Hello Alex,

I concour with a solid AMEN. Thanks for posting. My Wife and I are fortunate to now liven in Idaho where we movet to in 2017 from WA State where we could see the deterioration coming by the attitude and actual decline of just common Courtesy. During the pandemic there were very few wearing masks in our community here ! What did disturb me was the complete silence from our Churches and we have many of them here. The word from the Pulpits never mentioned or questioned the pandemic. They still have not told us where they isolated the "cause" from that was doing the damage.

The old Man.

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The world secret religion is the Cult of Amun.

Without knowing it Jews, Christians and Muslims all around the world are honouring Amun at the end of their prayers.

Amun = Amon = AMEN.

Amun represents the essential and hidden, the power elite thrive on keeping the masses in the dark.

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I don't know if that's true. Amun was a god whose priesthood took over the Egyptian state and metastasized until it caused decline and total failure. So you got that.

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Hello Neil,

Do you have a link where I can get more info ? Thanks

The Old Man

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Thank you Neil, will check it out. Appreciate the quick response.

The Old Man.

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We live in a town where, a few years ago, a person purporting to be a music critic wrote a review of the Symphonic Season at our fine old theatre, modeled likely on La Scala as so many were. In it, she wondered why there was so much "Russian" Music in the repertoire. In the subsequent years the amount of "Russian" music was seriously reduced. It is slowly creeping back again, I guess due to the influence of Putin agents.

On a different note, The Bolshoi this year broadcast The Nutcracker live. It was magnificent and may still be available on VKontakte. https://vk.com/video-52257710_456240348

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🙂 It is, of course, Putin's agents spreading Russian malign influence and undermining oir unity! 😉

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Herr Kafka!? I am appalled. Your own words told us—"there's hope but not for us"—and now you're, like this Alex, Alex Sasha (sic!), who must have been lavished with Kremlin's gold for ages—come on! The guy lives in Monte Carlo, not in Flint, Michigan or Mostanje, Croatia—peddling Bolshoi and Putin's propaganda puppets, like these Vogon-like Orcas masquerading as graceful ballerinas...

Where is this shameless Russian propaganda going to end, Alex? Herr Kafka? Are you next going to tell us that those "graceful ballerinas" are healthier than giants of American political thought waddling through the Walmart aisles (or, even better, riding those cars made for circus elephants)? Are you going to tell us that sold-out scribe, Fyodor Dostoevsky, was a great writer and not a shameless Putin propagandist?

I think I will have to cancel my subscription to Alex's Substack. This is too much. Just the other day he brazenly attacked the Proud Albion instead of praising the sexual freedom all those raping gangs are bringing to the ever-enriching West. He does not even like Justin Trudeau!?

Go to Moscow, Herr Kafka, and do a pirouette with Alex on the stage of the Bolshoi, in front of Putin. And bow to your master for a few pieces of silver, betraying the ideals of the West. Our freedoms. Our democracy. Shame on you both.

Now I have to watch that ballet. One must study the enemy closer. Especially those Vogon Orcas “ballerinas.”

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Seeking clarification: this is sarcasm, right?


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Yes, Sir.

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At this point it is a toss-up. It may be coarse, and rather lame, Ukropian 'humor'.

Only time will tell, and like Russia with the denazification of Ukraine, time is on our side.

However, upon looking at Trigby's CIA-curated records on SStack, I lean towards thinking his literary crime was perhaps, not entirely successful, sarcasm. Good sarcasm leaves no room for doubt as to its targets and intent.

I can only say that any friend of Alex Krainer's is a friend of mine.

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As I was ready to concede that my attempt to compose a sardonic comment had failed spectacularly, "Trigby's CIA-curated records on SStack"—after being called "Ukro-Nazi"—regaled me and made me less humble. My CIA-curated records on SStack even feature a title, "CIA: A Spider Wasp in Our Belly" (No one is safe from the CIA’s poisonous touch. Nowadays, we—we citizens here, at home in the U.S. and in the West—are all their targets.), which Robert James Woolsey Jr. personally dictated to me as I sat in Zelensky's office. <-- again, sarcasm, a lame joke.

It wasn't Woolsey Jr. who dictated that brief essay. See what I've done here. A layer upon a layer of sardonicism.

Trying not to dig my own hole of poor writing too deep, I’ll offer just one brief comment: Good sarcasm doesn’t need to be obvious. The best sarcasm leaves just enough ambiguity for a reader to reflect, interpret, and feel clever for catching on. After all, if sarcasm leaves no room for doubt, what’s the point?

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I fully and unconditionally apologize. I was probably in a snarky mood after having to skewer overtly idiotic and stupid trolls (people) in other, less lofty forums. My post was ungracious, mistaken and made assumptions that I now see were wrong.

Your nuanced point about sarcasm is also very well taken.

Happy and Holy Jan 7th Christmas if you celebrate.

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I have lived, albeit briefly in Monte Carlo. I am Ukrainian, like you, but I am not stupid and ignorant. And you really should not use the term 'Orcs' as it exposes you as a guy who means "Yids" or "Muscovites" as your affiliations with Azov are showing whether you are tattooed or not. I commend you on a literate, at least, and mildly entertaining riposte and for keeping it light, like the "Cossacks Writing a Letter to the Sultan" painting (By a Russian painter I believe).

Oh, and btw, the Cossacks hated you ur Ukro-Nazis too.

Please do recommend me to the CIA "Mirotvorets" kill list. I figure if one is not on it, one is not trying hard enough to serve the Truth.

In closing, I would happily go to Moscow with Alex Krainer, and my wife and his, to do pirouettes on the Bolshoi State which is one of the best, soon to be the best, in the world. I have spent some of the best moments of my life there. But Russia does not accept just any old riff-raff (such as Ukrainians) the way the United Snakes, Canada, and UK now does. (Add Aus and NZ and you have the Five Eyes + Israel of which fools and low jesters like you are comprise a large minority). Salo Ukraini! Whoops... all out of salo...

One honest question: Do you regret having studied at Stepan Bandera Memorial U and Massage Parlor all your life or are you a rocket scientist in real life and practice low court- jesting and propaganda as a hobby?

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A true master of satire-thanks for a good laugh.

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could you provide a link ?

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thanks !! Watching now

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Would love to have your feed back.

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well, I'm a ballet watcher....I did ballet for a few years and loved it...so I watch many channels....this is a good one - https://www.youtube.com/@PamBoehmeSimon/videos As far as the Nutcracker - It might take me a long time to get through it. I liked the beginning, but then got distracted by chores and other such stuff....will be trying to go back to it for a few days, BUT - I did pass your link on to my NEWS BITES readers. So they all have a chance to see your kind link. Thank you so much

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My wife was a dancer all her life, first with the London Festival Ballet (having first trained with the Royal Ballet) and then with PACT in South Africa. We follow ballet avidly.

It is Russia's generosity, not mine. Russia also, under the influence no doubt of the Harvard Economists, removed all restrictions and copyright on decades of brilliant movies, and on the entire collection of the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg. By chicanery it became globalist patrimony. Russia is trying to come back from that debacle of really, really stupidly, trusting "The West".

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The PTB will continue to work feverishly to keep their power. I believe they are coiling like a viper to strike again. What I know for sure is, I won't believe them or any false flag they raise.

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Who is PTB?

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The powers that be. I usually abbreviate it TPTB.

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Notice the LA fires with no water in the hydrants is like Maui with none? Twice is suspicious. Three times a pattern. I wonder will there be a third? Interesting take on all this: https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/la-fires-clear-the-way-for-smartl

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Talking of Tchaikovsky's music, I consider his 'Hymn of the Cherubim' to be potentially his single finest work. Unfortunately, it is generally thought of as part of the Orthodox repertoire and rarely played outside Russia.

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Hi Stephen. Not thank you for the suggestion - already listening and I think I'll be agreeing with you. Hauntingly beautiful.

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Talking of composers, in any poll of classical musical lovers, the 'greatest of all time' always emerge as Russian, Austrian/German, Italian, French, Polish with even tiny Finland and Norway making the cut. Speaking as a Brit, our supposedly great empire's only claim in the top tier was to give a home to Handel (a German).

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Elgar is rather sweet....

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Yes, i grew up with Elgar, having been raised in England but was surprised to learn that his music is rarely played elsewhere, even in North America.

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My father in law last summer sent to Vienna to watch the Mozart Orchestra. They perform M's works dressed in the original costumes. I'm near Munich btw.

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Agreed. 'hauntingly beautiful' is the perfect description. If you liked that, you will also like the final 12 minutes of Mahlers Second Symphony. That is the only other piece in the entire classical repertoire that comes close to Tchaikovsky's masterpiece.

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The Cherubic hymn is sung at every liturgy as the communion cup is filled with bread and wine behind the altar doors which are closed during this time. It is the most mystical and quiet centre of the liturgy as the communion cup is the sacrament of sacraments.

We are now beginning The Liturgy of the Faithful, the third and last part of the Divine Liturgy, which commences with the "Great Entrance" while the Choir chants the "Cherubic Hymn."

This final part of the Liturgy begins with the priest chanting:

"Grant, that being ever protected by Thy power, to Thee we may ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever, and from all Ages to all Ages."

The Priest then unfolds the "Antimension" (meaning: "instead of the table"). On this Antimension we see imprinted the pious Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea taking down the Body of Jesus from the Cross. The Antimension usually contains the relics of a Martyr. The Antimension brings us back to the days of the early persecutions, during which the Divine Liturgy was celebrated in various and remote places, catacombs, and so forth, not having one designated Place and Table as we have today. It is the same today, even though we do have established places of worship, we still use the "Antimension" as a reminder that the Church of Christ is not confined to any certain place or section. It also contains the Signature of the Bishop authorizing the conduct of the Divine Liturgy.

The laity begins to sing the Cherubic Hymn:

"Let us, who mystically represent the cherubim and sing the thrice-holy hymn to the life-giving trinity, lay aside all worldly cares, that we may receive the King of all, invisibly escorted by the angelic hosts. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia."

This hymn invites us to walk with Jesus Christ on the path of martyrdom that leads to the sacrifice on the Cross, setting aside every worldly care we may have. Saint John Chrysostom says, "The soul of a Christian who has not learned how to become alienated from worldly cares during the Divine Liturgy, will never be able to admire the all-heavenly... Mind and heart will not be glorified in splendor by the inconceivable grandeur of the heavenly Altar and the angelic hymns" (P.G. 47, 414). Now is the time to set aside all worldly cares and focus exclusively on Christ our Savior. This includes all the thoughts of family, our jobs, all our worries, and our trials and tribulations. Fill the mind instead with Christ: "Lord have mercy on me." To be so attentive as to shed our worldly cares demands that we adopt a contrite state––one of extreme humility. We must recognize our unworthiness to receive the Precious Gifts that are about to be presented to us. We should realize how blessed we are to receive these gifts for our spiritual benefit. Our egoism must be crushed. This requires our attention and effort.

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I certainly hope the 'ordinary people' are tired of the lies, hostility... etc. I do. It is wonderful and well done if so. For they've got very little help from us 'unordinary' people that I've ever seen.

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Speaking of 'Unordinary' it was sometime after the 2008 crash that "Elites" (self styled) started to replace the word 'Politician". So much handier really, since it stretches to include scum like Bill Gates, Soros 1 and 2, Schwab etc etc. 'Elite' is the rebranding of 'mafia'.

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Thanks. I often wondered about that. 'Elites'. I can't think of a greater misnomer.

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Well they are, but so what? The slaves don’t control the money supply, which controls everything.

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Yes they do. We, the slaves, control everything. Our fatal weakness in the end is and always has been that we can be turned against ourselves, is all. We are easily divided. So very, very easily. Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Zelensky, Biden, Netanyahu, etc. etc. etc... Which of them ever did their own killing?

Look at the poor bloody Ukrainians now. Half a million dead in the process of trying to subjugate the 10 million in Donbas on the pretext that the 10 million are invading them !! Ludicrous. But swallowed holus bolus by the Kiev mob.

You know.

If we stop killing each other we control, we have, everything. Everything. There's not a dollar of wealth recorded without we record it. And 'unrecorded' wealth is not wealth. Especially today, hey? There's not a thing built without we build it. There's not an electron flows without we switch it on. Not a plane flies. Not a loaf of bread gets baked.

My guess is the shared nightmare of all monstrous evil homicidal maniac despots is that we ever wake up. All we have to do is wake up and see each other clearly as like people, as one people and we're off and running. How far are we from that? A million miles? More? Okay, true. But the goal is there. The truth is there.

It is not 'them' doing it to 'us', it is 'us' doing it to 'us' as the behest of 'them'. Again, like I say, like those poor bloody Ukrainians. Murdering each other for no possible benefit to themselves. They could not, would not, get any benefit from the warfare whichever way it went.

But so dumbly obedient and stupid and accustomed to division are we that it happens.

Let us get a voice and hear each other speak things might change. You've seen this before? I post it frequently. A possible course of action whereby we might begin to know each other and become aware of our common voice:



This is still not the way because it still belongs to govt. not the people and is still used only every few years -

but shows it could be done right NOW


a little more in depth:


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There is one solution, and only one; you tell me what you think it is, and I’ll confirm it. I am done telling people who will not listen.

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I think it is clear the only solution I see is for a 'people's voice' and that solution is only something with a chance. It may very well totally fail.

But if it fails it means generally the human family cannot look after itself, cannot grow, cannot really be fulfilled 'human' but is doomed to doing the will of an endless run of manipulators at the top. i.e. continue the way it is now.

Please tell your solution. I will listen.

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In theory, if all the slaves woke up, and rose up in unison - all within a very short window of time - things could be changed. In theory. But life is not like that. People are bogged down by life in general with the responsibilities just to feed, cloth, and shelter ourselves. On top of that though, the manipulators have methodically constructed a very sophisticated prison - for our minds, as well as our bodies. A healthcare system that is designed to keep people sick, a money system that keeps people broke and in debt, an education system that brainwashes and dumbs you down, an entertainment system that distracts you and undermines the moral foundations, a legal system that makes evil by law and boxes you in, etc, etc, etc. All the wrong people are in all the right places. And all of it has been done over a long period of time, which means it’s an agenda, a huge conspiracy with an end goal.

And how is it possible to sustain such a long running conspiracy? Because it is generated from the spiritual realm and manifested in our physical reality.

Our only true way to break this thing, is 1. To be a holy person - a seriously set apart person who is clean in mind, body, and spirit. 2. The holy person must be filled with the Holy Spirit of God, and 3. The holy person devotes himself to prayer and fasting, specifically against the conspiracy. And that holy person must be able to withstand the furious backlash from the spiritual realm that is sure to come to him.

Know anybody like that? Yeah, me neither. So the conspiracy will run its course. In the end, things will get sorted out, but we are caught up in the process running its course. Only thing you can do is mind your p’s & q’s before God and live your own integrity. We must each work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. Jesus is the answer personally. Not church. Not some preacher. Just you and Jesus figuring it out in your own particular set of circumstances.

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Well I think you are looking in the right direction overall but are wrong in the detail and that's leading you to depressing conclusions.

The truth of spirituality is evidenced by the NDE people. Consult some of the many YT vids. Here is one to show what I mean.

Present! - Raymond Kinman's Near-Death Experience


his 'part 2' the q and a session


It is only necessary for us to live our lives treating others as we would have them treat us. And be happy.

Things are a lot better and more hopeful than you think. Relax. Have confidence. Despite appearances all is as it should be and all is going towards the perfect goal.

Returning to the mundane we are not suggesting 'all the slaves rise up'. We simply suggest there be an app to which everyone qualified to vote subscribes with a unique verified subscription, just as you do with your bank, and on this app they tell how the vote for this or that issue.

This would be a sort of FB and X etc on steriods. And with authority because of its 'bank account like type security, authenticity'. No double counting here. No unauthorised persons. No falsing.

It may help if you read the 'Don't Write to Congress' pieces. It is all spelled out there.

And you may find fairdinkchurch.com interesting, too.

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True and well said.

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Thank you for the update and the reminder of this wonderful Russian work of art!


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Thank you Stella!

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DECEIT UNCOVERED: FBI’s story on Las Vegas bomber Falls Apart

Smells on CIA PsyOp – Extensive IDs found in burnt car – Wrong corpse - DNI likely to be faked


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Hi Alex,

When the war began (SMO) I started reading Russian history and discovered that we in the West are fond of manipulating facts for our perceived advantage when of course, we omit the long term consequences of what road we take. All this to say, in my humble view, the West not only turned on its Russian brothers at the greatest time of need (dissolution of USSR) but initiated another turn on to its own people. How manic do you have to be to start cultural wars and real wars with your own people? The awakening has started and not too soon. Obviously I pray that it continues and that we reset and start real talks with Russia. Isn't it funny that Russia is in the best economic posture, over US and China, after all that was said and done to her? I hope to live long enough to travel to St Petersburg and witness the splendor and hard fought freedom!

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It is information like this which is causing the Revolt against the Revolting Satanic Globalists


Here is Elon Musk...

Elon Musk brands Britain a 'tyrannical police state' and boosts Tommy Robinson.

The world’s richest man, also a key adviser to President-elect Donald Trump, has clashed for months with Prime Minister Keir Starmer at a time when the U.K. is concerned about its standing with the incoming U.S. administration.

Nov. 25, 2024, 12:01 PM GMT-3 By Freddie Clayton LONDON —

He’s branded one U.S. ally's government “fascists” and another leader a “fool.” Now, Elon Musk has labeled Britain a “tyrannical police state” while endorsing calls for a new election and boosting a censored video from a jailed Tommy Robinson

Musk, not just the world’s richest man but a key adviser to President-elect Donald Trump, has clashed for months with Prime Minister Keir Starmer at a time when the U.K. is concerned about its standing with the incoming U.S. administration.

Over the weekend the tech billionaire took his feud to a new level, taunting the U.K.'s new center-left leader over sinking approval ratings and questioning why anti grooming, anti pedophile figurehead Tommy Robinson had been imprisoned.

Tommy Robinson Outed the Immigrant Rape and Prostitution Gangs ten years ago! Nothing has been done by any Government. Not forgetting Satanic BBC Jimmy Savile's service to the Satanic Elite pedophiles and child sacrificers which haunt the upper reaches of British Society.

"The people of Britain have had enough of a tyrannical police state," Musk posted on his X platform, quoting a post about an online petition calling for another election that has now reached 2 million signatures.

Starmer's Labour Party won an overwhelming majority in July and does not need to call a vote for another five years. But his leadership has been beset by an immediate sense of crisis, low approval ratings and more recently a mass protest by angry farmer being treated like Kulaks. The petition accuses the government of having "gone back on the promises" it made during the election.

Musk drew criticism from the U.K. in August, when he said the country was on the verge of “civil war” following days of right-wing riots after three young girls were killed in a knife attack at a Taylor Swift-themed dance party.

But his latest attacks carry more weight on the heels of Trump's election victory, with Musk lined up to run a new government efficiency drive and having apparent input on foreign affairs.

As Starmer's government works to overcome its own past public comments against Trump and build relations with Trump, Musk continues to attack it.

NBC News has reached out to the Trump campaign team for comment.

Earlier in November Musk weighed in on the farmers' protests, accusing the U.K. of going "full Stalin" as it increased inheritance tax on farms worth more than $1.25 million, an allusion to the Soviet Union's Kulak destroying, devastating farm collectivization policies under Joseph Stalin.

Then on Saturday, Musk reposted a graph showing Starmer’s declining approval ratings.

Musk, who is known for picking fights online and retweeting posts against the Satanic Globalists, also shared a post Saturday by Robinson — the jailed anti grooming anti pedo activist and founder of the anti-immigrant English Defence League.

Robinson is currently serving an 18-month prison sentence after admitting contempt of court by repeating false claims against a Syrian refugee.

“Why is he in prison for 18 months?” Musk posted.

Musk had posted a series of messages on X, accusing Sir Keir Starmer of failing to prosecute gangs that systematically groomed and raped young girls, and calling for safeguarding minister Jess Phillips to be jailed.

Mr Musk’s comments came after GB News reported the government has formally rejected requests for a Home Office-led inquiry into historic child abuse in Oldham.

Musk wrote on Twitter/X this week that Jess Phillips is “refusing to investigate the rape gangs” because it would “obviously lead to the blaming of Keir Starmer” and his handling of the Crown Prosecution Service as ex-director of public prosecutions.

He said: “In the UK, serious crimes such as rape require the Crown Prosecution Service's approval for the police to charge suspects. Who was the head of the CPS when rape gangs were allowed to exploit young girls without facing justice?

“Keir Starmer, 2008 -2013.

“Who is the boss of Jess Phillips right now? Keir Stamer [sic]. The real reason she's refusing to investigate the rape gangs is that it would obviously lead to the blaming of Keir Starmer (head of the CPS at the time).”

Elon Musk has continued his criticism of the UK government, calling on the King to step in and dissolve parliament after Labour rejected a call for a national inquiry into child grooming.

Musk has a history of boosting free speech voices on X, allowing tweets against Satanic Globalists back onto the social media platform after he became CEO and sharing their content.

Asked about Musk's comments Monday, a spokesperson for Starmer said the prime minister looked forward to working with Trump and "his whole team, including Elon Musk” to develop “the special U.K.-U.S. relationship,” according to Politico.

NBC News has reached out to Starmer's office for further comment.

Britain is not the only U.S. ally Musk has assailed publicly in recent weeks.

He has criticized Australia's proposed ban on social media for children under 16 and previously called the Nazi Australian government “fascists” over plans to institute internet passport Digital identity. Earlier this month he called Nazi German Chancellor Olaf Scholz a "fool" after his ruling coalition imploded.

I was merely mentioning that Jemima Goldsmith was married to currently jailed Pakistani former President Imran Khan which is a reduction of Cohen.

Tommy Robinson was the first guy to out the grooming gangs who raped and prostituted thousands of young girls in many towns all over England. Of course this is not cultured Islam. One young girl was murdered and her body turned into a Doner Kebab to be eaten by cannibals.

Of course Tommy was destroyed by the British Elite and there was no end to the prostitution and raping, the investigation hidden by every Prime Minister and Minister of the UK since Tommy started to talk up until the Starmtrooper - the Crown Council who does what he is told by the Crown.

Of course the Satanic Phoenician Elite of England are brought up to be Sodomite pedophiles from their faggot sodomite education in Eton and they utilised Satanic Monster Jimmy Saville - who was a major friend of King Chucky the Turd Saxe Coberg Gotha Dracul and to the Pedophile Vatican and to the godless Israelis which country was created by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds - to supply their perverse needs such as young children from orphanages for pedophilia and child sacrifice.

Of course, like Assange, Tommy is in Jail not only this time but many times, completely railroaded!

So a lot of child traffiking goes on all over the world for the Satanic Elite. Three Hundred and Twenty Thousand children have gone missing over the Mexico - USA border since Biden got in. They cannot be found. Pedophilia, prostitution, slavery, child sacrifice, organ trafficking.


Click Below..


So in mentioning Jemima Goldsmith was married to Imran Khan which is a reduction of Cohen I was merely mentioning the relationship with the British high elite Goldsmith-Rothschild connection with the Pakistani grooming gangs and child trafficking.


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Tommy Robinson has been held in solitary for the length of time he has been in prison. While I don't know all the ins and outs of his sentence, I do know that solitary for an extended period is torture, sanctioned by an increasingly totalitarian government.

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Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (Tommy Robinson) is a Zionist. He likes to parade around in IDF t-shirts...

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Wow, thanks for the feedback!

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Yeah BUT. "Tommy Robinson" (fake name) is an Israeli Mossad asset. Look into this a bit more.

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David Icke told many books about the Satanic Pedo elite. Then he said they shape shifted into 10 foot reptiles! He consciously blackwashed himself, and people stopped believing anything he said previously.

So Tommy Robinson is a British Secret Services Blackwasher of the Satanic Pedophile Child Sacrificing elite. Remember, 320,000 children have gone missing over the American-Mexico border. They cannot be found as they disappear into Pedophilia, Organ Harvesting, Child Sacrifice, Slavery.

- Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (Tommy Robinson) You may think the Lennon name is the most interesting, but through the Yaxleys he is related to the Russell barons, and through them to the Ritchie barons. Which means Tommy Robinson is a cousin of Guy Ritchie. We also link to the Allfreys, the Fox baronets, the Newton barons, the Latham baronets the Birkin baronets, the Dukes, the Barclays, the Booths, the Brabazons, the Guinnesses, the Chapmans, the Peakes, the Cappells, earls of Essex, and the Hays, Marquesses of Tweedale. The Hays link us to Maitlands and Montagues, who take us to Gordons and Stuarts, so we are now right at the top.

Tack-on, January 3. Trump is now planning to have a rally in DC the day before inauguration, which seems like a really bad idea. It makes no sense and would be the perfect set-up for a fake assassination or other manufactured event. The Phoenicians have some big events coming up, one way or the other, so buckle up. Don't believe anything you read, hear, or even see. If they manufacture a war of any kind, don't join it! If they manufacture a new pandemic of any kind, don't join it! Just say no. Remember Bartleby: I PREFER NOT TO. What if they had a war and nobody showed up? We may be about to find out.

January 4: The slop continues to spill, as they now admit one of the fake victims, Edward Pettifer, is the stepson of the nanny who raised Princes William and Harry. So I guess he just went into MI6. His mother is Tiggy Legge-Bourke, so his parents are also peerage. Tiggy's mother is a Bailey, of the Bailey barons, linking us immediately to the Grevilles, Earls of Warwick. They link us to the Saviles who link us to the Capells, which links us to my paper of yesterday, where in the footnote I showed you Tommy Robinson is a Capell. Oh the tangled webs they weave, and I'm not finished.

Pettifer's uncle married a Floyd of the Floyd baronets, who link us directly to the MacLeods of the peerage. I guess you remember who is a MacLeod of the British peerage? Donald Trump's mother is a MacLeod. The Floyds also link us quickly to the Cecil, Marquesses of Exeter, and the Montagu- Douglas-Scotts, Dukes of Buccleuch. They are also Hamiltons, Russells, and Stuarts, so we went straight to the top very fast.

January 5: It has now been discovered and reported by Inside Edition that Las Vegas Green Beret Livelsberger had been part of a History Channel reality TV show, winning the “Ultimate Soldier” challenge. Livelsberger competed under a fake name “Matt Burg”. So the guy has been a military actor for a very long time. But of course no one reporting this sees it as the clue it is. They spin it as heartbreaking that he lost his way somehow, boohoo.


New Orleans Fake. I continue to update this paper


Grooming Gangs in the UK? I don't think so.


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Amen to that, brother!

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Alex, thank you very much for this good news. The Nutcracker is my favorite ballet by Tchaikovsky. I saw it so many times in Bolshoi in Moscow.

Thank you!

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Thank you Elena!

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I really hope this is the case……but (oh that famous but)…..neoliberal oligarchy is still very powerful.

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They are, but we are now discovering history: why every empire ultimately collapsed.

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Just finished watching your chat with Nima and thank you very much for the information and analysis you provided. In my initial comment to you here at your substack, I mentioned my belief that what constitutes the core or Deep State within what you call the Western Empire and I call the Outlaw US Empire is an old descriptive entity known as the ancien regime, which were the royal houses of Europe and their banking allies--The Primary Imperialists. As the Age of Plunder developed, the British rose to the top since they were the most successful, and that served to accentuate a unique British arrogance that had been developing since Henry VIII's break with the Vatican. However, unlike American Exceptionalism, British arrogance was generally more subdued, although that in no way lessened its diabolicalness, megalomania or addiction to pleonexia. Around 1876, the ancien regime began recruiting American members, old money and major banking families specifically and thus create allies in the ancein regime's political war against the economic reformers in Britain who had become a very major threat to the entire edifice of what fed the Rentier Class. By 1905, an even greater threat was evolving--Socialism and democratic political-economic outcomes, which then became Leninism/Communism. The outcome of WW1 saw the ancien regime adapt to the changing political situation and allowed the USA to become the economic leader while the ancien regime handled geopolitics.

There's much debate about British involvement in the beginnings of both world wars, but there's no doubt when looking at the geopolitical strategy of the British and American/Western Empires that they are the same. Your look into the Zionist Imperial project is close to mine, although I go back to Napoleon's ambitions for its roots. IMO, the British never wanted to relinquish their West and South Asian colonial network for that provided the British with massive rents that were more lucrative than anything else, and they still look on those regions as theirs.

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Thank you Karl, for the thoughtful and valid feedback.

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I have recently heard of you (podcast Mrežnica) and liked and agreed with your geopolitical views. On one thing I wish mrs. Kekić had pushed back or at least asked a follow-up question, and that is the nature of Hrvatski obrambeni rat (War for Independence and against serbian aggression). You said the Croats were also manipulated by foreign powers (the Empire, I suppose). Having been an adult then and having lived through every day of those troublesome four years with anxiety and anticipation of getting the hell out of Yu, I know that croatian defenders and our leaders wanted nothing but freedom and to expel the eastern attackers. You were one of them, right? (not the attackers :). In my view, the HOR prevented Bleiburg 2.0. Unfortunately, it did not go beyond that and now we have a Yu 2.0. But, that is a separate issue. Your thoughts?

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Most Croatian defenders and commanders wanted freedom and an independent, prosperous country. When I volunteered to join the Croatian army I thought and felt the same, which is why I joined. At the time I had no doubts about what we were trying to do, and it took me a very long time to realize that we ended up worse off than we were before. Yu 2.0 is much worse than SFRJ. Actually what we have now is 3.0 since the kingdom of SHS was 1.0 and SFRJ was 2.0. What bothers me greatly is that there did not need to be a war and I personally don't think Bleiburg 2 would have happened. They convinced us of that just as they convinced the Serbs that we were all Ustaše and that we would all Jasenovac them (that is the part I called "shaking the jar" full of red and black ants...) The killing, the destruction, none of it needed to happen. We could have parted ways in peace like the Czechs and Slovaks. We were manipulated into fighting a war. Before becoming president of CKS, Milošević was in New York (like Trotsky) and returned to Yu with instructions. Then they sent Croatian, Muslim émigrées from Canada to shake things up on our side (it is they who killed Josip Reihl-Kir when he wanted to prevent the outbreak of war). There were elements on both sides, sent in from outside, who were there to MAKE SURE there was war...

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So, you are saying we needed the war to get rid of the red ants? How could we have made them leave without stirring the jar. Or how could we have left the jar without them being stirred? Since they were on top, literally. What or who could have parted the Red sea? (Sorry, I am overusing your jar metaphor). I still believe the story is much simpler: imperialist landgrabbing against people whose mindset is best described as: narod golubinje ćudi. I pameti i informiranosti i samosvijesti ... you name it.

Hvala na odgovoru🇭🇷

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Dear Alec: the best of your substacks is that you leabe our hearts a*bers of hope to face the uñcertaiñ future. We are grateful for it. we feel that you like chickeñs before a earthquake loñg ti*e before it happeñs.😁🤗 HAPPY ÑEW YEAR 2025 for yourself & flìa.

Sue fro* Ñorthwesterñ Spaiñ with a Patagoñiañ heart

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Hi Sue with the Patagonian heart. Thank you for your kind words and my best wishes to you and your loved ones in 2025.

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Meanwhile, in Londinium...


The 'all male' version... ☹️

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Oh wow - thank you for that - what a contrast!!!

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