Jul 5, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

I say, Alex old bean, it's Perfidious Albion, if you don't mind! A phrase first coined by dear old artist and poet William Blake - so berated in his own time and called 'a dangerous lunatic' by his enemies. For Blake despised the ruling elite of the UK and all the mischief and harm they caused at home and abroad. (Just as I despise them today.. ) I'm so glad you have justly ridiculed Luke Harding, whose own perfidy towards Julian Assange tells you all you need to know about his integrity and who his real masters are. As you say, the security services are in no doubt about just what protecting 'British interests' actually means. A good quote from Tony Benn (an hereditary peer who gave up his peerage to serve as a Labour MP and represent the working classes). Benn knew exactly how privilege protected 'their own'. And Harding is nothing but a servant of that class.

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It was kind of ominous the way that so many Westerners were willing to believe Russia were shelling Zaporizhzhia last year, whilst they were in occupation. Having got away with that one, hopefully Zelensky doesn't now up the ante.

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

tomAYto, tomato surely.

Luke Harding at ZNPP - couldn't be a much stronger signal (though that might mean the plan is elsewhere).

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I know something is wrong when I hear the British Establishment & their Media coolies say something positive about Jews & Israel!

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I'm sure many of you read Simplicius as well. Combine this piece from Alex and the conclusion I draw is that the West has decided to escalate matters to the next level. Simp thinks that creating an actual disaster out of the ZNPP would be difficult. However the goal is most likely to give excuse to ratchet things up. This makes perfect sense to me.

IMHO the West/NATO/US is far too vested in this now to stop. That wasn't the case at the onset of the SMO but I'm afraid its simply no longer an option at this point. We have reached the point of existential crisis for all sides involved now. If Russia loses their land, culture, very way of life is over. If the US/West has to slink away we are in the last days before the inevitable collapse of the empire. I can see the writing on the wall. Time to brush up on your "duck & cove" skills.


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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

I have a feeling this will be a huge nothing burger.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvwcPOn5Iws Fascinating interview where Aaron Maté takes apart the (MI6) Guardian 'journalist' Luke Harding on his Russiagate claims.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

“The type of reactor used in ZNPP is considered ‘much safer’ than the Chernobyl reactor, owing to the fact that the pressure vessel itself is much smaller in the center of the large containment building, which has a height of 50 meters to the ceiling, a diameter of 45m and a wall thickness of 1.5m.

So, breaching this building and successfully hitting the small “sealed cylinder” of the reactor would be very difficult without massive amounts of successive strikes hitting the same spot. “

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Thanks for the heads up on what the psychopaths are up to!

Interesting that they set their climate clock to 2030. Apparently, according to Ray Kurzweil, that's when we non-psychopath humans will be hybrids:


Kurzweil predicts that humans will become hybrids in the 2030s. That means our brains will be able to connect directly to the cloud, where there will be thousands of computers, and those computers will augment our existing intelligence. He said the brain will connect via nanobots -- tiny robots made from DNA strands.

"Our thinking then will be a hybrid of biological and non-biological thinking," he said.

The bigger and more complex the cloud, the more advanced our thinking. By the time we get to the late 2030s or the early 2040s, Kurzweil believes our thinking will be predominately non-biological.

Gee....I wonder how they are going to get those nanobots into humanity in order to hook us up to the cloud...

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Hello from the UK.

Many thanks for your post. I note with some amusement that Luke Daniel Harding, his full name, is an anagram of 'derailing lunkhead'. I did not know what a lunkhead is, but I guessed and checked.

'a stupid or dull-witted person' according to Merriam Webster online dictionary. Fair enough.

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Alex Krainer

Thank you for the warning!

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But, of course, I agree. To extend your list, my moment of ‘horror’ was when your esteemed Charles III met that khaki-clad Zelenskiy! My point, rather, was that you do not need monarchy to peddle blatant public lies.

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Why pick on the British monarchy? A cursory look at presidents worldwide will show that republics are very corruptible. Is there a democratically elected legislature anywhere that does not enjoy conditions of « work » substantially better than the majority of its constituents?

T Benn was the son of a hereditary peer. True he gave up the title but not the influence and money that accompanied it.

Better by far in the matter of quotes, if I may say so, is Lord Acton’s dictum. The problem is political power itself : it is to tweek Marx, a filthy business

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This may sound solipsistic or grandiose, but I feel it needs to be said. It regards what some have termed spiritual warfare.

I have been digesting some of Iain McGilchrist"s work lately and I find his thesis immensely powerful in its explanatory power across several fields including the sociopolitical. As I was marvelling at how much it connects to, while celebrating the Fourth yesterday, a sense of something like Unity dawned on me. This lasted until I retired to bed several hours later. It is something I have not felt in close to a decade - at least. To describe it, I would say that it was being able to rest in Reality, in a world that makes sense, not only in a broad faith-sense, but through-and-through. Associated with this was a kindling sense of victory, being able to at least glimpse the denouement - the unwinding of the vast delusion. And I feel it is, for me at least, McGilchrist's work that has turned a key, unlocking vast tumblers of connections. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFs9WO2B8uI

This left me wondering two things: 1) if anyone else was experiencing similar breakthroughs yesterday; and 2) if dark forces invested in karmic separation had a giant false-flag act of violence in the works, a last-ditch effort at massive destruction needed to perpetuate their failing system of domination a moment longer. I see from your post - the first thing I've looked at on the web today - that this is exactly the case. MI6, near to the heart of the beast system, no less!

We can hope it is a bluff or otherwise fizzles in execution. Perhaps we can visualize their ultimate fizzling failure, their 2D movie reel shutting down, exposing them fully at last.

I suggest people take up prayer and spiritual practices directly, along with whatever restorative actions in the world we can muster, including including initiating massive Truth-and-Reconciliation work. Simple acts of neighborly kindness matter. Nurture the Good.

Bless you and your work!

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All that needs to be said is what the Christus said: "You are the children of the devil, the father of lies and man murderer" (not literally but semantically 100% exact) and he spoke to the YHWH disciples.

Read Ioannes 8:44 to understand what is going on.

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Slava Cocaina! Zelenskyy must’ve had few lines before tweeting such a nonsense.

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