You are mistaken here. Putin has no business with Davos. For a short while he was a member probably as he was a former KGB officer and wanted to know what the hidden agenda of Schwab and the others was. Putin is no longer welcome in Davos. From many sides I learn that the economy in Russia is doing very well and people are able to earn a decent living. There is no crazy woke stuff there.
You are mistaken here. Putin has no business with Davos. For a short while he was a member probably as he was a former KGB officer and wanted to know what the hidden agenda of Schwab and the others was. Putin is no longer welcome in Davos. From many sides I learn that the economy in Russia is doing very well and people are able to earn a decent living. There is no crazy woke stuff there.
I see the same about Russia. An American in exile there, John Mark Duggan on YT, posts regular videos. The cities are very clean, you can practice any religion w/o persecution, people very friendly, no food shortages...he only has good things to say about it there.
Putin's Sputnik, the Russian version of the vaccine, is being distributed. He promised no masking or other measures would be imposed. They slowly were. Sputnik is almost identical in nature to PFizer and Johnson and such. Do not be deceived. The Russian orthodox church is aligned with the Vatican as the Vatican secretly rules over every CHristian denomination. It is all a ruse. THe rulers of Tanzania and Burundi were the only ones to truly defy the WHO, not only in words, but also in action. They were assassinated. Putin is walking a tightrope, but is bowing down to the same entities. He is just a better liar. He works for the Vatican and look carefully- the Rothschilds own the Russian bank as well.
I understand your anxiety, but also understand that Putin cannot bear the world as an Atlas. He must remain safe in place to do the most important task he has, to fight the globalists. I do not have information about the contents of Sputnik, but I also would rather not believe all propaganda around it. I guess it is made to keep the Western pharmaceuticals from entering Russia and to keep the sheep under the Russians calm as they were too much exposed to the alarm of the criminal WHO.
And as it goes for the Russian orthodox church I believe you are wrong as I know from very good sources that the Russian orthodox church is really the opposite of the catholic breed of monsters. It is true that the Vactican has tried to rule the world, but is now a dying beast, gasping its last breath. But religion will remain in this world for as long as the present civilization is evolving. There will always remain sheep who need outward religion and empty ceremonials and we need to respect that.
A KGB agent has wonderful scruples and principles, huh? Or perhaps that he was chosen by the real rulers and put in position is because he has excelling virtue. You need to think clearer and put away your hopium. And what you call anxiety is not. I have good analytical skills and can think very well thank you. You are deceived by the media which has been promoting him due to his anti-sin pontifications. Nobody reaches power, especially in such a powerful nation, without proving loyalty to the globalist agenda.
You may be right, but I just try to be optimistic. Neither of us have true knowledge about it, we both are guessing around. So I tried to connect the dots why he gave up intimate connection with the Davos criminals taking into account his skills in taking in information. If he would have been loyal to the globalists he would have stayed aboard the WEF.
Speak for yourself. I do have knowledge, and am not guessing. I Have no need for optimism or pessimism, I search for facts, loving truth, not to hear or think hopium or hopey-wishey. I research, analyze critically and come to my own conclusions. I have looked into this. The reason for the Ukraine conflict has nothing to do with the reasons we are told, though many of them are actual happenings= NATO, laboratories, Nazis etc... the real reason is depopulation agenda. Georgia Guidestones.
I respectfully said guessing or speculating and not to upset you, because we were not present when certain discussions at summits or in banking circles were held in secret. I agree with you what their agenda is, I know about the Guidestones that were demolished some months back, their agenda is now almost common knowledge. But as it goes for what happens in Russia I suppose we are more or less guessing. I suppose you and I have not been present in the Duma or being a close associate of Putin at crucial moments, so what we discuss about what is going on in the small circle around Putin we have to depend on other sources, and then we have to take into account all sorts of propaganda on both sides. That is what I meant with guessing, although you may have read hundreds of books and articles about this matter, you were not personally present at crucial discussions and neither was I, so we never can be able to fathom the depth of any heart involved. What we do see is a losing power, a beast put in the corner, that is beating around itself to the world around it and with that inflicting much pain and sorrow. It is the crumbling tower of Mordor in my opinion and hope you can agree with that.
We don't have to be at their secret meetings, using deductive reasoning we can figure things out. Who is Russias' greatest allie? China. A real gem of freedom and refusal to comply with the globalists and Vatican? Or are they having a credit system, lockdowns, and surveillance state? Think, man. The nations, almost all of them, are allying with either the US or with Russia and China. World war is readying. IT is not good nations against bad ones, or both sides of nations being good and bad. It is the rulers of every nation participating in the Vatican and globalist agenda to depopulate the planet- they all participated in vaccines, in lockdowns, in other WHO agendas. YOu people need to stop watching television and the news media, which is dominated by the secret intelligence of every nation, here it is the CIA. My books show this.
I gave you my website for you to sign up for the free newsletter, books are attached to it that explain all =
Thank you very much. I heard Brian Berletic say that there is no credit core system in China, it is made up by the West. I also do not watch TV, for a very long time already. As you are involved so am I. I am 40+ years involved in making this world a better place to live. What Katherine Tingley once said I took to heart: "We are not brought into existence by chance nor thrown up into earth-life like wreckage cast along the shore, but are here for infinitely noble purposes".
A better world is not going to be the result of a political movement, or through a powerful revolution, but through a change of consciousness, of a change of heart. Just as with reincarnation. We do not reincarnate at conception, we reincarnate until we die. We change and grow every minute. We pass ourselves through to the future and with that we slowly learn of our mistakes, but alas, very slowly.
When this cabal is slain, there will rise another, somewhere, somehow. It is in the present nature of mankind. The gross mass of humanity is more or less living after lower instincts, they follow their appetites, and there are many clever minds seeking to exploit that. Modern day mercantile highschools, or universities ( I do not know what they are called in English, I am European) with all the stress they lay on the importancy of marketing is what is really evil. Marketing, advertising is evil in itself. Advertising is hypnotism.
So, even when the war is over and the globalists are forgotten, we are still a far, far stretch from a long lasting peace.
MY Book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH has in its conclusion a blueprint for an ideal civilization- easy and doable to implement, and I give some suggestions to get us there, as well as ways to conquer the cabal and Vatican. Basically self-sustaining agricultural communities with no modern technology. No central government, but farming communes with several more diversions from what has been tried in the past. The book is attached to the free newsletter. I give all the science, all the facts, and have easy and simple solutions= outside the box thinking. Due to my being incarcerated by the establishment, and my ideas known by them, they took measures to counteract some of my ideas, now armed revolutions is the only solution. My idea removes the entrances to hell- no sex allowed, as artificial insemination to procreate, teach children from youth to have strong minds and bodies, to think independently, good work habits, strong ethics, great morals, be community-minded, have integrity and test for truth analytically, be able and willing to fight an enemy, etc... mentors instead of school. Communities of 150 people, no government, no authority. Anybody feeling wronged and all community decisions are brought up before the whole community for measures taken by true democratic vote. Community discusses and debates. This is proper living. Hard work, accomplishments, healthy wholesome living.
Bertylick is a liar and/or uninformed. Or you are just fibbing. I have no idea who he is, but I have seen many many many videos showing their system of facial recognition, Chinese surveillance, the credit system, Chinese talking about it. YOu are clearly uninformed, unable to think clearly, totally incapable of independent thinking, and totally unaware of the truth.
You are mistaken here. Putin has no business with Davos. For a short while he was a member probably as he was a former KGB officer and wanted to know what the hidden agenda of Schwab and the others was. Putin is no longer welcome in Davos. From many sides I learn that the economy in Russia is doing very well and people are able to earn a decent living. There is no crazy woke stuff there.
I see the same about Russia. An American in exile there, John Mark Duggan on YT, posts regular videos. The cities are very clean, you can practice any religion w/o persecution, people very friendly, no food shortages...he only has good things to say about it there.
Putin's Sputnik, the Russian version of the vaccine, is being distributed. He promised no masking or other measures would be imposed. They slowly were. Sputnik is almost identical in nature to PFizer and Johnson and such. Do not be deceived. The Russian orthodox church is aligned with the Vatican as the Vatican secretly rules over every CHristian denomination. It is all a ruse. THe rulers of Tanzania and Burundi were the only ones to truly defy the WHO, not only in words, but also in action. They were assassinated. Putin is walking a tightrope, but is bowing down to the same entities. He is just a better liar. He works for the Vatican and look carefully- the Rothschilds own the Russian bank as well.
I understand your anxiety, but also understand that Putin cannot bear the world as an Atlas. He must remain safe in place to do the most important task he has, to fight the globalists. I do not have information about the contents of Sputnik, but I also would rather not believe all propaganda around it. I guess it is made to keep the Western pharmaceuticals from entering Russia and to keep the sheep under the Russians calm as they were too much exposed to the alarm of the criminal WHO.
And as it goes for the Russian orthodox church I believe you are wrong as I know from very good sources that the Russian orthodox church is really the opposite of the catholic breed of monsters. It is true that the Vactican has tried to rule the world, but is now a dying beast, gasping its last breath. But religion will remain in this world for as long as the present civilization is evolving. There will always remain sheep who need outward religion and empty ceremonials and we need to respect that.
Putin is no angel, but he is hated by the Globalists because he is very anti-LGBTQ!!!
Go away w your racist hateful ЁЯРВЁЯТй
A KGB agent has wonderful scruples and principles, huh? Or perhaps that he was chosen by the real rulers and put in position is because he has excelling virtue. You need to think clearer and put away your hopium. And what you call anxiety is not. I have good analytical skills and can think very well thank you. You are deceived by the media which has been promoting him due to his anti-sin pontifications. Nobody reaches power, especially in such a powerful nation, without proving loyalty to the globalist agenda.
You may be right, but I just try to be optimistic. Neither of us have true knowledge about it, we both are guessing around. So I tried to connect the dots why he gave up intimate connection with the Davos criminals taking into account his skills in taking in information. If he would have been loyal to the globalists he would have stayed aboard the WEF.
Speak for yourself. I do have knowledge, and am not guessing. I Have no need for optimism or pessimism, I search for facts, loving truth, not to hear or think hopium or hopey-wishey. I research, analyze critically and come to my own conclusions. I have looked into this. The reason for the Ukraine conflict has nothing to do with the reasons we are told, though many of them are actual happenings= NATO, laboratories, Nazis etc... the real reason is depopulation agenda. Georgia Guidestones.
By the way, nice website. You're involved, thats good.
I respectfully said guessing or speculating and not to upset you, because we were not present when certain discussions at summits or in banking circles were held in secret. I agree with you what their agenda is, I know about the Guidestones that were demolished some months back, their agenda is now almost common knowledge. But as it goes for what happens in Russia I suppose we are more or less guessing. I suppose you and I have not been present in the Duma or being a close associate of Putin at crucial moments, so what we discuss about what is going on in the small circle around Putin we have to depend on other sources, and then we have to take into account all sorts of propaganda on both sides. That is what I meant with guessing, although you may have read hundreds of books and articles about this matter, you were not personally present at crucial discussions and neither was I, so we never can be able to fathom the depth of any heart involved. What we do see is a losing power, a beast put in the corner, that is beating around itself to the world around it and with that inflicting much pain and sorrow. It is the crumbling tower of Mordor in my opinion and hope you can agree with that.
We don't have to be at their secret meetings, using deductive reasoning we can figure things out. Who is Russias' greatest allie? China. A real gem of freedom and refusal to comply with the globalists and Vatican? Or are they having a credit system, lockdowns, and surveillance state? Think, man. The nations, almost all of them, are allying with either the US or with Russia and China. World war is readying. IT is not good nations against bad ones, or both sides of nations being good and bad. It is the rulers of every nation participating in the Vatican and globalist agenda to depopulate the planet- they all participated in vaccines, in lockdowns, in other WHO agendas. YOu people need to stop watching television and the news media, which is dominated by the secret intelligence of every nation, here it is the CIA. My books show this.
I gave you my website for you to sign up for the free newsletter, books are attached to it that explain all =
names dates quotes documents sources.
Thank you very much. I heard Brian Berletic say that there is no credit core system in China, it is made up by the West. I also do not watch TV, for a very long time already. As you are involved so am I. I am 40+ years involved in making this world a better place to live. What Katherine Tingley once said I took to heart: "We are not brought into existence by chance nor thrown up into earth-life like wreckage cast along the shore, but are here for infinitely noble purposes".
A better world is not going to be the result of a political movement, or through a powerful revolution, but through a change of consciousness, of a change of heart. Just as with reincarnation. We do not reincarnate at conception, we reincarnate until we die. We change and grow every minute. We pass ourselves through to the future and with that we slowly learn of our mistakes, but alas, very slowly.
When this cabal is slain, there will rise another, somewhere, somehow. It is in the present nature of mankind. The gross mass of humanity is more or less living after lower instincts, they follow their appetites, and there are many clever minds seeking to exploit that. Modern day mercantile highschools, or universities ( I do not know what they are called in English, I am European) with all the stress they lay on the importancy of marketing is what is really evil. Marketing, advertising is evil in itself. Advertising is hypnotism.
So, even when the war is over and the globalists are forgotten, we are still a far, far stretch from a long lasting peace.
MY Book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH has in its conclusion a blueprint for an ideal civilization- easy and doable to implement, and I give some suggestions to get us there, as well as ways to conquer the cabal and Vatican. Basically self-sustaining agricultural communities with no modern technology. No central government, but farming communes with several more diversions from what has been tried in the past. The book is attached to the free newsletter. I give all the science, all the facts, and have easy and simple solutions= outside the box thinking. Due to my being incarcerated by the establishment, and my ideas known by them, they took measures to counteract some of my ideas, now armed revolutions is the only solution. My idea removes the entrances to hell- no sex allowed, as artificial insemination to procreate, teach children from youth to have strong minds and bodies, to think independently, good work habits, strong ethics, great morals, be community-minded, have integrity and test for truth analytically, be able and willing to fight an enemy, etc... mentors instead of school. Communities of 150 people, no government, no authority. Anybody feeling wronged and all community decisions are brought up before the whole community for measures taken by true democratic vote. Community discusses and debates. This is proper living. Hard work, accomplishments, healthy wholesome living.
Bertylick is a liar and/or uninformed. Or you are just fibbing. I have no idea who he is, but I have seen many many many videos showing their system of facial recognition, Chinese surveillance, the credit system, Chinese talking about it. YOu are clearly uninformed, unable to think clearly, totally incapable of independent thinking, and totally unaware of the truth.
Khazarian Mafia. Your data is old and untruthful.