders have been compromised directly or by participation in deliberately compromised systems (academia, media, public health, entertainment).

Given the above there is no particular reason to attribute more malice to one or the other team. They have rules or plans and are merely executing them either for a common goal or in opposition to other players.

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Alex, I love your commentary. Unfortunately, there is no good news forthcoming. The West is run by a Hegemonic Death Cult that relies exclusively on terrorism, assignation and genocide to restore and spread its world domination. There are no saner heads to prevail. They will be neutralized if they try.

I can’t empathize enough how dangerous this moment is and this is just the beginning.

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The only winning play is to pogrom the Jews. There is a reason we have a word in Western Civilization for taking our country back from Jews. It is an old word and your ancestors are heroes for punishing the Jews and fighting off their debt slavery. Pogromming Jews is as natural as warfare.

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Daniel 8:25

“And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; BUT HE SHALL BE BROKEN WITHOUT HAND.”

We humans (almost all of us) are very near sighted and myopic. While we may not, the Earth will abide. There are many prophesies from around the world that point to an end time. To me they are all rails on a rail road to hell. These in various forms guide collective humanity.

We don't have to get locked up in this madness. The simple people of the Earth that care for the Earth show the way. They are very few now. But never to late to care for the Earth. Start in you neighborhood, in you back yard. Peace of mind and heart comes from caring for the Earth and each other.

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Black pills have one trajectory

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If supersonic missiles (>780mph) can't be shot down in 2024, I wonder how the Lunar Excursion Module managed to meet up with Apollo 11 travelling at about 7x the speed of sound in 1969? (5,600 mph lunar orbit insertion speed.)

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Back then we had magical technologies which we sadly lost since then. 😉

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Really? Known trajectory over 10s of thousands of miles with unlimited corrections possible Vs intercept over maybe a 100 miles path.

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No. The hand-controlled LEM flying up in an arc to a height of about 70 miles to meet a tiny capsule passing overhead at a speed of 5800 mph, or 1.5 miles a second!

Nor were there unlimited corrections available on the journey to the moon.

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Dude, how do you imagine that people and cargo is delivered to the ISS (travelling at 28000 km/h) or is that also a Hollywood hoax?

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Yeah, that’s all a Hollywood hoax - and its fakery is extremely well documented too. There are dozens (even hundreds) of clips on the net of where the fakery has come undone, but to really see what they are doing needs knowledge of the very latest CGI techniques (because they are not unsophisticated in the way they do it). There is a detailed explanation somewhere by a professional in the field who leads you through it step by step, and it’s very enlightening.

In any case, even if one imagines it weren’t a fake, the task is infinitely easier than 238,000 miles away in space. We have positioning systems, radar all over the place, sophisticated comms and, most importantly, an atmosphere that allows the rockets to be stable. Also the power and bandwidth of the control systems are far greater than could ever have been achieved in 1969. Control theory was only cracked in 1965 (I think, certainly not a lot earlier) -by the Russians - and that was why Soyuz beat the US into space in the first place. D’you really think, given all the design lead times, that they had it up and running (and perfected) in time for the Apollo programme? Not a chance!

I’m really at a bit of a loss to understand why you don’t see the incentivising power of trousering $220 billion, especially when they have just done the very same thing with Covid-19 only a couple of years ago. 90 countries emptied between 10% and 15% of their GDP into the hands of Big Pharma and its adjunct businesses to no effect (except for deliberately killing people). Looting National Treasuries is almost their raison d’etre, and they do it as often as they can.

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Let me guess: Earth is also flat.

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What teh hell is sIsrael doing in Lebanon, in Syria’s Golan Heights, In Gaza, or even in the West Bank occupied territories” Except for their heinous genocidal agenda of expansion “from the river to the sea that their sick God claims as they say! Theses psychopaths already started advertising of selling homes in the South of Lebanon, a Palestinian friend told me and send me these ads. They MUST be brought to justice and hanged for starting WWIII which looks like very eminent now because they said they will stop, next will be Jordan, part of Iraq and part of Saudi too. Bring on the Guillotine! and relieve the world to be able to live in peace!

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I think the heinous genocidal agenda will fail, 100%. It is already failing. Whether many will face justice or not, i'm not optimistic - most will probably skate.

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Good as usual, but.... I have a different take.

The fiat ponzi scheme is crumbling fasssst, could be less than a year to go. This can be readily evidenced by:

1. Inflation. What you pay for your weekly shopping NOT governments bs data.

2. Depreciation vs. precious metals: 40% YoY!

The year long Gaza genocide exposed the Israeli army utter incompetence, unable to subdue a 40x9 km flat strip that has been under siege for 19 years!

Losing the "unsinkable aircraft carrier" may cause great emotional distress to the West, but losing the Arabian oil vassals would put an end to the millennial Empire. Hence this war is essentially a war of the Empire to maintain hegemony over the Arabian Peninsula. Israel, is merely an instrument, a weak instrument in this war. This explains:

1. The seemingly incomprehensible alliance between Israel, NATO & Saudi, UAE, Jordan etc.

2. Western governments, media, NGOs etc. turning a blind eye to the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

3. Western governments vetoing all resolutions calling for a cease fire at the UNSC.

Resistance Axis (Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Ansar Allah, Palestinian Resistance) has had military supremacy in Southwest Asia for several years now. Important not to confuse military capability with clandestine operations.


- Being a matter of life or death for the empire, the war will escalate.

- The West will be defeated and the Empire will crumble.

- The settlers in Palestine will have to relocated.

The above are discussed in 2 essays:

Showdown at Sunset - The Empire’s Last War https://fadilama.substack.com/p/showdown-at-sunset

Israel: The Jewish Settler Colony in The Levant, a Prognosis https://fadilama.substack.com/p/israel-the-jewish-settler-colony

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Could it just be--stepping back and look one or two levels up-- that people are not down with the old ways-- the new paradigm is coming-- but you have to break stuff first--financial, geopolitical, medical etc. It's an overall pattern happening in all areas-- the old ways, methods, systems are not working for humanities needs.

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very true!

The breaking is practically complete, in all the domains you mention and one more, the civilizational/cultural domain, hence the forceful imposition of wokeism.

Empire has realized dreams of global hegemony are over. We are heading into the "Two Worlds", the Western Realm and the Sovereigntist/Civilizational world. Objectives of the Empire in this transition period:

1. Grab as many resource rich regions within Western Realm

2. Preparing necessary social infrastructure in the West for a smooth transition to 1984

For more on this:

The Great Dessert: The Geopolitical - Financial Endgame


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Where is the evidence that the Israeli-bought politicians in America and Britain realize that there is need to stop the genocidal, terroristic actions of the Israeli regime as this poses great danger to their own country?

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As Globalists, they have no "their own" country. Only "interests."

All dwelling places are temporary, for their convenience. You could say their home is their plane & their people are their staff.

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If it IS somewhere, I have not found it. It seems to me that the fundamentalist extremist set may have the attitude that if they don’t get their way then they are just going to throw all the toys out of the pram. Unfortunately that means the Sampson Option and the possibility of a worldwide crash which very few will be immune to.

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I too doubt that total collapse is on the cards, it is too hard to control. However I do believe that the THREAT of total collapse is used to drive preppers and nervous people to waste their time in pointless stuff. It also works to increase the stress level in other people who have no opportunity to do any prepping, mortgages or rent are a vary effective slave yoke in the modern world, by design it seems.

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From your mouth to God’s ear, Sasha

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Another angle carefully avoided is the obvious fact that countries who have nuclear weapons are largely protected.

Iran would be smart if it develops nuclear weapons — ASAP.

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