Who knew what and when did they know it? Hard to know for sure, perhaps more will be revealed over time.

The Neocons in the US are an Israel First faction of mostly Jews in the US with direct ties to Israel. They did 9/11 to be able to turn the US empire on the enemies of Israel. They don't mind bankrupting the US morally or economically and they are doing so. They don't care if these victories end up holding the territory, they only seek to put these rivals "back to the stone age." Devastate them, create chaos, traumatize and terrorize the people to weaken them and thus make them inconsequential for Israel's expansionist agenda. The US has been infiltrated and manipulated by a Jewish cabal of criminals since at least one century, probably longer. Jews dominated the African slave trade in the US, but shhh..... you are not allowed to talk about it. Americans don't realize they have been brainwashed to hate the enemies that Jews have and adopt a Jewish supremacist form of Christianity in Baptist and later "Evangelical" circles called "Christian Zionism". Small o orthodox Christians have been largely spared this deception, but not for lack of effort by the Jewish supremacists. A good reason to become Catholic!

US analyst Larry Johnson claims to know that China has access to US high level communications and warned Assad, Russia and Iran about plans that the US, Turkey and Israel were up to. That might explain the apparent planned non-engagement by the Syrian military. Iraq's military also vanished into air rather than confront the "shock and awe" of the US empire in 2003 only to reemerge later and begin inflicting a guerilla style death by a thousand cuts strategy. Iraq appears to be the most independent Arab country, so not a bad plan, but of course, Israel revels in the devastation and genocide inflicted on Iraq.

Another factor less discussed is the role of the Muslim Brotherhood that I like to call the Sunni supremacy movement supported by Saudi Arabia and in this latest set of events in Syria, largely by Qatar and the soft power of their media. Syria was always a hard country to hold together. It is made up of many different minority groups, but the largest group is Sunni Muslims. With the nurturing of vengeance and jealousy of the largest faction against Alawite Assad for his cracking down and the even more heavy handed actions of his father in the past. This pressure likely made it necessary for Assad to seek to work with other Arab states even as Iran counseled against that. Bashar Assad's brother was raised to take over the government, but died in a suspicious car crash. I would not be surprised if Bashar Assad felt his job was impossible and he would rather leave and be the eye doctor he trained to be. Remember, the French and British drew the borders of Syria and many surround countries, so it was not a natural country and inherently unstable.

It is possible Russia and Iran did not betray, but clearly they cannot fight for Syria if the Syrian government does not. It could be a betrayal of Assad, but given the forces Syria faces, a united operation by factions supplied by two regional powers, Turkey and Israel, and the world superpower, I am not sure that is fair to say. It might have appeared to have been the best option from a list of bad options.

Another country on the 7 country list of the Israelis running the US that US Gen Wesley Clark warned us about, is checked off and will be devastated. This is a great loss to the Arab world, to the people who live there and to Christians as Christianity traces some of its oldest communities to Damascus and the surrounding region. Catholic Crusaders are slandered as land and loot hungry invaders and occupiers, but the Crusaders risked and sacrificed to protect historic sites and relics and the right to worship of Christians in the Holy Land. Europe lost a great deal of money on the endeavor. But the Jewish supremacists who control the discourse in the West, even by law in many countries, are quick to slander the Catholic Church for its own interests. The Catholic Church certainly has faults, and problems as all human organizations do, but it is one of the few institutions in the West that has consistently opposed Zionism and the wars in the Middle East. The selective focus and lawfare against the Catholic Church is not likely a coincidence.

The power of the media to diminish The Catholic Church is the same power that was used on Assad. Certainly his government had many failings, but from my vantage point, governing Syria in the current climate of occupation by three other powerful countries, theft of its oil wealth, sanctions and the internal color revolution type force of a majority made to feel slighted, jealous and under-represented is something I am not sure anyone could manage well. With an unknown, unelected, unaccountable person or group running the US presidency until Trump is sworn in, the forces who love chaos no doubt thought it was time to make a move. It seems resources and technical advisors were brought in from Ukraine to help in Syria! I thought Ukraine was busy fighting for its own country? That exposes the smoke and mirrors around US interests in Ukraine as they devastate that land and loot the US treasury all for Israel's greater agenda and further enriching the death merchants in the US military industrial complex.

Anyhow, these are some of my thoughts as I look on in horror at yet another genocidal project that my government is undertaking with my tax money despite a recent presidential election largely won by the no war sentiment. The US is occupied by Israel and it is humiliating and demoralizing, but for those of us who love peace and wish for health and safety for all human beings on this earth, we need to face the hard facts and start talking about the things we are coerced into ignoring like Jewish supremacy, Jewish power, and people with and Israel First or even Israel only mindset being allowed to hold top positions in the US government, academic institutions, book publishing, news media, entertainment media, social media, and the digital surveillance apparatus being assembled around us. I suspect the US is being hollowed out like Syria, bled of its wealth, its people made to hate their country and discipline and order while the borders are held wide open to who knows who to enter. The moral compass of the US has always been iffy. E Michael Jones is coming out with a book about how this happened. But it can be turned around. The US could stop being an empire and work to live as one member in a community of thriving independent nations in this world. This would be a benefit to the overwhelming majority of people in this world. I think it only happens if The West recognizes how The Enlightenment, the Protestant Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution have allowed us to be lured into letting morality to be taken out of economics and politics and so a return to our roots in Catholicism can fix our moral compass. Is it likely to happen? No. But with God, all things are possible.

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Wow, thank you for that Aimee. Very interesting that the Chinese have access to all comms in USA.

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Since bill&hill !

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This is 0ne of the best’ assessments overall i have read in a long while delightedly so . . might i add in opinion with regard to the [catholc] Church, that being -in this Day it must be seen as the (Counter) church of Revelation whilst the True [Vatican] Catholic Church is a [Remnant] nevertheless True and Shall Stand against “the gates of hell” Thank you for your wonderful submission in Mr. krainers’ astute Presentation from his research !!!

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Deep state countries:

Vatican, spiritual control.

City of London, financial control

Washington DC, military control

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I can't agree that the Vatican is the source of spiritual warfare, I think you have it backwards (or inverted as those on the look out for the Satanic might say.) While I do see that there is evidence of corruption problems and deception problems in the Vatican, The Catholic Church has been steadfast against Zionism since before the state of Israel and against unjust war, and has been a clear voice against the idolatry of science and technology, something deeply needed in our modern society and something tied up with war making. The Church has long preached and counseled against the sin of usury that enslaves people and harms families. The Church has also maintained the importance of the moral law in human sexuality which prohibits porn, cloning, IVF, surrogacy, promiscuity, sex outside of monogamous marriage capable of and open to the creation of life and the killing of the unborn. There are many complaints about particular Catholic leaders and the Vatican, but much of it is speculative. What you can verify, Church teaching, provides a great protection from the dark ideologies of our modern age: nihilism, hedonism, materialism, utilitarianism, atheism. (The sacraments even more so, but you have to go all in to participate in them, while no commitment is needed to study and consider the merits of Catholic teaching.) We are in a spiritual war and The Catholic Church is one of the few places where can we put on the armor of God. The sources of spiritual enslavement are the drug and alcohol trade, the porn industry, Hollywood and Silicon Valley entertainment (otherwise known as the soft-core porn industry) , academia, the propaganda of the news media and social media, Madison Avenue/mass marketing/the fashion industry, casinos, payday lending... things Catholics are not known for having a heavy influence in.

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Insist the Vatican open up records of the Vatican Bank and then talk about usury in the Catholic Church- read books by Paul Williams a catholic exposing the truth about the machinations of the church. Guess again the Vatican is morally corrupt see fact that the church owns birth control manufacturing companies - the church lost its moral compass under Mussolini who made a deal with the church to rid Italy of communists - the church you believe in does not exist in reality.

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You sound like Luther. There has always been and will always be corruption and sin inside The Church and outside The Church because we are fallen human beings. So you are not correct. The Church founded by Christ with the protection of The Holy Spirit is what I believe it is. Christ said the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church. You can't understand what The Church is without a theological lens. Is the Mass a sacrament where Christ is brought into presence, and we get to partake in heaven? The Church is us, Christ's followers, so not some perfection in this chaotic, deceptive evil filled world. But it is the path to come into communion with God through Christ and find eternal salvation. That was true in the beginning and is still true. Those who have worked to destroy it for two thousands years still have not managed to.

Now Luther was correct to raise concerns about corruption, but he was hardly unique in doing so. Faithful Catholics did continue to press for reforms and they did make progress in the wake of the Catholic Reformation at the Council of Trent which ended certain corrupt practices, set clear guidelines for the Mass, called for more formal education of priests and set character standards of Clergy. Faithful Catholics cannot perfect The Church because it is a human institution, but we each have a duty to improve The Church by working with charity and humility to correct bad policies, practices, abuses and the like. The more we Catholics work to live Christ's teaching and the more we can manage to overcome our own sin, the more we can help our Church be a radiant beacon of salvation to others.

What is super interesting is how powerful forces in the media work to slander The Church. So while there is certainly sin and corruption and even abuses within The Church, there is also slanderous propaganda that is not true that has been propagated to weaken the moral authority of The Church. I will be posting more on that soon. In Catholicism, bearing false witness is a sin. Not such a big hangup for other organizations like the CIA, Mossad, the former KGB, the ADL and so forth.

If you actually are a fallen away Catholic, I hope you will struggle with your concerns and seek to find a way to return to the Sacraments as imperfect as The Church administration may be and help us make our Church more reverent and more closely adhering to Christ's teaching. G K Chesterton in his book "Orthodoxy" talks about how if you think a neighborhood is going down hill, you need to focus on loving it harder to bring it back. The same is true for our Church. There is no other universal apostolic Church founded by Christ in The West, so I say love it, don't leave it.

If you have never been a Catholic, you should consider. It may not be what you were told it is.

If you have been deceived into thinking The Church is the big enemy of humanity here in The West, you may want to look more objectively at other perspectives. If that is your view, I suggest you have been a victim of propaganda since The Church does provide a moral framework that is an impediment to the agendas of powerful forces in our world.

If you are intentionally trying to slander The Church due to preferring to work for Demons than God, then may God help you.

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Thank you, Aimee! I am so tired of hearing this stuff about the Vatican and most of it is a straw dog tapping into anti-Catholic prejudice. The Vatican is not some secretive globalist cabal affiliated with all of these dark groups. If anything, it is a poorly managed organization that is sinking into its own debt problems. As a practicing Catholic I find these beliefs of a conspiratorial nature absurd and irritating.

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What an excellent essay. I like reading what a well read and intelligent person can write.

My back channels have it that the world is changing dramatically and for the better. Some smaller countries will divide off along ethnic lines. Some other countries will join.

There are many institutions that are so corrupted and or so evil that they cannot be rehabilitated.

Three letter agencies, major religious organisations, political parties especially.

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I find your assessments to be very accurate.

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Yes! This! Please!!!!! “ The US could stop being an empire and work to live as one member in a community of thriving independent nations in this world. ”

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I wish you would say 'Zionists' instead of 'Jews'.

Judaism is a religion. Zionism is a political movement.

The Askenazi Judeans don’t worship God, but Lucifer.

They hide behind the Zionists who hide behind Jews.

Their main hiding place is Israel.

They created the term “anti-semitism” (a person who has a hostile, prejudiced attitude toward Jews) as one more veil to hide behind.

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Good thing to think about. If we can't name the enemy, we can't begin to protect ourselves from their oppression and domination over our society. But the domination and instrumentalization of the West is older than the first known mentions of Zionism. We call politicized Islam Islamism. Perhaps we can call politicized Judaism Judacism? Or maybe you can make the case for using Zionism anachronistically? However, the criminal syndicate of which I speak is run by people who call themselves Jews and they give privilege to those who call themselves Jews. Those in the US who identify as Jews are, for the most part, deeply indoctrinated into thinking Jews are only persecuted and never persecute anyone. I myself have met many Jews who are fighting against this state of affairs, but they are ostracized by their criminal leaders and the dominant group. Rabbi Weiss of Naturi Karta, USA. Henry Herskovitz. Gilad Atzmon. Paul Eisen who became a Catholic. This is the problem we face, a Jewish community run by a bunch of murderous gangsters who terrify their community members into denying or justifying their crimes. (This is not unlike the situation of being an American.)

Another problem with using the term "Zionist" as the label which does capture the movers and shakers of the movement of Jewish Nationalism, is it fails to capture the internationalist wing of Jewish supremacy that has used communism as a vehicle for violent genocidal revolution in some cases (Soviet Union, China) and the rotting of cultures from within in others (US, Germany, UK...). While you could make the case that religious Jews did not support Zionism at first, most came around after the "miracle" of the cowardly unprovoked sneak attack of Israel's 1967 war and land theft against several of its neighbors. And while it was the post enlightenment atheist Jews who launched and spread communism, the accommodated religious Jews and vice versa. Their shared Jewish supremacy was stronger than their ideological and theological differences in most cases it seems.

To really get to the bottom of what should be considered when deciding how to name the people who are dominating and persecuting us, I highly recommend the books "Barren Metal", "Libido Dominandi", "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit", and "The Holocaust Narrative" by E Michael Jones for a pretty exhaustive consideration of this problem. https://www.fidelitypress.org/ Jones is a devout Catholic who has been tracking the war on our culture for decades and so writes in a very practical and direct way that is unique. His Catholicism, I feel, requires him to be a servant of truth and to love all people, even his and our enemies. The academy spat him out four decades ago because the academy has been taken from its roots of service to truth and love for all of humanity into a very corrupt vehicle for social engineering, propaganda, and marketing. This makes it hard for people like Jones to have a community of scholars to work with and improve their ideas, however as more and more people find that truth seeking can only happen outside of the doors of the academy, the community of independent researchers and scholars is growing. So, no, don't take Jones or anyone else as a guru, but he a trustworthy teacher since he is a great source for ideas deeply grounded in Western history and pursued in a manner consistent with the values of Christ's teaching. Universities in the West began in the Cathedrals in the Middle Ages, so he is simply carrying on a forgotten but important tradition. Others are there for sure, but it takes a very strong faith to throw caution to the wind and talk about those who should not be named.

All of this is to say that I probably won't follow your request, however, I do want you to understand that I have thought a lot about it and am not trying to be inaccurate, unfair or counter productive. It is just that at the end of the day, we often don't have perfect terms to perfectly convey an idea and we have to pick the least inaccurate.

And yes, the smear "antisemite" is to scare all of us from delving into these issues and speaking freely, so we must not let that deter us. But at the same time, as a Catholic, I believe there is great protection in keeping our hearts pure of hate or vengeance because those emotions cloud our reason. This is a protection of our own selves and our ability to wisely defend ourselves as much as out of concern or our enemies. Was Jesus a Jew or a Hebrew or an Jacobite? People disagree, but I believe He demonstrated otherworldly genius and we are very wise to follow His teachings. I also happen to believe He is God and following His teaching is the best protection against the demons that are running so many in our world right now, but you don't have to agree He is God to learn a great deal of very protective advice if you consider His teaching, especially as preserved in Catholic teaching, the quality control system that keeps His teachings from being inverted to evil, like the Christian Zionists have gotten in to or those Protestant sects that got into supremacy ideologies like the Puritans or the sects adopting the demonic pro-sexual degeneracy agenda. May God help us all.

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You mean Judaism is not a murderous, bloodthirsty religion?

Well, here are a few laws from the Talmud, which is the interpretation of the Torah and enthusiastically and thoroughly implemented by Nazi Talmudland.

“It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah.” Coschen Hamischpat 425 Hagah 425

“If a Jew murders a ‘goy’ there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)

“If a ‘goy’ (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed.” (Sanhedrin 58b)


Does not sound like a peaceful, loving religion to me. Could it be that that is why Jesus renounced it and started his own?

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My comment: "I wish you would say 'Zionists' instead of 'Jews'" has nothing to do with religion - but brainwashing. Many people turn their back when they see critic of religion. That's why I say 'Zionists' instead of 'Jew'.

Religious wars have been fought for hundreds of years. Divide and Conquer is very effective.

I know next to nothing about any religion. I've been near-dead twice, the last time for ten hours. So I'm a strong Believer in Higher Power.

But I've been baffled since I was a kid why people believe in something that neither God nor Jesus wrote. I'm sure holy texts have been edited - in every religion - in order to divide and conquer.

But that's just me :-)


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> Many people turn their back when they see critic of religion.

Do they? I don't have that impression, even if it is about Judaism.

Zionists, not Christian Zios, are Jews too. They may not practice the religion, though many do, but they self-identify as Jews. All of the non-gentile "israelis" are Jews and/or self-identify as such.

There are also many Jews outside who support the genocidal sewer.

I understand you want to make a distinction between Zios and Jews, as I used to, until recently. Since 7 Oct. 2023 I have come to realize more clearly that Zionism and Judaism have merged. Or, if you prefer, Zionism has hijacked Judaism for its perverse, depraved purposes and activities.

That is not fair towards sincere Jews, but OTOH I have not seen prominent non-Zio Jews speak out publicly to denounce and fight the merging/hijacking.

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I suppose you are familiar with the work of Laurent Guyenot who makes the same points with strong evidence about the Israeli/Zionist capture of US foreign policy.

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Good comment, Aimée, though I have a few observations.

> .... despite a recent presidential election largely won by the no war sentiment.

The "no war sentiment" is illusory at best. Trump is NOT against war, if he were he would have been more successful during his 1st term, such as pulling out of Syria, as he promised. Instead, he doubled down. Afghanistan: a continuation of the disaster created by previous governments

Furthermore, Trump has stated that Iran needs to be brought to heel (I am paraphrasing), and since his illegal unilateral pull out of a contract signed by the U.S., viz the JCPOA, and his assassination of General Qasseem Soleimani did not work, quite the opposite, the only other way to "bring Iran to heel" is war.

Also, he sees China as the great Satan, and believes, wrongly of course, that Taiwan needs to be independent, despite official U.S. policy that Taiwan is part and parcel of the People's Republic of China. That is not a "no war sentiment".

> I think it only happens if The West recognizes how The Enlightenment, the Protestant Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution have allowed us to be lured into letting morality to be taken out of economics and politics

🤣 That is nonsense. What destroyed Western morality, if there ever was any at all, is greed, money. And what got snowball rolling was the depraved Reagan/Thatcher tandem with their insane "liberalisation" of the financial markets. Since neither had a financial background, they were unable to assess the value of the project that must have been whispered in their ear by those who control finance – we all know who make up that party.

> ... a return to our roots in Catholicism can fix our moral compass.

Really? I assume you are referring to the same Catholicism that engendered the Crusades, the Inquisition, the crackdown on Protestants, and other religious wars.

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Thanks for considering and sharing your thoughts.

To your first point, you are 100% correct that Trump demonstrated quite a tolerance for war and I would add his Abraham Accords laid the ground for Oct. 7, where Israel participated in the killing of its own people (invoking the Hannibal Option) and lied about atrocities. Not surprising since he delegated that diplomacy work to his son-in-law Jared Kushner who is part of the extremist genocidal sect of Judaism called Chabad Lubavitch. Trump visited the grave of one of their venerated leaders. If you don't know about this group, you should make sure to find out. https://www.unz.com/article/why-is-the-us-honoring-a-racist-rabbi/

At the same time, Trump signaled to the America First crowd that he is America First and against war. Many of us didn't trust him and think his fruits so far show he is Israel First and quite ok with war, but he did try to create that antiwar impression in the minds of the voters. And since he did, I do think it is fair for us to claim there is a mandate against foreign wars from the American public.

To the second point, the most powerful tool in the hands of those who seek to enslave us is our own minds. It is our job to examine history from many sides and make sure we are not being brainwashed to go against valuable and protective teaching of our forebears or unfairly denigrating our forebears. Older people who are English speaking have learned history from the British Protestant side. Spanish speakers have gotten a more respectful view of Catholicism according to many sources. Younger people have been swamped with a very anti-Christian and anti-Western point of view due to the take over of publishing and academia by nepotistic Jewish supremacist academics. Rodney Stark is an older Protestant sociologist who turned his tools on history during the last century. Stark's claims his purpose is truth seeking as should be the purpose of any good Catholic scholar. Stark wrote one book on the most common historical slanders against The Catholic Church called "Bearing False Witness: Debunking Centuries of Anti-Catholic History" and one specifically on the Crusades alone called "God's Battalions: The Case for the Crusades." I should also point you to the Catholic History Project that has generated high school and middle school level history text books from a Catholic world view perspective. That is not the same as hagiography, but from the view of someone who does accept Christ as God made flesh who died for our sins and The Catholic Church (which now has two wings in the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church) being the universal apostolic Church founded by Christ against which the gates of hell will not prevail and as people who, despite being fallen, seek to give glory to God by working for the transcendentals of the good, the beautiful and the true. I also find the work called "Christianity for Modern Pagans: Pascal's Pensees" collected by Peter Kreeft to be quite useful to see the contrast between the medieval Catholic world view and morality versus the dominant world view and morality of our modern/post modern age. I also highly again recommend all of the work of unjustly vilified and caceled Dr. E Michael Jones. His magazine is called Culture Wars ( https://culturewars.com/) and the book publisher is called Fidelity Press. ( https://www.fidelitypress.org/)

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Thanks for your detailed reply, Aimée.

I fully agree with you on your 1st point.

I don't have a view on your 2nd point, which is well argued. But since I am an atheist, I reject any literature that tries to convince me of the good sides of a particular religion.

I know of E. Michael Jones, have read 1 or 2 of his articles and liked his reasoning; I did not know about his magazine, so thanks for pointing me to it.

The thing that irks me a bit about his writings is that he often/always puts in a reference to god. If I like what he writes I should be able to ignore that, and I will give it a serious go by checking out his site.

Thanks again for a pleasant, constructive discussion.

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Thank you for being willing to share your gut reaction and consider other views. I understand that feeling. Despite being raised Catholic and taught to be a critical thinker, I was programmed through media, academia and the political environment around the antiwar movement to discount the morality of Catholic teaching and the importance of examining underlying ethics, morality, philosophy and theology until later in life and becoming a mother. E Michael Jones was an important influence in helping me understand the environment I was raised in and helping me break out of that mindset. I was always a theist, but the pressure to avoid mentioning any role of faith in work, political and social groups in order to be "polite" and "inclusive" enabled the elevation of a world view that is technology worshiping, materialist in the sense of devoid of the spiritual, hedonist, and nihilist. So, I ask everyone to try to overcome the barrier to considering the writing of people who come at things from a Catholic world view or Christian world view in order to consider other perspectives even if that way of thinking is not for you. The Catholic world view is the one that our civilization was founded on. In order to preserve our civilization, we need to understand this suppressed history, theology, philosophy, economics and politics to find a sane way forward if it is in fact too late to re-embrace these values that gave us things like universities, a social safety net, just war theory, arguably the most just social order and beautiful art, math, architecture, music that the world has ever seen and possibly the only one that can provide a protection against tyranny and genocide, which as the unnecessary wars rage and the technological surveillance apparatus is being built up around us as we speak, should be an important concern for all of us. At least this is how it looks to me.

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I don't agree it is Catholicism that our civilization is based on. If it were up to the Catholic church, we would have to accept the Earth is flat and that the Sun turns around it; that people remain ignorant/uneducated and not question/challenge Catholic dogma, etc.

The Age of Enlightenment did not come from the Church, on the contrary, it came from education, which showed there were many intelligent people who could think independently. Unfortunately, it seems society is regressing, with education teaching people to accept authority and not to think about societal issues.

So, re-embracing Catholic values is unacceptable to me.

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You my dear, are an antisemite.That negates your premise. If you are a truely thinking Catholic you would recognise that we are all made in the image and likeness of God.

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I am truly grateful you had the courage to make your claims in writing. I reject it as mendacious slander, but I will give you a chance. Please define "antisemite" and then show me what I have said that "proves" I am an antisemite.

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An excellent reply to a label I regularly get too. My reply to those people is more or less along the same lines as your reply, and, like you, I experience the same refusal from the sanctimonious to enter the discussion.

In 99% of the cases I get no answer, and those who reply can easily be shown they have no leg to stand on.

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ashkeNAZI are not Semitic. They are the actual (pathologically genocidal) anti-Semites.

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Damnant quod non intelligunt ?

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or what they know very well and hope to hide!

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Funny how you an adored Jewish cliché, but when asked for an explanation you stay away. Obviously, your accusation is nothing more than a rude insult that you don't even understand yourself. Shame on you for such despicable behavior and for making Jews yet a bit more disliked/hated.

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Brilliant analysis, especially in explaining also brilliant Mackinder, once called the Father of Geopolitics. BTW, Mackinder defined the Anglo-Saxons as the U.S. Britain combo. He stated that Britain had survived WWI intact, but he was a smart man and certainly knew that the British Empire was done. Hence, he advocated for the British American special relationship, the Anglo-Saxon folie a deux, to Keep Britain in the game. Ironically, poor leadership and this destructive relationship has destroyed Britain. I published a piece today that mentions Mackinder, but Alex's interpretation here is excellent and simply stated. Mackinder is critical and his analysis was cadged by Brzezinski who was a lowly hack compared to Mackinder. Alex's discussion is worth listening to or reading several times which I intend to do. Brilliant indeed.

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Thank you! 🙏🙏

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There's a lot to be said about the relationship, particularly as to who is running the show, the man behind the curtain, CFR, various NGOs, and a complex web of financial arrangements. The US certainly operates to the same templates used by perfidious Albion. Ditto AIPAC a laundromat of corrupt money circulation.

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The Perspective. Always the Perspective!

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The U.S. may well be controlled by the UK.

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Agreed! A.K. is a splendid exemplar of the View from 30,000 ft. Perspective.

Something maybe Bonaparte might have said, "Toujours le point de vue'.

Sometimes it is the only way to separate with wheat from the tares.

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I find it interesting that everyone thinks Erdogan double crosses everyone except Netanyahu. Also, why is it so many say Erdogan envisions a revival of the Ottoman Empire while in the same breath saying he is a US/Israeli puppet? And, more importantly, what prevents Erdogan and his huge military, with Jawlani's approval of course, from marching through Syria to Jerusalem? Can the US attack a NATO member? Time will tell all, won't it?

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Yes, they tried to punch his card in 2016 and came up with bupkis. Others observe his skills straddling two vehicles speeding to destiny, a la JC VanDamme. When there's chaos people like a return to stability, so Erdogan may have a better chance as the US is clearly losing capability to exert its will.

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There is no way the rebels could have defeated the Syrian army so quickly. The Syrian army withdrew. It was a deal between the U.S., Russia, Israel, Iran and probably China.

Probably the deal involved Ukraine.

Maybe Trump promised to withdraw from Ukraine if Russia withdrew from Syria.

Or maybe the transnational deep state orchestrates these things more directly.


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I think more likely Russia, Iran and Turkey. The US only talks to Netanyahu, Starmer and the Jihadis.

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Trump talks to Putin

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Via Orban.

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No, directly. Always have

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Syria starts at 9:40 for a few minutes. Ottoman Empire reconstitutes?


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Assuming thats true and the transnational deep state/Mr. Global/G3P is not just telling them all what to do, then either Putin doesn't think its worth giving Trump anything for Ukraine, or he thinks that his relations with Turkey and/or Iran are worth more to him than his relations with U.S./EU/UK, or I'm missing something.

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We are all missing a lot. Do you think that what you hear is the whole story? Putin got rid of foreign banks …… he’s ahead of the rest at getting deep state out of his country. We truly are in the “battle of the ages”. There is a LOT going on

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Russia gave up quite a lot in withdrawing so quickly from Syria, and it looks like for nothing.

And since there's no reason to believe Putin would take Trump's word in any kind of direct deal, it leads me to believe this *is all coordinated by the transnational deep state/Mr. Global/G3P*


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I believe they are doing this in reaction to the collapse of their "Covid" narrative. They want to portray Russia as wounded and especially dangerous and prone to launch nukes.

In other words, they are waving around the Samson option in response to said narrative collapse.

What good that does them I don't know, except maybe they want to press the Armageddon key on their mighty Wurlitzer crisis keyboard in the hopes that we will respond to that one and start singing the world government tune.

Instead, we should realize that there already is a world government, namely them, and when we realize that we can depose them.


NATO Head Says "Wartime Mindset" Needed; Redirect "Pensions, Health, Social Security" To Military Spending


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Collapsing Things

nations and narratives


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Well, Turkiye and Iran are neighbours.

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Dec 14Edited

The Blinken/Sullivan's running the Biden administration, in its last 6 weeks, aren't about to trade away Ukraine - the singular foreign project for their administration will remembered for.

Israel would have fewer problems with such a trade. However, it would be pretty wild if either Russia or Iran would still trust these parties to honor any agreement, after the last few years.

I have to think it's more logical an agreement would be with Turkey, and extended only so far as to smooth over the transition - due to lack of trust again. Thus, the signs of negotiated refusal to fight at the high levels (vs ordinary bribery) I think must be from after it was decided in RF and Iran that the situation was untenable.

China in this case in its own higher category. Apparently happy to sit it all out and benefit doing nothing. Hands spotlessly clean while US will be known for generations for supporting Israeli genocide in broad daylight. China also decisively smashed the Western sanctions regime, and now gains entry into global banking business -- after European (incl Swiss!) counterparts' traded their long standing reputations to support the same failed sanctions.

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Well said.

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You make some good points, but Alex Krainer does not say that Syria will be a quagmire but rather that it could be. Scott Ritter is seeing it as a strategic defeat, and this could be true but it is just as likely that the Krainer scenario could prevail. His historical background is also very good, although it has been clear for some time that the Euroasian continent - possibly without Europe and its now incompetent political leadership - holds the planet's future in its hands. The US is aware and has, in my opinion, accelerated its own decline through overreach and an absurd control-freakery, while discarding diplomacy entirely. Although things can change quite suddenly, as in Syria, geopolitical tectonic shifts take more time than our own lives. I think that we may know in two to five years whether Syria's downfall and possible obliteration from the map will have important geopolitical long-term consequences. I take your point about India and to some extent Brazil (which thinks mainly in terms of the Americas), but there is something that is bonding all these countries together and it is definitely not ideological. It is their huge and entirely rational belief in the unreliability, mendacity and immorality of the West. Scott Ritter may defend Erdogan, but I think that Erdogan has made an enormous mistake and certainly you would have a point about BRTICS if they go ahead and bring Turkey under his rule into their fairly loose-knit alliance. Short-term, Syria looks like a victory for the West, but not a decisive one. Scott Ritter, who is a reliable analyst, is at one extreme and there are others at the other extreme (suggesting not without merit that the battle in Gaza is still continuing and does not fully rely on anyone else, and we should remember that when Gallant was sacked, he revealed that the generals were telling Netanyahu to get out of Gaza). Some say that it could go either way, and I would tend to agree. The instability of the victorious coalition of fanatics in Syria is the most important unknown factor, and the possibility of a war with Iran may change everything. In the meantime millions of lives are taken or disrupted because the geopolitical games of the West.

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Alexander Mercouris calls it a regime change operation, as does mark sleboda, re Syria

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Well, that it was.

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I believe this to be a good assessment of the situation. I also feel for all the Christians that will be killed now in Syria. The spiritual enemy of man has deceived many men looking for power. They will be judged for their vanity. I feel for Damascus it time of destruction spoken of in Isaiah 17, 1-3 is probably at hand.

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Thank you. This is an utter tragrdy, but it's ultimately an effect of insane, pathological and deliberate divisions left behind by the Brits.

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At 9:40 Dima @ Military Summary says that Turkey claims Syria, will fight Kurds (US proxies on oil + farmland) and tells Israel to get out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2wocyrPoFE

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Hmm.. interesting.

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Very big move. Turkey has a big enough army...

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The black silhouette photo at the end would make a great new book cover

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Thank you. Very interesting.

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Thank you Pierre!

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I watched your chats with Nima then Larry at the suggestion of one of my readers, which was my first exposure to you and your thoughts. I was very impressed as I watched/listened as you spelled out my geopolitical hypothesis based on the same sources and reasoning. I agree that Putin's goal is the complete overhaul of Eurasian and then global security, which was clearly Russia's aim in December 2021, although not said in as many words. Then before the SMO began, there was the Joint Declaration on 8 February in Beijing where the manifesto of Russia/China was spelled out for all to read, but not the main moves related to their strategic strategy.

I initially wrote a knee-jerk article accusing Turkey because that's what it appeared to be on the surface. Then Marat Khairullen proposed a reasonable explanation. But that still didn't make complete sense. Now that some facts are confirmed and more of the geoeconomic aspects of this event have surfaced, the trap aspect becomes more plausible. Then when it gets married to overall geopolitical action--wow--a very powerful and logical explanation is now available that connects dots, crosses Ts, and dots Is.

I see I'm very late in commenting, so I hope you'll get an opportunity to read my appreciation.

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Hi Karl, thank you. Much appreciated! 🙏

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Conspiracy theorists here. Interesting read. First. There can be no nuclear attacks …. not allowed by off world friends. Second, you have described the methods of over arching deep state, which would use the same tactics by which they have controlled the west, to control a central Eurasian hegemony.

That is why we have the, to deep state, unthinkable, …. Trump and friends …. not controlled by deep state money, and with a LOT of friends, to finally actually get rid of the multi generational evil bastards. Is that even possible. Yes. Watch it happen.

We are not living at the end of the world. rather,, the beginning 😊

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I very much hope that you are right.

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Thanks Alex. We shall see. We all, conscious humans, remain upon a cusp of historical direction, continuing with apex-predator-ecosystem model, or actually transcending that to some form of cooperative arrangement.

Global oil and economy appear to have peaked in November 2018, too...

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Thank you, John!

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"We British hide our treachery behind our good manners, our stiff upper lip and our pipe"

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Lest we forget:

“People like you are still living in what we call the reality-based community. You believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality. That’s not the way the world really works anymore.

We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you are studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out.

We’re history’s actors… and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

— Karl Rove (aka Bush’s Brain)

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I also remember that quote. However, I doubt these things are entirely doable, so in the end, it amonts to hybris.

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yeah, one of the quotes I’ll never forget

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Very thorough analysis and commentary Alex. As usual, I expect nothing less every time I read a new post of yours, listen to a podcast or an interview where you are discussing a particular subject.

One thing all the commenters on your post need be mindful of is your refrain, "all roads lead to London".

Since 1694, Britain has been trying to hold the beach ball under the water's surface. Every time this pit of vipers in the City of London exhaust one patch of collateral, or multitude of taxpayers and debtors, they melt away to infiltrate another rising power host and invigorate themselves for another bite at the fantasy of ruling the planet til the end of time.

Just so happens, the United States is the host this time around after they exhausted the bankrupt rock in the North Atlantic they infested and had to turn to a new growing power with the robust and rugged stock that would be their hammer to beat the next target on the globe into submission.

They tried it in 1775, and again in 1812, once more in 1861 and ultimately succeeded in 1913 after a conveniently engineered bank panic in 1907. Ever since then the conveyor belt of cash derived from usury and exploitation of one country after another fills their coffers to expand their power.

One thing I think we are seeing today though, those "crappy little countries" that were picked up and thrown against the wall just to prove the vipers were serious, are understanding the real game. They realize the fragility of hegemony orbits a very simple thing, collateral. One by one they are bleeding out the vipers by withdrawing the availability to control collateral. As each stroke of the blade from these "crappy little countries" lacerates the vipers, more come to unite and withdraw yet more collateral.

As it stands now, the only collateral they have left, is the perceived value of crappy little pieces of paper that are merely debt soaked tissue. I believe we will see within a decade, their instruments of hegemony, debt and enslavement will not just be circling the sewer, they will have been flushed down it and rot in the ash heap of history. Then we can rebuild and begin again, hopefully learning from these painful lessons of the past to not let the money changers ever have their nose in the tent again on this world.

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AK highlighted the gilt crisis in 2022.

See also "Key Lessons from the U.K. Gilt Crisis"

May 09, 2023

The unprecedented event has caused buy-side institutions to re-think their approach to collateral and funding.


It really is the collateral. See: "NATO Encroaching on European Pensions: Part of It Should Be Directed to Military Needs"

NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte has called for the first time for a portion of pensions and social benefits in Europe to be used for military purposes. He made this statement while speaking at the European office of the Carnegie Endowment * .

European countries "spend a quarter of their money on pensions and social benefits and they only need to use part of these funds to build a strong defense," the alliance's secretary general said, as quoted by TASS.


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They are not just going to encroach on European pensions. They have already discussed this method of collateral seizure for U.S. pension funds since 2008 when one of Obama's advisors was recommending this for shoring up the DC budget.

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I think Germany also has a scheme like this, using a certain percentage of wealth to allow for greater state debt. Sofar, these ideas have not been seriously discussed, public opinion would be outraged. There is also a concerted effort at more general control, in EU and UK through efforts to prevent money-laundering, see https://norberthaering.de/geldsystem/bankkontenregister/

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Thanks, pogo

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I agree. I just hope those "crappy little countries" can stick it out, in spite of bullying, threats and their own, sometimes pro-Western elites.

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