My dad is so poor his income tax for the YEAR was £85 and he lost his £300 and my mum lost her £300 heating allowance.

We live under occupation.

The Liberal Managerial Class hate us.

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😔 Yes, they do. I'm sorry - that's devastating mews.

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I'm in the same boat.

we're supposed to take comfort from the fact that millionaires won't be getting their winter fuel payment.

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Only the capitalist "liberal class" doing this? The capitalist conservatives profoundly cruel and murderous austerity policies and for profit war machine isn't a part of this? The right-wing zionist corporate-capitalist Labour are horrible, no doubt about it, but i think it would be disingenious and not true the facts to spin it as if only liberals are capitalist scumbags, when billionaire conservative capitalists were much more predatory and cruel. See https://www.pdrboston.org/capitalism

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It is a acid on tradition.

Capitalism is the bulwark of Liberalism.

It doesn't conserve.

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Conservatives are the bulwark of Liberalism. That's why they never actually conservative anything. The are key to propping up the Liberal paradigm.

Classical Liberalism v Progressive Liberalism.

Genuine small c conservatives haven't had power for decades. Liberalism has gained ground every year from not just 1945 but the French Revolution.

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Thank you for this. Appreciated. And speaking of the french revolution, just now before seeing your comment I was reading a fascinating piece (from an excellent substack, by the way) which revealed to me quite a few profound things about it which i didn't know before https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-1789-french-revolutionaries-treated

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This move really plumbs the depths of depravity😱

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This move is only the continuation of the psychopaths' drive to reduce the life expectancy of the poor to where it was during the hayday of exploitation - ~30 years. For the oligarchic/plutarchic elite, things were swell then, but now, all these pesky pensioneers have become a liability and need to go. The injection was the first step in the implementation of euthanasia for the above life expectancy, useless eaters.

Of course there is always the option of a reduction of those who are behind these depraved policies and agendas. But who would be willing to take those measures? Those, who are glued to their 'smart' phones? Those, who are still making enough to pay for their utilities, make up, electric vehicle and a cruise to Hawai'i? And above all, those who really believe Putin to be evil?

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“Upon the wicked, he will rain snares;

Fire and brimstone and burning wind will be the portion of their cup”.

Psalm 11:6

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Based on the developments of the last days, I created this image. It shows Your Psalm coming true. Please share widely - I do not receive any money for it, but maybe saving mankind is reason enough.

Are We There, Yet?


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Human rights, anybody?

I can run my A/C for 300 hours a month for US$22 in Shanghai, thanks to public ownership of all utilities.

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I can't run anything for that many hours a month in Canada, and all of it that I do run is often at highly competitive world leading costs (to make no mention of the things that don't run and often cost me even more than those that do), thanks to private ownership of everything.

China bad, anybody? ...Anybody?

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The Western Imperialist Empire (and their selected puppet governments and owned media) needs distractions (China, Russia, Gaza) to keep the rape and plunder invisible. The majority of people living in the West are ignorant and lack basic courage (caused by fake food, fake education and indoctrination). Every North American city (save Mexico) big or small has homeless camps yet people ignore this reality they see with their own eyes and repeat the mantra, "free-dumb, democracy, human rights". If you live in the West, you are living with a population of zombies.

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He he he, Russia still the worst;)

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and the population probably pays less taxes than Canadians.

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In China homeowners don't have to pay property tax. Once you own a home it's yours. Only carrying costs are water and electricity (what you use) so even if you're completely broke, NO ONE can kick you out. In Canada even if you own your home, you still need to pay annual property tax (thousands of dollars) otherwise you loose your home.

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that's the way it should be. In Canada the people on fixed incomes liek a pension get ousted out of their own home because the old age pension does not keep parallel with the property taxes - its a scam but that miserable rat Trudeau - in three years my property taxes have doubled.

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Sep 18Edited

Don't blame Trudeau....he's just a small pebble in "the system" called Neo-Liberalism. The Elites who run the show have never cared about the people. Obviously they don't care about the "coloured people" but they also never cared about the "white people". Anglo Saxon Imperialism is gonna stick here BUT the Global South (majority of people) are looking for an opportunity to join BRICS+ without feeling the wrath of the West. For the young "white Christians" consider learning Russian and relocating.

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I'm damn well going to blame the rat Trudeau. Every time I see his face I just can't wait to see him hang

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Actually Alex, the vast majority of British pensioners live on 600 GBP every 4 weeks. Also Greeks (average salary 730 euros per month) pay the highest electricity costs in the EU despite abundant lignite which we are no longer allowed to use, thanks to German diktat and windmills. However, a wonderful article though sad and infuriating. The profits these predators make for bad service is incredible

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Wow.. I went by the semi-official data I found, but I've no trouble believing that they're doctored and exaggerated.

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Yikes, Alex. If that's official data, and given the princely pensions the higher ranks of the UK civil service get (yes, staggeringly princely) then the pension you quote is no doubt averaged. Which says everything about poverty in the UK.

After attending school and working there for a total of 11 years I finally "threw the black stone" (that's greek for "I will never return") and moved back to Greece in 1990. My reasons were foremost the poverty and degradation I saw all around me in London, and secondly the suffocating parochialism. That was 34 years ago and it appears even worse now.

Despite the externally imposed, ongoing "crisis" [theft] Greece is in no way a degraded society, and despite our poverty nobody starves. In fact the ongoing attack on Greece and Cyprus only served to create even greater resistance and solidarity, attributes that appeared to take a back seat during the early euro go go years 2000-2008.

More to the point, it is always easier to see events clearly from the perifery, never the centre.

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I forwarded this to our Sloggardly friend to cheer him in his malaria recovery, as his UK pension got canceled last week.

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Swiftian consistency...black hole in your budget? we have the answer...sell your babies to America as in Ukraine, not enough? sell your land, your men and women...eat the babies as in Palestine to appease sionist hunger...shorten the life expectancy of these useless bodies, the aged, the unemployed, the migrants...as in the Atlantist realm...give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses , we have a solution for them...lovely camps along beaches...and easy/peasy early access to Paradise., thanks to wonderful vaccines...

The four horses of the apocalypse are consubstantial with capitalism in its many metamorphoses and avatars...it devours its children much better than any revolution...until the black hole itself devours even Blackrock, Blackstone...and was it Blankfein/Blackfine of Goldman Sex fame, doin' God's work? All these Homo Speculans Insanis ponzificating, urbi et orbi, make me nearly forget my latin...and run out of gas...our little local satraps pale in comparison...our highly promoted, and hyper leveraged moral "values" are quoted in the Stock Markets, and as one who thinks he knows, it ain't lookin'good...1929 magnified by a couple of factors...a lovely little WW3/4 ai't gonna save us this time around...back to the stone age...so it goes!

De profoundis!

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Unfortunately, there is no poll of the entirety of the human population asking this question: "Is all this God's will?" How about a wager that the solid majority believes that and subjugates itself to whatever the psychopaths are churning out?

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I won't challenge anybody's religious beliefs and as to polls... For many, that is all they have. But for those who drape themselves in their religion and their flag, the last refuge of the hypocrites, no mercy...In facsist Vichy France, which has now come back in full force, the motto was: Travail, Famille, Patrie...your sweat, work more for less, arbeit macht frei if not rich, the multi-layered mafia family rings and the bigoted local thugs in their uniforms and helmets.

It has a different ring from Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, though even behind this noble triad, many crimes were committed. Ask the residents of the so-called Third World. Of mighty words and sordid acts. Unless Wittgenstein has the final word: "Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen." Muss man? or as your namesake profoundly remarked: "“To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with one's thinking.”

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Thank You. The only question that remains can probably only answered by pointing to the oft mentioned "human condition". Why else has it not been possible over the last centuries to bring about a "good society"? As an admirer of J. Krishnamurti, his notion of the merits of being well adjusted to a profoundly sick society have become inseparable part of my perception. It is with as much sadness as it is with curiosity that I wonder why humanity is incapable of bringing about the change towards a good, a healthy society.

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The world, our world is a work in progress...Think, Big Bang supposedly 14 billion years or so, our little piece of real estate 4.5 billion years old...I'll skip all the intermediary stages, homo erectus a couple of million years, homo sapiens a hundred thousand years, maybe...pre-history a few thousand years...History 3/4000 years approximately...real documented human History, let's be generous, 1500 years ago. Admittedly, We, the Royal We, are transient, very transient beings. Life expectancy, not for all and not everywhere, probably doubled over the past 500years, while global population probably went up around twenty times after the Black Death cull.

It would be highly speculative to extrapolate a trend over any two points of the various time frames I have mentioned. The dinosaurs who preceded us and lasted an awful long time are reminders that our fate is not entirely in our hands when looking from the perspective of geological time. So what is to be done? as Vladimir Illych asked at a crucial juncture in his country's history. What should be the praxis? That depends on the theory. if you believe the creeds/beliefs that the dominant classes-feudal/capitalist- have forever tried to instill in the dominees, be patient, your rewards will come later, on retirement in old people's home of your choice, heated in the winter!, or even better in Heaven, where the downtrodden will sit next to the Lord and our masters won't even be able to make it through the eye of a needle. Abstain, which as a Frenchman I can't truly contemplate, I want my wine here and now and as to virgins, one was good enough for me though I notice that they are incredibly harder to find nowadays, but I am told, they still exist. Just joking. Anyway back to the human condition, la condition humaine. Note the conditionality of the pairing.

Either you accept your lot, your so-called fate, and compete ferociously against your brethren and this creates an optimal society where everybody gets their just deserts...If you believe that crap, I rest my case here.

Or, a contrario, you use your mental sword and cut through that Gordian knot of lies and affabulations and perceive that the world could be a better place through co-operation amongst humans. Not Leopold in The Congo, but Mao in China...

A "good society" is a bit elusive as a goal, too idealistic, thus dangerous, but a better society seems quite reasonable in our, so-brief, lifetimes. The engine of History is this on-going struggle between the happy few on top and the not so happy exploited masses at the bottom and lo and behold, a major inflexion point is in sight.

Anyway, you get my drift...time now for a glass of the grape nectar. Though an ex-Berliner, beer never did it for me and from simple observation, does not bring out the best in men, especially when coupled with sausages, sauerkraut and potatoes. You immediately feel like invading Poland and Ukraine. A good digestion is a necessary, though not sufficient, condition

of a harmonious society!

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Marvelous! Sadly so, I am not able to publish since December 2022. With a brief moment in Miami, where I had a smart phone to compose a few pieces. You may have looked at those. Written during a time of great duress - as was the theme for at least ten years prior.

Before the present substack, I was writing under a different name and had a rather large readership. The intention that still tops the list of reasons to write has always been to write the truth according to my grey matter. One of the most read articles was regarding the strange idea, that homo sapiens has stopped the evolutionary process that is best explained by looking at the philosophy of the East: "This too, will pass." "The only thing that never changes - is that everything changes."

Now, as You enjoy Your glass of fine red wine - also my favorite beverage when philosophying - pondering about the journey homo sapiens has taken over the last couple of thousands of years, will bring parallels to the surface that can be observed in each of our own, personal life experiences. One of my favorite highlights of human understanding in German is "Und hier wie überhaupt - kommt es anders als man glaubt." (Here as usually - things turn out different from what one had believed. My rough translation...) A proverb that was hanging on a wall in my childhood room among all the other ones, mostly of Eastern provenance.

As to what constitutes a "good society", the answer should be straight forward. The answer is of course subjective, of my own fabulation. It is "Justice". Anybody who knows about justice - its origins, its evolution and its present abuse and mutilation - also knows that without justice, there can be no peace. Not necessarily "peace" as the opposite of "war", but much more so a collective peace of mind of the members of such good society.

However, as mankind is now at a fork on its developmental road and should heed Yogi Berra's advice to "take it!", I am driven to take the road less travelled. To go back to the roots. Having learned to live under the most basic conditions, I am ready to start a small organic farm where everything grows. It is clear, that I will not be able to convince anybody - or neither want to convince anybody - that a different future to the dystopian offerings of the planet's owners is not only possible, but easily achievable and instead do what makes me being at peace with Mother Nature, my mind and those in my neighborhood.

Needless to say that I will always extend a helping hand to those in need. As my intention is to die with a smile on my face - the way my late platonic love left.

Thank You for Your engagement and inspiration.

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The only ones attached to "a profoundly sick society" are the perpetrators who are imposing it on everyone else. Yes, they are profoundly twisted, and their system is designed to be this way. The scientist Nicolai Levashov defined this as social parasitism, which kills the strongest members of a society in order to enslave the others, whereas biological parasitism kills the weakest and, despite the repulsive nature of that, strengthens the species. Humanity is more than capable of creating a good and healthy society. It is only evil and social parasites that cannot create--they can only enslave and suck the life force out of others.

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Who knows whether it is unfortunate, or fortunate - that the masses go along so easily, are so easily fooled and misguided? Does evolution to a higher level of consciousness probably require the total destruction of what has become a threat to continuation of all life on this planet?

Your comment shows that there is a stronger force in this Universe. Without joking about the "Star Wars" take on it - the Universe is consciousness and enough humans who dared to give up conventional belief systems arrived at this understanding. Those who are aware of this consciousness are the nost powerful entities the Universe has created. People like Klaus Schwab, who are but a bad smelling fart in space and time, are helpless in the face of this consciousness. They may convince the unawakened of their superiority, for the source of consciousness they are but the necessary evil to provide the contrast required to grow one's consciousness.

At least that is how I have come to see it. Although it has not freed me from pointing out the obvious wherever it makes sense.

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You may like to share my latest creation based upon the recent developments. I don't make any money from this, but maybe I can reach some folks to wake up? As You can see, I am extremely uneasy about these developments, especilaly because I am here in Bavaria, visiting my dementia stricken Mom to say goodbye to her.

Are We There, Yet?


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Why would an incoming prime minister make a move that he knew would be so unpopular & emotive?

It is possible that this move against pensioners is part of a bigger agenda to so alienate people from what used to be 'our government' that society disintegrates enabling a new & very different form of government to be imposed ie a Great Reset?

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Getting warmer.

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I believe David Cameron & George Osborne's austerity policies, which ran from 2012 - 2019 in the UK, killed an estimated extra 335,000 people who were low income, mentally or physically handicapped, unemployed, chronic medical conditions etc https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-15/did-the-uk-conservatives-break-britain/103964332

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Oh wow - staggering figures, but entirely believable.

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Meanwhile Putin is/was distributing the 'wealth of the nation' to raise living standards and life expectancy, similar to Gadafi handing out weekly dividends from the oil revenue to the Libyans during his rule from 1969 to 2011. Most of UK North Sea Oil revenue will have disappeared offshore.

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Great piece, Alex. Thanks.

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Thank you Anthony!

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The gas and electric "suppliers" are just billing brokers. Double dipping on what our forefathers already paid for. Thatcher and Sids snowballed it.

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awesome article...I've watched that cool video of Putin arriving in one of those towns that had the coal mines and the oligarchs at the table. The world is very fortunate to have Putin here now.

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This post is beyond excellent and we should all make sure it gets the most exposure possible.

Many thanks, as ever, Mr. Krainer!

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Thank you Penny!! 🙂

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The UK citizens are actually very lucky that the main adversary of their country is “evil” Putin. If some other guy was sitting in Kremlin, maybe he’d put a nail in the coffin by blowing up the gas pipelines under the North Sea.

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Quelle surprise etc...another New Labour government worse than the Tories, though the speed and cack-handedness of this achievement is quite remarkable. By December Labour and Starmer will be turning up in A Christmas Carol.

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What is worse? Stepping into dog shit, or cat shit? Enough people will answer according to their program - simply overlooking that shit is shit, no matter by whom.

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It seems to be MUCH worse --- An IMPORTANT interview, including – WHY CIA protects Hunter Biden (two identical links)

Mike Benz - Inside the Censorship Industrial Complex | SRS #132 (on YouTube)


Shawn Ryan interview with @MikeBenzCyber


• 00:00 - Introduction

• 13:11 - 'The Blob'

• 19:07 - 2014 Censorship & the Ukraine connection

• 29:00 - Influencing international censorship policy

• 32:35 - The power of ‘The Blob’

• 48:06 - Elon/X free speech proxy war

• 55:43 - DHS censorship threats

• 1:30:17 - Headway in Congress

• 1:42:20 - How do we gain power over tech companies?

• 1:51:24 - Tim Walz China connection

• 1:56:38 - Burisma & why we’re in Ukraine

• 2:29:14 - Free speech on the internet

• 2:37:21 - World War 3

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The Globalistas and their handlers are tying up loose ends (getting rid of the Useless Eaters) by dismantling our life support system. They are ushering in their A.I. New World Order, once the destruction of the Old World Order is complete. The King is dead. Long life the Borg Collective!

Or maybe not. It apparently took Haitian illegals eating their pets, ducks and other wildlife in Ohio and elsewhere for the hoi-polloi to finally wake up to the fact that they are on the NWO menu, and that they better start fighting back. May the Great Awakening accelerate!

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