There are a few errors Alex:

1. October 7 false flag operation: The Israeli colony was planted in the midst of Arabia and Islamic nations. It can only exist in this hostile environment if its army can terrorize the whole of Arabia. October 7 made a mockery of the Israeli army, and thus shook the foundations of the colony. Israel never needed an excuse to launch a war. It would therefore impossible that Israel would destroy its deterrence, this would be like shooting oneself in the head.

2. Khaled Mashal is neither the leader nor founder of Hamas. He was the leader during the "Arab Spring" and had a highly treacherous role in the war on Syria. He was removed and replaced by Ismail Hanniyeh who is marginal. Yahya Sinwar is the leader of Hamas in Gaza. Both Sinwar and Mohamad Deif (military leader) were not involved in the Hamas treachery against Syria.

3. The Muslim state armies are mostly under US control and cannot wage a war on Israel. Those capable are the Resistance Axis members: Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Ansaru-Allah in Yemen, and PMU in Iraq. All Resistance Axis members have entered into the war albeit at a low level of intensity which is being steadily increased. On October 8, Hezbollah initiated attacks against Israel. These attacks have steadily increase in intensity, geographical breadth. depth and weapons used. Ansaru-Allah have launched missiles on Israel, and downed two US drones so far and have threatened any Israeli ship that passes through Bab el Mandib strait. The PMU is attacking US bases in Iraq and Syria. Syria is logistics base for Hezbollah and the PMU, Iran is supplier of money and weapons systems.

4. Hassan Nasrallah has already opened a front. Hezbollah has over 60 martyrs already and has killed well over 100 soldiers of the Israeli army. Hezbollah actions have locked over 30% of the Israeli army which cannot be deployed to Gaza or West Bank.

5. Resistance Axis has military supremacy in Southwest Asia, and will defeat any Western forces, as they did in Iraq. The reason they do not declare full fledged war, is for purely religious reasons. In Islam there is no "collateral damage". The death of one innocent person is equivalent to death of mankind. On Judgement Day, instigators of war will be held responsible for deaths of innocent civilians killed in the war. So Resistance Axis can only embark on a full fledged war if it is instigated by Israel or the US.

6. You correctly note, the attacks on the US been ensnared in a trap, and Resistance Axis steady escalation is tightening the noose.

5. The situation is very similar to Ukraine war, where time is on Russia's side, same applies to Southwest Asia. Neither the Israeli or US armies are designed to fight extended wars, accordingly the Resistance Axis will continue in their attacks without any meaningful loss of capabilities, while Israel and the US are weakened by the week.

The outcome of this war will be removal of the US bases from Southwest Asia, which will entail the end of the Zionist colony in Palestine.

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Thank you Fadi, good feedback.

1) Agreed, a false flag but not central to my argument.

2) I meant to say "former" leader re Mashal but I thoughy he was ine of the founders?

3) Being under US control would make Arab armies more likely to take the bait but they didn't. US lost influence

4) Yes, but pinpricks, not a declared war. Kind of brilliant, actually.

5) 100% agree

6) OK

Last point: also agree, it is a lot like Ukraine. US got defeated by Taleban, the Arabs only have to preserve unity and not turn in each other.

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Do you actually believe the US was “defeated” by the Taliban or the NVA In Vietnam? If the US really prosecuted wars with the depth of armaments, technology, and leadership that it is capable of, then almost nobody could win against it. But those wars are prosecuted very differently, with enrichment of the military-industrial complex being one of the top reasons they are started in the first place. That’s the obvious observation, but I know there are deeper, more esoteric reasons for every war.

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Well, I don't know - you make it sound like they could have won if they really meant to, but when was the last time they actually won a real war? And who's to say that they'll really, really mean business the next time?

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Have you ever watched videos about AC 130 gun ship, nicknamed “death from above”? They don’t really need boots on the ground, as they could literally reduce any civilization to rubble. But there is such a myriad of products to make money on from MREs, to bullets, to toilet paper, by having boots on the ground.

I do think they mean business , but we can only see the effect on hindsight, like all the totalitarian controls AFTER we were surprised by 9/11. Besides making money, they do have an agenda, which we can only see through a glass darkly.

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Blowing things up is one thing. Winning wars is very different. They blew up a lot of things in Iraq and Afghanistan but they still lost.

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There is more to winning a war than reducing "any civilization to rubble." The human spirit is indomitable, even when all around it is turned to rubble. In the words of U2, "free at last, they took your life. But they could not take your pride."

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The simple point is, that if they really wanted to conquer, they have all the means to do so.

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LOL AC 130? A sitting (flying) duck for any half decent anti air weapon, including shoulder mounted.

Always amazing when US military fanboys stick their necks out.

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The US rules of engagement tie the hands of our military.

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Dear Mona, you may wish to check following books by Andrei Martyanov:

1. Losing Military Supremacy, The Myopia of American Strategic Planning

2. The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs

3. Disintegration, Indicators of the Coming American Collapse

You can also his check his blog: http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com/

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Your point #3>>> The 'leadership' of among others, the *KSA-Saudi Military* are more or less trained exclusively by the US-military. The...'bahksheesh' isn't working anyone 'cause, I suspect the Chinese offered an 'even-sweeter deal'...and guarenteed MBS his...*security*.

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“Neither the Israeli or US armies are designed to fight extended wars…”

After Iraq and Afghanistan, what would be your definition of an “extended war”? 20+ years and trillions of dollars - that’s a pretty good, long fight.

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They didn't "fight" the wars to win, they were designed to be forever wars so those stockholders in the MIC like Halliburton with recently privatised military services could cash in for the long run.

I don't think that's news to you.

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The occupation of Iraq, which is not war, is minly about stealing oil. The 20 years in Afghanistan was about protecting and shipping their heroin trade.

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Farting to the Wind: Against a peer or near peer opponent the US has fuck all hope of fighting an extended war. They have neither the industrial base or the capabilities. They have no hypersonics, 2nd tier EW, etc. Jewkraine has shown that.

If the Zionist US attacks Iran, Russia will supply them with the best goodies (if they haven't already).

And stop banging on about Afghanistan, it was a counter insurgency campaign against a weak, under armed opponent. It was not a an actual combined arms war. You are lost in your Rambo masturbatory fantasies.

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I wouldn't be using words like Jewkraine if you want to be taken seriously.

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And that is why the US was forced out of Afghanistan and asked, by a legitimate government, to leave Iraq.

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A fantasy. They were not forced out; they abandoned it to move on to the next stage of their great work. History is not accidental; it’s completely conspiratorial.

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Thank you for your expertise on the middle east and world affairs.

Fadi my good man.

Listen Closely, and Listen Attentively,

If there is no Israel there will be no Palestine. No Al-Aqsa Mosque Or Lebanon, Or Jordan, Or Tehran,

Use Your Fucking Brain

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Kissinger remarked 3 years ago that Israel is finished.

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If you are refering to 'Samson Option', actually most of the warheads will be aiming where they do most damage - Western capitals. Sure, Tehran, but also Berlin, London, Paris, Rome, NY, DC, Madrid, Vienna - everywhere who failed the Jewish community in the 40s.

Its payback time, and they wouldn't expect to come out alive anyway.

You don't seriously think that Western capitals would give two shits about this flea-speck country if all it was doing is threatening its neighbours with nuclear hellfire? Israelis are many things, but stupid is rarely one of them (At least, until the most recent generation coddled by Nuttyahoo).

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If you think they are going to just sit by and watch themselves be destroyed AGAIN, your sadly mistaken.

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Dear Mark,

If the Gaza war does develop into a major war instigated by Israel or the US, it will spell the end of the Zionist colony, about this there is no question.

Samson Option:

If the Zionists opt for using nuclear weapons, they may kill several million out of the 200+million Arabs/Iranians. This will not change outcome for the Zionist colony, however it would put an end to the racists supremacist "Chosen People" ideology that has dragged for far longer than its expiry date.

Samsonite Option (courtesy of Garland Nixon):

Most likely, and can be witnessed already by checking departures from Ben Gurion airport.

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Good Morning Alex, excellent again, interesting point about Trump, I missed it completely as I could not think why at the time. Regards Peter

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Thank you Peter! =)

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Ditto great point about Trump, he stripped back the bs and set them up.

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Glad you brought that up about Trump, which is how we saw it. Ditto for the bomb on the near empty Syrian air field.

More controversial, many do not believe Trump initiated or knew of the Solemani murder. Within the hour the White House was on the phone to the Swiss government asking them to intervene. That is a huge 'tell'.

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Thank you Eleni!

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Great piece. My favourite line " Large parts of the Middle Eastern energy resources still constitute western banking interests' collateral which necessitates military enforcement". This is the key to US actions. Do US interests ever learn?-- ask Blackrock et al who made deals in Ukraine. Wait for their comeuppance.

This principle of "ignoring the troll/bully" is the best mantra to live by in all aspects of our lives--geopolitically and personally. Nothing upsets them more then to ignore them, it takes away their perceived power and reveals a weak man behind the curtain.

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Thank you Carol!

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I still find it sickening that neither China nor Russia, powerful as they are have called out the security council fraud of single veto power. Even if they can't change it, they should keep calling out that the system is rigged!

You would think that they would prefer multipolar one nation one vote power in the UN, but they too go along with that single veto power because it gives them power.

But it is the reason why the US and the West can continue to do illegal actions around the world, as they simply veto anything against that.

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Yes, but I think they must pick their battles very judiciously, things are xomplicated. I was disappointed they didn't intervene on Libya's side, but I can't say why they didn't. Maybe they had their reasons and priorities.

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Russia was not strong enough militarily at that point to intervene in Libya. Intervening in Libya would have meant taking on all of NATO.

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Yes, but they didn't veto UN resolution that allowed the "humanitarian" intervention. I suppose they had their reasons, but to me it was a disappointment.

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It was Medvedev in charge, he clearly learned his lesson the hard way, and the Libyans harder.

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regarding libya - russia and china weren't as capable or nearly as strong as they are now... russia did intervene in syria a number of years later though..

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Yeah, the Libya mess is when I started questioning Russia and China.

And still today, the US is illegally in Syria, Israel bombs Syria and even shot down a Russian jet, and Russia just takes it on the chin...

There's nationalists in Russia that dislike the current administration, especially after the smo in Ukraine being dragged out.

I'll be honest, the current Russian administration is compromised. Like Trump, they didn't clean the swamp out.

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Russia took it on the chin because they have a game plan and don't fall into provocations. Plane got shot down, OK but you don't overturn your chessboard and start a brawl with everyone.

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How many 10s of thousands, or millions, or hundreds of millions, would be worth those pilots lives?

Russia now has the most powerful military on Earth, but it took time to reach that point. Had they gone all-in on Ukraine, and NATO espied an early advantage (After the Russian Airforce would have been decimated by manpads), dropped a nuke or two on the large Russian corps, and then mobilised NATO for the planned invasion and regime change, we'd be in a very different world right now.

Putin is aware - better than most Westerners - of the forces behind the West, and the lengths their insanity will go to.

It was, after all, Western money that rebuilt the WW2 German War Machine, backing the planned genocide of the entire Russian people.

He cannot afford to make a mistake, when a single overconfident misstep is signing a suicide note. He is careful, because he has to be.

In the IRL world, you can't rage-quit and start again from a save.

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you have a lot of opinions, lol... they are just that - opinions, and lacking in much of any insight based on everything you've said here so far..

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So please explain, oh wait, yours are also opinions.

Stop pretending like you have facts....

Putin's administration is full of corporate tools and crooked assholes just like we have in the West.

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if you are paid by some troll farm to slagg russia, you're doing a good job..

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Ohh, I must be a troll because you're such a fanboy that you can't consider that they're still corrupt. Putin did reform some things but look at Russian politics and see how it's still run by oligarchs.

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UN is a toothless tiger, becoming more and more irrelevant. Nobody cares about them anymore, it is all a masquerade show.

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russia has been very open about the security council needing to change and to include countries from south america or africa... you probably missed that in your reading as most don't read about what russia says about anything.. and the western msm doesn't make it available either...

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There shouldn't be a security council, period.

Why do some countries have a bigger vote and veto power over others?

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Because they designed the system, and had no intentions of it being used to curtail the privileges they had become used to.

You can say the same about "Western Liberal Democracy" as a whole.

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Exactly. This is why I'm perplexed why Russia and China aren't on board with stopping that loophole.

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well, that is a separate issue/topic and one for a bigger conversation then i am ready to give here..

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I also want to thank you, finally somebody pointed out the obvious. The entire sequence of events smelled of a trap. You expressed it perfectly in such few words. Bravo

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Thank you!

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I Knew there was something amiss in all that I had been reading! I wasn't standing back far enough.

Thank you, Alex, for all that you do. You are greatly appreciated!

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Thank you MistyAnn! =)

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I would argue the reserved and hesitant approach of the Arabs (and Iran) can be ascribed to Chinese and Russian influences. I supect they knew for years something like this was in the cards, and the latest reapproachments (Iran & Syria with Saudi Arabia) can be seen in this light, and as a counter measure.

And to venture a prognosis, as soon as the US troops going in hard against Iraq and Syrian to defend their illegal bases, another horizontal escalation will happen - somewhere else.

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Yes, I would agree. But I'm not sure if they will go in hard. They'll bomb, for sure but may not even have the capability to go with boots on the ground.

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The US does still have that capability, but I doubt they have the stomach for it and in any event, Brandon is not in charge. The US government is in a state of devolution and Brandon is one of many toothless tigers.

Those who do control the US Mil are not interested in the Cabal's forever wars. View whatever happens with the US in that light, and things will make more sense -- just as with your insightful observation regarding Trump. And the Arab nations not taking the bait. The more this goes on, the more [they] and their allies are exposed. And that is a good thing, because it is leading to the people of the world finally seeing what has been done to them (almost since the beginning of time) and who has been doing it.


Excellent article by Erik Carlson, makes a convincing case that Iran, Israel, the puppets (Hamas, Hezbollah etc.) are all controlled by the Cabal -- which Erik calls the 'British Cabal.' Soon though, all sides will get tired of having their strings pulled and will realize they no longer must pay any attention to the little man behind the curtain.

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Agreed. They might just leave, and it wouldn't be the first shameful withdrawal.

Not even within this decade ...

But I'm sure contingency plans for this case exist.

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I heard the voice of Sergey Lavrov in Nasrallah's wise comments.

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Yes, exactly!!

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American aircraft carriers on the bottom of the sea might be the first indication that the MICIMATT complex recognizes as a sign that the deployment of them was ill-fated.

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The US Military is in a tragicomic position right now. The aircraft carriers are deployed to threaten, but they have to be kept far enough away that they really aren't very threatening; else they will be readily sunk. But of course, they could be sunk at will, anyways.

The whole thing reminds me of a time when I was growing up. Our little dog barking at a german shepherd. The dog looked at its master as if to say, "should I eat him?" and they just kept walking down the street.

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It is in the interest of the MICIMATT complex that every piece of military hardware have as short a lifespan as they can have it have. They make more money by making replacements than any other way.

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The US carriers were deployed as a last-ditch attempt to appear to be relevant. They will not be sunk (they do after all have fairly effective defenses) but just sitting there and doing nothing will reveal for all to see that the US can no longer dictate to the world.

At this point, nobody really can. There was a time that the British Navy ruled the seas, but few care about them anymore. Nor do people fear the US, Russia and China -- all on paper at least formidable forces; but when a rag-tag bunch of kids with ultralight aircraft and AK-47s can terrorize a nation, the ability to blow something up halfway around the world no longer is as impressive as it once was. US mil a shadow of what it once was; Russians who should have made quick work of Ukraine winning but bogged down; and the PLA a paper tiger -- when was the last time the Chinese beat anyone in a war? Oh, let's see, that was WW2 with a huge amount of help from the USA. Even India and Vietnam have made the PLA look powerless.

The world order is changing, which is hardest for those who were at the top. After all when you are Number One you have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo -- but, "nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky."

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Nothing can be defended from a hypersonic missile approaching at Mach 10+.

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ICBMs travel at about Mach 10 and there are defenses against them. Moscow is ringed by an ABM system. USA used to have some in place (Nike IIRC) but I believed no longer does due to the ABM treaty with Russia (1972). They were around Washington DC and one of the US ICBM launch facilities, IIRC Grand Forks AFB but I'm not sure.

Israel and the USA have jointly developed the Arrow ABM system since 1986, and the first-ever space intercept in wartime happened just recently: "On October 31, 2023, an Arrow 2 missile intercepted a long-range ballistic missile launched at Israel from Houthis in Yemen. This marks Arrow 2’s first operational use during a war, and its first successful interception. On November 9, 2023, for the first time ever, Israel’s most advanced air defense system, the Arrow 3, made a successful interception of a Ghadr-110 missile heading for the country’s southernmost city of Eilat, the IDF and the Defense Ministry announced."


Alex had an article in March about hypersonic missiles. I replied in more technical detail to that article here:


There are also directed-energy weapons, which nobody seems to be claiming to have deployed as of yet, but there has been a lot of work in developing them. So, there are defenses against hypersonic weapons; like all military technologies, it is a cat-and-mouse game.

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Hypersonics are not ICBMs. Please pay attention so as to not seem a fool.

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ICBMs are picked up at launch, due to their large size.

Kinzhals are air-launched by migs, are several magnitudes cheaper to produce (So can swarm targets without breaking the bank), and so far have beaten every Patriot battery they've gone up against.

If the USA directly attacks a BRICs member, such as Iran, I hope those US sailors in the Med are able to swim.

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"when was the last time the Chinese beat anyone in a war? " Korea, 50ies.

Ignorance isn't bliss is it?

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I don’t normally have a lot of patience with long videos - especially in Russian! - but this one is fascinating. It’s Andrei Fursov, Director of Russian Studies, explaining what has been happening in the world and why, over the past few decades. There are a few minutes here and there where it becomes a bit arcane, but overall it delivers many revelations on capitalism, finance, geopolitics and the war between two different factions of globalists. He obviously has a particular Russian bias, but I found a lot of what he had to say rational and a good explanation of recent history. In one part he says that capitalism can only keep growing either through finding new markets or cannabilising itself (destroying and rebuilding) through war. Russia was the last big new market they found in the 90s, and they can no longer wage really big wars because of the nuclear threat. He says all the elites are globalists but they fall into two factions: globalists are ok with global control but want to keep the state, private property and the middle class. He says Trump is in this category. Ultraglobalists want the world controlled by 5-6 big corporations; they want to abolish the state and the middle class and just have two classes - the elite who eat natural food, travel, live in nice houses, have access to nature etc., and serfs who eat bugs and live in boxes. Schwab (and what Tom Luongo would call the Davos crowd) are the ultraglobalists. Their plan was to to have 16 years (8 years of Obama and 8 years of Hillary Clinton) to take control of all human behaviour and set up a bipolar world - the Transpacific (led by China) and the Transatlantic (led by the US and UK). But Trump was a black swan event. They had to get rid of him by ramping up the civil conflict, deep state interference and then Covid. But they are now reaping the consequences of that in the US. Fursov says the ultraglobalist plan won’t work unless the 3 global powers - the US, China and Russia all cooperate - and they are not doing so. He also says the elites don’t agree on the solution (cf globalists vs ultraglobalists). There’s lots more in it. Well worth a watch.


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Clearly Martin Armstrong may be correct. If China or Russia wanted to finish off the west military power and exhaust it quickly all they would have to do is wage a war in a couple of places. They'd be completely depleted. Nero style global predator banksters are running out of options.

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Yes, I think that's right!

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First, if your analysis is correct, a big thank you to the Muslim world for “not taking the bait”. But time will tell on this, as it’s still early in the game.

Whatever is happening, it appears to me, that Lahaina was a human sacrifice to kick off something big against the US. That could be the Gaza thing or something else.

Next, they have made it so obvious about there imminent WWIII scenario, that it might be a bait and switch. They may be using that to move the chess game in another surprising direction.

Lastly, that we are “a century later living in a very different reality than Keynes”, is so true, as we are for all practical purposes a digital economy, and the little paper that is still in use is not backed by anything. They have an infinity button on creating digital currency, and since it’s not backed by anything tangible, how can it be diluted? At this point it’s just an agreed vehicle of exchange and payment. Inflation is now created by shrinking quantity, lower quality, and simply increasing the prices. It is completely artificial and at the whim of TPTB.

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And, have you seen some of the YT propaganda videos of the IDF? They’re just silly. It’s was an obvious false flag- TOO obvious.

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Agreed. All discerning minds immediately knew there was no way on God's green earth that Mossad, Shin Bet, MI-6, CIA knew nothing. The Israelis and West were in on it.

Just like Pearl Harbor and Sept. 11.

"I still find it impossible to believe that Mossad was caught completely offguard. I just can’t accept it. I can’t squint hard enough to see the situation the way “they” want us to see it.

When it is all said and done, I’m confident that the same people who architected the State of Israel and took over Iran in a coup, and who have controlled most of the Middle East, will be exposed as being the same people who have instigated this current crisis: The British Cabal. "

-- Erik Carlson, "Women, Children ... and Terror," Oct. 13, 2023


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I agree, but I hardly think exposing them amounts to anything. They are in complete control.

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If that were so, you would not see [them] making so many unforced errors.

Exposure is important because the general population must see what is and has been happening to them, before they will support the actions that will take [them] down.

I believe that the Cabal are running out of both Narrative and Actual ammo. They are running scared which is why they are making errors -- [they] are not actually in control. Not anymore anyway; there are powerful forces aligned against [them]. Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, for two examples; but there are many others. Xi likely, too.

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Spot on, Alex!! God bless you and yours.

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Thank you Greg, likewise!

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Alex, I nominate you for world leader. You can see how everything works and what to do about it; but you would have an urgency to get the whole thing resolved while your kids are young enough that you do not miss out on taking them to the park.

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Hi Jeff, thank you but perhaps you exaggerate slightly? Very flattered, tho. =)

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Well, maybe a little (not much!). I thought that you would appreciate the humanity of just wanting to be with what's really important, your family.

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This article is very hopeful. Thanks 🙏🏽

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I agree with the logic of your article. The current status of most of the Arab nations, notably ,Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Lebanon , their economies are doing very well. The money is flowing and the powers that be do not want their infrastructure looking like Gaza or post war Berlin. And remember not many men want to become jihadis for the wealthy rulers. Hamas leadership calling for a fatwah from a 5 star resort does not resonate with even the dumbest .

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God is raising up his Church to fight the spiritual war that is at hand! Keep posting!

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Thank you Margie!

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Great clarity in your succinct analysis of events still unfolding. Yes, we are in WWIII, just not as the neocons had planned. Sun Tzu and Machiavelli must be smiling.

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Thank you!

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