The power behind the throne and the forever wars
We must take a stand or let our children fall, it's that simple.
Last week, former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss gave us a stonker of a revelation which, I believe deserves to be set to the record. Truss appeared in Steve Bannon's War Room and said this:
"What I found out when I got into No. 10 is, I thought that if I got to the top of the tree, I would be able to implement those conservative policies... And what I discovered was that I was not holding the levers. The levers were held by the Bank of England, by the Office of Budget Responsibility, they weren't held by the Prime Minister or the Chancellor..."
Truss goes on to point out the obvious problem with this: you can sack the Prime Minister, but you can't sack the BOE officials who hold the levers of power. Around the same time of this revelation, Glenn Beck dropped a similar clue. In his interview with Tucker Carlson published on 21 February 2024 he shared a story of his encounter with George W. Bush:
I thought of something George Bush told me in the Oval Office. I was asking about the policies and how they were going to change, and he said, “Glenn, don’t worry, whoever sits behind this desk, in that chair, is going to have the same advice given by the same advisors and they’ll realize, the President’s hands are tied.” I walked out of that room horrified… Why do we even have elections?"
What G. W. Bush had revealed to Beck and what Liz Truss discovered when she got to the top of the tree, has been the defining feature behind our “democracies” for a very long time. Former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli said in 1844 that, “The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” Sir William Pitt, Prime Minister in 1770 said that, “There is something behind the throne greater than the King himself.”
The power ‘behind the throne’ are the bankers
In untangling the causal factors behind the many crises we face today, the trail of breadcrumbs always leads to the international banking cartel which appears to have the determining influence shaping the system of governance under which our societies operate. This network likely constitutes the very “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” that President John F. Kennedy had warned us about.
As a famous member of that cartel proclaimed, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!” At the money power’s receiving end, Napoleon Bonaparte understood that relationship all too well: “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation.” This, it would seem, is how it is today.
In his 1965 book "Tragedy and Hope," Carroll Quigley warned us that, “The powers of financial capitalism had [a] far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. … The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and direct injury of all other economic groups.” That world system of financial control is what's today being promoted as the "rules based global order."
Bankers and forever wars
In particular, the banking interests appear to be the key movers behind the perpetual warfare we are witnessing today. The better we understand the way the systems work, the more the saying, "all wars are bankers' wars" rings true. US Congressman Ron Paul said that it was no coincidence that the century of central banking coincided with a century of total war.
Today we know, for example, that Adolf Hitler and his National Socialists were cultivated and lavishly funded by prominent Wall Street bankers (including George W. Bush’s grampa Prescott Bush) and that the multinational corporations they controlled provided the technology and assistance for Germany's rearmament. The shadow operator steering the course of events was Bank of England's Montagu Norman who was the best friend and confidant of his German counterpart Hjalmar Schacht. Few of those details have made it into our history curriculum, but the whole point of militarizing and Nazifying Germany was to invade and subjugate Russia. In 1935, Lord Lothian assured a delegation of visiting ministers from Germany that, “they would cut through Russia as through butter.”
In the most recent past, it was Ukraine which was militarized and Nazified to strike against Russia with the same powers behind the throne pulling the levers. As the US-installed Prime Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk spoke appreciatively in 2014, “… international bankers are ready to help us. … We would not have survived without the international assistance.”
After breaking Ukraine, they’ll use European nations next
These discoveries should be profoundly disturbing. As the Ukrainian bludgeon broke against Russia, there is every reason for us to expect that they’ll turn to transforming other European nations to serve the same purpose. That process is now under way as we can hear from the growing chorus of European leaders talking about militarization, conscription, and the prospect of war against Russia. We should not be complacent in the face of these mad musings. The vast majority of Ukrainian people were in favor of peace and normalization of relations with Russia. Yet the powers behind the throne determined otherwise and were able to sacrifice half a million young Ukrainian men and destroy the lives of millions.

Unless we accept that in the near future our children also be sacrificed for bankers’ pursuit of Russian collateral, we need to shine the spotlight at those behind the throne who are pulling the levers and pushing us into war. It is our duty today to push against them with all our might, creativity and determination. Anything short of that risks turning more European nations into what Ukraine is today. And no, it has never been about democracy nor about freedom. It is strictly about banking and about the collateral.
It’s about collateral, not about “democracy”
All the money in circulation represents debt. Debt represents assets on the bankers’ balance sheets. To conjure up more debt, they need to control the collateral: it directly boosts their wealth and power over us. To all the rest of us it’s all the same: whether we pay money to Gazprom for our gas or to Royal Dutch Shell, we still have to pay.

Even to the Royal Dutch Shell it wouldn’t matter: they could simply buy Russian resources from Russia and resell it at home for a profit. Truly, the only group in society to whom the control of collateral makes any difference are the bankers, making them the one main group with the incentive to foment forever wars for control of resources. They won’t hesitate to go nuclear and sacrifice one nation after another to achieve this.
Lord Acton prophesied long ago that, “the issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the bankers.” This fight is now upon us. The “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” is clearly waging an undeclared war on humanity, which may be the ultimate struggle between our emancipation or our enslavement.
Alex Krainer – @NakedHedgie is the creator of I-System Trend Following and publisher of daily TrendCompass investor reports which cover over 200 financial and commodities markets. One-month test drive is always free of charge, no jumping through hoops to cancel. To start your trial subscription, drop us an email at
For US investors, we propose a trend-driven inflation/recession resilient portfolio covering a basket of 30+ financial and commodities markets. Further information is at link.
We are allowed to allude to the Deep State or the Bankers, it is naming who the bankers actually are is when the problems begin, as such for most that is understandably a bridge too far.
Well done, as always, Alex. I appreciate your objective clarity and understanding of "The World As It Is." You've managed to keep the common touch and your respect for your fellow humans is evident as you respect the dignity of Everyman as evidenced in your thinking and writing.
It's a helluva wake-up call the world is undergoing at this moment, and as you say we must stick to goals of circumvention, each of us in every country in this race against time and the collective power of the hideously wealthy ones whose psychopathy is so ingrained and expressed in their actions. I've been on track to identify these monsters, their rationale, and their minions for several decades now; my first taste of it was actually during the Vietnam War.
And there are so many good books that have helped me on my way towards these truths I now understand. And your writings are so important in exposing these Deceivers. As you say here the evidence of the Owners' intent is conclusive at this critical juncture for civilization. The Hour is Now.
A little ditty that came from my subconsciousness a while back is apropos for this Hour.
"We were made for these times, otherwise we'd have not been born into them."
Cheers ~ djo