We are allowed to allude to the Deep State or the Bankers, it is naming who the bankers actually are is when the problems begin, as such for most that is understandably a bridge too far.

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Well done, as always, Alex. I appreciate your objective clarity and understanding of "The World As It Is." You've managed to keep the common touch and your respect for your fellow humans is evident as you respect the dignity of Everyman as evidenced in your thinking and writing.

It's a helluva wake-up call the world is undergoing at this moment, and as you say we must stick to goals of circumvention, each of us in every country in this race against time and the collective power of the hideously wealthy ones whose psychopathy is so ingrained and expressed in their actions. I've been on track to identify these monsters, their rationale, and their minions for several decades now; my first taste of it was actually during the Vietnam War.

And there are so many good books that have helped me on my way towards these truths I now understand. And your writings are so important in exposing these Deceivers. As you say here the evidence of the Owners' intent is conclusive at this critical juncture for civilization. The Hour is Now.

A little ditty that came from my subconsciousness a while back is apropos for this Hour.

"We were made for these times, otherwise we'd have not been born into them."

Cheers ~ djo

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I hope Putin, Xi, MBS, and the Iranians understand all this. They are playing all of this very smart IMO. They may have all of our fates in their hands.

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Great post, and it must be progress that such high profile figures are now confirming what some have known for a long time. Anybody who wants the full story must read ‘THE CREATURE FROM JECKYLL ISLAND’’ by EDWARD GRIFFIN. Jeckyll Island, off the coast of Georgia, is where a secret meeting was held to plot the creation of the Federal Reserve, against democratic process which had sought to stop it, and which was successfully subverted. The book however also goes into the earlier chicanery around the creation of the Bank of England, and much else. Fantastically well researched, but also reads like a novel. Eseential reading.

Thanks again for your great posts!

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What if "they" gave a war and no one showed up? One can hope anyway.

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I now believe a world war is inevitable. I speak from the perspective of my country, the US. Everything we’ve ever stood for and believed in has been destroyed. We no longer have a head of state and make guesses as to whom is really in charge.

Bankers miscalculated when they thought they could massacre the Palestinian people and grab their land. They might have convinced the Israelis of the benefits in ridding themselves of Gaza’s inhabitants, but not the world’s people. The massacre is emblematic of the madness unfolding in a world who’s raison d’être has collapsed. The center can no longer hold; there is no one to avert this crisis. NOT A SINGLE PERSON of our representatives in DC, except the Palestinian Rashida Tlaib, has said one word about the unfolding genocide.

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Mar 3Liked by Alex Krainer

Thank you for this very important article Alex. I am in full alignment with you in that our main objective at this time is to prevent a full scale war. What happened with Ukraine can absolutely happen elsewhere if we do not prevent it. One point of confusion for me that hopefully you can clarify. Why was the intention of the West through funding Germany to attack Russia? Wasn't Russia already at that time under the occupation of the Western sponsored Bolsheviks?

Also, I just listened to your recent interview you did with James Delingpole. I thought it was by far one of your best appearances. I really appreciated his questions and your answers even more so. Particularly the discussion about controlled opposition vs. legitamate opposition, and how this pattern of accusing everyone of being controlled opposition leads to learned helplessness which is perhaps the most dangerous thing. I thought this was such an important point to make.

The other part that I deeply resonated with was the experience you described about how none of your "Uppity-class" friends were willing to step up to the plate to fight for the well-being of your children. I think this is one of the hallmark tragedies of the pandemic era. I have experienced similar feelings, having spent time at a high end private ski club here in Canada by invitation. Although I am a dentist and among the "professional class," I found that hanging around those people I just can not relate to them at all. In my view they are the ones that could have had influence to prevent some of the atrocities that went on (like you said, the resistance often comes from the upper class), and instead they, the "laptop class", loved the lockdowns because it enabled them to work comfortably from their 2nd or 3rd vacation home for 2 years. And even to this date these groups still are partying like it's 1999, and it strikes me that they seem to have no concern whatsoever about what is going on in the world. Anyways I digress.

I wanted to share a few more bits of information that I think are noteworthy. Here in Canada, the leader of our Conservative party, Pierre Poilievre, probably the next Prime Minister, has a lot of people on our side very excited that things are going to improve if he gets in. He says all the right things with respect to freedom and free markets and deregulation, etc. But he is out there promoting the same bullshit narrative about Ukraine, and is advocating that Canada continues to provide support to Ukraine due to "Putin's Evil Unprovoked Invasion."

Here is a recent post he made on instagram around this topic: https://www.instagram.com/p/C3u7Jn2guGO/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D

The good news is that if you read through some of the comments, you will see that they are nearly 100% negative. So my feeling is that the public is not buying the bullshit whatsoever.

We have a new political party in Canada, called the PPC (People's Party of Canada), lead by Maxime Bernier who was ousted from the leadership position of the Conservative party in 2018. He got 5% of the vote in the last election, and is spot on with all of these issues, including calling out Poilievre on his position on Ukraine. He did a really good interview on our friend Shaun Newman's podcast recently that might be of interest to you, and he makes some good, to the point posts on instagram: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5wJbgdkjpQeijpD1y3P8NA?si=6c3a4ef774cf4a94

Cheers Alex

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Mar 3Liked by Alex Krainer

Excellent article Alex, and I for one believe you have well and truly hit the nail on the head with this summary of world woes. There is simply no other hypothesis that satisfies the why, how and who of not only the last 4+ years, but over history. It is indeed the Bankers (& associated major investors) who are responsible for so much of what is...

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"you can sack the Prime Minister, but you can't sack the BOE officials who hold the levers of power"

It's the G3P, and yes, we can get rid of them if we have the will

Organizational Chart, Bank for International Settlements Kill Box


"It all sounds very blackpilt, doesn't it? It all sounds absolutely hopeless. But one thing I would encourage people to take a lot of encouragement from so much of what they do and we're seeing that currently in Richard D halls case it's about controlling us. It's about controlling our in this case, access to information. So the question is why? Why do they spend so much time and effort and money Trying to control us? Or the point that the? The obvious answer and the clear answer is that because they are scared of us. They're frightened of us Because, in reality, we have all the power. They have none. Their entire Globalist structures are a facade. They're based upon our belief in their authority. So we allow them to tell us what to do. Now, the moment that we, in significant numbers, stop doing that and ignore them and no longer allow them to tell us what to do, it is over it. That's finished. They've lost because they cannot control 8 billion people. The only way they can do it is through trickery, propaganda, coercion and force. And if it comes down to force, if push, you know, so be it. And regrettably, and let's hope it never does. But if they've pushed does come to shove, they cannot defeat 7.8 billion people. They lose, they always lose. So their whole Game is a charade. And once we understand that they have no power, they have no authority, we have it all and then we can start."

Iain Davis, from


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Mar 4Liked by Alex Krainer

After viewing Parts 1 and 2 of your discussion with Matthew Ehret and reading this latest article I would like to add my own thanks for your well researched and perceptive contributions which provide your readers and viewers with factual, detailed, and irrefutable, information giving them the opportunity of understanding the situation in which we find ourselves at present. A first class article, thank you.

Liz Truss says she discovered that there is a power 'behind the throne', something that many of us were already aware of or at least suspected. What she said recently is difficult to believe given that she spent two years in the post of Chief Secretary to the Treasury, a position where she must surely have felt, or suspected, the influence of a hidden hand. However, what she now proclaims is of little consequence in the overall scheme of things. She has been replaced by another who will follow the wishes of the 'power behind the throne', until such time as they decide to replace him.

That power belongs to the same extended banking cartel to which the above article refers and Liz Truss eventually came to understand that 'the levers were held by the Bank of England' and not by her or the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The Bank of England is administered, via various departments, by a board of deputy governors, headed by a Governor who will, of course, carry out the requirements of that cartel, a cartel which has been in place for a couple of centuries at least.

A little background information might be of use here. The City of London Corporation, often referred to as 'the square mile', where the Bank of England is situated, is the heart of the UK's financial industry, it has its own Lord Mayor (not the same as the one who is simply Mayor of London), its own police service, The Metropolitan Police known as 'the Met", its own MP as it is a constituency in its own right, and it has a parliamentary agent known as The Remembrancer who sits in a special seat behind the Sergeant at Arms, and which is mostly hidden in the shadow cast by the gallery above it. It is situated at the opposite end of the chamber to The Speaker, in the House of Commons. The position of Remembrancer was created in 1571. Neither the City of London Corporation or The Remembrancer have the power to overrule Parliament. However, the Remembrancer will be present during debates, have an ear to the ground generally and will obviously report back to those who matter back in the square mile. Thus it is clear that the City of London Corporation is entirely self-contained and, to a great extent, entirely self-administered. To paraphrase Alex's well known phrase - All roads lead to a specific part of London.'

In 1815 following the defeat of Napoleon (a war in which branches of this international family cartel funded both the English and French sides) one of the sons of the 'famous member of the cartel' who is quoted in the above article uttered a quote of his own when he stated the following:

“I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."

How could such statement be made with so much confidence? Many of you will know the answer to that question. Because he had made it happen, his insider trading abilities on the Stock Exchange enabled him to create a selling run on British government securities making other traders believe that the British side had lost thus ensuring that those securities were quickly sold off and their prices fell. A network of couriers bringing the information that the French side had been defeated was delivered to him well in advance of the official news in which case it was simply a matter of buying back, at rock bottom prices, as many of those securities as he could lay his hands on and making a huge fortune in the process. After a costly war funded by his bank Britain was now in considerable debt, repayable with interest, a burden which always falls, through taxation, on the citizens of any country after a war. Furthermore the debt provider now possessed a vast amount of British securities and therefore was able to dictate terms and conditions not only regarding the repayment of the debt but also the ability to influence government policy in many other areas too, which of course would be shaped to work to their advantage.

These financiers are not bankers in the accepted sense of the term, you cannot go to one of their banks and deposit your money or cash a cheque, they are nothing more than money-lenders to nations whose representatives they have corrupted, by all manner of means, to seek the loans. When those money-lenders have formed a world financial system which reaches into all aspects of financial activity then it is clear that we are dealing with a mighty force for good or ill. Unfortunately it appears that they have decided on the latter.

This extended and international family cartel exists to promote only its own interests and in pursuance of those interests seeks to actively divide those who are not 'kith and kin' through political, economic, social, and religious means.

It does so in a number of ways, for example:

- by subverting education, the press/media, religion, governments, judiciary,

- by means of loans, bribery, blackmail, coercion, physical and financial threats,

- by creating and financing all manner of 'front' organisations and staffing them discreetly with their own corrupt foot-soldiers. Despite the stated aims of those organisations, they nevertheless promote, perhaps unknowingly, the fundamental principles of those who finance them, and behind which they conceal their identity,

- or with their most favoured method, by the fomenting of wars.

When you back both sides in a conflict it doesn't matter in the long run who wins or loses. As the lender you will always be the winner both financially and influentially when each side is indebted to you. After all its the one who pays the piper who calls the tune.

This international financial cartel has no interest in democracy, that would not serve their ultimate goal but it is a handy 'front' behind which to conceal their true intent, that of ultimate power and control. It is this false assertion of 'defending democracy', stated at every opportunity by their corrupted foot soldiers, on which their wars are fomented, after all most citizens would want to defend that principle. However, we need to be wise to these deceits, for that is what they are, and not allow ourselves to be goaded into fighting amongst ourselves or against other races, religions or nations for that is exactly the desired outcome required by these masters of corruption and deceit. Their very name is a deceit originating as it does from a trade sign which once hung outside the patriarch's premises and which he eventually adopted as his family name. I will not continue using that deceit but it is clear to whom I am referring. There are many descendants bearing this name but there are also many descendants who do not. Female descendants married into other wealthy families and their descendants would have quite different family names. Nevertheless, it is something to bear in mind.

Perhaps we should always keep in mind the words of the mother of those five sons sent out into Europe by their father to begin their money-lending careers -

"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none."


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Mar 4Liked by Alex Krainer

We have to find a parallel system that doesn’t use, pay or involve the entities tied to the bankers. Find small farmers, family run companies and transition away from Target. Grow a garden, make your own bread, buy products that are organic and chemical free.

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Mar 3Liked by Alex Krainer

Don't even dream of saying the words "bankers" or "rulers of financial capitalism" in the approved information channels, their smear machine will label you an "antisemite" and censor you immediately..

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Mar 3Liked by Alex Krainer

Alex your articles are worth so much more than any history lesson we have attended throughout our "education". There is one point that I find fascinating throughout human history as I understand it: The people that have suffered the most are always the ones that have the least to gain...

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Growing up during the Cold War, I never thought Nuclear war would happen. I now also think it is likely.

How will it start? Probably a FF. Who will do it? Like you always say, all roads lead to London.

UK's Nukes are privatized to a huge contractor called SERCO. It is austensibly a publicly traded company with a small market Cap, but supposedly a huge Golden Share is owned by The Crown.

In addition to many other government services, SERCO designs, manufactures, maintains, and OPERATES the UK's nukes.

I believe that is where it will originate. Blamed on Putin of course.

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With the total capture of world leaders and countries through endless indebtedness to the banking cartel, is there any way out other than collapse of the world monetary system?

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