I watched a clip of Jim Bianco on Foxbiz w/Charles Paine. He kept playfully goading Jim to provide a chart of the relationship between balloons & stock market returns. It was all very cute fun & cheesy, but before Jim came on Charles said Biden's looking pretty 'weak' in regards to balloons & China. That was my 'ah ha' moment of realizing that this may all be a grand distraction, it's also quite likely about China China China, too. Plus new Speaker McCarthy going to Taiwan w/a bunch of GOP in tow to properly 'agitate' China, after rightfully pilling on Pelosi & DNC for agitating China. THEY, the DNC & GOP, are truly the Warfare-Welfare Uniparty.

Thanks as always Alex, looking forward to your next chat w/Tom tomorrow!

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Thank you Anthony, cheers!!

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Great article. Sadly the masses fall for the distractions and propaganda every time.

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Yes, but I'm not sure this time. The pandemic blew a massive hole in the authorities' credibility and the people orchestrating the whole show seem to be bungling; the whole thing feels incoherent and disorganized. It also seems that they're encountering opposition from many quarters where they would normally have enablers. Just my impression - we'll find out.

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It's quite ironic that the same MSM & politicos who blather on endlessly about the so-called UFOs never utter a single word about all of the Chemtrails & Chemspraying going on just above our heads....

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Good point!!!

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Thanks Alex love ya man! Be Well!

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Cheers! =)

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They might want to whip up war fever, but the Arsenal of Democracy is a distant memory and I don't think the average Red State American - the traditional recruiting ground for the US military - has any intention of answering a rallying cry from the Biden Administration.

The irony is that, in order to mobilize the nation for war, they will have to also appeal to God and Country, patriotism and martial virtues and the like. Things none of them obviously understand let alone believe in. They would have to appeal to America's previous triumphs even after spending decades trying to erase American history. In short, a complete reversal of the past 50 years.

I think they'd rather drink bleach than do that. But they probably don't grasp how out of touch they are, so they'll likely try it anyway.

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Yes, I hope you are right. However, the pandemic has shown that many people will comply with absurd government dictates - they're simply not prepared to accept that their leaders would deliberately deceive them with malicious intent. So they think, it must be true. But for sure, today fewer people remain who still trust their leaders, government, experts, media talking heads, etc.

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Feb 16, 2023
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I bet air-to-air refuelling will be a blast with an ADHD boom operator.

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Thank you, Alex.

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I am not sure that the goal is having a perpetual war and strengthening the power grip over US... I believe they aim to knock down Russia and China... they might have failed with the first one but boy-oh-boy - they have way better chances with China, which has an industrial base orders of magnitude smaller than Russia... or was it bigger :P?

It is clear that the Empire handlers are insane; if they had any common sense, they would start re-industrializing, but they have no logic... they remind me of Pinky and the Brain :P... but somehow even more incompetent and a lot bloodier - I suppose they need their genes spliced :P...


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'Rise like Lions after slumber ... In unvanquishable number -- Shake your chains to earth like dew ... Which in sleep had fallen on you --- Ye are many -- they are few.' ~ Percy Shelley. Thank you Alex for your insight and understanding. Let's hope more Lions wake up!

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Thank you PaPa!!

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Thank you so much Mr Krainer.

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A major war helps them (city of London Wall Street) reset the multi trillion dept that they are sitting on and they are hoping they could bring China and Russia in line with their plans. The problem is how do you do this and still have a world left to live in. Maybe that's why allot of the so called elite's have property in New Zeeland it must be out of the fall out zone

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Agreed; and many purchased properties in South America also.

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Anthony: "the DNC & GOP, are truly the Warfare-Welfare Uniparty." I must assume that by including "Welfare" in your description, you are referring to corporate welfare, because obviously Capitalism does not give a hoot about the people's welfare.

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Good points but I stopped at the errors related to Pat Tillman. 1. Army not Marines. 2. He did go to both Iraq and Afghanistan and 3. he was killed in the later.

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"and to do away with the remaining strictures of democracy."

Structures :-)?

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No, strictures. As in, restrictions.

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It's no fun to say this, but nobody is directing this with any coherent objective. Sure, there's propaganda with a underlying general ideological theme associated with collectivism. But the people echoing the propaganda are doing so as participants in the mass formation, not directors. I'll cut to the chase, the apparent madness we're witnessing in being caused by subconscious ideological distress felt by the multitudes. It's appears to be led, but it's not. It masses of people suffering from the same psychological distress and thus acting and responding homogeneously. The root cause of the psychological distress is device addiction, which is resulting in an epidemic of anxiety. Because the result of the addiction is social isolation and hyper-individualistic lifestyles, the anxiety is prompting an ideological response by those with a preference toward social ideology. They're being ripped apart internally. Their ideological spirit is distressed from being trapped in dark individualism, but the conscious mind won't address it because it loves the devices so much (trapped in addiction). The result is the madness we're witnessing.

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Didn't Desmet talk of mass formation, not mass formation psychosis?

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If I recall correctly Desmet was not happy with Malone's interpretation and addition of "psychosis."

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You recall correctly. https://odysee.com/@FwapUK:1/MIKE3456:7 at the 10:10 mark.

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