Lab leak theory is complete nonsense. Gain of Function is a money laundering scam that has zero basis in biological reality. Patents prove nothing except...there are patents.
Covid-19" was not an epidemiological/medical event it was a long planned geopolitical event- akin to the phony "War on Terror."
The Covid Operation was set in motion in the summer of 2019 and launched in March 2020 in order to change the entire financial and social order of The West due to a confluence of existential crises that were facing the ruling class parasites which could no longer be kicked down the road.
The introduction of the Covid-19 “emergency” was the circuit breaker and the rationale used to freeze the US banking system and provide the opportunity to inject massive amounts of cash into the system that went to large financial investment and banking firms- aka bailouts. Same was done in the EU.
There was no pandemic ever- there is no “lab leak”- there is no “unique viral pathogen”- there is no “China Virus”- there is no “bioweapon”- There is no “There” there.
Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of FALSE ATTRIBUTION. Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society- an endeavor of complete social control. Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy.
There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy. The official narrative of “Covid” is fictional- all facets of it.
The lab-leak claim posits that SARS-CoV-2 is an engineered quasi-biological phenomenon rather than the computer-generated apparition it is.. This theory advances the fanciful Reality TV-like plot that a bioweapon miraculously escaped—or was released intentionally—from a biological research facility in faraway Wuhan, China, only to go on a rampage and kill millions of people. By implying that the virus was a man-made microbial murderer, promulgators of the lab-leak fable avoid facing the fact that the last four-and-a-half years were a deliberate, highly organized culling of the global population under the guise of protecting public health.
The lab-leak theory reinforces the idea that "the virus" is a real problem that needs to be solved rather than a fear-based control mechanism. It bolsters the notion that a deadly, man-made, "novel"virus caused an "unprecedented medical emergency" for which a raft of invasive policies—including the worldwide suspension of basic civil liberties—would become justified.
Another consequence of accepting the lab-leak supposition is to distract attention from how the perception of a pandemic/mass panic was conjured with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the meaningless PCR tests that fraudulently manufactured cases and spuriously attributed deaths from other causes to Covid.
But perhaps the biggest problem with promoting the lab-leak theory is that it reifies the Big Lie that there ever was a pandemic caused by a unique viral pathogen in the spring of 2020. In so doing, the theory hides the crimes that were committed in the hospitals and nursing homes and provides cover for the criminals who designed and executed this top-down operation.
Yes. An excellent analysis you should write up as a standalone post.
I've read elsewhere that the lab leak story is the 'acceptable' conspiracy theory. The real one - that there was no pandemic and no uniquely dangerous virus - is still a minority view even among us truth-seekers.
Yep. To be clear some of us have been saying this since March 2020 and were drowned out by voices of "pandemic" or the acceptable dissent of "lab leak." The "lab leak" nonsense was being catapulted as early as Feb. 2020 by "official sources."
‘It is important to note that on February 4, 2020, there were fewer than a dozen confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus disease (later called Covid-19) in the US, and zero deaths. Worldwide, the death count was fewer than 500. There was nothing about the virus, at least as it was presented publicly, that would make anyone believe it posed a threat to national security.’
I just copied this from your link article and again it seems to reinforce the belief there was a ‘novel coronavirus.’
However I understand that Denis Rancourt, Jonathan Engler, Mike Yeadon and others do not believe there was a novel virus.
I've just reread my linked article and the wording, apart from that one section, is actually vague as to whether there was a COVID virus or not. Note that it also says "The attack that initiated the global Covid response could have been real, perceived or invented."
From looking at one of Ms Lerman's precious articles, it seems as if her view on this has been changing and that her co-author is much sceptical of the notion that there is a special Covid virus.
Regardless, the main point is that there was nothing especially dangerous happening and that the 'response' was a preplanned event led by the military-indistrial-pharmaceutical complex as we have to call it now.
Talk about "screen shot " worthy! What an amazing factual account of all this nonsense still being perpetrated on the comatosed masses. In 2020 I tried to tell anyone who'd listen, mainly my family that there was no virus floating around just waiting to kill us all. Simply a production which these lunatics are unfortunately very good at. No one was about to take any notice of me except for one of my sisters because she remembered from years ago how I'd told her about this plan. I didn't know at the time that it would be rolled out under the guise of a health emergency but it was nevertheless obvious that their plan had been set in motion. The complete lie about GoF was deliberately put forth because how else are they going to succeed with their next step. If people believe in this BS contagious pathogen then they'll believe it again next time. And next time is fast approaching. Trump just said that they're purchasing 2 billion fake vaccines.. Billion! What for? Well we know don't we. The world has to be under some sort of spell. I'm convinced. A dark demonic spell. How can 8 billion people or at least the majority have lost their minds, completely unable to think? Anyone, who in 2025, who continues to push this narrative of GoF is not to be trusted IMO And I'm only talking about the people who like to think they have some clout, or indeed do have influence and are very well known eg McCullough and co. Yet there are many more. I will be sharing your excellent write up in the hope that some may come to understand the predicament we're in. Understanding the UN 2030 Agenda would be a great start but it's getting rather late in the day. Cheers!
Sorry, while I agree that the covid pandemic and its required fiscal response was "convenient", given some of the very worrying fiscal issues that arose in 4Q 2019, I simply cannot accept the premise that covid was an illusion. It was real, and although wildly exaggerated in its seriousness for all but the elderly and those with other clear co-morbidities, constituted a normal flu pandemic like threat to the human population. By taking such an aggressive dismissive stance to detract t from the serious implications and impacts of the covid response and bolster those that decry "covid deniers" as mentally unstable.
Covid was real, likely not a natural occurrence, and the resultant extreme actions dislocated our society and created a them and us polarization that is almost unprecedented. Climate change is a similar hot button action recent followed by extreme LGBTQ issues.
"You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you cant fool all of the people all of the time." But you can make life difficult or even, in a very few circumstances intolerable / deadly for those who refuse to be fooled.........
No such thing as "Covid" or a "Covid death" or a "Covid case."
I'm not "taking a stance" I'm using copious amounts of evidence amassed over four years time in conjunction with 20 plus years of immersion in these issues.
It is a stance. Many agree with much of what you wrote, but stop short of suggesting it didn't exist. Was it a pandemic, no, it was a successful act of deception and lies. There is an equal amount of evidence that bio weapons research exists and that our parasitic elites are intent on culling the herd with such weapons. I'd say the use of the idea of Covid for a flu was a trial run to determine how they could control the narrative and the people. there are many like yourself, my self and many of the commenters here were not fooled. My wife took jabs and for the last several years has been constantly sick with colds, flu like symptoms and other maladies like an Ocular occlusion which, according to a medical journal for such a rare medical event, increased by 175%. Covid was not a pandemic, but it was an event that has killed or harmed many people from things associated with the vaccine and not the flu.
There was a letter re-printed on another substack writer about a retiring Chinese who addressed the CCP and revealed his astonishment that while attending a WEF like conference in the USA with our elites and politicians he was struck by how openly (amongst themselves) they discussed eradicating a significant number of it's own citizens through bio weapons.. It was chilling.
If they really wanted to kill off a significant portion of their population you'd think they'd 1. keep it to themselves, and 2. release a virus that was more deadly. I don't buy it that they're that incompetent.
Also, why did the do the fake serious pandemic in such an obvious way that anyone with a shred of skepticism and a bit of time would find out that they were all lying?
Maybe we're being prepped for what comes next? Maybe they'll release a serious virus and all the skeptics will wind up dead because we refused the new vaccine.
Maybe they're strategically way beyond us and they did this to turn us against the European Globalists and into the hands of the Trump Nationalists so we'd give them a political mandate strong enough to return Israel to its old testament borders and build the 3rd temple to initiate the arrival of their messiah?
Trump just announced the US was seizing Gaza for itself. See YouTube video US Will Take Over Gaza on the 7grainsofsalt 3 channel. They created a coin covered with occult symbols for The Abraham Accords and now they've created a new one for this new deal. The coin states Cyrus - Balfour - Trump Declaration as well as Temple Coin. They call themselves "The Sons of Light" if you can believe that. Try to look at this video on a large monitor so you can get a good look at these coins.
Well, to be fair, there are things called coronaviruses (whatever it really is that we call a virus, notwithstanding). It was clearly a manipulation of seasonal flu, which was one of the biggest indicators of the lie, that they immediately stopped testing for flu A and B in the hospitals.
Flu is not a coronavirus. And it's typical for viruses to go dormant when another one has gone aggressive. This happens in chicken barns all the time. The resident virus becomes convinced the host is going extinct (triggers such as population density) and then mutates into a "viral swarm" where the virus is suddenly much more virulent and can be transmitted via the air. So it was to be expected that flu would sit back and take it easy during the Covid pandemic (admittedly, mild).
All is bactetial, that’s why they treat “viral” pneumonia with a Zpack, because they know this. “Virus” is used as a weaponized word to make things as scary as possible, like a video going “viral”. If we looked at everything as the bacteria that it is, there are all kinds of natural treatments for it, which are not profitable to Pharma. As far as one thing a back seat to another, I’d have to be convinced with empirical evidence, not just your word.
My point was they didn’t just ease out of flu testing; they halted it immediately. So I call bullshit.
Of course it was real, it was just hyped delirium. Not as serious as was reported. You cant have a pandemic that doesn't exist. You can have a pandemic that is over exaggerated. You simply cant have a pandemic that almost all doctors say was a pandemic. However we all can believe want we want to believe. "20 years of immersion in these issues" suggests your mindset is fixed. Thats your choice sir. All the best to you.
Whether viruses exist or not is irrelevant; relevant is whether whatever is designated as virus causes disease.
Never ever anywhere in the world has it been empirically proven that alleged viral diseases are in fact communicable, as all attempts to infect a healthy person by a person suffering from an alleged viral disease have failed.
Logically, that doesn't rule the possibility that viruses do transmit disease, but there is no evidence to that effect.
It is one's prerogative to believe what alleged scientists and medical personnel say, but CONVID provided ample evidence that the majority of them are conformist fucks who will promulgate anything, no matter how preposterously absurd it is, without thinking twice about it.
Incidentally, history is full of examples where ideologically correct shit was peddled as science, and real science was branded as sorcery. Why somebody would think that this cannot happen today, I understand not.
Right. And the Black Death didn’t wipe out a substantial number of Europeans in the 15th century. What makes you think humans aren’t susceptible to infectious diseases? Man made or otherwise? SARS-2 was a bio weapon. Paid for by the U.S. and manufactured in a Chinese lab.
The story of the "Black Death" is one you have been told and you swallowed it without looking into it like so many other stories. There is zero evidence that those mass deaths were caused by some pathogen.
Can you also provide evidence for that?
SARS-2 is fictitious as was SARS 1. It was all genomic sequencing. You haven't explored this very deeply.
Yeah and indigenous Americans weren’t decimated by small pox. I usually find pompous pseudo-intellectual a-holes funny. But not today. Not in the mood for stupidity. пока
The “genomic sequencing” for SARS-CoV-2 is complete fraud. The Corman-Drosten team developed the test for Covid-19 based on an In-silico Genetic Sequence (from a computer simulation).
They did not have any Viral Isolates of Covid-19 available, nor any clinical samples of anyone sick with the alleged new disease. Simply based on that, the test is invalid.
A new medical test must be validated against a 'Gold Standard", that is, a test which is 100% accurate.
The Corman-Drosten team, used the SARS sequence from 2003 (which was never properly purified or isolated, the same procedure was done with this virus as well), they then used the PCR primer related to that sequence, amplified it using PCR, sequenced what they amplified (they did this multiple times) and used the sequences that were different from the SARS sequence to develop primers for the diagnostic test. However, since there were no purified samples or Isolates of any kind, this entire experiment is made up.
A PCR test is not a diagnostic test, as it does not test for the presence of a virus, it simply tests for genetic material/genetic debri and must be coupled with Clinical Representation of a specific set of symptoms.
It turns out, when you input the sequences that are being tested for, to show a positive case, the sequences show up 93 times in the human genome, and approx. 91 times from Bacteria/Fungi (Microbes). These supposed "New" sequences show up in nature and are not new at all.
Never mind, you cannot possibly say these sequences are coming from a "new virus" if you don't have the virus in the first place.
The team then sends this test to China, to test for this "Novel" virus that they created a test for, with none of the "Novel" virus at their disposal.
The Chinese find these sequences in their 'Atypical Pneumonia" patients with non-specific respiratory symptoms, (obviously being that these sequences show up in humans), and they create an entire "Genome" based off of 1 Clinical Sample.
In order to create a Genome correctly, you would need hundreds upon thousands of samples to develop an actual accurate "Viral Genome", they took 1 person that tested positive with a PCR test created without any virus.
They take a Clinical Sample from a PCR Positive person's lung fluid, with symptoms consistent to "Atypical Pneumonia". They take only the Short RNA strands from the clinical sample, and put them into a Computer Program, these Programs being: Megahit and Trinity.
These two programs assemble a bunch of Contigs (Possible Genome structures) made up of all the short RNA strands from the person, which number 56 Million.
The Trinity computer came up with 1,329,960 contigs ranging from 201-11,760 base pairs, the Megahit computer came up with 384,096 contigs ranging from 200-30,474 base pairs. In layman, the computer generated almost 2 Million possible Genome Structures.
The longest contig (30,474 base pairs) was chosen, simply because it was the longest one. Upon further investigation, this genome was only 80% similar to SARS-COV 1 bat-like sequence. They then add some Sars 1 Sequences to make it look more like a SARS virus.
80%, is less similar than what humans are to house cats. The claim was the Genome totaled to 29,903 bases long, which negates 571 bases from the contig, if those weren't valid how do we know this entire contig is valid?
The Contig chosen, was created out of 123,613 different pieces of short RNA from the clinical genetic sample.
They don't know where these sequences are coming from, they don't know if the genome is real, they don't know the amount of error in the process, they don't know how many "reads" were correct, this entire thing is theoretical and computer generated.
Then come thousands of papers and studies and reports all based on...Turtles All The Way Down.
Fair enough. The GFC reached a point with the REPO crisis as the FED had been tightening.... And now it's treated as something in the past, it didn't work out quite as the reset was supposed to. And then buttons were pushed and Russia launched its operation in Ukraine which initiated another feeding frenzy and financial laundry operation. The techno feudal reset that the banksters want isn't acceptable to two of the larger players, and now the global centre of gravity is shifting. After Trump's miserable first term I'm waiting to see if all the fuss made by Tom Luongo and Alex pans out.
It's a compelling argument - one completely undermined because it relies entirely upon the Iranian medical establishment being 100% under the control of these global oligarchs.
While not impossible, I wouldn't bet on that.
SOMETHING novel went through Iran's population like a hot knife through butter, wiping out tens of thousands in a country with one of the best medical services in the World.
Of COURSE 'Gain of function' is a real thing, you paranoic. Quite why you are defending Fauci is a mystery, that POS lied directly though his teeth to Congress and the Public, and Biden 'pardoned' him all the way back to 2014.
Interesting date to choose, with regards to CIA biolabs in Ukraine.
People who have absolute certainty with regards to things they clearly don't have even the basic knowledge about are usually pushing some narrative in some other area, and would like the field simplified for their pet theories.
The cover story was the wet market; the virus originated from illegal GoF research in a Wuhan lab (And other US biolabs worldwide); your oh-so-confident take isn't "Truth-seeking", it's baloney.
I'm surprised you didn't accuse them of being "Communists", or saying "God's Creation" at some point, frankly.
Unless Iran is actually part of the Globalist Oligarchist Control System, your argument falls completely flat. And you have to add the Cuban researchers to that equation too. In fact LITERALLY the entire world would have to be in on this plot.
Apply Occam and appreciate the complexities of the situation, your cynicism and (justified) paranoia may have more fruit if you do so.
"SOMETHING novel went through Iran's population like a hot knife through butter, wiping out tens of thousands in a country with one of the best medical services in the World."
Provide evidence for this claim.
The Cuban medical establishment is fully immersed in vaccine mythology and so-called advancements in Biotech.
"Commies" (are there any left or did the CIA wipe them all out?) had nothing to do with the Covid Operation. It was and is as I mentioned an operation of Western financial parasites.
You also introduced a logical fallacy into your premise with the above statement that I am asking you to support with evidence.
Revered Ayatollahs close to Khomeini caught SOMETHING while travelling in KSA, that was a respiratory virus, and died soon after return, spreading whatever that was among the Iranian clergy, killing many of the older members despite the best care possible.
This is historical record.
I don't dispute any of the rest of it, the malign intentions, the 'plandemic' effect, the oligarchic backing, the globalist powergrab, the depopulation intentions - all that is obvious to anyone sufficiently cynical and informed.
In fact, your argument doesn't rely upon the non-existence of GoF whatsoever, except as an exciting clickbait addendum.
They might have "caught" something or been given/poisoned with something. Do you know what is being sprayed from the skies? I don't but it looks unnatural.
I am 95%+ convinced they were deliberately infected. That is not the point.
The point is that whatever it was, it was a respiratory virus, the best Iranian medical professionals regarded it as novel (Even the completely regime-loyal professionals), they did not know how to treat it, and it was called "Covid-19" - and having all the hallmarks of that.
I for one would not be at all surprised to learn that Iranians were deliberately infected by a more serious and virulent strain produced in some lab somewhere - any more than I would be that some if not most of the infamous variants were too.
This may require decades of further research and investigation.
But it was a coronavirus, it was fatal, and it was novel.
I admire and practise scepticism, along with a good dose of cynicism it is healthy. But there comes a limit when that can spin off into wild fantasies - such as GoF not being a real tool in bioweapon labs, or covid-19 not being real at all.
I'm perfectly willing to defend the Bush Regime having a hand in - or largely organising - the 9/11 attacks, and that the towers were brought down by explosives. Claims that the airliners and impact explosions were holograms, and as far as I'm concerned that's in the realm of pointless fantasy, likely instigated BY the intel agencies to undermine credible 9/11 scepticism.
The World is in the middle of a Covert Military Industrial Intelligence Complex Global Operation running a live Synthetic Biological Nanotechnological Experiment Program on the people of the World without their knowledge or consent using highly sophisticated Synthetic Bio & Nanotechnology, this Operation runs straight from the Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
That's not evidence by anyone's measure. That's mainstream media sources and Western ones at that.
Do you not know that Al-Monitor is based in D.C. and is an Intel propaganda outlet.
Al-Monitor was launched in 2012 by Arab-American entrepreneur Jamal Daniel and in 2018, Al-Monitor partnered with North Base Media which was founded by former editor of The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal.
Good grief- this is the level of what you base your ideas on?
I know this very well. When the site started, they also had anti-Zionists among their staff, and superb ones too. A couple of years back it was purchased by something NY based, and the execrable Ben Caspit took over as dictator, and fired all the critical and pro-Pal voices.
Before then it was worthwhile reading, now its as much of a sewer as the rest of Western Zionazi media.
However, I wager you cannot read Farsi? Surprise me.
As is now blocked, to prevent our delicate ears from hearing anything, you know, "anti-democratic", it's pretty damn difficult to access local Iranian resources. And I'm not going to spend all day trying, just for some Internet randie with strange ideas.
Believe whatever the fuck you want, aliens built the monoliths, CO2 doesn't affect global climate and the icesheets are building up, Raygun was an Economics genius, - none of it is skin off my nose, and I'm not going to lose sleep because there is an ignoramus on the internet.
The fact is Iranians were felled in the 10s of thousands by an unknown coronavirus; sceptical scientists in the field have proved to peer review that covid-19 was artificially boosted in its malignancy and infectivity; and that Fauci benefits greatly from your particular line of 'scepticism', when that POS should be looking at jail time for the rest of his natural.
Perhaps you fondly imagine that within Iran, the people have never heard of Covid-19, or that the place is a backwater like Iraq after the US "Bombed it back to the stone age". On both you would be entirely wrong.
And I should add you haven't proved anything as relates to mythical "lab leak" or GoF. Good luck with that- hasn't been done to date.
Can you provide concrete evidence for your claim that some "novel virus escaped" from a lab in Wuhan. Specific mechanics are required- please go point by point.
You are also using circular reasoning along with ad hominems- hardly a solid evidence-based argument. Stick to evidence.
@Allen The lab leak is nonsensical only in light of the fact that a novel and deadly virus called SARS-COV-2 was fake in the first place.
But your point may be unintentionally misleading if the critical role of the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY in this global Plandemic was not put in the spotlight.
I am a Chinese from Taiwan. My mother tongue is Chinese so I’m qualified to assure you that the Plandemic cannot become so effective without the CCP’s masterful choreography of the events: a sudden lockdown of the metropolis of Wuhan (more than 12 million people) ; the secretly leaked photos of random dead people on the streets of Wuhan with morgue workers wearing spacesuits to handle the fake “corpses”; the complete blackout of real news from China, yet at the same time numerous “leaks” of photos of massive deaths, incineration of dead bodies in Wuhan were everywhere on the Internet. Then the lockdowns were extended to the whole nation of mainland China …. The abusive use of PCR tests have turned CCP controlled China into a 1984-styled dystopian state, then the world followed suit.
The series of orchestrated events in 2020-2021 were all hinged on one fake narrative: a deadly virus somehow has been leaked out of WUHAN INSTITUTE OF VIROLOGY. Of course, the CCP never admitted it so two factions in the world argue about this till now.
Yes, the grand narrative of COVID is fake, therefore it badly needs a fake precursor to get the global population really SCARED. No sane people would have believed that we were facing a “pandemic” without the grand premeditated schemes of the CCP.
Remember: none of the stories of the massive infections and deaths in Wuhan was true. This can be verified if you like. So the whole COVID-19 needs an evil dictatorship to play a fake theatrical show with live people to destroy the world.
“Build Back Better”. Get it now? BBB is unmistakably a trade mark of evil Marxism.
Hope you can think deeply about the horrific conspiracy.
Half-truths and soft admissions from the establishment pundits and half-truths from the so-called leaders of the "health freedom movement" who also offer up their "admissions" or "theories", which are total evidence free nonsense, preserve the fundamental lies of the "Covid" pandemic.
One consequence of pushing such absurd suppositions is to distract attention from how the perception of a pandemic/mass panic was conjured with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the meaningless PCR tests that fraudulently manufactured cases and spuriously attributed deaths from other causes to Covid.
But perhaps the biggest problem with accepting and promoting various quack theories, lab leak e.g., is that it reifies the Big Lie that there ever was a “pandemic” caused by a “unique viral pathogen” in the spring of 2020. In so doing, such theories hide the crimes that were committed in the hospitals and nursing homes and provides cover for the criminals who designed and executed this top-down operation.
"The Virus™ is superfluous, just like the Swine Flu scamdemic of 2009.
Not only does the “pandemic” narrative serve to conceal the fact that this was a mass murder spree set off by policies constructed, orchestrated, and mandated by identifiable individuals, it also serves as a smokescreen for the entire “Covid Operation”
Props in a theatrical performance do not have to be real. The manufactured perception that there was a global medical emergency, beginning in March 2020, was an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering.
Fake photos of people falling dead- fake images of coffins piling up- fake doctors claiming hospitals were overflowing- fake tests to produce a fake disease- fake scenes outside hospitals staged by PR firms- fake media parrots lying through their teeth every night- fake trials of a toxic bioweapon- fake everything.
We are living through the biggest worldwide organized crime since WW2. The scale of the deception is too large for even many who consider themselves “in the know” to accept or comprehend and remain trapped in some version of the "Covid" merry-go-round.
Others are still asleep or traumatized as the social fabric is being smashed to pieces and the world around them is being completely transformed.
Put simply, Covid-19 was not a widespread medical emergency it was an Intel operation, a money laundering scheme, a massive psychological operation and a smoke screen for a complete overhaul and restructuring of the current social and economic world order.
@Allen I fully agree with you in what you have summarized above. I sincerely thank you for your reply.🙂🙂🙂
I hope you understand my comments were focused on the single most critical piece in the Great Deception: the fact that the COMMUNIST PARTY OF CHINA (CCP) has made the gargantuan theatrical fake show that scared the whole world into delirious panic and submission. We cannot let go of such an evil deed.
Without the CCP, all the efforts by Gates, Fauci, Pence, WHO and scumbags working for WEF will NOT successfully drag the United States into the TRAP. Once most reasonable people are fully aware of the grand deception of COVID, the lab leak theory will be so easy to be dismissed.
On the other hand, if we emphasize the fact that the lab leak was a NONSENSE, then the evil COMMUNISTS immediately become the “victims” of a “fake narrative” (to demonize an innocent CCP). We must admit that most people cannot handle a fact involving such an intricate double paradox.
If you strongly disagree with my points, that’s fine too. I still support what you have summarized above.
@Allen Your understanding of the CCP is dangerously lacking. Are you a Chinese? If not, I am not sure whether you can read and write Chinese language at all? If not, please be careful in your assessment of the CCP and China.
I think you should look more deeply into who runs the government in China. China is a state-run capitalist system. It is loaded with all sorts of competing interests and the CCP is largely now a collection of intertwined business interests.
There are also numerous international interests deeply embedded within the Chinese system. If you think this is or was a CCP-led operation you are so far from the mark you will be easily led down a false trail.
The US/NATO/Western forces were the driving forces behind all things Covid.
Do you know who was the photographer who took those "Covid" pictures from Wuhan? Do you know who he worked for? Do you know his past?
@Allen Your description of the CCP is not accurate. The Communist Party of China does have competing groups juggling for power, yet the whole party is absolutely dominated by the most evil and adulterous ideologies descended from the Marx-Lenin-Maoism.
The open and reform movement (改革開放) of the CCP initiated in the 1980s has been a grand deception in the sense of making real changes of the party and relinquishing the ultimate control over the nation. No, the regime is evil in its DNA, the good guys cannot make any reform until the CCP is toppled.
Obviously you may disagree. But you must explain why the CCP sacrificed the nation in faking the “Pandemic” in 2020-2022? We both agree that THERE WAS NO PANDEMIC, so the corpses lying on the streets were actors ordered by the CCP. But news leaking out of Wuhan by the COMMUNIST told us the virus was about to wipe out the lives of millions of people (many just dropped dead on the way home from shopping groceries) of the metropolitan area.
There is only one answer: the CCP IS EVIL in collusion with the globalists who aimed at enslaving the world; the Chinese people cannot and will not stop it from committing atrocities. At best, the good people in China can drag their feet when participating in the evil actions. I am not even sure of that.
Absolutely! And let’s not forget the celebrity boost from Tom Hanks & his wife, self quarantining in Australia with his vintage Corona typewriter at his side. It was sold to the dumbed down masses with celebrities, entertainers, athletes, and politicians - all people in public view, but out of reach to the average investigative public Joe.
There was an article on the net from 2011 or 2O12 that was accompanied by a Photo copy of a receipt for the purchase of stock certificates for the Wuhan Lab.
I agree with this and there is a whole bunch of alternatvie media folks that are pushing it now - they all work for the Wellness Company. Its becoming more clear over time. The people that died during the first months of that ' live exercise ' were killed by hosptial protocol - not a virus. Anyone who pushes that millions died of covid is bullshitter. and working for the military. I think its Karen Kingston that says that mRNA technology is very fragile and perishable and expensive. So its the other ingredients in the vaccines that are more important to the eugenisists. Graphene so we can be controlled by EMF
Bravo, I agree with everything you say. I would like to add another intent though.
They want to reduce the world population and the so-called vaccine was one way to do that. Another point is: Gates had the PCR test swap produced and delivered to the whole world – which I heard Trump state in a video that is now deleted.
An assumption is, that the swap plants something. I was at a workshop with Irish Professor Dolores Cahill, who told us that she had gotten feedback from a lot of laboratories around the world that they had found Ebola, HIV, and other nefarious elements on the swaps.
As she and Mikovits agreed on - in another deleted video - none of them would ever allow that swap from Bill Gates to get up their nose “contaminated with God knows what.”
More here:
An example of mass brainwashing – the Pandemic Hoax.
Gotta say, I agree! Every time I hear or read "lab leak" my intuition reminds me, "no". The work of Denis Rancourt found on his website (linked to) has an abundance of papers and information, among them how the data shows that there was no pandemic in 2020.
Yes, alright, but you have conveniently left out electromagnetic microwave poisoning, which is what Frances L. is really trying to cough up, no hidden hand here, straight up conspiracy.
Thank you for saving me the effort. I recently had to write a screed in comments on RT on the same issue. There is NO virus, there never was, the whole thing was scam.
Gain of function/lab leak theory was their limited hangout cover story, or gain of 'fiction' as Dr Sam Bailey and numerous others like to call it. As you say, this alternative narrative was 'trial ballooned' very early on in the scam, but then mothballed for a year of so while the main narrative still had legs. Very much like the 'thermite' alternative explanation for 9/11 that was ready to go from day one, but similarly and just as easily destroyed by people like Dr Judy Wood and others. The century-long virus/germ/contagion theory myth is so embedded in 21st C consciousness that it will be a long time yet before it dies a natural death.
@Vonu A common flu like virus or the toxic spike proteins encapsulated in the man-made lipid nano-particles (LNP) cannot be distinguished from each other. We suspect the LNP were secretly spread from drones in metropolitan areas. That alone can cause serious symptoms for many people.
In short, it’s something. But not deadly or causing serious infection among people when poisonous nano-particles are no longer present.
Aerial spraying of chemtrails is so much more common than biologicals that the latter are irrelevant. Spike proteins are more dangerous than LNPs and they are shed by anyone who has received a vaccine until they die.
Vaccines are easy to refuse. If they are mandatory, make sure that the administrator understands that a return bullet will be, as well.
I beg to differ and suggest that the lab leak hypothesis is adequately evidenced. I gather it was a USA lab in leakey old Fort Detrick as it had been in fatal pathogen containment mode for two years 2018-2019. The new plant had been built after destruction by flood of the old one. It had failed every pathogen assessment by EPA due to its new waste processing plant being a total botch. How could an old waste treatment plant be located anywhere within reach of any flood you might ask? That's merica engineering for ya!
The Fort Detrick closure caused immense consternation in the military and Senate and Congress at the time. It was unprecedented.
Covid19 emerged in multiple locations over a few months and that points to deliberate dispersion imo. The entire covid experiment failed to thrive in the planetary environment. This is the case with many pathogens. Its a hostile planet out there beyond the petrie dish and viability is not a certainty. For that we can be grateful because we all came obscenely close to elevated hostilities between nations.
I am bored of all these vague phrases you (and many others) insist upon using. It is lazy or maybe it is fear driven? You tell me!
Documented historical facts about "the hidden hands" are still available online, despite the constant deletion of websites. For a summary of this INTERNATIONAL CRIME SYNDICATE please read:
"Gain of function" is a pathetic and weak way to describe POISON if you ask me! Biolabs are making poisons. Remember that the word "virus" is Latin for poison. The truth is right there in the use of the word.
Again, well documented science examines the delivery methods:
WHAT "vague phrases" do you refer to? I don't think you needed to read this one, but a lot of other people do, and whatever phrase gets the attention of those who need to read it is the right phrase.
The “Conspiracy” began with the Venetians and their quest for a Global Oligarchical Empire based on control of global trade and global banking.
The British Oligarchy have been the instigators of all of the death and destruction perpetrated upon humanity ever since the Venetian takeover of England with the in-Glorious Revolution of 1688!
The Venetians originated as a cluster of Roman oligarchical families who fled to the swamps of the northwest Adriatic Sea to escape the invading Germanic tribes from the north.
Thank you, this is brilliant! I have basically all of your sources but from long ago. They're buried somewhere in my emails, of which I must have hundreds. They could be resurrected but it would take a while. Now I have them again at my fingertips. Just what I need to show others who are still pretty clueless but they chose not to listen. However I am not one to give up. Many thanks because these are reputable sources which cannot be refuted, denied yes, but not refuted.
A very good piece, though I share none of your optimism that Trump will actually drain the swamp in any meaningful way. He is far too compromised - owned even - and easily influenced by his Zionist and war-mongering funders.
I was struck when watching some old film of Germany in the 1930s, before WWII became a threat, of the parallels with Trump today.
After WWI, Versailles Treaty & the Weimar republic Germans were on their knees. Hitler gave them back their self-belief & for a while he delivered with full employment etc. He offered to make Germany great again. He had mass rallies. Hitler headed a personality cult.
Hitler delivered on his promises - for a few short years but at great cost.
Ultimately it turned sour as absolute power corrupted Hitler absolutely.
After the stolen election in 2020, Covid, 4 years of Biden, mass immigration & gender ideology America was on her knees just like Germany 100 years before.
Then along comes Trump offering much the same as Hitler. Mass rallies, personality cult,restoration of national pride & the economy, a rooting out the bad guys. Making America Great Again.
The pattern we see here is repeated throughout history. See Napoleon's rise in post revolutionary France.
Is it just a coincidence or is there something more sinister here?
In terms of conspiracies is this a common playbook used by the cabal? Is what we are witnessing history repeating itself? A well worn scripted piece of theatre?
We have been growing in it because of misuse, banking influence and lack of quality education regarding use of credit at school. Nothing wrong with self liquidating debt at reasonable time value of money interest rates. BUT having the majority of the public in debt is a wonderful tool for the authorities and the bankers.
Many nations have sovereign wealth funds including Norway and Switzerland. That they're controlled by elected politicians is a good thing. The alternative of just allocating money to private funds like BlackRock is not better.
Not really Trump but right wingers fed up with the status quo. See Project 2025. Plus, Trump has an army of loyalists on his side now, working in the trenches. Almost makes you think the Biden administration intentionally screwed everything up just so Trump would have the mandate of the century and be able to pull all this off.
Highly recommend checking out John Titus’ new series:
The War for Bankocracy
The War for Bankocracy examines the steady, historical, up-to-the-present-moment encroachment by central banks on the sovereignty of nations, with particular focus on the United States, where the U.S. Constitution currently stands in the way of a total takeover by the Federal Reserve or any other privately owned financial institution. The Constitution achieves that noble end by putting any U.S. monetary authority (like the Fed) under congressional control and thus making that authority subject to transparency laws.
This prize legal feature of the U.S. system is altogether absent from global central banks like the European Central Bank (creation date: 1998). Thus, any assault on the Constitution in the sphere of money issuance has to be taken very seriously, because the stakes (transparency into what’s going on with OUR monetary system, for openers) are so high.
Every time I read one of your posts, or hear you speak Alex, I'm simultaneously encouraged and horrified, keep going my friend, keep turning those tarot cards.
Good commentary to think about Alex. I look at Mark Carney and I see someone who is destined for greater things..........although those "things" are not likely to be in the interest of free thinking people. Liberal voters in Canada will select him as their next leader. If Canadian, his tells you that the Liberal voters are probably not people you want to associate with......they will either be complicit or dense, either way they need to be avoided.
I've watched Carney for the last 10 years or so. At first I thought he was impressive - very smart, articulate... But now I think he's impressive like all those McKinsey people: they make a good first impression but the more you listen the more you wonder how they got where they are...
Lab leak theory is complete nonsense. Gain of Function is a money laundering scam that has zero basis in biological reality. Patents prove nothing except...there are patents.
Covid-19" was not an epidemiological/medical event it was a long planned geopolitical event- akin to the phony "War on Terror."
The Covid Operation was set in motion in the summer of 2019 and launched in March 2020 in order to change the entire financial and social order of The West due to a confluence of existential crises that were facing the ruling class parasites which could no longer be kicked down the road.
The introduction of the Covid-19 “emergency” was the circuit breaker and the rationale used to freeze the US banking system and provide the opportunity to inject massive amounts of cash into the system that went to large financial investment and banking firms- aka bailouts. Same was done in the EU.
There was no pandemic ever- there is no “lab leak”- there is no “unique viral pathogen”- there is no “China Virus”- there is no “bioweapon”- There is no “There” there.
Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of FALSE ATTRIBUTION. Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society- an endeavor of complete social control. Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy.
There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy. The official narrative of “Covid” is fictional- all facets of it.
The lab-leak claim posits that SARS-CoV-2 is an engineered quasi-biological phenomenon rather than the computer-generated apparition it is.. This theory advances the fanciful Reality TV-like plot that a bioweapon miraculously escaped—or was released intentionally—from a biological research facility in faraway Wuhan, China, only to go on a rampage and kill millions of people. By implying that the virus was a man-made microbial murderer, promulgators of the lab-leak fable avoid facing the fact that the last four-and-a-half years were a deliberate, highly organized culling of the global population under the guise of protecting public health.
The lab-leak theory reinforces the idea that "the virus" is a real problem that needs to be solved rather than a fear-based control mechanism. It bolsters the notion that a deadly, man-made, "novel"virus caused an "unprecedented medical emergency" for which a raft of invasive policies—including the worldwide suspension of basic civil liberties—would become justified.
Another consequence of accepting the lab-leak supposition is to distract attention from how the perception of a pandemic/mass panic was conjured with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the meaningless PCR tests that fraudulently manufactured cases and spuriously attributed deaths from other causes to Covid.
But perhaps the biggest problem with promoting the lab-leak theory is that it reifies the Big Lie that there ever was a pandemic caused by a unique viral pathogen in the spring of 2020. In so doing, the theory hides the crimes that were committed in the hospitals and nursing homes and provides cover for the criminals who designed and executed this top-down operation.
Yes. An excellent analysis you should write up as a standalone post.
I've read elsewhere that the lab leak story is the 'acceptable' conspiracy theory. The real one - that there was no pandemic and no uniquely dangerous virus - is still a minority view even among us truth-seekers.
I just happened to see this piece from today that strongly supports your (and my) view, Allen:
Basically, that the COVID phenomenon was not a public health emergency but a military-led event against the people.
Yep. To be clear some of us have been saying this since March 2020 and were drowned out by voices of "pandemic" or the acceptable dissent of "lab leak." The "lab leak" nonsense was being catapulted as early as Feb. 2020 by "official sources."
‘It is important to note that on February 4, 2020, there were fewer than a dozen confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus disease (later called Covid-19) in the US, and zero deaths. Worldwide, the death count was fewer than 500. There was nothing about the virus, at least as it was presented publicly, that would make anyone believe it posed a threat to national security.’
I just copied this from your link article and again it seems to reinforce the belief there was a ‘novel coronavirus.’
However I understand that Denis Rancourt, Jonathan Engler, Mike Yeadon and others do not believe there was a novel virus.
I've just reread my linked article and the wording, apart from that one section, is actually vague as to whether there was a COVID virus or not. Note that it also says "The attack that initiated the global Covid response could have been real, perceived or invented."
From looking at one of Ms Lerman's precious articles, it seems as if her view on this has been changing and that her co-author is much sceptical of the notion that there is a special Covid virus.
Regardless, the main point is that there was nothing especially dangerous happening and that the 'response' was a preplanned event led by the military-indistrial-pharmaceutical complex as we have to call it now.
Thanks for posting. Appreciated. The Old Man
Okay, military led, sure. Who led the military and why? Same hidden hand, been doing it for centuries.
Talk about "screen shot " worthy! What an amazing factual account of all this nonsense still being perpetrated on the comatosed masses. In 2020 I tried to tell anyone who'd listen, mainly my family that there was no virus floating around just waiting to kill us all. Simply a production which these lunatics are unfortunately very good at. No one was about to take any notice of me except for one of my sisters because she remembered from years ago how I'd told her about this plan. I didn't know at the time that it would be rolled out under the guise of a health emergency but it was nevertheless obvious that their plan had been set in motion. The complete lie about GoF was deliberately put forth because how else are they going to succeed with their next step. If people believe in this BS contagious pathogen then they'll believe it again next time. And next time is fast approaching. Trump just said that they're purchasing 2 billion fake vaccines.. Billion! What for? Well we know don't we. The world has to be under some sort of spell. I'm convinced. A dark demonic spell. How can 8 billion people or at least the majority have lost their minds, completely unable to think? Anyone, who in 2025, who continues to push this narrative of GoF is not to be trusted IMO And I'm only talking about the people who like to think they have some clout, or indeed do have influence and are very well known eg McCullough and co. Yet there are many more. I will be sharing your excellent write up in the hope that some may come to understand the predicament we're in. Understanding the UN 2030 Agenda would be a great start but it's getting rather late in the day. Cheers!
Sorry, while I agree that the covid pandemic and its required fiscal response was "convenient", given some of the very worrying fiscal issues that arose in 4Q 2019, I simply cannot accept the premise that covid was an illusion. It was real, and although wildly exaggerated in its seriousness for all but the elderly and those with other clear co-morbidities, constituted a normal flu pandemic like threat to the human population. By taking such an aggressive dismissive stance to detract t from the serious implications and impacts of the covid response and bolster those that decry "covid deniers" as mentally unstable.
Covid was real, likely not a natural occurrence, and the resultant extreme actions dislocated our society and created a them and us polarization that is almost unprecedented. Climate change is a similar hot button action recent followed by extreme LGBTQ issues.
"You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you cant fool all of the people all of the time." But you can make life difficult or even, in a very few circumstances intolerable / deadly for those who refuse to be fooled.........
What do you mean it was "real?"
No such thing as "Covid" or a "Covid death" or a "Covid case."
I'm not "taking a stance" I'm using copious amounts of evidence amassed over four years time in conjunction with 20 plus years of immersion in these issues.
There are no such things as pandemics.
It is a stance. Many agree with much of what you wrote, but stop short of suggesting it didn't exist. Was it a pandemic, no, it was a successful act of deception and lies. There is an equal amount of evidence that bio weapons research exists and that our parasitic elites are intent on culling the herd with such weapons. I'd say the use of the idea of Covid for a flu was a trial run to determine how they could control the narrative and the people. there are many like yourself, my self and many of the commenters here were not fooled. My wife took jabs and for the last several years has been constantly sick with colds, flu like symptoms and other maladies like an Ocular occlusion which, according to a medical journal for such a rare medical event, increased by 175%. Covid was not a pandemic, but it was an event that has killed or harmed many people from things associated with the vaccine and not the flu.
There was a letter re-printed on another substack writer about a retiring Chinese who addressed the CCP and revealed his astonishment that while attending a WEF like conference in the USA with our elites and politicians he was struck by how openly (amongst themselves) they discussed eradicating a significant number of it's own citizens through bio weapons.. It was chilling.
If they really wanted to kill off a significant portion of their population you'd think they'd 1. keep it to themselves, and 2. release a virus that was more deadly. I don't buy it that they're that incompetent.
Also, why did the do the fake serious pandemic in such an obvious way that anyone with a shred of skepticism and a bit of time would find out that they were all lying?
Maybe we're being prepped for what comes next? Maybe they'll release a serious virus and all the skeptics will wind up dead because we refused the new vaccine.
Maybe they're strategically way beyond us and they did this to turn us against the European Globalists and into the hands of the Trump Nationalists so we'd give them a political mandate strong enough to return Israel to its old testament borders and build the 3rd temple to initiate the arrival of their messiah?
Trump just announced the US was seizing Gaza for itself. See YouTube video US Will Take Over Gaza on the 7grainsofsalt 3 channel. They created a coin covered with occult symbols for The Abraham Accords and now they've created a new one for this new deal. The coin states Cyrus - Balfour - Trump Declaration as well as Temple Coin. They call themselves "The Sons of Light" if you can believe that. Try to look at this video on a large monitor so you can get a good look at these coins.
Well, to be fair, there are things called coronaviruses (whatever it really is that we call a virus, notwithstanding). It was clearly a manipulation of seasonal flu, which was one of the biggest indicators of the lie, that they immediately stopped testing for flu A and B in the hospitals.
Flu is not a coronavirus. And it's typical for viruses to go dormant when another one has gone aggressive. This happens in chicken barns all the time. The resident virus becomes convinced the host is going extinct (triggers such as population density) and then mutates into a "viral swarm" where the virus is suddenly much more virulent and can be transmitted via the air. So it was to be expected that flu would sit back and take it easy during the Covid pandemic (admittedly, mild).
All is bactetial, that’s why they treat “viral” pneumonia with a Zpack, because they know this. “Virus” is used as a weaponized word to make things as scary as possible, like a video going “viral”. If we looked at everything as the bacteria that it is, there are all kinds of natural treatments for it, which are not profitable to Pharma. As far as one thing a back seat to another, I’d have to be convinced with empirical evidence, not just your word.
My point was they didn’t just ease out of flu testing; they halted it immediately. So I call bullshit.
Of course it was real, it was just hyped delirium. Not as serious as was reported. You cant have a pandemic that doesn't exist. You can have a pandemic that is over exaggerated. You simply cant have a pandemic that almost all doctors say was a pandemic. However we all can believe want we want to believe. "20 years of immersion in these issues" suggests your mindset is fixed. Thats your choice sir. All the best to you.
That’s his point; it wasn’t a “pan-demic”. The only pandemic going on at the time, was a pandemic of manipulation and fear.
You are one of the "there are no such things as viruses" crowd?
Whether viruses exist or not is irrelevant; relevant is whether whatever is designated as virus causes disease.
Never ever anywhere in the world has it been empirically proven that alleged viral diseases are in fact communicable, as all attempts to infect a healthy person by a person suffering from an alleged viral disease have failed.
Logically, that doesn't rule the possibility that viruses do transmit disease, but there is no evidence to that effect.
It is one's prerogative to believe what alleged scientists and medical personnel say, but CONVID provided ample evidence that the majority of them are conformist fucks who will promulgate anything, no matter how preposterously absurd it is, without thinking twice about it.
Incidentally, history is full of examples where ideologically correct shit was peddled as science, and real science was branded as sorcery. Why somebody would think that this cannot happen today, I understand not.
Please read more carefully- nowhere did I say that.
That you would toss in that straw man illustrates you can't argue against what I said and/or support whatever position you hold.
Try again.
How thoroughly have you examined the arguments of the "there are no viruses" crowd?
you mean like Michael Yeadon ?
Evidence proves nothing.
Right. And the Black Death didn’t wipe out a substantial number of Europeans in the 15th century. What makes you think humans aren’t susceptible to infectious diseases? Man made or otherwise? SARS-2 was a bio weapon. Paid for by the U.S. and manufactured in a Chinese lab.
Can you provide evidence?
The story of the "Black Death" is one you have been told and you swallowed it without looking into it like so many other stories. There is zero evidence that those mass deaths were caused by some pathogen.
Can you also provide evidence for that?
SARS-2 is fictitious as was SARS 1. It was all genomic sequencing. You haven't explored this very deeply.
Yeah and indigenous Americans weren’t decimated by small pox. I usually find pompous pseudo-intellectual a-holes funny. But not today. Not in the mood for stupidity. пока
Can you present evidence that the Black Plague is a false narrative? If so who propagated the fiction and why?
The “genomic sequencing” for SARS-CoV-2 is complete fraud. The Corman-Drosten team developed the test for Covid-19 based on an In-silico Genetic Sequence (from a computer simulation).
They did not have any Viral Isolates of Covid-19 available, nor any clinical samples of anyone sick with the alleged new disease. Simply based on that, the test is invalid.
A new medical test must be validated against a 'Gold Standard", that is, a test which is 100% accurate.
The Corman-Drosten team, used the SARS sequence from 2003 (which was never properly purified or isolated, the same procedure was done with this virus as well), they then used the PCR primer related to that sequence, amplified it using PCR, sequenced what they amplified (they did this multiple times) and used the sequences that were different from the SARS sequence to develop primers for the diagnostic test. However, since there were no purified samples or Isolates of any kind, this entire experiment is made up.
A PCR test is not a diagnostic test, as it does not test for the presence of a virus, it simply tests for genetic material/genetic debri and must be coupled with Clinical Representation of a specific set of symptoms.
It turns out, when you input the sequences that are being tested for, to show a positive case, the sequences show up 93 times in the human genome, and approx. 91 times from Bacteria/Fungi (Microbes). These supposed "New" sequences show up in nature and are not new at all.
Never mind, you cannot possibly say these sequences are coming from a "new virus" if you don't have the virus in the first place.
The team then sends this test to China, to test for this "Novel" virus that they created a test for, with none of the "Novel" virus at their disposal.
The Chinese find these sequences in their 'Atypical Pneumonia" patients with non-specific respiratory symptoms, (obviously being that these sequences show up in humans), and they create an entire "Genome" based off of 1 Clinical Sample.
In order to create a Genome correctly, you would need hundreds upon thousands of samples to develop an actual accurate "Viral Genome", they took 1 person that tested positive with a PCR test created without any virus.
They take a Clinical Sample from a PCR Positive person's lung fluid, with symptoms consistent to "Atypical Pneumonia". They take only the Short RNA strands from the clinical sample, and put them into a Computer Program, these Programs being: Megahit and Trinity.
These two programs assemble a bunch of Contigs (Possible Genome structures) made up of all the short RNA strands from the person, which number 56 Million.
The Trinity computer came up with 1,329,960 contigs ranging from 201-11,760 base pairs, the Megahit computer came up with 384,096 contigs ranging from 200-30,474 base pairs. In layman, the computer generated almost 2 Million possible Genome Structures.
The longest contig (30,474 base pairs) was chosen, simply because it was the longest one. Upon further investigation, this genome was only 80% similar to SARS-COV 1 bat-like sequence. They then add some Sars 1 Sequences to make it look more like a SARS virus.
80%, is less similar than what humans are to house cats. The claim was the Genome totaled to 29,903 bases long, which negates 571 bases from the contig, if those weren't valid how do we know this entire contig is valid?
The Contig chosen, was created out of 123,613 different pieces of short RNA from the clinical genetic sample.
They don't know where these sequences are coming from, they don't know if the genome is real, they don't know the amount of error in the process, they don't know how many "reads" were correct, this entire thing is theoretical and computer generated.
Then come thousands of papers and studies and reports all based on...Turtles All The Way Down.
Fair enough. The GFC reached a point with the REPO crisis as the FED had been tightening.... And now it's treated as something in the past, it didn't work out quite as the reset was supposed to. And then buttons were pushed and Russia launched its operation in Ukraine which initiated another feeding frenzy and financial laundry operation. The techno feudal reset that the banksters want isn't acceptable to two of the larger players, and now the global centre of gravity is shifting. After Trump's miserable first term I'm waiting to see if all the fuss made by Tom Luongo and Alex pans out.
It's a compelling argument - one completely undermined because it relies entirely upon the Iranian medical establishment being 100% under the control of these global oligarchs.
While not impossible, I wouldn't bet on that.
SOMETHING novel went through Iran's population like a hot knife through butter, wiping out tens of thousands in a country with one of the best medical services in the World.
Of COURSE 'Gain of function' is a real thing, you paranoic. Quite why you are defending Fauci is a mystery, that POS lied directly though his teeth to Congress and the Public, and Biden 'pardoned' him all the way back to 2014.
Interesting date to choose, with regards to CIA biolabs in Ukraine.
People who have absolute certainty with regards to things they clearly don't have even the basic knowledge about are usually pushing some narrative in some other area, and would like the field simplified for their pet theories.
The cover story was the wet market; the virus originated from illegal GoF research in a Wuhan lab (And other US biolabs worldwide); your oh-so-confident take isn't "Truth-seeking", it's baloney.
I'm surprised you didn't accuse them of being "Communists", or saying "God's Creation" at some point, frankly.
Unless Iran is actually part of the Globalist Oligarchist Control System, your argument falls completely flat. And you have to add the Cuban researchers to that equation too. In fact LITERALLY the entire world would have to be in on this plot.
Apply Occam and appreciate the complexities of the situation, your cynicism and (justified) paranoia may have more fruit if you do so.
"SOMETHING novel went through Iran's population like a hot knife through butter, wiping out tens of thousands in a country with one of the best medical services in the World."
Provide evidence for this claim.
The Cuban medical establishment is fully immersed in vaccine mythology and so-called advancements in Biotech.
"Commies" (are there any left or did the CIA wipe them all out?) had nothing to do with the Covid Operation. It was and is as I mentioned an operation of Western financial parasites.
You also introduced a logical fallacy into your premise with the above statement that I am asking you to support with evidence.
Revered Ayatollahs close to Khomeini caught SOMETHING while travelling in KSA, that was a respiratory virus, and died soon after return, spreading whatever that was among the Iranian clergy, killing many of the older members despite the best care possible.
This is historical record.
I don't dispute any of the rest of it, the malign intentions, the 'plandemic' effect, the oligarchic backing, the globalist powergrab, the depopulation intentions - all that is obvious to anyone sufficiently cynical and informed.
In fact, your argument doesn't rely upon the non-existence of GoF whatsoever, except as an exciting clickbait addendum.
Just drop it.
They might have "caught" something or been given/poisoned with something. Do you know what is being sprayed from the skies? I don't but it looks unnatural.
I am 95%+ convinced they were deliberately infected. That is not the point.
The point is that whatever it was, it was a respiratory virus, the best Iranian medical professionals regarded it as novel (Even the completely regime-loyal professionals), they did not know how to treat it, and it was called "Covid-19" - and having all the hallmarks of that.
I for one would not be at all surprised to learn that Iranians were deliberately infected by a more serious and virulent strain produced in some lab somewhere - any more than I would be that some if not most of the infamous variants were too.
This may require decades of further research and investigation.
But it was a coronavirus, it was fatal, and it was novel.
I admire and practise scepticism, along with a good dose of cynicism it is healthy. But there comes a limit when that can spin off into wild fantasies - such as GoF not being a real tool in bioweapon labs, or covid-19 not being real at all.
I'm perfectly willing to defend the Bush Regime having a hand in - or largely organising - the 9/11 attacks, and that the towers were brought down by explosives. Claims that the airliners and impact explosions were holograms, and as far as I'm concerned that's in the realm of pointless fantasy, likely instigated BY the intel agencies to undermine credible 9/11 scepticism.
The World is in the middle of a Covert Military Industrial Intelligence Complex Global Operation running a live Synthetic Biological Nanotechnological Experiment Program on the people of the World without their knowledge or consent using highly sophisticated Synthetic Bio & Nanotechnology, this Operation runs straight from the Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
yes, also 5 G had been installed in Iran recently.
That is very interesting, tks.
Um, hello.
That's not evidence by anyone's measure. That's mainstream media sources and Western ones at that.
Do you not know that Al-Monitor is based in D.C. and is an Intel propaganda outlet.
Al-Monitor was launched in 2012 by Arab-American entrepreneur Jamal Daniel and in 2018, Al-Monitor partnered with North Base Media which was founded by former editor of The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal.
Good grief- this is the level of what you base your ideas on?
I know this very well. When the site started, they also had anti-Zionists among their staff, and superb ones too. A couple of years back it was purchased by something NY based, and the execrable Ben Caspit took over as dictator, and fired all the critical and pro-Pal voices.
Before then it was worthwhile reading, now its as much of a sewer as the rest of Western Zionazi media.
However, I wager you cannot read Farsi? Surprise me.
As is now blocked, to prevent our delicate ears from hearing anything, you know, "anti-democratic", it's pretty damn difficult to access local Iranian resources. And I'm not going to spend all day trying, just for some Internet randie with strange ideas.
Believe whatever the fuck you want, aliens built the monoliths, CO2 doesn't affect global climate and the icesheets are building up, Raygun was an Economics genius, - none of it is skin off my nose, and I'm not going to lose sleep because there is an ignoramus on the internet.
The fact is Iranians were felled in the 10s of thousands by an unknown coronavirus; sceptical scientists in the field have proved to peer review that covid-19 was artificially boosted in its malignancy and infectivity; and that Fauci benefits greatly from your particular line of 'scepticism', when that POS should be looking at jail time for the rest of his natural.
Perhaps you fondly imagine that within Iran, the people have never heard of Covid-19, or that the place is a backwater like Iraq after the US "Bombed it back to the stone age". On both you would be entirely wrong.
You still haven't provided even an iota of evidence- just hot air and logical fallacies.
And I should add you haven't proved anything as relates to mythical "lab leak" or GoF. Good luck with that- hasn't been done to date.
Can you provide concrete evidence for your claim that some "novel virus escaped" from a lab in Wuhan. Specific mechanics are required- please go point by point.
You are also using circular reasoning along with ad hominems- hardly a solid evidence-based argument. Stick to evidence.
Could you go toe-to-toe with these authors?
Somehow I doubt it.
@Allen The lab leak is nonsensical only in light of the fact that a novel and deadly virus called SARS-COV-2 was fake in the first place.
But your point may be unintentionally misleading if the critical role of the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY in this global Plandemic was not put in the spotlight.
I am a Chinese from Taiwan. My mother tongue is Chinese so I’m qualified to assure you that the Plandemic cannot become so effective without the CCP’s masterful choreography of the events: a sudden lockdown of the metropolis of Wuhan (more than 12 million people) ; the secretly leaked photos of random dead people on the streets of Wuhan with morgue workers wearing spacesuits to handle the fake “corpses”; the complete blackout of real news from China, yet at the same time numerous “leaks” of photos of massive deaths, incineration of dead bodies in Wuhan were everywhere on the Internet. Then the lockdowns were extended to the whole nation of mainland China …. The abusive use of PCR tests have turned CCP controlled China into a 1984-styled dystopian state, then the world followed suit.
The series of orchestrated events in 2020-2021 were all hinged on one fake narrative: a deadly virus somehow has been leaked out of WUHAN INSTITUTE OF VIROLOGY. Of course, the CCP never admitted it so two factions in the world argue about this till now.
Yes, the grand narrative of COVID is fake, therefore it badly needs a fake precursor to get the global population really SCARED. No sane people would have believed that we were facing a “pandemic” without the grand premeditated schemes of the CCP.
Remember: none of the stories of the massive infections and deaths in Wuhan was true. This can be verified if you like. So the whole COVID-19 needs an evil dictatorship to play a fake theatrical show with live people to destroy the world.
“Build Back Better”. Get it now? BBB is unmistakably a trade mark of evil Marxism.
Hope you can think deeply about the horrific conspiracy.
Half-truths and soft admissions from the establishment pundits and half-truths from the so-called leaders of the "health freedom movement" who also offer up their "admissions" or "theories", which are total evidence free nonsense, preserve the fundamental lies of the "Covid" pandemic.
One consequence of pushing such absurd suppositions is to distract attention from how the perception of a pandemic/mass panic was conjured with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models, and the meaningless PCR tests that fraudulently manufactured cases and spuriously attributed deaths from other causes to Covid.
But perhaps the biggest problem with accepting and promoting various quack theories, lab leak e.g., is that it reifies the Big Lie that there ever was a “pandemic” caused by a “unique viral pathogen” in the spring of 2020. In so doing, such theories hide the crimes that were committed in the hospitals and nursing homes and provides cover for the criminals who designed and executed this top-down operation.
"The Virus™ is superfluous, just like the Swine Flu scamdemic of 2009.
Not only does the “pandemic” narrative serve to conceal the fact that this was a mass murder spree set off by policies constructed, orchestrated, and mandated by identifiable individuals, it also serves as a smokescreen for the entire “Covid Operation”
Props in a theatrical performance do not have to be real. The manufactured perception that there was a global medical emergency, beginning in March 2020, was an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering.
Fake photos of people falling dead- fake images of coffins piling up- fake doctors claiming hospitals were overflowing- fake tests to produce a fake disease- fake scenes outside hospitals staged by PR firms- fake media parrots lying through their teeth every night- fake trials of a toxic bioweapon- fake everything.
We are living through the biggest worldwide organized crime since WW2. The scale of the deception is too large for even many who consider themselves “in the know” to accept or comprehend and remain trapped in some version of the "Covid" merry-go-round.
Others are still asleep or traumatized as the social fabric is being smashed to pieces and the world around them is being completely transformed.
Put simply, Covid-19 was not a widespread medical emergency it was an Intel operation, a money laundering scheme, a massive psychological operation and a smoke screen for a complete overhaul and restructuring of the current social and economic world order.
@Allen I fully agree with you in what you have summarized above. I sincerely thank you for your reply.🙂🙂🙂
I hope you understand my comments were focused on the single most critical piece in the Great Deception: the fact that the COMMUNIST PARTY OF CHINA (CCP) has made the gargantuan theatrical fake show that scared the whole world into delirious panic and submission. We cannot let go of such an evil deed.
Without the CCP, all the efforts by Gates, Fauci, Pence, WHO and scumbags working for WEF will NOT successfully drag the United States into the TRAP. Once most reasonable people are fully aware of the grand deception of COVID, the lab leak theory will be so easy to be dismissed.
On the other hand, if we emphasize the fact that the lab leak was a NONSENSE, then the evil COMMUNISTS immediately become the “victims” of a “fake narrative” (to demonize an innocent CCP). We must admit that most people cannot handle a fact involving such an intricate double paradox.
If you strongly disagree with my points, that’s fine too. I still support what you have summarized above.
@Allen Your understanding of the CCP is dangerously lacking. Are you a Chinese? If not, I am not sure whether you can read and write Chinese language at all? If not, please be careful in your assessment of the CCP and China.
I think you should look more deeply into who runs the government in China. China is a state-run capitalist system. It is loaded with all sorts of competing interests and the CCP is largely now a collection of intertwined business interests.
There are also numerous international interests deeply embedded within the Chinese system. If you think this is or was a CCP-led operation you are so far from the mark you will be easily led down a false trail.
The US/NATO/Western forces were the driving forces behind all things Covid.
Do you know who was the photographer who took those "Covid" pictures from Wuhan? Do you know who he worked for? Do you know his past?
@Allen Your description of the CCP is not accurate. The Communist Party of China does have competing groups juggling for power, yet the whole party is absolutely dominated by the most evil and adulterous ideologies descended from the Marx-Lenin-Maoism.
The open and reform movement (改革開放) of the CCP initiated in the 1980s has been a grand deception in the sense of making real changes of the party and relinquishing the ultimate control over the nation. No, the regime is evil in its DNA, the good guys cannot make any reform until the CCP is toppled.
Obviously you may disagree. But you must explain why the CCP sacrificed the nation in faking the “Pandemic” in 2020-2022? We both agree that THERE WAS NO PANDEMIC, so the corpses lying on the streets were actors ordered by the CCP. But news leaking out of Wuhan by the COMMUNIST told us the virus was about to wipe out the lives of millions of people (many just dropped dead on the way home from shopping groceries) of the metropolitan area.
There is only one answer: the CCP IS EVIL in collusion with the globalists who aimed at enslaving the world; the Chinese people cannot and will not stop it from committing atrocities. At best, the good people in China can drag their feet when participating in the evil actions. I am not even sure of that.
Absolutely! And let’s not forget the celebrity boost from Tom Hanks & his wife, self quarantining in Australia with his vintage Corona typewriter at his side. It was sold to the dumbed down masses with celebrities, entertainers, athletes, and politicians - all people in public view, but out of reach to the average investigative public Joe.
Thank you very much for your comments.
Deep state is in all countries. Taking it out is like playing a deadly game of ‘pick up sticks’
Are you familiar with the photographer that took those images that spread around the world?
Are you familiar with the "Covid deaths", "military trucks "photographs from Italy and who was responsible for the ones that emanated from Bergamo?
There was an article on the net from 2011 or 2O12 that was accompanied by a Photo copy of a receipt for the purchase of stock certificates for the Wuhan Lab.
The purchaser was George Soros.
I agree with this and there is a whole bunch of alternatvie media folks that are pushing it now - they all work for the Wellness Company. Its becoming more clear over time. The people that died during the first months of that ' live exercise ' were killed by hosptial protocol - not a virus. Anyone who pushes that millions died of covid is bullshitter. and working for the military. I think its Karen Kingston that says that mRNA technology is very fragile and perishable and expensive. So its the other ingredients in the vaccines that are more important to the eugenisists. Graphene so we can be controlled by EMF
Bravo, I agree with everything you say. I would like to add another intent though.
They want to reduce the world population and the so-called vaccine was one way to do that. Another point is: Gates had the PCR test swap produced and delivered to the whole world – which I heard Trump state in a video that is now deleted.
An assumption is, that the swap plants something. I was at a workshop with Irish Professor Dolores Cahill, who told us that she had gotten feedback from a lot of laboratories around the world that they had found Ebola, HIV, and other nefarious elements on the swaps.
As she and Mikovits agreed on - in another deleted video - none of them would ever allow that swap from Bill Gates to get up their nose “contaminated with God knows what.”
More here:
An example of mass brainwashing – the Pandemic Hoax.
Gotta say, I agree! Every time I hear or read "lab leak" my intuition reminds me, "no". The work of Denis Rancourt found on his website (linked to) has an abundance of papers and information, among them how the data shows that there was no pandemic in 2020.
Yes, alright, but you have conveniently left out electromagnetic microwave poisoning, which is what Frances L. is really trying to cough up, no hidden hand here, straight up conspiracy.
Thank you for saving me the effort. I recently had to write a screed in comments on RT on the same issue. There is NO virus, there never was, the whole thing was scam.
This is what is called a Truth BOMB, capital T!
Best, most clear and concise synopsis written to date.
Gain of function/lab leak theory was their limited hangout cover story, or gain of 'fiction' as Dr Sam Bailey and numerous others like to call it. As you say, this alternative narrative was 'trial ballooned' very early on in the scam, but then mothballed for a year of so while the main narrative still had legs. Very much like the 'thermite' alternative explanation for 9/11 that was ready to go from day one, but similarly and just as easily destroyed by people like Dr Judy Wood and others. The century-long virus/germ/contagion theory myth is so embedded in 21st C consciousness that it will be a long time yet before it dies a natural death.
So nothing really exists?
@Vonu A common flu like virus or the toxic spike proteins encapsulated in the man-made lipid nano-particles (LNP) cannot be distinguished from each other. We suspect the LNP were secretly spread from drones in metropolitan areas. That alone can cause serious symptoms for many people.
In short, it’s something. But not deadly or causing serious infection among people when poisonous nano-particles are no longer present.
Yet the real problem is the VACCINES.
Aerial spraying of chemtrails is so much more common than biologicals that the latter are irrelevant. Spike proteins are more dangerous than LNPs and they are shed by anyone who has received a vaccine until they die.
Vaccines are easy to refuse. If they are mandatory, make sure that the administrator understands that a return bullet will be, as well.
I beg to differ and suggest that the lab leak hypothesis is adequately evidenced. I gather it was a USA lab in leakey old Fort Detrick as it had been in fatal pathogen containment mode for two years 2018-2019. The new plant had been built after destruction by flood of the old one. It had failed every pathogen assessment by EPA due to its new waste processing plant being a total botch. How could an old waste treatment plant be located anywhere within reach of any flood you might ask? That's merica engineering for ya!
The Fort Detrick closure caused immense consternation in the military and Senate and Congress at the time. It was unprecedented.
Covid19 emerged in multiple locations over a few months and that points to deliberate dispersion imo. The entire covid experiment failed to thrive in the planetary environment. This is the case with many pathogens. Its a hostile planet out there beyond the petrie dish and viability is not a certainty. For that we can be grateful because we all came obscenely close to elevated hostilities between nations.
I am bored of all these vague phrases you (and many others) insist upon using. It is lazy or maybe it is fear driven? You tell me!
Documented historical facts about "the hidden hands" are still available online, despite the constant deletion of websites. For a summary of this INTERNATIONAL CRIME SYNDICATE please read:
"Gain of function" is a pathetic and weak way to describe POISON if you ask me! Biolabs are making poisons. Remember that the word "virus" is Latin for poison. The truth is right there in the use of the word.
Again, well documented science examines the delivery methods:
WHAT "vague phrases" do you refer to? I don't think you needed to read this one, but a lot of other people do, and whatever phrase gets the attention of those who need to read it is the right phrase.
I clearly specified (and corrected) the two vague phrases I was referencing. What a shame you did not fully comprehend my comment.
The “Conspiracy” began with the Venetians and their quest for a Global Oligarchical Empire based on control of global trade and global banking.
The British Oligarchy have been the instigators of all of the death and destruction perpetrated upon humanity ever since the Venetian takeover of England with the in-Glorious Revolution of 1688!
Venice’s War on Western Civilization
The Venetian Conspiracy
The American Almanac
Birth of the Nation State
The Venetian Takeover of England:
A 200-Year Project
The British Oligarchy’s Fourth War on America
How the British Invented Globalism
Modern globalism was born in Victorian England. The plan was to merge the British Empire and the United States into a single superstate.
How the British Sold Globalism to America
The Secret History of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Anglo-American Empire
How the British Caused the American Civil War
Britain’s Scheme to Partition and Recolonize America in the 1860s
The Anglo-American Pilgrims Society (1902)
How the British Invented Communism (and blamed it on the Jews)
To “Rescue the Republic” you must first know who actually is the enemy of the Republic.
- Vs. -
The enemy of humanity has always been the British Imperialist Globalist Fascist Oligarchy headquartered in the City of London.
The first step on the path to defeating the British Oligarchy is to teach people the history of their mortal enemy.
Who Are the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy?
A Long History of British Machinations to Control the Content and Dissemination of News & Information
(Remember: Before Google, everyone used the Encyclopedia Britannica)
William Pritting’s Substack:
Richard Poe’s Substack:
The American Patriot History Project
the core was not Venetian, the core of banking is much older, look at the beginning in Mesopotamia
Agree, except for one detail: these "Venetians" although at that time based in Venice, were not actually Venetians. Oi vey!
The Venetians originated as a cluster of Roman oligarchical families who fled to the swamps of the northwest Adriatic Sea to escape the invading Germanic tribes from the north.
Thank you, this is brilliant! I have basically all of your sources but from long ago. They're buried somewhere in my emails, of which I must have hundreds. They could be resurrected but it would take a while. Now I have them again at my fingertips. Just what I need to show others who are still pretty clueless but they chose not to listen. However I am not one to give up. Many thanks because these are reputable sources which cannot be refuted, denied yes, but not refuted.
"Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity." -Marshall McLuhan
A very good piece, though I share none of your optimism that Trump will actually drain the swamp in any meaningful way. He is far too compromised - owned even - and easily influenced by his Zionist and war-mongering funders.
Thank you. We'll find out with time.
I was struck when watching some old film of Germany in the 1930s, before WWII became a threat, of the parallels with Trump today.
After WWI, Versailles Treaty & the Weimar republic Germans were on their knees. Hitler gave them back their self-belief & for a while he delivered with full employment etc. He offered to make Germany great again. He had mass rallies. Hitler headed a personality cult.
Hitler delivered on his promises - for a few short years but at great cost.
Ultimately it turned sour as absolute power corrupted Hitler absolutely.
After the stolen election in 2020, Covid, 4 years of Biden, mass immigration & gender ideology America was on her knees just like Germany 100 years before.
Then along comes Trump offering much the same as Hitler. Mass rallies, personality cult,restoration of national pride & the economy, a rooting out the bad guys. Making America Great Again.
The pattern we see here is repeated throughout history. See Napoleon's rise in post revolutionary France.
Is it just a coincidence or is there something more sinister here?
In terms of conspiracies is this a common playbook used by the cabal? Is what we are witnessing history repeating itself? A well worn scripted piece of theatre?
Just finished Fergus O'Connor Greenwood's "180 Book". Your last sentence certainly applies according to Fergus.
Excellent book that I wish was more widely known and read.
Usury was forbidden in the Bible & the Quran. We've been drowning in it ever since.
We have been growing in it because of misuse, banking influence and lack of quality education regarding use of credit at school. Nothing wrong with self liquidating debt at reasonable time value of money interest rates. BUT having the majority of the public in debt is a wonderful tool for the authorities and the bankers.
Many nations have sovereign wealth funds including Norway and Switzerland. That they're controlled by elected politicians is a good thing. The alternative of just allocating money to private funds like BlackRock is not better.
Liberalism as an ideology is perfect for the Merchant Class to continue to grab and hold power.
Yes. There's a hidden hand.
I am starting to think the T Regime did their own studying this past 4 years. I didnt really expect that.
Not really Trump but right wingers fed up with the status quo. See Project 2025. Plus, Trump has an army of loyalists on his side now, working in the trenches. Almost makes you think the Biden administration intentionally screwed everything up just so Trump would have the mandate of the century and be able to pull all this off.
Highly recommend checking out John Titus’ new series:
The War for Bankocracy
The War for Bankocracy examines the steady, historical, up-to-the-present-moment encroachment by central banks on the sovereignty of nations, with particular focus on the United States, where the U.S. Constitution currently stands in the way of a total takeover by the Federal Reserve or any other privately owned financial institution. The Constitution achieves that noble end by putting any U.S. monetary authority (like the Fed) under congressional control and thus making that authority subject to transparency laws.
This prize legal feature of the U.S. system is altogether absent from global central banks like the European Central Bank (creation date: 1998). Thus, any assault on the Constitution in the sphere of money issuance has to be taken very seriously, because the stakes (transparency into what’s going on with OUR monetary system, for openers) are so high.
Yes, agreed! Titus is a national treasure.
See also John Titus’ YouTube subscription page:
Thank you Alex. We appreciate your brilliance, insight and hard work, shining a light into the darkness.
Thank you Indigo - very kind of you!
Every time I read one of your posts, or hear you speak Alex, I'm simultaneously encouraged and horrified, keep going my friend, keep turning those tarot cards.
Thank you SoupCruncher!
Good commentary to think about Alex. I look at Mark Carney and I see someone who is destined for greater things..........although those "things" are not likely to be in the interest of free thinking people. Liberal voters in Canada will select him as their next leader. If Canadian, his tells you that the Liberal voters are probably not people you want to associate with......they will either be complicit or dense, either way they need to be avoided.
I've watched Carney for the last 10 years or so. At first I thought he was impressive - very smart, articulate... But now I think he's impressive like all those McKinsey people: they make a good first impression but the more you listen the more you wonder how they got where they are...
Goldman always gets their man. In place.
We are making progress that we could have only dreamed of before. DOGE and the Deep State are on a collision course. Only time will tell who will win.
Agreed - there are real changes happening and they're not trivial.
What if all the domestic policy stuff is just a distraction for what's going on in Israel? I don't know. Just saying.
Good point.
Alex mentioned very favourably by Col. Douglas Macgregor on JudgeNap today. Yes!
Oh, wow!! 😯