These fuckin' AngloZionistUkroNazis are going to pay a heavy price.

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Yes, I think they already are.

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You ain't seen nothin' yet, brother.


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Great article, highly informative, thank you very grateful. The guest on The Duran yesterday said that Truss was/is an incompetent lightweight wouldn't ever be trusted w/such secret info; I thought that was interesting, not arguing w/you Alex!

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Thank you, sir! Much appreciated.

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Thanks appreciate you, can't wait to get home & listen to that new 3-way interview you just had w/Tom. Cheers mate!

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Thank you!

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Thank you Alex, the whole bitcoin narrative of beeing private, confident and cannot be tracked or traced should be removed from their sales pitch as well then;)

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BTC can be used privately, it just takes a lot of hoop-jumping. For now.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Alex Krainer

How do u think companies like "NSO" [imho, just a hangout/front company] are enabled?

Look who makes the "modems" for cell phones:


(I encourage you to google Qualcomm +"zero day" "flaw" etc. you will be overwhelmed)

Mind you if the MODEM itself is this bad,....you can only imagine.

Did you know, when you "buy" your phone, the "modem" is under "license"! you don't "own" the networking! networking and interoperability are sensitive things that you do not "purchase". Say you want to start a modem company, designing modems. You need FCC sign-off. It's not a "free market" thing! So everytime you hear about NSO this and NSO that....ask yourself.....why is NSO "ALLOWED" to do this....it's a classic "Murky" thing.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Alex Krainer

Nice article, Alex!

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Thank you!

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Alex Krainer

I will conclude from your well written article that the 9/11 perpetrators are known.

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Probably they are.

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Would a mediocre party-hack like Liz Truss have been so closely in the loop of such a Deep State sabotage operation that she would have been told within sixty seconds that the attack had taken place? Maybe. But I remain skeptical. Your larger points about surveillance and the lack of absolute security are nonetheless well taken.

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entire buildings have fallen to the ground in straight collapse SANS IMPACT, SANS CAUSE.

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deletedNov 2, 2022Liked by Alex Krainer
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Thank you J. R.

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