“as soon as you allow politicians to determine that which is bought or sold, the first thing bought and sold will always be politicians.” -- el gato malo
I was talking with a friend about this the other day and he brought up the movie idiocracy. It hit me that it is a comedy version of Ann Rands Atlas Shrugged.
The entire education system in the west, K-12 and universities and their fraternities and sororities were built for this. This was their purpose. To indoctrinate and identify useful idiots and agents to do their bidding. I believe it was laid out in writing between Amschel Rothschild and Adam Weishopt in 1776, if I remember correctly.
If you want to rule the world, you need a huge, loyal power structure.
I listened (painfully) to C Freeland from Canada talk for a couple minutes. I would say her IQ is a half a point above Kamala Harris.
John. I wanna share a 'personal detail' about myself with You. Regarding "Jewish People". I grew-up 30-clicks from Manhattan in NJ. My girlfriend, best Friend, my employers as 15-18 yr old, my best *English teacher* were...so-called Jewish. I don't have a 'mean bone in my body' to anyone who calls themselves *Jewish*. What I have learned in my long Life is...the word 'jew' is a modern-construction from circa 1700. I wont go in to details, but, my knowledge of languages, especially Arabic has provided Me with, essential background knowledge. Regards John. And to All here at Alex's Forum.
Hi Christopher. I warned him but it did not work, apparently. From my phone app I was only able to ban him temporarily but through the browser i could ban him permanently, so you won't see these abusive comments anymore.
Thank you Alex, you don’t disappoint. It’s a conflict as basic as reality vs. a pseudo reality. What is reality? IMO - reality is what works (over the life cycle) and endures (stretch the timeline).
As a CA gov employee of 33+ years, and nearing retirement, your article is Dead On Accurate. It is remarkable how much time, money, and effort, is allocated and wasted, often in an effort to 'spend that money', before the yrs budget ends, every last dime MUST be spent, lest there's budget cuts the next fiscal yr. When an incompetent supervisor was promoted very early in my career, I heard a phrase & explanation, that haunt me to this day. In Gov, you rise to the level of your Incompetence. The more incompetent the better it often seems. Thanks Alex!
Well said. And great examples. We're surrounded by incompetent, irrational, illogical - and some would say, insane, and I agree, as one cannot truly believe any of these ideologies without being insane, the opposite of sane - ideologues of every stripe. By design. I pray we, as a nation, survive this AND purge this insane destructive force, but at the very least purge it. We can rebuild a new nation afterward.
Alex - Thank you for pointing out the "myth of media objectivity." In high school (U.S.), we learned about the goal of a "good" journalist is objectivity; however, in real life, we do not see it. Journalism today, as it has probably always been, is a solid medium for dispersing the propaganda of the controllers.
Circa 1970, a speaker to one of my high school classes told us about the Soviet "news" agency, and that "news" was totally managed by the state/government, that all the citizens were aware of this, and knew that "News" was positioned to shape their opinions. And, naturally, they believed very little. However, this person also said that the same thing was true about "news" in the U.S., and that the citizens didn't have a clue that it was going on. That message has stayed in my mind for many, many years.
The media is complicit in promoting the goals of the New World Order - One World Government through its most visible arms of the WEF, UN, WHO, etc. This is a conspiracy, not a conspiracy theory. Here is a link to the WEF's 4th Industrial Revolution "wheel." It is intricately plotted out. Click on "Media," and you will see another detailed wheel. And more wheels within wheels.
The liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has controlled the US govt and the media since WW2. Allen Dulles, who ran the CIA "Operation Mockinbird", was a CFR director for 40 years. Then as now, most of the media barons were also CFR members (Paley, Sarnoff, Luce, Meyer/Graham, Sulzberger).
The WEF was launched in 1971 under the guidance of CFR chairman David Rockefeller and his proteges Henry Kissinger and Maurice Strong, godfather of the UN "sustainable development" project: weforum.org/agenda/2015/11/maurice-strong-an-appreciation
Yes! Swiss Propaganda Research has several very good flow charts showing the NGO-Government organizations managing the world's "news." Iain Davis' flow chart of "The Global Public Private Partnership" is one of our favorites, with the BIS at the top of the chart.
We have posted a quote from Swiss Propaganda on our refrigerator: "What the News Agency does not report, does not take place."
That is a forgery from the Okhrana (Czar secret police) faction committed to the ruin of the Romanov's. Run by agent Rachkovsky in Paris, and Matvei Golovinsky.
Excellent find there Natalie! Yeah. *Full Spectrum Dominance*. These dudes really know know their 'mind control' ie. “Panem et Circenses.” >bread and circuses : sustenance and entertainment provided by government to appease public discontent< https://duckduckgo.com/?q=panem+et+circenses+Juvenal&t=ftsa&atb=v224-1&ia=web
Been doin' it for millennium. Same MO-Modus Operandi. Rinse and Repeat.
That is a forgery from the Okhrana (Czar secret police) faction committed to the ruin of the Romanov's. Run by agent Rachkovsky in Paris, and Matvei Golovinsky.
That is a forgery from the Okhrana (Czar secret police) faction committed to the ruin of the Romanov's. Run by agent Rachkovsky in Paris, and Matvei Golovinsky.
What a strange contrast did this man's outward life
present to his destructive, world-annihilating thoughts !
In sooth, had the citizens of Königsberg had the least
presentiment of the full significance of his ideas, they
would have felt a far more awful dread at the presence of
this man than at the sight of an executioner, who can but
kill the body. But the worthy folk saw in him nothing
more than a Professor of Philosophy, and as he passed
at his customary hour, they greeted him in a friendly
manner and set their watches by him.
But though Immanuel Kant, the arch-destroyer in the
realm of thought, far surpassed in terrorism Maximilian
Robespierre, he had many similarities with the latter,
which induce a comparison between the two men.
Kant, the omnipulverizer, arch-destroyer, executioner of creativity, worse terrorist than Robespierre, from Königsberg, Kaliningrad. Frankfurt School icon Hannah Arendt explicitly states Kant is the key.
So "idiocracy" does not quite catch it : worse than Robespierre, the executioner who merely kills the body.
An interesting piece on stupidity: "The 5 Basic Laws Of Human Stupidity, According To Cipolla"
“The stupid ones are more fearsome than Mafia, the military-industrial complex or the Communist International. They’re an unorganized group, without a leader or norm, but in spite of that, they act in perfect harmony, as guided by an invisible hand."
“With the smile on his lips, as if he were doing the most natural thing in the world, the stupid will appear on the spur of the moment to spoil your plans, destroy your peace, complicate your life and work, make you lose money, time, good humor, productivity, and all this without malice, without remorse and without reason. Stupidly”.
"These are the words of the famous professor of economic history Carlo Cipolla, who taught at the universities of Pavia and Berkeley and published academic works in which he analyzed overpopulation throughout history but passed to posterity thanks to his “Theory of Stupidity”, condensed in his book “The Basic Laws od Human Stupidity”, a treatise on human stupidity with satirical overtones."
Once some humans could navigate by the stars...nomadic societies benefited from this...this skill directed where to go for survival essentials...water...game...plants...and leadership. Another important societal function was the fire carrier...individuals chosen to carry the fire literally the light... for when the stars were not visible...heat and warmth when light was absent...chemical transformation of foods to release stored light and energy... within foods...and importantly story telling/education around the campfire. Some "ancients" were educated to travel beyond our very local star and light source. Today Alex once again we enjoy sitting by your fire...sometimes we collectively forget where the stars are...but are reminded by your wisdom.
It’s not just your state, it’s nearly every country in Europe too, as well as Japan, Australia, New Zealand,,hey that’s almost the entire NATO membership and they’re all US Vassals.
There used to be a slight exception to your general rule, in that political parties that seek reelection need a few competent, honest officers at election time, to put in front of the TV cameras and to win debates. One such example was Robin Cook in the UK, who was arguably the brightest star of Tony Blair's otherwise dismal team. It's not clear what exactly he discovered, but he was found dead in the most mysterious of circumstances.
Garbage in , garbage out. Long periods of costless (or next too) cheap money- e.g. what can we buy with all or extra cash now that we have a plane? I know BLM, health groups- WHO, create NGOS to influence/change societal policies so we can make more money etc. Qui bono, always qui bono.
Idiocracy flourishes naturally when you have bodies that are too large - intelligent, complex messages do not survive the whisper relay of modern life, so you need simple, visible, tangible things to serve as an "objective" basis for promotion. This stems from the nature of power, and its little brother, influence.
I have essays coming about this but essentially, power, or the ability to coerce, must be wielded carefully or brook opposition from other power holders, meaning that softer methods such as influence or bribery must be used. By using power predictably and according to rules (think government and laws), one can avoid others' objections to power.
Therefore, the person in the position of most power will tend to be the least objectionable and most predictable - often, a foolish patsy. And if the organization is a world-wide organization... they have the widest possible pool to choose from.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Corollary: Corruption lead to incompetence. Absolute corruption leads to absolute incompetence.
gato’s law:
“as soon as you allow politicians to determine that which is bought or sold, the first thing bought and sold will always be politicians.” -- el gato malo
Worth a read. el gato malo basically concurs with Alex, coming at it from a bit different perspective.
Been reading the bad cat's posts for some time now.
I was talking with a friend about this the other day and he brought up the movie idiocracy. It hit me that it is a comedy version of Ann Rands Atlas Shrugged.
The entire education system in the west, K-12 and universities and their fraternities and sororities were built for this. This was their purpose. To indoctrinate and identify useful idiots and agents to do their bidding. I believe it was laid out in writing between Amschel Rothschild and Adam Weishopt in 1776, if I remember correctly.
If you want to rule the world, you need a huge, loyal power structure.
I listened (painfully) to C Freeland from Canada talk for a couple minutes. I would say her IQ is a half a point above Kamala Harris.
Generally-speaking, there is a remarkable resemblance between Chrystia Freeland & madeliene albright(intentional low-key type). Both have their roots in eastern Europe, ca. max 500km between their...'homelands. Take-a-look: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ftsa&q=madeleine+Albright&atb=v224-1&iax=images&ia=images https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Chrystia+Freeland+&t=ftsa&atb=v224-1&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images
John. I wanna share a 'personal detail' about myself with You. Regarding "Jewish People". I grew-up 30-clicks from Manhattan in NJ. My girlfriend, best Friend, my employers as 15-18 yr old, my best *English teacher* were...so-called Jewish. I don't have a 'mean bone in my body' to anyone who calls themselves *Jewish*. What I have learned in my long Life is...the word 'jew' is a modern-construction from circa 1700. I wont go in to details, but, my knowledge of languages, especially Arabic has provided Me with, essential background knowledge. Regards John. And to All here at Alex's Forum.
Do you really want to align yourself with resentful kkk members ?
Perhaps you should reconsider the 'liking' of the antisemite rubbish here.
Hi "random individual" - can you please explaun to me like I'm 4 years old, what exactly is anti-semitic in any of the comments I liked?
When you're writing your own name, just don't try to use the following alternatives:
1) "Alex Krainer",
2) *Alex Krainer*, or
3) so-called Alex Krainer;
These would imply that you are not a real and/or authentic person.
I hope this advice will guide you further in your life.
From Rothbard, to Buchanan, to Paul, and future Goebbels-like spawns, Libertarians pathetically shoot on their own foot, again.
You've learned nothing, I'm afraid.
Lick'Heim and Maa'asalmmaa. Troll-laah-laah-laah.
Alex. Do Me and ALL here a favor. BLOCK this it. it c'unt speak civilly.
Hi Christopher. I warned him but it did not work, apparently. From my phone app I was only able to ban him temporarily but through the browser i could ban him permanently, so you won't see these abusive comments anymore.
Thank you Alex, you don’t disappoint. It’s a conflict as basic as reality vs. a pseudo reality. What is reality? IMO - reality is what works (over the life cycle) and endures (stretch the timeline).
Thank you, PaPa!
As a CA gov employee of 33+ years, and nearing retirement, your article is Dead On Accurate. It is remarkable how much time, money, and effort, is allocated and wasted, often in an effort to 'spend that money', before the yrs budget ends, every last dime MUST be spent, lest there's budget cuts the next fiscal yr. When an incompetent supervisor was promoted very early in my career, I heard a phrase & explanation, that haunt me to this day. In Gov, you rise to the level of your Incompetence. The more incompetent the better it often seems. Thanks Alex!
Thank you Anthony!
It is called the Peter Principle, originally created by Laurence J Peter in 1969.
Like Orwell's '1984,' the book in which this principle is elucidated was intended as satire.
Well said. And great examples. We're surrounded by incompetent, irrational, illogical - and some would say, insane, and I agree, as one cannot truly believe any of these ideologies without being insane, the opposite of sane - ideologues of every stripe. By design. I pray we, as a nation, survive this AND purge this insane destructive force, but at the very least purge it. We can rebuild a new nation afterward.
Alex - Thank you for pointing out the "myth of media objectivity." In high school (U.S.), we learned about the goal of a "good" journalist is objectivity; however, in real life, we do not see it. Journalism today, as it has probably always been, is a solid medium for dispersing the propaganda of the controllers.
Circa 1970, a speaker to one of my high school classes told us about the Soviet "news" agency, and that "news" was totally managed by the state/government, that all the citizens were aware of this, and knew that "News" was positioned to shape their opinions. And, naturally, they believed very little. However, this person also said that the same thing was true about "news" in the U.S., and that the citizens didn't have a clue that it was going on. That message has stayed in my mind for many, many years.
The media is complicit in promoting the goals of the New World Order - One World Government through its most visible arms of the WEF, UN, WHO, etc. This is a conspiracy, not a conspiracy theory. Here is a link to the WEF's 4th Industrial Revolution "wheel." It is intricately plotted out. Click on "Media," and you will see another detailed wheel. And more wheels within wheels.
Here's the Global Governance wheel:
Thank you Natalir, great feedback!
The liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has controlled the US govt and the media since WW2. Allen Dulles, who ran the CIA "Operation Mockinbird", was a CFR director for 40 years. Then as now, most of the media barons were also CFR members (Paley, Sarnoff, Luce, Meyer/Graham, Sulzberger).
Reuters, Bloomberg, Facebook and Google are CFR "partners". The owners of Time and Atlantic magazines are CFR members. See charts: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/ See lists: cfr.org/membership/corporate-members
The WEF was launched in 1971 under the guidance of CFR chairman David Rockefeller and his proteges Henry Kissinger and Maurice Strong, godfather of the UN "sustainable development" project: weforum.org/agenda/2015/11/maurice-strong-an-appreciation
Management of the idiocracy starts with the "education system" which was also captured by the Rockfeller/CFR network over a century ago. See timeline: deliberatedumbingdown.com/ddd/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/DDDoA.pdf
Yes! Swiss Propaganda Research has several very good flow charts showing the NGO-Government organizations managing the world's "news." Iain Davis' flow chart of "The Global Public Private Partnership" is one of our favorites, with the BIS at the top of the chart.
We have posted a quote from Swiss Propaganda on our refrigerator: "What the News Agency does not report, does not take place."
That is a forgery from the Okhrana (Czar secret police) faction committed to the ruin of the Romanov's. Run by agent Rachkovsky in Paris, and Matvei Golovinsky.
Excellent find there Natalie! Yeah. *Full Spectrum Dominance*. These dudes really know know their 'mind control' ie. “Panem et Circenses.” >bread and circuses : sustenance and entertainment provided by government to appease public discontent< https://duckduckgo.com/?q=panem+et+circenses+Juvenal&t=ftsa&atb=v224-1&ia=web
Been doin' it for millennium. Same MO-Modus Operandi. Rinse and Repeat.
wef source: https://intelligence.weforum.org/topics/a1Gb00000038oriEAA
That is a forgery from the Okhrana (Czar secret police) faction committed to the ruin of the Romanov's. Run by agent Rachkovsky in Paris, and Matvei Golovinsky.
That is a forgery from the Okhrana (Czar secret police) faction committed to the ruin of the Romanov's. Run by agent Rachkovsky in Paris, and Matvei Golovinsky.
This is a perfect summation of where we are now - “idiocracy”. It would be funny if it were not so (literally) deadly serious.
Waiting over night, and already 55 comments ... ;-O
Anyway, I only wonder how little time it took for the West to reach the level of the late Roman empire in corruption, debauchery, and stupidity.
The only good thing is as history has proven - this kakistocracy is self-defeating. The continuously cut the branch tey are sitting on.
Although I think it never ended without violence. This is what bothers me.
Yes, precisely - they undermine the whole system, hoping they can escape the collapse which will probably be bloody and violent.
Putin explicitly states the problem :
“First of all, it is the decaying creative potential of the West and a desire to restrain and block the free development of other civilizations.”
There has been an unremitting war on creativity since Kant, who can't do it, as Poet Edgar Poe in Eureka wrote, and Aries Tottle.
Kant is adored all across the transatlantic.
German Poet Heinrich Heine pointed this out in The Romantic Movement 1834 :
Religion and philosophy in Germany : a fragment : Heine, Heinrich, 1797-1856 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
What a strange contrast did this man's outward life
present to his destructive, world-annihilating thoughts !
In sooth, had the citizens of Königsberg had the least
presentiment of the full significance of his ideas, they
would have felt a far more awful dread at the presence of
this man than at the sight of an executioner, who can but
kill the body. But the worthy folk saw in him nothing
more than a Professor of Philosophy, and as he passed
at his customary hour, they greeted him in a friendly
manner and set their watches by him.
But though Immanuel Kant, the arch-destroyer in the
realm of thought, far surpassed in terrorism Maximilian
Robespierre, he had many similarities with the latter,
which induce a comparison between the two men.
Kant, the omnipulverizer, arch-destroyer, executioner of creativity, worse terrorist than Robespierre, from Königsberg, Kaliningrad. Frankfurt School icon Hannah Arendt explicitly states Kant is the key.
So "idiocracy" does not quite catch it : worse than Robespierre, the executioner who merely kills the body.
Great feedback, thank you!
Thanks for this, Alex.
An interesting piece on stupidity: "The 5 Basic Laws Of Human Stupidity, According To Cipolla"
“The stupid ones are more fearsome than Mafia, the military-industrial complex or the Communist International. They’re an unorganized group, without a leader or norm, but in spite of that, they act in perfect harmony, as guided by an invisible hand."
“With the smile on his lips, as if he were doing the most natural thing in the world, the stupid will appear on the spur of the moment to spoil your plans, destroy your peace, complicate your life and work, make you lose money, time, good humor, productivity, and all this without malice, without remorse and without reason. Stupidly”.
"These are the words of the famous professor of economic history Carlo Cipolla, who taught at the universities of Pavia and Berkeley and published academic works in which he analyzed overpopulation throughout history but passed to posterity thanks to his “Theory of Stupidity”, condensed in his book “The Basic Laws od Human Stupidity”, a treatise on human stupidity with satirical overtones."
Here's the link: https://principia-scientific.com/the-5-basic-laws-of-human-stupidity-according-to-cipolla/
Once some humans could navigate by the stars...nomadic societies benefited from this...this skill directed where to go for survival essentials...water...game...plants...and leadership. Another important societal function was the fire carrier...individuals chosen to carry the fire literally the light... for when the stars were not visible...heat and warmth when light was absent...chemical transformation of foods to release stored light and energy... within foods...and importantly story telling/education around the campfire. Some "ancients" were educated to travel beyond our very local star and light source. Today Alex once again we enjoy sitting by your fire...sometimes we collectively forget where the stars are...but are reminded by your wisdom.
That's very kind Bill, thank you!
It’s not just your state, it’s nearly every country in Europe too, as well as Japan, Australia, New Zealand,,hey that’s almost the entire NATO membership and they’re all US Vassals.
There used to be a slight exception to your general rule, in that political parties that seek reelection need a few competent, honest officers at election time, to put in front of the TV cameras and to win debates. One such example was Robin Cook in the UK, who was arguably the brightest star of Tony Blair's otherwise dismal team. It's not clear what exactly he discovered, but he was found dead in the most mysterious of circumstances.
How in the world did they get there? What were they thinking?
Oh, they were thinking "slavery is freedom, war is peace, ignorance is strength and that 2+2=5."
Garbage in , garbage out. Long periods of costless (or next too) cheap money- e.g. what can we buy with all or extra cash now that we have a plane? I know BLM, health groups- WHO, create NGOS to influence/change societal policies so we can make more money etc. Qui bono, always qui bono.
Exactly. Qui bono?
Idiocracy flourishes naturally when you have bodies that are too large - intelligent, complex messages do not survive the whisper relay of modern life, so you need simple, visible, tangible things to serve as an "objective" basis for promotion. This stems from the nature of power, and its little brother, influence.
I have essays coming about this but essentially, power, or the ability to coerce, must be wielded carefully or brook opposition from other power holders, meaning that softer methods such as influence or bribery must be used. By using power predictably and according to rules (think government and laws), one can avoid others' objections to power.
Therefore, the person in the position of most power will tend to be the least objectionable and most predictable - often, a foolish patsy. And if the organization is a world-wide organization... they have the widest possible pool to choose from.