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Alex, thank you for putting this essay together. Clear, concise and objective, seemingly pointing to a small group of individuals who are bad actors with an agenda.

But now I'd like to throw a wrench into the cogs. What's actually motivating them? What is their compulsion in their never ending desire to rule over mankind?

It is spiritual and evil and is now and always just right below the surface. That is, while we are paying attention, right below the surface.

But as soon as we are distracted with all new kinds of shiny objects, this evil senses an opening and rises up and does what it does.

There is a ruler of this world (satan), but we have a Savior (Christ) who is his conquerer. Just choose to BELIEVE.

"For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son, that whosoever BELIEVETH

in Him should not perish , but have everlasting life."

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The system that they created is a pathology. It does not need someone on the outside motivating them - it is based on a fraud and a deception, which, for as long as they're in control of, affords them great power and the possibility of subjugating the whole world. The problem is that the system carries the seeds of its own destruction; it is only stable for as long as it grows. The minute it stops growing, it begins to collapse on itself. And in its pathology, it has contrived its own justifications for its existence, and even a perverted spiritual dimensions, all glued together with lies.

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You said it was better than I did! Thanks!

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Having run out of monetary tricks, the financial elites have painted themselves into a corner. The debt-based speculative system they have pumped for decades through money printing and artificial suppression of interest rates can no longer be sustained without significant “collateral damage”. Their motivation is saving their own skins. https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/senile-economics-bubble-ontology-and-the-pull-of-gravity/

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Excellent article.

It sounds like the Mockingjay movie.

But what happens after the collapse when the financiers eventually lose?

What can be done to protect oneself, family and neighbors from the worst of it?

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Thank you CapIT. You ask an excellent question - it's exactly our next priority, I think. We'll need to fix the money part, to have honest means of exchange. It'll be bumpy, no doubt about it, but we're in a good place to develop good solutions.

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Do you want to live forever? Hell is forever, you left that out, as does God who created Hell and put billions of people that he loves there. Come on in, the fire is fine. Just believe. Just like tv and other glittery stuff, bright shiny glittery stuff and more stuff. Get rich. Just come to my island and enjoy young pleasure while we video you, and you will always have lots of bright shiny glittery stuff, you just must obey our agenda, do what we tell you to.

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Feb 28, 2023
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sign up for a free newsletter my books are attached to it

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Feb 28, 2023
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Absolutely correct. The biblical concepts of God are false, and Judaism, Christianity and Islam worship an evil entity.

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Feb 28, 2023
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The majority of the following information regarding the Jesuits was gleaned from a Chick publication “The Secret History of the Jesuits” by Edmond Paris. I have permission to use the information from that book from Chick publications, as the author is deceased. It has an introduction by Alberto Roberto, a former Jesuit priest who was trained in the Vatican. Here is an excerpt from Dr. Roberto’s introduction: “The most dangerous men are those who appear very religious, especially when they are organized and in a position of authority. They have the deep respect of the people who are ignorant of their ungodly push for power behind the scenes. These men, who pretend to love god, will resort to murder, incite wars and revolution if necessary to help their cause. They are crafty, intelligent, smooth, religious politicians who live in a shadowy world of secrets, intrigue, and phony holiness. The bible puts the power of a local church into the hands of a local pastor. But the cunning Jesuits successfully managed over the years to remove that power into the hands of denomination’s headquarters, and now have pushed almost all of the protestant denominations into the arms of the Vatican. This is exactly what Ignatius of Loyola set out to accomplish: a universal church and the end of Protestantism. ….Mr. Paris reveals the penetration and infiltration of the Jesuits into the governments and nations of the world to manipulate the course of history by setting up dictatorships, and weakening democracies such as the United States of America, by paving the way for social, political, moral, military, educational, and religious anarchy.”    End Quote. Remember that an ex-Jesuit who may have an interest in deceiving wrote that. The next few pages will expose the character of the Jesuits and include


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Being Germanic, you have bought the hatred of Jews. You believe the lies put out there. YEs, ISrael is evil, but the US is far worse. the Roman Empire has ruled over the US since its inception. I have done the research. the first few chapters of ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH prove it

Bauer suggested to the king that he finance the colonists in their revolution, and bring the colonists to their knees in debt. King George accomplished that by using his appointed figurehead in France to “join” the colonists against England monetarily. Thus, the Rothschilds bought America as well. Much of the loans from the French went into the founding father’s pockets. The majority of the decisions and passing of events was factored by the agency of the freemasonry (who was knowingly worshiping Satan), as most of the leaders belonged to the secret Christian societies. Mayer Amschel Bauer (Rothschild) formed the illuminati with former Jesuit Adam Weishaupt in 1776, and in July of 1782, it officially joined forces with freemasonry at the congress of Wilhelmsbad. When the cost of the war placed sufficient debt on the colonists (and Britain), the English soldiers withdrew, recovered their arms, and within eight years, returned to England. The colonists proclaimed themselves as victorious, letting their adversaries exit peacefully. Later, in 1785, the treaty of peace between King George, The Roman Catholic Church, and representatives of the United States was agreed upon and signed. It’s opening statement was: “It having pleased the divine providence to dispose the hearts of the most serene and most potent prince George the third by the grace of god, king of the Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, duke of Brunswick, and Laurenberg arch treasurer and prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire and church, and of the United States of America.” When interpreted said: “The king claims that the pope is the Vicar of Christ and that God gave the king power to declare that no man can ever own property because it goes against the tenets of his church, the Vatican, the Holy Roman Church and because he is the elector of the Holy Roman Empire.” Our founding fathers agreed to it! Remember again that they were wealthy, they were lawyers, they were Christians, and many were freemasons. Remember the carefully placed wording and rhetoric- “the pursuit of happiness” and for whom the founding documents were written=”to ourselves and our posterity.” This nation was created to serve the purposes of the rich founding fathers, and Christian elite, not the “common” people. “Our” posterity referred to that of the founding fathers. As if the founding fathers had not done enough to destroy our freedoms, values, and rights enough; the treaty of Verona signed in 1822 by the king of England, the pope, and world leaders furthered the purposes of the “high contracting powers” (the


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Mar 1, 2023
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There's no place for evil racists like you in our country. Rot in hell.

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On April 6th, 1762, France’s parliament stated this indictment about the Jesuits: “is inadmissible in any civilized  state, as its nature is hostile to any spiritual and temporal authority, it seeks to introduce into the church and states, under the plausible veil of a religious institute, not an order truly desirous to spread evangelical perfection, but rather a political body working entirely at usurping all authority, by all kinds of indirect, secret and devious means….(concluding describing Jesuits thusly)..perverse, a destroyer of all religious and honest principles, insulting to Christian morals, pernicious to civil society, hostile to the rights of the nation, the royal power, and even the security of the sovereigns and obedience of their subjects, suitable to stir up the greatest disturbances in the states, conceive and maintain the worst kind of corruption in men’s hearts.” Page 69. Whenever it served Rome’s interest to incite the people to rise against their rulers in Europe, the Vatican knew it could count on the Jesuits as being able in cunning, daring to participate in intrigue, propaganda, and even to incite blatant rebellion.


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YOu have followed the Vatican-sourced hatred of ISrael. They were conquered by Roman Empire, which worshiped the entity under the name Saturn. The Romans later under the name the United States, committed genocide, slavery, oppression, conquered nations, made puppet dictators, imperialism, militarism, propaganda, stripped all nations of resources, etc.. the US is the big SAtan, while to Arabs Israel is the little SAtan. You need to think independently of the propaganda you fall for. I know Jew-hatred is popular, and Christianity and its propaganda has ruled. I am not saying Judaism is good or Israel is good, I am telling you to recognize the real enemy parading as being so holy and the righteous policeman of the world.

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The asshole can't even find his little dick. Don't even bother.

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Mar 2, 2023
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You have diarrhea of the mouth I heard your asinine garbage already. You're only making yourself look like the asshole you are. Get a life.

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Mar 1, 2023
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