Put yourself in the Overlord’s shoes.

They are inoculated – a pun intended – from all ills of this world. The poor, the homeless, the sick, they’re not camping in front of their doors. They do not need to take off their shoes in the airport as they fly private jets. They have islands, billions, minions, and sycophants driving the people insane as they push their agenda, destroying the US and the West while brainwashed masses support their insane agenda. They print money, and with that funny money, they’re buying real properties.

The US or Bahamas, a penthouse in London or in Shanghai, it does not matter. The money unlocks all the doors and many a heart. The only fear, that of a global thermonuclear war, they do not have for they think they can control it as much as they think they can use, abuse, and steal from the people as long as it takes.

They are invincible for the Net of Madness they’ve created helps them navigate the murky water of the new Dark Ages they’ve also created. They are taking our freedoms away, be it through COVID grotesque, illegal immigration, rather an invasion of the West, because the vast swats of society are stomping in line, willingly giving the freedoms away.

I wish I were as optimistic as Alex could be, but while I am not, freedom's worth fighting for.


Latest book:

"As America Crumbles...: A Grim Chronicle Exploring the Evil Source of America’s Catastrophic Decline" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CQR71WN3/

Forgive me if it looks like free promotion, but it is — after Amazon forbade advertising for my book because it includes "Content that revolves around highly debated social topics," I have no other options. Rest assured, though, that I never post a vacuous, flippant comment just to have my link seen. If I have nothing to say on the topic of the article herein, I stay put.

I hope Alex, himself a victim of Amazon’s grave abuse, would forgive me.

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Thank you sir - and of course, if you can sell your book on Amazon that's cool, just make sure they actually pay you out!

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When the ‘novel’ virus first hit the scene I read all Letters to the Editor, Opinion pieces, Editorials and anything else covid related in our National newspaper The Globe and Mail every single day for a year. With the virus being ‘novel’ and most measures and mandates being unprecedented I thought that in a country of 30 million people there should be a variety of opinion and analysis. Statistics would tell you that much. But of course there wasn’t an inch strayed from the narrative anywhere, anytime. That observation alone (although there were many others) would tell anyone with an IQ above room temperature that it was all a crock of ……! One can only hope that enough people have awakened in order to ‘head them off at the pass’ when the next crisis arrives.

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Brilliant, Milan! Thank you.

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Thé Globe and Mail, MSM ….. enough said

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"One can only hope that enough people have awakened in order to ‘head them off at the pass’ when the next crisis arrives."

I haven't noticed a single case of anyone anywhere willingly forsaking the 'comforts' and 'conveniences' conferred by the disenfranchising economic and political systems overridden by the banks, nor of anyone renouncing the myriad futile insurances, subscriptions and remittances to superfluous services tendered by the corporations owned by the same owners of the banks, nor of anyone doing whatever is necessary to reduce or eliminate their tax liability to the governments which exist and operate solely in furtherance of the banks and in particular the corporate and old-and-new-money aristocracy owners of the banks. Nor have I known of a single case of someone reducing their standard of living (not even with the goal of improving their quality of life), and boycotting the system by boycotting the products and services and entertainments allocated out by the system, and setting about to make the most subversive of all gestures: abandoning the bankers money and adopting alternative payment systems.

I haven't even heard of a single case of anyone abandoning their smartphone - on second thoughts, I'd sooner expect any of the refuted actions above to happen long before I should ever expect anyone to forsake their precious skrying mirror.

Until I see or hear of anyone carrying out any of these belied actions, or shown evidence of any of this happening, I cannot and will not believe anyone has even remotely "awakened.' And that means that when the next crisis is foisted on us, I would be foolish expect anything other than more of the same behaviour.

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You obviously have not heard of all the folks going off grid, escaping the big cities, buying land in the stix, building cabins, and farming and raising meat animals and growing gardens on their own. Not to mention others doing such crazy things as setting up cooperatives and creating their own meat processing facilities. And, let's not forget the Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites, and other such sects that have rejected modernism to varying degrees for DECADES. And, no, I'm not going to bother posting any links to examples, because you very obviously have NOT REALLY LOOKED. Which means YOU DON'T REALLY BELIEVE ANYONE CAN OR HAS DONE IT. Which really means that YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT CAN BE DONE.

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"And, let's not forget the Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites, and other such sects that have rejected modernism to varying degrees for DECADES."

I'm not sure, I'm almost certainly wrong, but it seems from this that you don't seem to be aware that there is an entire world out there beyond the United States, let alone Pennsylvania, and anyone who is unfortunate enough to live anywhere in this great beyond is almost certainly not going to be able to join the Amish, Mennonites, or Hutterites. Some countries - such as the one I happen to be standing in - have the most brutally authoritarian of governments that simply will not tolerate dissension of any kind from the most rabid of consumerist socio-economic paradigms imaginable that they are presiding over.

What is more, and more importantly, I'd like to invite you to look up the (free for download) book with title, The Great Taking, by David Rodgers Webb. The implications are truly horrifying. Your present enjoyment of the right to unrestricted breathing (metaphorically-speaking) can and legally will be removed once your country/government is declared insolvent. I can't know for certain, but I'm almost certain that your country/government IS already insolvent, and has been for quite some time. The government of this country I'm eking out this miserable existence in certainly is insolvent as well (though they continue spending money they have not earned on White Elephants, and vast military hardware purchases, and in the process they are dotting the country with expensive corporatized medical centers that no-one asked for, nor agreed to, nor especially needs).

I didn't intend it to be, but on second reading, I can see how the tone of my comment may have been interpreted as that of someone who is angry at everyone. I wasn't and I did not mean to sound angry, and I do apologise if it seemed that way. On the same token, don't be angry with me - or, go ahead and be angry with me, if it helps you cope with the harshness of the 'reality' that is manifested before us. I'm a completely inconsequential nonentity, and I long-ago accepted my lot of being the one who anyone and everyone tends to get angry with. That's okay. But I must admit: I don't like that manifested reality, I don't like it one bit, but the point is that there really are not that many who will reject it as thoroughly and as emphatically as we might - you and I, and the Amish, too - but with whom we are still able to connect with and attach ourselves to in order that we, too, might live under their alternative paradigm. For instance, what if one doesn't subscribe to that other's rather extreme religious proclivities? What if one believes in a different ideation of the divine, or none at all? What if one is so completely lacking in charisma that one simply will never draw-in others into their attempt at starting a new community, or movement, let alone a new cultural zeitgeist?

" And, no, I'm not going to bother posting any links to examples, because you very obviously have NOT REALLY LOOKED. Which means YOU DON'T REALLY BELIEVE ANYONE CAN OR HAS DONE IT. Which really means that YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT CAN BE DONE."

Perhaps your assumptions are somewhat or even as wrong as mine have been? It is quite possible, actually. Although I'm almost certainly wrong.

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Indeed Alex, what is happening before our eyes is an attempt to keep us from pausing and digesting what the whole "plandemic" was about. And as you have succinctly shown in this article, following the breadcrumbs leads to the bankers.

My version of things is Bernanke destroyed this country back in 2008. Whatever was left of capitalism was destroyed then, and we've been kicking the can since. MMT is now fully implemented and rules, leading probably to the "Great Taking" at its inevitable conclusion.

This country had a remarkable (I would state divinely inspired) run, until we turned our backs to God. We are reaping the results of that. It's never too late to get back on our knees and put Him back in charge.

Finally, thx for heads up on Tucker and for what you do!

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Cheers Steve, thank you!

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The divine run really took a hit in 1913 and it's been steady downhill ever since.

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Mr Krainer I cannot express enough my gratitude for your writing and your positions. You are 100% correct on this. The banksters and their lackeys in the governments are who we must watch and treat with deep caution. They want us living in fear of viruses, our fellow citizens and other countries.

It’s time we just say NO! I have an idea…every one of our so called representatives who are pushing for war must have their own children, grandchildren or direct family members go to the front lines first, with no exceptions. They should be the ones fighting, not in some cushy military position counting supplies miles from the action.

If every country instituted that policy I have a feeling all wars and conflicts would cease immediately.

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Thank you - I absolutely agree; every warmonger should be sending their kids to the trenches first!

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Alex - Building on your note: Michael Nehls, an accredited world-class German researcher, recently published a book mid Dec 2023 that has gone viral in Germany titled 'The Indoctrinated Brain'.

He explains why: i) the same story surfaced everywhere at the same time, 2) why it kept changing & most importantly 3) why they want to innoculate babies. Agree - the London bankers are beneficiaries

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I listened to Michael Nehls in an interview some weeks ago and then ordered this book, due to arrive later this month. Could be good!

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I remain a little sceptical - as I do with all "alarming" narratives ;)

So I had a listen, the spike protein impairing mental facilities is still theoretical, not proven, but regarding the "indoctrinated brain" theory, he was saying at the end (before he got cut off) that approx. 20% people cannot become indoctrinated whatever they throw at us and we? are the key to the 80%'s recovery.

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Great article Alex. Now the biggest question, how can we dismantle our Federal Reserve Bank? How do we dismantle the banking cartel? I’m thinking some sort of “death by a thousand cuts”, or in this case billions of citizens making the cuts. The problem, as I see it, is getting a large enough group of citizens to see the problem. Move to Russia? China? I once thought that if the U.S. falls as “the last bastion of freedom”, there will be no safe place to go. Now I’m seeing that it fell a long time ago with the creation of our Federal Reserve. If the Federal Reserve were dismantled, would that be the head of the snake? Or will the Federal Reserve system implode from their own hubris? One can hope.

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Thank you FlyingDad! I'm really not sure what the way out is. Dismantling the Fed would certainly be a good first step, but this wouldn't dismantle the banking oligarchy. We'll need a new, different monetary system and it'll have to come from the bottom up along with return to religion, or a new religion altogether. The struggle is cultural, but also spiritual.

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Thanks Alex, I am ignorant of exactly who makes up the banking oligarchy. If you or anyone else here have some insight on where to begin that line of inquiry, it would be greatly appreciated.

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It's banking families; a handful of major ones (Rothschild, Rockefeller) and a number of minor ones, probably again in some sort of internal hierarchy which extends some ways out to include even some servants cum insiders like Robert Rubin, Bernanke, Yellen, Larry Summers, etc... But i think that worrying about who they are is a waste of time - what we need is a new system of money, system of economy, society and faith.

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Thanks Alex. True, outflank the enemy.

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I don't have enough knowledge to say exactly how, but I feel sure that localizing banking, like community owned banking, regional public banking, and sovereign state banks, will be the way to start.

My impression has been that most people are unaware of these possibilities, so a public awareness movement is necessary.

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Yes, you are right on both ciunts (local public banking and spreading awareness).

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"how can we dismantle our Federal Reserve Bank?" .... starve them to death by banking among ourselves, locally.

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" ... localizing banking, like community owned banking, regional public banking, and sovereign state banks, will be the way to start."

These are some possibilities, however your suggestions are framed according to conventional archetypes, i.e. banks. Banks and banking are the very concepts that are at fault here. Any construct that operates according to the same principles (i.e. usury, the charging of interest on monies loaned, which appear on a balance sheet as income/profit/assets) is destined to become corrupted and will sooner rather than later fail the people - at best, or more likely just lead to the same situation we now find ourselves in. Someone receives that income, someone makes that profit, someone owns those assets, and herein lies the problem.

We need to completely rethink banks and banking. Personally, I think there is merit in the decentralised and distributed person-to-person money model as proposed by the original Bitcoin whitepaper (https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf). But unlike Bitcoin as it exists at present, for it to offer a genuinely fair and viable alternative, the architecture must be truly decentralised and distributed, and the possibility must never exist for 'whales' to arise. Bitcoin whales, just like institutional investors and large asset investment and management firms (e.g. BlackRock), move the markets simply by dumping Bitcoin to drive the price down, then buy back Bitcoin on the cheap, increasing their holdings. This distorts pricing and overall is detrimental to the prospects of Bitcoin being a genuine alternative.

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I agree. I started an account with my Community Credit Union so far.

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Excellent article, thank you.

I read through the comments following the article on Zerohedge and saw this from one of the commenters -

'This article is terribly antisemitic.'

- so it looks as though you hit a nerve with this person.

Such a trite response is little more than a cliche anyway, accustomed as we are to the 'anti-semitic' card being played. The person did not see fit to add any explanation of why they thought that way, something that would not have gone unchallenged in the past. Making such a statement without explaining why you thought that way, and being able to substantiate it with hard evidence, would have resulted in some uncomfortable questions from the university lecturers who set me essays. I would have been asked what 'semitic' meant, who or what a Semite was, how such terminology came into general usage, why I was making such statements without being able to back them up and so on. However, my university days are now decades in the past so perhaps students can get away with it now.

Anyone who has this, or any other, label thrown at them should immediately hit back and question the person making it, as my lecturers did.

This comment though seemed to encapsulate what the majority of responses were saying -

'Finally an article that calls out the real enemy: banksters.'

It would seem that most commenters understood exactly what the article was about.

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Thank you Beth; I actually saw that comment and I thought it was in jest - I hope it was, otherwise it's too stupid.

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Great article Alex, I have a couple old friends just starting to "wake up". I will steer them to this.

Several people asked "how do we beat them"? Have we ever beaten them before, en mass? I think we did, at least once. History does not record it that way, but in my opinion humanity has "won" in the past.

At the end of the Roman republic there was a Civil War. Actually it was a series of civil wars over 2 centuries. The 1st was won by Julius Caesar in 49 BC. Starting about 70 AD (ish) there were a few more. Sometimes they are called wars, sometimes "revolts". They culminated in the 2nd destruction of the Temple of Solomon, and the reduction of Romes' Jewish population from 7-8 million down to 1 million (that number should sound familiar) and the apparent expulsion of the Banking Cartel and their Deep State (a subset of the Jews) from Rome. History does record the Jewish diaspora to Europe, N Africa and the middle east, and to the north. The generic term for this group of people, ethnically or tribally, are Sephardic Jews. Within that tribe are at least 2, maybe 3 religious belief systems.

History does not record the path taken by the Banking Cartel. Maybe some were killed or imprisoned, some obviously survived. The history we were taught does include some "breadcrumbs" where we can try to follow their trail.

I have my theories on the path they took through the last 18 centuries, but many believe that they got a toe-hold in banking in what is now Italy about 8 centuries ago. Over the next 8 centuries they infected Venice, Spanish Empire, Portuguese Empire, Dutch, and British Empires. I would call them all the same, just "The Empire". The US was groomed to be the enforcer. The "leg breaker". China was supposed to supplant the US around this time.

So how do we beat them? Last time we beat them, it didn't end up well. We didn't finish the job. They spent 18 centuries starving (famine), poisoning (pandemic),and outright slaughtering (war) us by the 100's of millions, mostly by turning us against each other (divide and conquer). It took them a long time, but their persistence led to the numerous slaughters' of humanity, especially the 19th and 20 centuries.

I am not sure what path we will take to beat them this time, but I am optimistic we will. But this time, we have to "finish the job". They need to be taken off the game board, forever. Their families' wealth seized, their extended families put into exile so they never have a legal claim on what they have stolen from humanity. If we don't do this, they will be back. Again.

As a sidenote I did write a few things about "Jews". They are not a monolithic group. They are at least a couple of ethnicities, and belief systems. One of those belief systems is the same as Christianity and Islam. But every major religion has been subverted by the same ancient religion that subverted some of the Jews. It goes back to ancient Babylon, and maybe before. It has always been with us, but hidden from us common folks for many centuries. It intersects what is now becoming common knowledge of human trafficking, ritual child sacrifice, and pedophelia. I highly recommend looking into what "Jewish" means. It is probably a 3X3 matrix of tribe vs belief systems.

All the evil in the world isn't "the Jews", but they are part of the story. So is the Vatican, Church of England, and probably every other major religion. The Dali Lama is effing evil. The Vatican was subverted 5-10 centuries ago, the Church of England may have been founded on evil. That doesn't mean that every person that follows those religions are Satanic. The vast majority are not.

How do we keep losing to them? By allowing them to divide us. Evil Jews, Putler, Russians, Chinese, radical Islamic terrorists, Orange Man Bad, Hunter Biden...........l

Divided we will fall. Again........

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Thank you John - VERY insightful! Your view almost perfectly aligns with mine, only I think that the Catholic church may have fallen already with St. Augustine. The Vatican may have been the mothership of the dark angels from the start. Also, I'm very careful mentioning the Jews. As you say, not a monolith but it seems to me that every time we lash out against them through history we fall into a trap and fix nothing and those among them that are part of that "synagogue of satan" use the rest of jewry as human shields, then use their persecution as a moral bludgeon with which they further subvert us (and the ordinary Jews) and conceal their hand. I'm optimistic but the path forward is yet to be cleared.

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Yeah, maybe St Augustine, or the Knights' Templar. The Knights turned the church into a bank. Usury was outlawed before that.

Jewish is no more monolithic than Christian or Islamic. I would like to say at least they don't start wars amongst themselves like Christians and Muslims, but as best I can tell they are just as guilty of that as the rest of us.

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It all started in England with the departing Crusaders were joined by crowds of debtors in the massacres of Jews at London and York in 1189 – 1190. In 1275, Edward I of England passed the Statute of the Jewry which made usury illegal and linked it to blasphemy, OSTENSIBLY in order to seize the assets of the violators, but it could just as suitably be interpreted as a ploy for giving the violators the monopoly on issuance of credit, because all of society except for a certain, select fraction of it could engage in the practise without reprisal. This state of affairs was entrenched institutionally in the European centres right through until the Vatican Vix pervenit encyclical which was promulgated by Pope Benedict XIV on November 1, 1745, in which was condemned the practice of charging interest on loans as usury, again formalizing the monopoly on the issuance of credit into the hands of a group of people that still retain that control in our present times.

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As a sidenote, what are "history", "western" history, "recorded" history? Why aren't the bankers ever mentioned? Their minions wrote it, why didn't they mention themselves? Persia, Greece, Rome, Dark Ages, the Renaissance, Enlightenment etc.

They are not mentioned, but the history we were taught is "their" history. What "they" have done. The heroic figures are either them, or their chosen Oligarchs. The evil murderous villains or dictators are their opposition.

The "Glory of Rome" was their glory, as they controlled Rome. The Dark Ages, were their Dark Ages, as they were cast out of Rome into the uncivilized hinterland. The Renaissance, was their Renaissance, as they managed to consolidate power in Europe once again.

Just like Hollywood movies, our history books tell us what they did, to us.

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We saw this in action against the Canadian truckers.

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China followed the WHO Pandemic Preparedness manual, used killed vaccines, locked down just 7% of the population, suffered 90,000 Covid deaths (all aged 80+), and grew GDP 400% faster than the USA.

It was the biggest Civil Defense drill in world history, and it worked like a charm.

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Thank you Godfree. Yes, I suspect that the Chinese are running circles around the western powers and thier telegraphed agendas.

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until we deal with all the people who died from the vax, have been seriously damaged by it we are keeping the door open for further such "pandemics." I still see people at the market wearing those stupid, pointless masks. We need documetaries of athletes we lost falling to the floor in midgame and dying, kids in sports succumbing. These things happened over and over again. The rush to imoclate old people who were the least capable of weathering the vax' deadly onslaught. Thanks for keeping this subject from disappearing, Sasha.

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Thank you Lorraine! =)

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Here's another quote:

"If you want to be slaves of the bankers, and pay the costs of your own slavery, then let the banks create money."

- Lord J Stamp, Public Address in Central Hall, Westminster. 1937

Quote taken from one of the best books on the global money scam ever written (in my opinion) - The Grip of Death, Michael Rowbotham, 1998

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George Soros, An agent for the British Privy Council,bought shares in a Wuhan China Bio hazard lab back in 2011 or 2012.

I recall seeing a photostat of a numbered SEC receipt for the transaction a number of years ago at Gateway on the Net!

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Yes, heard about that. Interesting, isn't it?

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The 'money power' operating behind the scene in the blood soaked Twentieth Century appears to be consolidating it's master/slave world empire. When the bamboo bends, I know the wind blows.

Red Symphony is an interrogation transcript of 'Rakovsky', a Trotsky associate of International Communism, by an official of Stalin's National Bolshevism in 1938. The document revises much consensus history on the origin and operators behind the world wars of the last century.


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Thank you.

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Looks like Stalin was out of control to TPTB, so they had to send double sleeper agent Hitler to remove him! (and in the same time get rid of Germans - because Germans are historically threat to TPTB- see fall of Rome)

Stalin was local hardcore communist , not interested in global illuminati communism agenda (he removed all Jews from Bolshevik revolution). Finally he outlived Hitler, but was killed by illuminati !

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Words with meaning here.

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The jumble in the jungle needs a song too.

To look after our young ones without the threat of death as the beautiful painting and singing aptly express is the feeling of a new architecture .

We know what we don’t like !!

The unseen is so attractive compared to what we see now!

So the Spiritual means where one likes being alive to the music of this unknown journey. But now as you do wisely pointed out we have the truth of millenniums with our new found knowledge past.

We are not static in an abstract.

This truth is a huge help as you say , whereas as we have seen of those solely in immersed in the abstract mind the unknown is seen as afront to one’s dignity.

The unseen is welcome as is listening to a new song .

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Beautiful words, thank you!

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