Russia and the US making grand plans? Russia wouold be foolish to reinvest in anything backed by the US. Nordstream immmediately comes to mind. Even if th US would pay for the repair of Nordstream I wouldn't be quick to trust the US. If the Bering Straight is to be considered it would forever be a target to control Russia yet Russia would never treat it in that same respect. The US is no longer a trustworthy partner and hasn't been for decades and Russia trying to turn a blind eye to that would be Putin's biggest mistake ever.

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I understand your concern, but the corollary to a Bering Strait deal between them would be the knees cut out from the Crown/City of London. Hence no devious puppet-master telling Washington to sabotage Russia.

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Yes, if Trump has a functional brain and a semblance if common sense left. He needs to keep his flagrant mouth in check and treat Russia as EQUALS.

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I suspect Trump fears BRICS, which have a lot of Geopolitical COMMON SENSE, as opposed to the Hegemonic United States military, economic and cultural aggressive behavior and ever changing rules.

Check the BRICS DE FACTO Cornerstones:

1. It is NOT a military alliance.

It is purely COMMERCIAL, with absolute respect for other cultures, civilizations, political regimes and ideology.

2. There is NOT nor can be a Hegemonic Nation. All are considered Equal. Convince Trump of THAT.

3. No one Nation is allowed to Sanction any other member.

4. NOT a single national currency can be THE common currency (as the US dollar is today).

5. There is NO interference allowed in the Internal Affairs of any other member.

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Very interesting article. I think a good early move would be to stop using SWIFT as a political weapon. No doubt you are right: the EU desperately wants war as they can use it to default. But they, like the Democratic party, are so enmeshed in obsolete ideas, they just can't pivot. Both are doomed.

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Using SWIFT as a political weapon was a major dumb move.

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The reason that British Empire strategists endorsed the three-pole order is perfidious: it is because a three-way balance of power is inherently unstable. To understand why, ask any serious chess player why three-way chess is not a thing. Many would-be inventors proposed various variants of three-player chess, on various board configurations, but none has been popular. That is because the three-way game is not decided by careful build-up, far-looking tactics, and other subtleties that make normal chess a good game. It is decided solely by alliance, by two players deciding to gang up on the other. And once that player is weakened, the alliance shifts, and someone else becomes the scapegoat. Three-way chess is all about this forming and betrayal of alliances, there is no greater depth to the game.

The same situation would obtain in a tripolar balance of power. While seemingly balanced, it would be an arena for timely alliances and betrayals of two powers against one. The British viewed this as a perfect opportunity to play their competitors against each other, confident in their own greater finesse at betrayal. But the key aspect of such a balance is its perpetual instability, until finally one of the three powers is broken, and things shift to a bipolar balance, which is stable.

The seemingly innocent tripolar proposal is either a naive blunder or, far more likely, deliberate subversion.

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Agree. And yet, we compare one’s words with actions over a longer period to detect one's intentions and prevent individuals high in psychopathy from reaching power positions which would threaten the group preservation.

"...it is well to seem merciful, faithful, humane, sincere, religious, and also to be so; but you must have the mind so disposed that when it is needful to be otherwise you may be able to change to the opposite qualities...to act against faith, against charity, against humanity, and against religion…to do evil if constrained.”(Machiavelli)

That is the empire's rule. But what is the point in deceiving, if no one believes you? We already have international laws that all states should respect.

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Why would Russia trust the USA? Even if they were to be amenable to Trump’s “good intentions” towards them, and look past his bluster on forcing a Ukraine ‘deal’, Trump will be gone in 2029, and then what?

Trust takes almost a lifetime to build and is easily destroyed. There is no advantage for Russia to build gas pipes over the Baring Strait to Alaska. Canada has its own supply and pipelines to the USA and look at all the problems and delays the XL pipeline faced. A Russian pipeline would simply be a resource wasting exercise to stretch Russian resources on a pipeline to nothing.

Trump may be doing well so far, in his domestic regeneration attempts and he has had success in cowing Denmark, Colombia, Canada and Mexico. It won’t be so with the big boys where sanctions are ineffectual and further debilitating to the USA’s credibility and standing. The same can be said particularly to his wayyy-misjudged Gaza pronouncements.

The good, the bad and the very-ugly-bad.

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The US hardly needs Russian gas. It's already burning off rather than using millions of m3.

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The Russian people and American people are inherently sympathetic, and could make a good alliance.

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The people may be sympathetic, Russians especially, but that has nothing to do with politics, which is decided by unsympathetic scoundrels, American especially.

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A handful of families running Wall St and the City of London, most of them hate Russia

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The natural order of things is for Russia and Germany to ally and dominate the landmass. Avoiding this is what Britain”s foreign policy and, after the fall of the empire, America’s, has been about. He who controls the landmass controls the world. I believe your post is interesting but not realistic as it would relegate the USofA to 2nd fiddle.

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Even Hitler understood Germany needed Russia for it's grain, minerals and energy reserves. 80 years later, what's changed?

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Overcoming "not agreement capable" entails something called building trust. It's totally up to the US side to make real and significant concessions before putting "not agreement capable" to bed. Probably not in my lifetme.

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A lot of concessions & heads must roll to show he's serious.

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Trust is a major issue. A desire to communicate truth is a necessity for trust to develop. If one believes that the other's intention is to persuade, communication will cease because persuasion assumes self-interest. A cynic would claim that all communication is persuasion only, just as ‘all human beings are selfish and greedy’, but this worldview fosters endemic corruption and normalises evilness. Only brute force remains for the empire as it desires to project power, but Its strength is diminishing.

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cUrsula wonder Liar warms up the hemlock punch for the demoRats

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Very interesting, but how do you reconcile your theory with Trump's plan to "own" Gaza? Also, you mention that Iran and Turkey could have their spheres of influence, but how is it going to happen if the US owns Gaza or with the genocidal state of Israel (which you omit!) in the Middle East causing havoc over there?

Very optimistic, but maybe not realistic.

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Pure speculation here: I was thinking of something earlier today. I've read recently that Israel may have been involved/behind the JFK assassination.

What if Trump learned that in his 1st term. He has promised to release the files. Something like that would blow up a lot of heads in the US.

He needed Zionist/bankster $$ to pay of his legal fees & this campaign.

He couldn't take it on in his 1st term. But could have been playing for time & inside info.

Releasing the files could justify his pulling the rug out from Israel ...

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All well and good if it comes about, but...Trump is a geopolitical novice surrounded by Zionists, liars, and fools left over from the Cold War. They will fuck it up.

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Alex why is Trump using Kellog? Isn't he a villain?

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Common sense is not very common among the elite.

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It would be a fatal mistake for the Russian Oligarchs and for the Russian people.

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Thanks Alex. There is a lot of potential for good, but there is also potential for new formulations of evil.



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