You nailed it Alex! The Queen was totally 'put down"; she may have even had some empathy for "the people" regarding the oligarchs appetite for the Ukraine war...she was in the way....
Thank you, Alex and Diana. I too have been suspicious. Circumstances surrounding Elizbeth's death were extremely odd. As you state Alex, she looked fine a few hours before. I looked ad looked for some mention of this in the media including alternative media but found none. Really appreciate this post.
On the question of Royal Families, I am certain that there is an untold story concerning the Russian Tsar's (the Romanov's). What we do know, for sure, is that they successfully frustrated much of the expansion of the Rothschild's empire in the 18 & 19 centuries (including frustrating the intended break up of the US), before eventually being massacred in the early 20 century. Interestingly, within three months of Putin becoming President, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized the murdered family (ie made them saints).
Most people in the West have heard the words/name *Peter the Great*.
Concerning the Romanovs, let's began with Peter: Peter the Great, was heavily-influenced of 'dutch/german'-Barock architecture & culture. He learned ship-building in Holland, on-site btw. PG was of 'german descent thru Catherine the Great. The post *Times of Trouble* was a consequence of the death of the last *Rürik(Kievian Rus)* & the ascendancy of the *Romanov's(Muscovy)*- ca- 1598-1615. How do I know this? Well, I got a map from ...1595-8 *Svecia et Norvegia cum finijas*
The...'germanics vs moskovites' has been ongoing for, over 430 years now. Somethings never change. Yep. It's a fact of History. Ever hear of *Time of Troubles*?
"The Time of Troubles (Russian: Смутное время, romanized: Smutnoye vremya), or Smuta (Russian: Смута), was a period of political crisis in the Tsardom of Russia which began in 1598 with the death of Feodor I,[1] the last of the Rurik dynasty, and ended in 1613 with the accession of Michael I of the House of Romanov...."
Hello Christopher! Hope you are doing well too. I downloaded the book, but not sure when I will get to it. There are so many books on my to read list, but not enough hours in the day!
We are also digital warriors, meme creators, artists, researchers, autists and ordinarily invisible people now considered dissidents in our own country.
We are the backbone of industry, the people who keep it all working, the builders, diggers and blue-collar workforce that keeps everything functioning.
We are the people they will never fully control. We speak in languages they do not understand, and we absorb targeted ridicule as fuel.
We are the movers of goods, the truckers, the farmers, the nameless people behind the skilled trades that keep what they call American society moving.
We are the people who grow the food, pick the food, transport the food, stock the food, cook the food and facilitate the life they live.
We are a visible, yet disregarded, insurgent force within their sphere of life that is never considered, yet we control the outcomes of every moment they value.
We pick up the trash, answer the phones, run cables to their devices, mow their lawns, solve their problems, control the flow of essential services and keep our heads below the radar.
We are the majority.
We can bring a halt to everything, simply by stopping what we do.
We are a self-reliant, freedom loving, normally peaceful and God-fearing assembly.
We drive them to their destination; we are comfortably out of mind until needed, and yet we are irreplaceable for the things they require.
We are armed with tools, hammers, pens, rulers, pickup trucks, laptops, post-it notes, stickers and alternate forms of messaging that circumvent the control mechanisms deployed to create our silence.
We are inside every facility, every institution, every meeting, every moment of their existence – and we notice everything.
We have eyes of mice and ears of elephants. We are there when they do not expect, and we melt away before they notice our appearance.
We are smart, strategic, highly intelligent and carry a brutally obvious and pragmatic common sense that finds optimal solutions to everything.
We identify our tribe immediately and without conversation.
We see what they hide, we hear what they whisper, we decipher their codes, and we understand the complexity they create in their effort to conceal.
We control the physical world that operates around every element of society, and we value real and tangible assets.
We do not sit around pontificating eloquently about philosophic nuances; we get shit done.
We are the people who facilitate their ability to take us for granted, and we do so without issue, resentment or desire for recognition.
We are optimistic, affable, kind, generous, friendly, loyal, warm and quietly spiritual in purpose.
We are polite, considerate and slow to anger.
We prefer to be left alone. However, pushed entirely far enough, decisions are reached. Right now, we are tenuously staring with deepened gaze.
We are increasingly pissed off…. Big Time!
In every town, village and hamlet we are encountering the same conversation. On every porch, in every shop, at every event, the topic is the same.
Right now, we are taking this fury to the platforms of visibility where we hope to influence outcomes. But if that effort fails, and/or if the command-and-control authorities make the mistake of thinking they can shut down our visibility and therefore control the dissent, there will be no quarter provided in the aftermath.
The two biggest mistakes they can make right now is not understanding why we have begun to bow our heads.
First, our heads are not bowed because we are subservient, cowering or accepting the current effort to control us….
….We are praying!
Their second mistake would be to ignore that we are not praying for us…
….We are praying for those who trespass against us!
The day this is tried will be the start of a civil insurrection & Washington will lose!
Washington will lose because Washington is all bluff & hollow!
Washington can't enforce it's diktats when faced with a bunch of angry Republican States on a rampage! Washington can't impose Illegal orders if the states refuse!
In 1832,President Andrew Jackson supposedly told the Supreme court,
"John Marshall( Chief Justice Supreme Court) has made his decision,now let him enforce it''
Trump is not running for Pope or Sainthood, he’s running for President. Politics is for thick-skinned Warriors, and not for the thin-skinned, weak, faint-of-heart who get their panties twisted up into a knot at the first sign of adversity.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Macedonians in Ephesus:
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. "
I always thought the BRF and other royals had a little actual power. But the last 3 years learning a new, revisionist form of history, has changed my mind. I don't know how much power they wield, but I think they are vastly wealthy.
Elections are being stolen globally. That takes a lot of money and power.
I always loved that picture of Evelyn R digging his finger into Charles' chest.
I think the goal of [their] storytellers is not to justify the control, but rather to keep us from noticing. Much like the story about boiling a frog. If you turn up the heat slowly enough, the frog does not notice until it is too late. If [they] keep our attention drawn elsewhere as they turn up the heat (control), we will likewise not notice until it is too late.
That is a much easier task than actually justifying what they're doing. And it seems to work.
Interesting about the death, and the notion it was instigated by the pro-Nazi faction.
Elizabeth was HORRIFIED that a mental nobody like Truss had become PM. She, as we learn from Harry and other soures, was a committed Corbynista. Intelligent, dignified, socialist, compassionate.
The precise opposite of Two-Planks Truss, and what the Tory regime (And the Kid Starver's PLP) has become.
Meeting Truss, instead of Corbyn - when she KNEW the general election had been gravely rigged - killed her will to live anymore.
She died early in the morning, with no interest in schedules of newspapers.
I have a feeling the BRF has a lot more power and wealth than I ever realized. When Liz died, it sent financial shockwaves thru the Vatican, which makes no sense when you consider the King or Queen are the head of the Church of England , protestant. They may not be at the head of the "big table", but I think they have a seat at that table.
All major surviving monarchies go back only about 3-400 years and they are probably all related. My understanding is the families were taken over by the old Oligarch families. Married into, then the real royals were slowly exterminated. Royal families that refused to marry were killed off. I think this includes all the .middle eastern and Thai Royal families as well.
A couple Brits I know think the queen was put down in April or May, but not announced til 3 months later.
At the death of Elizabeth II, a spokesman for the BRF said, it's on tape btw...."the 1 Royal Bloodline", whether it intentional or not He said it(!). Not the 13-Bloodlines from the Black Nobility from Venice. The *1-Bloodline*!
I believe, it was less than 1-decade that transpired between the *End of the Roman Empire* and the creation of the *Holy Roman Empire* with Charlemagne. Charlemagne was a descendant of Emperors Justinian and Constantine. Now Guess what empire took over after the *Holy Roman Empire*?
Church of England, the Anglican Church, is not Protestant. It did not come out of the Protestant Reformation but rather was a splinter from the Roman Catholic Church for historical reasons having to do with a King being denied a divorce by a Pope... but that is another story.
The Anglican Church is 'in communion' with the Roman Catholic Church and from what it appears, is likely to re-join it in the not too distant future. Perhaps the death of the Queen had something to do with this, maybe having some effect on those plans that upset the Vatican.
'Oh, what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive' -- Sir Walter Scott
OK, so the Archbishop of Canterbury may have sought to have power over his 'subjects,' but that was not the point of this discussion. The question was, why was the Vatican upset over the death of the Queen? I proposed that the anticipated re-unification of the Anglican Church and the Roman Catholic Church might have been affected in some way -- delay, new terms, whatever. I have no knowledge that this is true, I was merely proposing a thought experiment that might explain the observed facts.
BTW, the Presbytery is the chief body of the Presbyterian Church -- the Church of Scotland.
Some other churches, notably the United Church of Christ, also maintain a Presbytery.
I think the evidence suggests that all of the surviving royal families are effectively actors, doing as they are told. The only Royal Family that fought being controlled were the Romanov's (Russian Tsar's) and we know what happened to them.
re: 'murder of a monarch'. I've read reliable sources that Joseph Stalin said, directly in Moscow to FDR's daughter' 1-on-1, privately, FDR was poisoned/Killed/murdered. He wanted her to know what happened. All things after FDR's death corroborates this.. Too much detail. Do your research and you'll find a day/weeks reading-research in front of you.
Hi Alex. Busy in my *Candide-Pangloss-Cunégonde*-garden. Just wanna let You know...You're the Son(recognized, cough-cough), I never had. I got Daughters+Granddaughters thru-the-ears. ;) Brat-Brother, Big Smile :))
Yeeppp. They literally 'own(!)' all of the resources, under the physical-landmass within many nations of the *Brittish Commonwealth*. Literally! As for the land-above ground/surface, it appears that BRF have proxy-jurisdiction as well. Canada is a perfect example. Before *Canada*existed, a tiny section in the East was 'officially' called Canada, pre-1867 >>>
The remaining part of...Canada was, the *Brittish "Hudson Bay Company" Territory*. How do I know this? Well...I have a *terrestrial Erdglous* from pre-1867. Alaska was, *Russian Alaska*. Yeeppp. The Russian Empire's Tsar and the Usa Gov't had such an 'intimate relationship' and TRUST in the 1860's, Tsar Alexander II ceded/sold Alaska to.... >>>
i read a de-classified cia-document ca 1995 concerning the *Royal Families*, dated ca. 1952. The 'agency's conclusion was, it was best to...'retain the northern monarchies' because the People/Populous needed-would support a 'familiar governmental institution'. The *monarchies* Yeppp. Fact!
Perfect for a...transitory/bilderberger/waffenSS-leadership from Belgian. Fact!
*Tornado in a Junkyard* by James Perloff. An absolutely positively wonderful Man. I came across James P about 8-yrs ago. Established 'direct contact' with James P ca 2018.
I'm sooo glad You-Alex are familiar with his work. Truly. Also a Man who...'speaks the Truth'.
You recently suggested Richard Poe as a commentator. Good suggestion! He makes the point that if you know their names, then they are not the ultimate power, pulling the strings ie real power is very secretive. He was referring to the Rockefeller's and the Rothschild's but that observation has to be even more true of the British monarchy.
You nailed it Alex! The Queen was totally 'put down"; she may have even had some empathy for "the people" regarding the oligarchs appetite for the Ukraine war...she was in the way....
Thank you, Alex and Diana. I too have been suspicious. Circumstances surrounding Elizbeth's death were extremely odd. As you state Alex, she looked fine a few hours before. I looked ad looked for some mention of this in the media including alternative media but found none. Really appreciate this post.
Thank you Diana!😊
On the question of Royal Families, I am certain that there is an untold story concerning the Russian Tsar's (the Romanov's). What we do know, for sure, is that they successfully frustrated much of the expansion of the Rothschild's empire in the 18 & 19 centuries (including frustrating the intended break up of the US), before eventually being massacred in the early 20 century. Interestingly, within three months of Putin becoming President, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized the murdered family (ie made them saints).
Most people in the West have heard the words/name *Peter the Great*.
Concerning the Romanovs, let's began with Peter: Peter the Great, was heavily-influenced of 'dutch/german'-Barock architecture & culture. He learned ship-building in Holland, on-site btw. PG was of 'german descent thru Catherine the Great. The post *Times of Trouble* was a consequence of the death of the last *Rürik(Kievian Rus)* & the ascendancy of the *Romanov's(Muscovy)*- ca- 1598-1615. How do I know this? Well, I got a map from ...1595-8 *Svecia et Norvegia cum finijas*
The...'germanics vs moskovites' has been ongoing for, over 430 years now. Somethings never change. Yep. It's a fact of History. Ever hear of *Time of Troubles*?
"The Time of Troubles (Russian: Смутное время, romanized: Smutnoye vremya), or Smuta (Russian: Смута), was a period of political crisis in the Tsardom of Russia which began in 1598 with the death of Feodor I,[1] the last of the Rurik dynasty, and ended in 1613 with the accession of Michael I of the House of Romanov...."
Excellent! I just ordered/purchased the book and, as Alex K has reminded Us, Michael Hudson's new book *The Collapse of Antiquity* in Hardback :) ;)
I have a feeling, many, in the Future will read my copies, long after I've arrived in Heaven :))
:) Just bought it and 1 more ^^above^^
Hope You are doing well Sandra :) ;)
Hello Christopher! Hope you are doing well too. I downloaded the book, but not sure when I will get to it. There are so many books on my to read list, but not enough hours in the day!
We Are MAGA:
We are the workforce.
We are also digital warriors, meme creators, artists, researchers, autists and ordinarily invisible people now considered dissidents in our own country.
We are the backbone of industry, the people who keep it all working, the builders, diggers and blue-collar workforce that keeps everything functioning.
We are the people they will never fully control. We speak in languages they do not understand, and we absorb targeted ridicule as fuel.
We are the movers of goods, the truckers, the farmers, the nameless people behind the skilled trades that keep what they call American society moving.
We are the people who grow the food, pick the food, transport the food, stock the food, cook the food and facilitate the life they live.
We are a visible, yet disregarded, insurgent force within their sphere of life that is never considered, yet we control the outcomes of every moment they value.
We pick up the trash, answer the phones, run cables to their devices, mow their lawns, solve their problems, control the flow of essential services and keep our heads below the radar.
We are the majority.
We can bring a halt to everything, simply by stopping what we do.
We are a self-reliant, freedom loving, normally peaceful and God-fearing assembly.
We drive them to their destination; we are comfortably out of mind until needed, and yet we are irreplaceable for the things they require.
We are armed with tools, hammers, pens, rulers, pickup trucks, laptops, post-it notes, stickers and alternate forms of messaging that circumvent the control mechanisms deployed to create our silence.
We are inside every facility, every institution, every meeting, every moment of their existence – and we notice everything.
We have eyes of mice and ears of elephants. We are there when they do not expect, and we melt away before they notice our appearance.
We are smart, strategic, highly intelligent and carry a brutally obvious and pragmatic common sense that finds optimal solutions to everything.
We identify our tribe immediately and without conversation.
We see what they hide, we hear what they whisper, we decipher their codes, and we understand the complexity they create in their effort to conceal.
We control the physical world that operates around every element of society, and we value real and tangible assets.
We do not sit around pontificating eloquently about philosophic nuances; we get shit done.
We are the people who facilitate their ability to take us for granted, and we do so without issue, resentment or desire for recognition.
We are optimistic, affable, kind, generous, friendly, loyal, warm and quietly spiritual in purpose.
We are polite, considerate and slow to anger.
We prefer to be left alone. However, pushed entirely far enough, decisions are reached. Right now, we are tenuously staring with deepened gaze.
We are increasingly pissed off…. Big Time!
In every town, village and hamlet we are encountering the same conversation. On every porch, in every shop, at every event, the topic is the same.
Right now, we are taking this fury to the platforms of visibility where we hope to influence outcomes. But if that effort fails, and/or if the command-and-control authorities make the mistake of thinking they can shut down our visibility and therefore control the dissent, there will be no quarter provided in the aftermath.
The two biggest mistakes they can make right now is not understanding why we have begun to bow our heads.
First, our heads are not bowed because we are subservient, cowering or accepting the current effort to control us….
….We are praying!
Their second mistake would be to ignore that we are not praying for us…
….We are praying for those who trespass against us!
They may not like what follows, “Amen!”
We are resolute and of common purpose.
We are MAGA!
- Sundance, Conservative Tree House
I think a general strike would work, is that what you are suggesting? Why don't we try that here, it works in Europe!
The Day Trump is Imprisoned is the Day the National Strike Begins!
Let's do it!
Trump will never be imprisoned!
The day this is tried will be the start of a civil insurrection & Washington will lose!
Washington will lose because Washington is all bluff & hollow!
Washington can't enforce it's diktats when faced with a bunch of angry Republican States on a rampage! Washington can't impose Illegal orders if the states refuse!
In 1832,President Andrew Jackson supposedly told the Supreme court,
"John Marshall( Chief Justice Supreme Court) has made his decision,now let him enforce it''
I don't particularly care for him but definitely all in on this.
Trump is not running for Pope or Sainthood, he’s running for President. Politics is for thick-skinned Warriors, and not for the thin-skinned, weak, faint-of-heart who get their panties twisted up into a knot at the first sign of adversity.
Trump is the best available!
He will do the right thing,as he sees the right, for the public!
He will because he has many small financial contributors & Few major donors & can call his own shots!
The rest are just puppets for their Billionaire financial donors who own them to a large degree!
Excellent, Amen!
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Macedonians in Ephesus:
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. "
Here are some events and dates
Sep 5 Truss voted PM
Sep 6 Queen meets Truss and appoints as PM
Sep 8 Queen dies
Sep 19 Funeral QEII
Sep 23 UK FM Kwarteng Mini Budget
Sep 26 North Stream Attack
Sep 27 IMF Rebuke of Kwarteng budget
Sep27 BOE bailout plans drafted
Sep 28 LDI Crisis BOE bailout
Oct 5 OPEC production cut
Oct 5 BOE informs UK parliament of systemic issues averted by intervention
Oct 8 Crimea Bridge Attack
Oct 11 BOE further Gilt purchases with withdrawal by Oct 14
Oct 12 IMF Meeting
Oct 13 Kwarteng Leaves IMF early
Oct 14 Kwarteng Sacked
Oct 14 Wallace scheduled to be in London on Oct 18
Oct 18 UK MOD Wallace travels to USA
Oct 20 UK PM Truss resigns
Oct 23 Boris withdraws from PM leadership race
Oct 25 Sunak appointed PM
Wow, great timeline, thank you!
I always thought the BRF and other royals had a little actual power. But the last 3 years learning a new, revisionist form of history, has changed my mind. I don't know how much power they wield, but I think they are vastly wealthy.
Elections are being stolen globally. That takes a lot of money and power.
I always loved that picture of Evelyn R digging his finger into Charles' chest.
Interesting that he died Nov. 7th. I wonder if it somehow fits in the timetable above?
When you rule with stories, you have to make sure the story is better than it actually pans out. Real life doesn't stage itself.
Burning Bright says that our side will win, because we have the better storytellers. Sure seems that way, these days.
Simple stories are best - but justifying so much control is anything but simple.
I think the goal of [their] storytellers is not to justify the control, but rather to keep us from noticing. Much like the story about boiling a frog. If you turn up the heat slowly enough, the frog does not notice until it is too late. If [they] keep our attention drawn elsewhere as they turn up the heat (control), we will likewise not notice until it is too late.
That is a much easier task than actually justifying what they're doing. And it seems to work.
Interesting about the death, and the notion it was instigated by the pro-Nazi faction.
Elizabeth was HORRIFIED that a mental nobody like Truss had become PM. She, as we learn from Harry and other soures, was a committed Corbynista. Intelligent, dignified, socialist, compassionate.
The precise opposite of Two-Planks Truss, and what the Tory regime (And the Kid Starver's PLP) has become.
Meeting Truss, instead of Corbyn - when she KNEW the general election had been gravely rigged - killed her will to live anymore.
She died early in the morning, with no interest in schedules of newspapers.
Thank you for this comment. I’m no monarchist but always had a soft spot for Elizabeth.
I have a feeling the BRF has a lot more power and wealth than I ever realized. When Liz died, it sent financial shockwaves thru the Vatican, which makes no sense when you consider the King or Queen are the head of the Church of England , protestant. They may not be at the head of the "big table", but I think they have a seat at that table.
All major surviving monarchies go back only about 3-400 years and they are probably all related. My understanding is the families were taken over by the old Oligarch families. Married into, then the real royals were slowly exterminated. Royal families that refused to marry were killed off. I think this includes all the .middle eastern and Thai Royal families as well.
A couple Brits I know think the queen was put down in April or May, but not announced til 3 months later.
At the death of Elizabeth II, a spokesman for the BRF said, it's on tape btw...."the 1 Royal Bloodline", whether it intentional or not He said it(!). Not the 13-Bloodlines from the Black Nobility from Venice. The *1-Bloodline*!
I believe, it was less than 1-decade that transpired between the *End of the Roman Empire* and the creation of the *Holy Roman Empire* with Charlemagne. Charlemagne was a descendant of Emperors Justinian and Constantine. Now Guess what empire took over after the *Holy Roman Empire*?
Church of England, the Anglican Church, is not Protestant. It did not come out of the Protestant Reformation but rather was a splinter from the Roman Catholic Church for historical reasons having to do with a King being denied a divorce by a Pope... but that is another story.
The Anglican Church is 'in communion' with the Roman Catholic Church and from what it appears, is likely to re-join it in the not too distant future. Perhaps the death of the Queen had something to do with this, maybe having some effect on those plans that upset the Vatican.
'Oh, what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive' -- Sir Walter Scott
OK, so the Archbishop of Canterbury may have sought to have power over his 'subjects,' but that was not the point of this discussion. The question was, why was the Vatican upset over the death of the Queen? I proposed that the anticipated re-unification of the Anglican Church and the Roman Catholic Church might have been affected in some way -- delay, new terms, whatever. I have no knowledge that this is true, I was merely proposing a thought experiment that might explain the observed facts.
BTW, the Presbytery is the chief body of the Presbyterian Church -- the Church of Scotland.
Some other churches, notably the United Church of Christ, also maintain a Presbytery.
I think the evidence suggests that all of the surviving royal families are effectively actors, doing as they are told. The only Royal Family that fought being controlled were the Romanov's (Russian Tsar's) and we know what happened to them.
re: 'murder of a monarch'. I've read reliable sources that Joseph Stalin said, directly in Moscow to FDR's daughter' 1-on-1, privately, FDR was poisoned/Killed/murdered. He wanted her to know what happened. All things after FDR's death corroborates this.. Too much detail. Do your research and you'll find a day/weeks reading-research in front of you.
Beautiful photo in the article illustrating Charles submission to the powers that be. Who is the guy in the photo pointing the finger at Charles?
It's Evelyn Rothschild.
When he can poke royalty in the chest we know who actually rules....
Yes, exactly.
I believe the dude's name, off-the-top-of-head is Evelyn Rotten-sh_t-child. Yeah. a lady's name everyone...evel-lyn. ;)
Hi Alex. Busy in my *Candide-Pangloss-Cunégonde*-garden. Just wanna let You know...You're the Son(recognized, cough-cough), I never had. I got Daughters+Granddaughters thru-the-ears. ;) Brat-Brother, Big Smile :))
Hi Christopher, thank you! I appreciate that, sir! 😊
Big Hugs to You & Sons Alex. :) ;) Sincerely :)
And to you Christopher! 😊
King Charles III is not just some silly character in a British pageant.
Learn about the King’s Crown Agents and Corporations and Landownership and Offshore Bank Accounts.
The Queen’s (King’s) Prerogative
Crown Agents Act 1995:
Yeeppp. They literally 'own(!)' all of the resources, under the physical-landmass within many nations of the *Brittish Commonwealth*. Literally! As for the land-above ground/surface, it appears that BRF have proxy-jurisdiction as well. Canada is a perfect example. Before *Canada*existed, a tiny section in the East was 'officially' called Canada, pre-1867 >>>
The remaining part of...Canada was, the *Brittish "Hudson Bay Company" Territory*. How do I know this? Well...I have a *terrestrial Erdglous* from pre-1867. Alaska was, *Russian Alaska*. Yeeppp. The Russian Empire's Tsar and the Usa Gov't had such an 'intimate relationship' and TRUST in the 1860's, Tsar Alexander II ceded/sold Alaska to.... >>>
Don't be fooled. What I said is FACT!
i read a de-classified cia-document ca 1995 concerning the *Royal Families*, dated ca. 1952. The 'agency's conclusion was, it was best to...'retain the northern monarchies' because the People/Populous needed-would support a 'familiar governmental institution'. The *monarchies* Yeppp. Fact!
Perfect for a...transitory/bilderberger/waffenSS-leadership from Belgian. Fact!
re: at 'The Ripple Effect Podcast'.
*Tornado in a Junkyard* by James Perloff. An absolutely positively wonderful Man. I came across James P about 8-yrs ago. Established 'direct contact' with James P ca 2018.
I'm sooo glad You-Alex are familiar with his work. Truly. Also a Man who...'speaks the Truth'.
James P has extensive(!) documented research in All(!) of his writings. HERE:
An extremely 'humble' Man. His health hasn't been the best the past few years.
Anyway, James has excellent work for many decades. Please, Everyone & All read/look at what He's written. I've learned alot thru James' writings.
Regarding...*hokum*. The communal-thing.
Yeah. Surely good stuff...even without the...*hobblee-bobblee* ie...hashish. Cough-Cough. Cairo. Al-Ahzar Market. 'Shuuf'haada.. ;) :)
Thanks Alex. Get-some-Sleep too. ;)
You recently suggested Richard Poe as a commentator. Good suggestion! He makes the point that if you know their names, then they are not the ultimate power, pulling the strings ie real power is very secretive. He was referring to the Rockefeller's and the Rothschild's but that observation has to be even more true of the British monarchy.
I'm not sure - I think sime definitely cam't avoid the spotlight.