Regarding the Yukos deal, when Putin blocked its sale to certain Western energy companies, had the effrontery, the nerve (!) to put national interest above that of transnational capital, that appears to have been the moment he fell from grace. That's when he became Public Enemy #1 and has been relentlessly, fanatically demonized here in the West ever since.
Right now Putin in the only adult in the room. I hope that, if NATO Article 5 is invoked, which would be to box Trump in before he takes office, he tells them to fly a kite and also vetoes any funds for them.
NATO and Europe crying Putin will attack them is ludicrous, while they keep trying to provoke him to force it. He has been in power since 1999. If he were to attack he would have done so already.
The cretinous EU leaders don't want war with Russia, they want the *threat* of war, to justify enormous increase in military spending and further centralizing power in Brussels. It is all about a venal, corrupt, deluded group of leaders pursuing power and money through militarism.
Yep, but now they are getting notified for real, so they better wise up. Putin has no choice but to send a major warning, as if he is deposed, the Russian neocons will take over, and they are just as bad as the neocon a-holes in the West.
Indeed, little we know about how the hidden threads of the system really work. The Rothschilds seem to be everywhere, but they must have a huge organisation backing them to do so. Where is it? No traces? The tax haven constellation has never really been under scrutiny. Same for the major financial institutions, central banks, corporations... Supposedly, the Big 4 Audit and accountancy should establish the "rules" for an international trading order. In fact, they work to cover everything up. The system only works when everybody is forced to abide to it. When the Russians and the Chinese start to think they can bypass it and get away with it, inciting in addition the arabs, the persians, the africans and the rest of inland Asia to do so, then the city has a problem. The system can only work operating from impregnable territories where no retaliation must be feared. They think that they can kill the Russian and the Chinese without consequences, so they will keep on doing it. No doubt about it. Our work is not for our time. Someone, maybe, in a far future, will be able to understand with our humble help what we actually don't: How the capitalist empire really worked. Similarly, little traces remain about how the Roman empire really worked, financially speaking. Your work is invaluable. I would like to get a copy of your book if available. Thank you.
Visible Oligarchs are merely Trustees, Fronts, for the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire London Money Power
Fronts… The Rockefellers, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Bill Gates, George Soros, Larry Ellison, Warren Buffett, Eric Schmitt, Peter Thiel, Robert Mercer and many others are Only Fronts for the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds.
Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds Control Everything – Their Methods of Control
Meet Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Jacob “Jack” Rothschild ,- Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, OM, GBE, CVO - the "Protector- Owner," and his many minions and Fronts over centuries and nations...
Michael Hudson has done a lot of work on the history of financial empire, including Rome. It depends on what you mean by "really". I continually wonder how our politicians "really" get into the positions they hold. I mean, in terms of procedures and consensus. Who actually agrees to place them wherever they end up?
I am glad I've read Jim Marrs' old book, "Rule by Secrecy" which goes into detail about the secret society formations who are our bosses without us choosing..
Oh wow, that's an amazing insight! It is actually consistent with the way E.L. Woolford describes how they took over U.S. cities like Chicago: using chaos and arson to create "investment opportunities..." then played benefactors by financing reconstruction and renovation while taking ownership. Same playbook, it appears.
I reached a similar conclusion about the tech billionaire's some years ago, when I was involved in raising money for my own tech start up. No matter how good the idea, or how advanced the development, tech investors expect absolute control ie if you are lucky enough to attract any interest at all, it's on terms of 'we acquire a controling shareholding for a derisory valuation, and you contract to work for us, on a derisory ot no salary, for as long as we say we need you'. The stories of young entrepreneurs retaining 90% control, with nothing other than sweat equity, is simply fiction.
Just when I thought you couldn't raise my eyebrows any higher. I've been watching so many interviews that I'm forgetting who said what, but do you think there are now 2 competing groups of oligarchs, Biden/Harris representing one group, with Trump being the front man for the other?
yeah - I was just thinking that because Rothschilds are bankers and Satanists so Biden fits in with that better than Trump I think many of the bankers are Satanists according the Ronald Bergson (sp?) and also a book I read about cannibalism - weird book but they were bankers. Maybe the mafia guys are Trump's the guy Cohen Roy Cohen and Netanyahu is a gangster...but also affiliated with Rothschilds...yer right.
Agents is a polite way of saying employees. The legal case mentioned by Alex, the robbed widow, is interesting for bringing the matter to some light, a little light; in fact I'm surprised it managed to progress.. It seems the City is losing its power as I expect both Putin and Xi have other ideas.
Great thesis since are the two, ie. Geographies and Families, not congruent? Certainly, even as a layman, I've never seen mention of a historical Rockefeller-Rothschild link.
Who holds the shares of Blackrock, Statestreet, and Vanguard? We must understand that the current model of capitalism is Venetian Florentine and Genoese. It is an invention of the supermen of a people who have disappeared largely but are married into each and every royal/banker house of Europe North Africa the Hijaz and the Levant. Basically Rome which biblical Jews understood and decried as the Empire of the Edomite had a crude revenue model based on invasion theft and laundering the world's wealth to the centre in Rome and maintaining the empire by indentured labour or slavery. When the Romans sacked the global hub of their frenemies the Phoenicians in Carthage - the elite of the clan the money changers and warriors/priest who invented the strategy of debt on compounding interest or usury to enslaven human beings and massive human trafficking through their control of global ports to 'multicultaralise' local populations to give more control to rulers financed by them - migrated north to intermarry with line of the Nero and Caligula - literal mother fuckers pitiless slavers genociders and moral invertionists as the phoenicians do in every place they settled. This brought 'intelligence' to the Roman wealth laundering to the centre and slavery business which the crude Romans didnt have. These people intermarried with the other Uber biblical semites and Solomonic descendents (and practitioners of Solomonic templar occult who were once their enemies) the Merovingians and Carolingians and created the modern European oligarchy who concentrated in Venice Genoa and Florence and unleashed the modern armed bandit capitalism. This is the ethic they forced on the world through their enforcers like Freemasons Puritans Calvinists and Jesuit converso mafia of Iberia - free trade if the locals are willing to sell away their precious silver gold and anything valuable above or under the land or sea at a huge discount and limited value exchange to themselves and invasion genocide and war if they refuse 'free trade' . Today you have Aladin - a piece of code on a system in New York doing this for the warlords - this is intelligence added to Nero and Caligula's motherfuckery. These warlord-financier families want to make humanity feel that they are free and the world is democratic by hiding their massive hoarding of anything valuable from Panama to Russia to Nauru under the secret structures you mentioned. Remember the Phoenicians are west semites. Their idea of the world is biblical - its valuables belong to them by divine election through their ancestors all the way down to Cain David Solomon with even Jesus Christ making an appearance in the picture. They declared an official one world government through the Medici created Templar Crown in the 10 th century complete with a one world religion called Roman Catholicism ("Roman ecumenical deism) which owns the souls of each and every man on earth despite whatever his choice might be. To conquer the world through free trade and finance they moved their operations to Amsterdam then created templar world government enforcement agencies in Paris Lisbon Madrid and the mother of all of them in London. This was what colonialism was all about. They disappeared colonialism superficially only to enforce it through secret structures that you mention above. When a country or a leader marginally tries to secede or deviate from this one world govt idea to give surplus value to his own people instead of London you have war and world war as Putin is facing now. Keeping their own resources and financial structures under local control is why Iran and Venezuela are living through the revolution now nightmare. In their biblical thinking the of the whole world belonging to their bloodlines these uber Semites tolerate the independence to not even a dirt hole in the world. This is why Ortega in Nicaragua is living on the edge of a knife. This is a biblical scheme that will end only biblically. Those Jews except the ones like Rothschilds who are actually one family with the Warburgs Romanovs and Saxe Coburg Gotha - Germanic warlord families intermarried into the Merovingian-Venetian cabal - are converts from local peoples Germanic Slavic or Turkic or Asiatic peoples who are used as proxies so that if people find the scheme and come at these warlords they can always say the Joos did it as many people in western Europe believe. The idea of communism is very old - the brotherhood of the Snake in Egypt and the Roshaniya in Afghanistan were built on the same theosophy but it was the Venetians who financed and armed it using the British royals as their final one world govt ideology. It was the Venetians Cecils Shaftesbury Templeton who were the controllers of Queen Victoria and the Queen herself who financed the charlatan Moses Hess with this mother of all one world govt idea and it was another phenomenal Venetian Cecil Rhodes who was the big proponent of Communist one world govt which would murder and destroy all global oligarchs and kings except the British king. What Rhodes did in south Africa using Rothschilds proxies - the laundering of the value of the countries precious metals with the locals distracted and disoriented in intellect paralysing culture wars is what our man MK was doing in Russia. If you understand the supernatural power of these biblical semites - Edom-Judah - who landed in the south of France chasing the Romans to avenge them for destroying their temple - and Cananite who control every single religion cult and government in the world except the ones threatened with permanent subversion and extermination you will realise that it will require a supernatural power to save the unchosen miserables or homo sapiens of the world from them. That means it will literally take an Act of God!
Thank you sir. Knowledge should be commons and therefore free. But there are many generous people out there who drop something in the tip jar - seems like fair exchange.
Opinion: I think not, I believe that this was to be used as a tool for the next pandemic as this is the only logic that makes sense when one looks at the investors behind Theranos who don't appear to be the types to fall for this obvious scam. That the scam was found out caught them off guard and with little time for a replacement forced them to resort to the PCR diagnostic tool of which its inventor would have decried and put an end to hence his untimely demise. I could be wrong but the logic fits the puzzle.
As odd as it may sound, I know there to be a legitimate component to the Rothschild empire, as i worked along side their investment banking arm for two decades, all around the world. They were not as large as the big banking houses like Goldman Sach's, JPMorgan etc (especially in the US) so they sought to compete by specializing in niche sectors, such as mining or electrical power grids. My relationship, in fact, was so close that they agreed to support me, without a front end fee, when I started up my own business. All the Rothschild bankers i worked with were super smart and honest and lacked the full on naked ruthlesnes of their counter parties in Goldman Sach's, etc. However - that was investment banking arm of NM Rothschild (the same arm as Macron came from). My counterparties would, occasionally, complain of 'conspiracy theories' and (even more rarely) family members interfering. You might conclude that was the legitimate front of an otherwise dirty business (and you may be right) but, if so, they hid it well.
Interesting - thank you Stephen. Yes, I'm aware of the legit side of the business and I spent time in my life reading Lord Jacob's letters to investors. Clearly not stupid people but the fact that he controlled these arrangements like the one with Khodorkovsky (I read that ALL of the seven bankers in Russia were his minions, but I've no idea whether this is true) suggests that there's a secret layer to it. Better yet, the legit part of the business was the facade. I believe Lord Jacob also controlled HSBC in a similar way and who knows, this might have been a multigenerational family arrangement. Lord Jacob is almost certainly the real power behind the sock puppet Soros (there's some evidence of this). Then that pyramid sign with his thumbs - that really bothers me. They built a high-rise in Dallas tipped with a green glass pyramid towering over the Dealey Plaza where JFK was slain. Etc... Something very Rotten there.
Agreed. Another way to view it is that the legit part of the business is the recruitment route for the small handful that are deemed 'suitable' for the more nefarious activities. I suspect that Macron initially took this route and then, one day, got a tap on the shoulder.
The pyramide sign with his thumbs, yes - and I assume you have seen the pictures of The Rothschild ‘Illuminati’ Party at the Château de Ferrières, 1972.
Rothschild also financed the building of the Supreme Court in Israel. With a pyramide on the top. Same as the one on the One-Dollar bill … With the Eye on top …
It’s astonishing that Khodor said it out loud. Question is why he did?Maybe he is so full of himself or he just stupid… Basically, he admitted that he was nobody who tried to rob he’s country on behalf of foreign entities. He was given green light by Putin to leave country and reside in UK( his buddies took that offer btw), or go to jail. He chose second and was imprisoned for 10 years (! monte christo !) and now he’s admitted it wasn’t fight for “ democracy” and “ free market”, He did it for Jack! Not even for money, he would’ve taken first offer. Makes me sick. I am surprised they didn’t “ novichok” him yet and blamed it on Putin
Yes, you are right - I wondered myself why he would divulge that. Maybe like Boris Berezovsky before him he realized who he got involved with and wants to return to Russia. So perhaps he's signalling that he's ready to talk. Or he has a death wish, I can't work it out. Or he's stupid as you suggest, that's a possibility too - it seems that after all these years he still hasn't learned English!
He is not stupid. There is this video of him giving a very blunt interview in 1993 where he, out of arrogance or feeling of invincibility, spills the beans partially. He clearly understood what was going on and facilitated it. Was he directed by some outside forces, I have no idea.
Thank you for replying Alex and put lights on the story. I think i get it now. Rats running from thinking ship, owner is dead, opposition failed and only left is to do for Khodor is to admit “ poor me”, i was just a puppet. He didn’t really said anything new, he only confirmed that “ conspiracy theorists” were right again. He had two chances already to come clean in front of Russian people but, he’s ego is to big, for that i hope he could never be able go back to Russia, although Russian people is generous at heart. Thanks Alex for work you do, its very appreciated
You're onto something, Alex...But the top Krisha, the Roof, the Capo di tutti capi, the ultimate Pimp, is
more likely a multi-headed Hydra , an Octopussy with a hundred tentacles which runs the capitalist cucaracha casinos-motels we squat in since at least a couple of hundred years...But every ideology eventually degrades and passes away...Even god died from loss of credit/credibilty...RIPping story.
Thank you Reginald. I'm not sure who's at the top but one family seems to be involved wherever there's rivers of blood flowing. Are they it? Or are they themselves servants to some higher power (Vatican, the Jesuits, Venetian dark nobility, etc.). Perhaps some enhanced interrogation could bring us closer to the answers.
the Pope kissed the feet of Rothschild in that picture on the Internet and they're Satanists and the Pope has put statues of Satan inside the Vatican. Archbishop Vigano is exposing this
This is a very, very difficult issue to explore as there are so many false leads but, for those that have tried, their conclusion seems to be the thirteen families (or blood lines), of which the Rothschild's are one of the less important. The theory goes that they mostly control covertly, through secret institutions, such as the Illuminati, freemasons, Skull & Bones etc but also though overt institutions like the Vatican and European Royal Families.
If I had to pick a single name, just as an emblem I'd rather select Larry the Fink, or maybe Dimon (the name says it all) as the perfect embodiment of the last capitalistic avatar, what Amir Samin described as the most "abstract" form of globalized financial monopoly capitalism, in which it is not Ownership per se which matters any longer, largely diffused anyway into disfranchised & neutered shareholders, in the same way as democra$$y is to voters, but Control. You could ask who controls the controllers? There, my bet is firmly on the Anglo-Saxon Atlantists, firmly ensconced in The Wall Street mafia blob, the apex of the Pyramid. All the other muppets in Europe/Japan/Canada/Australia are mere shadows on the cavern's wall...un divertissement.
To add, Musk seems like one of these created oligarchs, and his wanting to turn X into being like WeChat seems like a warning signal. What do you think of his closeness to Trump?
I'm not sure what to think but it strikes me like they're for real and that the clash between the oligarchy's factions is serious. We'll find out: for the time being I'm thankful that X is much more free than Twitter was.
I thought for some time that, in my actual life, it isn't such a big deal that TPTB skim a bit off the top if my life is good and I have opportunity and a level of freedom. There will always be some who have more and control more. I know that's hardly idealistic. But the problem is they get too greedy, hunger for more and more power, and lose all sense of decency, humanity and responsibiity. It's why the pendulum of history swings back and forth and at either end we live in "interesting" times.
Indeed Musk is creating a super app for the world which will be the worlds monitored public square and medium of financial exchange in a post-dollar/ fiat currency world which could come very soon. But Twitter has no scale - that is why he has allowed the hitler worshippers and kill the Jews idiots on autopilot on it - these fools do not know that all verified profiles are 'verfied by a Shin-Bet proxy company whose footprints are all over the 9/11 crime scene" . If the Trump-Musk post temple paradisical age suddenly falls on humanity (the digital infrastructure has been carefully created over the past 60 years) - these visceral fools will be lined up to be guillotined or shot publicly
If Elon was released from their control, who better than him to help break the back of the overlords? He knows their game, who the players are. He was their darling until he went after Twitter, now they hate him.
I tend to think he is part of one of the factions. Definitely Pentagon, but where their allegiance lies I don't know. Maybe they are bona-fide trying to do their jobs!
The Talmudic psychotics (Pepe Escobar's term), AKA Zionists, form the base of the power pyramid. As Israel Shahak, Alon Mizrahi and other former Zios have said, Jewish children are brought up in a totalitarian cult of victimhood + chosenness. This breeds toxic paranoia and genocidal arrogance, the foundation.
At the top of the pyramid Jewish bankers build conspiracies of wealth + power, both disenfranchising the lumpen Jewish base and relying on it for cover. Any exposure of the conspiracy is labeled "antisemitism," though the power of this accusation is fast breaking down.
But there is a deeper, hidden, spiritual dimension. Human evil is allied to and powered by satanic/demonic forces from dimensions we barely see or understand. We need to fight on all fronts, the rational levels, economic, political, moral.. and the spiritual battlefield as well.
When one thinks of the stability Putin has brought to Russia and increasingly to the world it becomes easy to understand just how he is hated. And these are vindictive people.
Thank you. And yes, these are very vindictive people. Which is why I think that today Trump (and his family) are in an all-or-nothing fight and if they're aware of this, I commend him/them for the courage.
Regarding the Yukos deal, when Putin blocked its sale to certain Western energy companies, had the effrontery, the nerve (!) to put national interest above that of transnational capital, that appears to have been the moment he fell from grace. That's when he became Public Enemy #1 and has been relentlessly, fanatically demonized here in the West ever since.
Yes, that's correct.
Right now Putin in the only adult in the room. I hope that, if NATO Article 5 is invoked, which would be to box Trump in before he takes office, he tells them to fly a kite and also vetoes any funds for them.
NATO and Europe crying Putin will attack them is ludicrous, while they keep trying to provoke him to force it. He has been in power since 1999. If he were to attack he would have done so already.
The cretinous EU leaders don't want war with Russia, they want the *threat* of war, to justify enormous increase in military spending and further centralizing power in Brussels. It is all about a venal, corrupt, deluded group of leaders pursuing power and money through militarism.
Yep, but now they are getting notified for real, so they better wise up. Putin has no choice but to send a major warning, as if he is deposed, the Russian neocons will take over, and they are just as bad as the neocon a-holes in the West.
(I am currently surrounded by the deeply, irredeemably brainwashed and the stubbornly uninterested, as we swan dive into something like WWIII.)
Yep. As am I.
In Silicon Valley. Brainwash Ground-Zero.
"... my pen."
Indeed, little we know about how the hidden threads of the system really work. The Rothschilds seem to be everywhere, but they must have a huge organisation backing them to do so. Where is it? No traces? The tax haven constellation has never really been under scrutiny. Same for the major financial institutions, central banks, corporations... Supposedly, the Big 4 Audit and accountancy should establish the "rules" for an international trading order. In fact, they work to cover everything up. The system only works when everybody is forced to abide to it. When the Russians and the Chinese start to think they can bypass it and get away with it, inciting in addition the arabs, the persians, the africans and the rest of inland Asia to do so, then the city has a problem. The system can only work operating from impregnable territories where no retaliation must be feared. They think that they can kill the Russian and the Chinese without consequences, so they will keep on doing it. No doubt about it. Our work is not for our time. Someone, maybe, in a far future, will be able to understand with our humble help what we actually don't: How the capitalist empire really worked. Similarly, little traces remain about how the Roman empire really worked, financially speaking. Your work is invaluable. I would like to get a copy of your book if available. Thank you.
Thank you Yoni - that's very kind of you!
Improved and made better...
Visible Oligarchs are merely Trustees, Fronts, for the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire London Money Power
Fronts… The Rockefellers, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Bill Gates, George Soros, Larry Ellison, Warren Buffett, Eric Schmitt, Peter Thiel, Robert Mercer and many others are Only Fronts for the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds.
Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds Control Everything – Their Methods of Control
Meet Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Jacob “Jack” Rothschild ,- Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, OM, GBE, CVO - the "Protector- Owner," and his many minions and Fronts over centuries and nations...
Michael Hudson has done a lot of work on the history of financial empire, including Rome. It depends on what you mean by "really". I continually wonder how our politicians "really" get into the positions they hold. I mean, in terms of procedures and consensus. Who actually agrees to place them wherever they end up?
I am glad I've read Jim Marrs' old book, "Rule by Secrecy" which goes into detail about the secret society formations who are our bosses without us choosing..
Oh wow, that's an amazing insight! It is actually consistent with the way E.L. Woolford describes how they took over U.S. cities like Chicago: using chaos and arson to create "investment opportunities..." then played benefactors by financing reconstruction and renovation while taking ownership. Same playbook, it appears.
I reached a similar conclusion about the tech billionaire's some years ago, when I was involved in raising money for my own tech start up. No matter how good the idea, or how advanced the development, tech investors expect absolute control ie if you are lucky enough to attract any interest at all, it's on terms of 'we acquire a controling shareholding for a derisory valuation, and you contract to work for us, on a derisory ot no salary, for as long as we say we need you'. The stories of young entrepreneurs retaining 90% control, with nothing other than sweat equity, is simply fiction.
Yes, exactly - thank you for that!
Just when I thought you couldn't raise my eyebrows any higher. I've been watching so many interviews that I'm forgetting who said what, but do you think there are now 2 competing groups of oligarchs, Biden/Harris representing one group, with Trump being the front man for the other?
Yes, that's what it looks like to me.
Kevin Barrett thinks they're both Jewish....bankers in one corner and mafia in the other. Trump represents the Bankers I think
it is doubtful that the competing groups are not intertwined in the banking cartel
yeah - I was just thinking that because Rothschilds are bankers and Satanists so Biden fits in with that better than Trump I think many of the bankers are Satanists according the Ronald Bergson (sp?) and also a book I read about cannibalism - weird book but they were bankers. Maybe the mafia guys are Trump's the guy Cohen Roy Cohen and Netanyahu is a gangster...but also affiliated with Rothschilds...yer right.
"The history of the world is the history of the warfare between secret societies."
-Ishmael Reed
I have been wondering whether it is London vs. New York, or Rothschild vs. Rockefeller.
From what I have read over the years the Rockefellers were/are agents of Ratschilds, not opponents.
Agents is a polite way of saying employees. The legal case mentioned by Alex, the robbed widow, is interesting for bringing the matter to some light, a little light; in fact I'm surprised it managed to progress.. It seems the City is losing its power as I expect both Putin and Xi have other ideas.
It does appear that Putin's and Xi's war is aimed at the city of London.
Try Rome, specifically the Vatican. Vatican is specifically outside the purview of BIS. Thus BIS vs Vatican.
Great thesis since are the two, ie. Geographies and Families, not congruent? Certainly, even as a layman, I've never seen mention of a historical Rockefeller-Rothschild link.
I have come to believe it is rivalry between off-planet powers.
Off planet? Sort of.
Rivalry? Not likely. A house divided against itself shall not stand.
Posted to my networks. Thx!
“There is No God higher than Truth”- Gandhi
A Case Study and Expose of Theranos;
And the Occult Oligarchy’s Grand Deceptions.
Who holds the shares of Blackrock, Statestreet, and Vanguard? We must understand that the current model of capitalism is Venetian Florentine and Genoese. It is an invention of the supermen of a people who have disappeared largely but are married into each and every royal/banker house of Europe North Africa the Hijaz and the Levant. Basically Rome which biblical Jews understood and decried as the Empire of the Edomite had a crude revenue model based on invasion theft and laundering the world's wealth to the centre in Rome and maintaining the empire by indentured labour or slavery. When the Romans sacked the global hub of their frenemies the Phoenicians in Carthage - the elite of the clan the money changers and warriors/priest who invented the strategy of debt on compounding interest or usury to enslaven human beings and massive human trafficking through their control of global ports to 'multicultaralise' local populations to give more control to rulers financed by them - migrated north to intermarry with line of the Nero and Caligula - literal mother fuckers pitiless slavers genociders and moral invertionists as the phoenicians do in every place they settled. This brought 'intelligence' to the Roman wealth laundering to the centre and slavery business which the crude Romans didnt have. These people intermarried with the other Uber biblical semites and Solomonic descendents (and practitioners of Solomonic templar occult who were once their enemies) the Merovingians and Carolingians and created the modern European oligarchy who concentrated in Venice Genoa and Florence and unleashed the modern armed bandit capitalism. This is the ethic they forced on the world through their enforcers like Freemasons Puritans Calvinists and Jesuit converso mafia of Iberia - free trade if the locals are willing to sell away their precious silver gold and anything valuable above or under the land or sea at a huge discount and limited value exchange to themselves and invasion genocide and war if they refuse 'free trade' . Today you have Aladin - a piece of code on a system in New York doing this for the warlords - this is intelligence added to Nero and Caligula's motherfuckery. These warlord-financier families want to make humanity feel that they are free and the world is democratic by hiding their massive hoarding of anything valuable from Panama to Russia to Nauru under the secret structures you mentioned. Remember the Phoenicians are west semites. Their idea of the world is biblical - its valuables belong to them by divine election through their ancestors all the way down to Cain David Solomon with even Jesus Christ making an appearance in the picture. They declared an official one world government through the Medici created Templar Crown in the 10 th century complete with a one world religion called Roman Catholicism ("Roman ecumenical deism) which owns the souls of each and every man on earth despite whatever his choice might be. To conquer the world through free trade and finance they moved their operations to Amsterdam then created templar world government enforcement agencies in Paris Lisbon Madrid and the mother of all of them in London. This was what colonialism was all about. They disappeared colonialism superficially only to enforce it through secret structures that you mention above. When a country or a leader marginally tries to secede or deviate from this one world govt idea to give surplus value to his own people instead of London you have war and world war as Putin is facing now. Keeping their own resources and financial structures under local control is why Iran and Venezuela are living through the revolution now nightmare. In their biblical thinking the of the whole world belonging to their bloodlines these uber Semites tolerate the independence to not even a dirt hole in the world. This is why Ortega in Nicaragua is living on the edge of a knife. This is a biblical scheme that will end only biblically. Those Jews except the ones like Rothschilds who are actually one family with the Warburgs Romanovs and Saxe Coburg Gotha - Germanic warlord families intermarried into the Merovingian-Venetian cabal - are converts from local peoples Germanic Slavic or Turkic or Asiatic peoples who are used as proxies so that if people find the scheme and come at these warlords they can always say the Joos did it as many people in western Europe believe. The idea of communism is very old - the brotherhood of the Snake in Egypt and the Roshaniya in Afghanistan were built on the same theosophy but it was the Venetians who financed and armed it using the British royals as their final one world govt ideology. It was the Venetians Cecils Shaftesbury Templeton who were the controllers of Queen Victoria and the Queen herself who financed the charlatan Moses Hess with this mother of all one world govt idea and it was another phenomenal Venetian Cecil Rhodes who was the big proponent of Communist one world govt which would murder and destroy all global oligarchs and kings except the British king. What Rhodes did in south Africa using Rothschilds proxies - the laundering of the value of the countries precious metals with the locals distracted and disoriented in intellect paralysing culture wars is what our man MK was doing in Russia. If you understand the supernatural power of these biblical semites - Edom-Judah - who landed in the south of France chasing the Romans to avenge them for destroying their temple - and Cananite who control every single religion cult and government in the world except the ones threatened with permanent subversion and extermination you will realise that it will require a supernatural power to save the unchosen miserables or homo sapiens of the world from them. That means it will literally take an Act of God!
Oh wow, thank you for that - that's brilliant!!!
Fascinating. Thank you for making this available for free even when you could earn a good sum for the quality.
Thank you sir. Knowledge should be commons and therefore free. But there are many generous people out there who drop something in the tip jar - seems like fair exchange.
Very neatly summarized in a few words and photos.
🙏 Thank you!
The Pilgrim Society of the City of London is another shadow entity of note. Investors in TruthSocial
Hmm... interesting.
The Silver Stealers -- amidst other 'bidness'.
On the Theranos scandal, have you considered its real purpose might have been to collect DNA samples?
I have not but you might be right.
Opinion: I think not, I believe that this was to be used as a tool for the next pandemic as this is the only logic that makes sense when one looks at the investors behind Theranos who don't appear to be the types to fall for this obvious scam. That the scam was found out caught them off guard and with little time for a replacement forced them to resort to the PCR diagnostic tool of which its inventor would have decried and put an end to hence his untimely demise. I could be wrong but the logic fits the puzzle.
As odd as it may sound, I know there to be a legitimate component to the Rothschild empire, as i worked along side their investment banking arm for two decades, all around the world. They were not as large as the big banking houses like Goldman Sach's, JPMorgan etc (especially in the US) so they sought to compete by specializing in niche sectors, such as mining or electrical power grids. My relationship, in fact, was so close that they agreed to support me, without a front end fee, when I started up my own business. All the Rothschild bankers i worked with were super smart and honest and lacked the full on naked ruthlesnes of their counter parties in Goldman Sach's, etc. However - that was investment banking arm of NM Rothschild (the same arm as Macron came from). My counterparties would, occasionally, complain of 'conspiracy theories' and (even more rarely) family members interfering. You might conclude that was the legitimate front of an otherwise dirty business (and you may be right) but, if so, they hid it well.
Interesting - thank you Stephen. Yes, I'm aware of the legit side of the business and I spent time in my life reading Lord Jacob's letters to investors. Clearly not stupid people but the fact that he controlled these arrangements like the one with Khodorkovsky (I read that ALL of the seven bankers in Russia were his minions, but I've no idea whether this is true) suggests that there's a secret layer to it. Better yet, the legit part of the business was the facade. I believe Lord Jacob also controlled HSBC in a similar way and who knows, this might have been a multigenerational family arrangement. Lord Jacob is almost certainly the real power behind the sock puppet Soros (there's some evidence of this). Then that pyramid sign with his thumbs - that really bothers me. They built a high-rise in Dallas tipped with a green glass pyramid towering over the Dealey Plaza where JFK was slain. Etc... Something very Rotten there.
Agreed. Another way to view it is that the legit part of the business is the recruitment route for the small handful that are deemed 'suitable' for the more nefarious activities. I suspect that Macron initially took this route and then, one day, got a tap on the shoulder.
The pyramide sign with his thumbs, yes - and I assume you have seen the pictures of The Rothschild ‘Illuminati’ Party at the Château de Ferrières, 1972.
Rothschild also financed the building of the Supreme Court in Israel. With a pyramide on the top. Same as the one on the One-Dollar bill … With the Eye on top …
Perhaps even Jacob Rothschild was a frontman. The fact that he was a public figure suggests this.
Who do the Rothschilds answer to?
I believe that everyone answers to someone. Even the Rothschilds.
Probably to the devil 😉
It’s astonishing that Khodor said it out loud. Question is why he did?Maybe he is so full of himself or he just stupid… Basically, he admitted that he was nobody who tried to rob he’s country on behalf of foreign entities. He was given green light by Putin to leave country and reside in UK( his buddies took that offer btw), or go to jail. He chose second and was imprisoned for 10 years (! monte christo !) and now he’s admitted it wasn’t fight for “ democracy” and “ free market”, He did it for Jack! Not even for money, he would’ve taken first offer. Makes me sick. I am surprised they didn’t “ novichok” him yet and blamed it on Putin
Yes, you are right - I wondered myself why he would divulge that. Maybe like Boris Berezovsky before him he realized who he got involved with and wants to return to Russia. So perhaps he's signalling that he's ready to talk. Or he has a death wish, I can't work it out. Or he's stupid as you suggest, that's a possibility too - it seems that after all these years he still hasn't learned English!
He is not stupid. There is this video of him giving a very blunt interview in 1993 where he, out of arrogance or feeling of invincibility, spills the beans partially. He clearly understood what was going on and facilitated it. Was he directed by some outside forces, I have no idea.
Thank you for replying Alex and put lights on the story. I think i get it now. Rats running from thinking ship, owner is dead, opposition failed and only left is to do for Khodor is to admit “ poor me”, i was just a puppet. He didn’t really said anything new, he only confirmed that “ conspiracy theorists” were right again. He had two chances already to come clean in front of Russian people but, he’s ego is to big, for that i hope he could never be able go back to Russia, although Russian people is generous at heart. Thanks Alex for work you do, its very appreciated
He knew too much, they would've novichoked him sooner or later so he chose 10 years instead of death.
You're onto something, Alex...But the top Krisha, the Roof, the Capo di tutti capi, the ultimate Pimp, is
more likely a multi-headed Hydra , an Octopussy with a hundred tentacles which runs the capitalist cucaracha casinos-motels we squat in since at least a couple of hundred years...But every ideology eventually degrades and passes away...Even god died from loss of credit/credibilty...RIPping story.
Thank you Reginald. I'm not sure who's at the top but one family seems to be involved wherever there's rivers of blood flowing. Are they it? Or are they themselves servants to some higher power (Vatican, the Jesuits, Venetian dark nobility, etc.). Perhaps some enhanced interrogation could bring us closer to the answers.
the Pope kissed the feet of Rothschild in that picture on the Internet and they're Satanists and the Pope has put statues of Satan inside the Vatican. Archbishop Vigano is exposing this
This is a very, very difficult issue to explore as there are so many false leads but, for those that have tried, their conclusion seems to be the thirteen families (or blood lines), of which the Rothschild's are one of the less important. The theory goes that they mostly control covertly, through secret institutions, such as the Illuminati, freemasons, Skull & Bones etc but also though overt institutions like the Vatican and European Royal Families.
If I had to pick a single name, just as an emblem I'd rather select Larry the Fink, or maybe Dimon (the name says it all) as the perfect embodiment of the last capitalistic avatar, what Amir Samin described as the most "abstract" form of globalized financial monopoly capitalism, in which it is not Ownership per se which matters any longer, largely diffused anyway into disfranchised & neutered shareholders, in the same way as democra$$y is to voters, but Control. You could ask who controls the controllers? There, my bet is firmly on the Anglo-Saxon Atlantists, firmly ensconced in The Wall Street mafia blob, the apex of the Pyramid. All the other muppets in Europe/Japan/Canada/Australia are mere shadows on the cavern's wall...un divertissement.
To add, Musk seems like one of these created oligarchs, and his wanting to turn X into being like WeChat seems like a warning signal. What do you think of his closeness to Trump?
I'm not sure what to think but it strikes me like they're for real and that the clash between the oligarchy's factions is serious. We'll find out: for the time being I'm thankful that X is much more free than Twitter was.
I thought for some time that, in my actual life, it isn't such a big deal that TPTB skim a bit off the top if my life is good and I have opportunity and a level of freedom. There will always be some who have more and control more. I know that's hardly idealistic. But the problem is they get too greedy, hunger for more and more power, and lose all sense of decency, humanity and responsibiity. It's why the pendulum of history swings back and forth and at either end we live in "interesting" times.
Indeed Musk is creating a super app for the world which will be the worlds monitored public square and medium of financial exchange in a post-dollar/ fiat currency world which could come very soon. But Twitter has no scale - that is why he has allowed the hitler worshippers and kill the Jews idiots on autopilot on it - these fools do not know that all verified profiles are 'verfied by a Shin-Bet proxy company whose footprints are all over the 9/11 crime scene" . If the Trump-Musk post temple paradisical age suddenly falls on humanity (the digital infrastructure has been carefully created over the past 60 years) - these visceral fools will be lined up to be guillotined or shot publicly
If Elon was released from their control, who better than him to help break the back of the overlords? He knows their game, who the players are. He was their darling until he went after Twitter, now they hate him.
I tend to think he is part of one of the factions. Definitely Pentagon, but where their allegiance lies I don't know. Maybe they are bona-fide trying to do their jobs!
A belief in the Soul, an eternal vhicle, might mean that invisible empires have a basis for multi generational existence, beyond blood relationships.
Selective breeding is very important to those families, especially after the Habsburgs example.
That's great food for thought, actually.
The Talmudic psychotics (Pepe Escobar's term), AKA Zionists, form the base of the power pyramid. As Israel Shahak, Alon Mizrahi and other former Zios have said, Jewish children are brought up in a totalitarian cult of victimhood + chosenness. This breeds toxic paranoia and genocidal arrogance, the foundation.
At the top of the pyramid Jewish bankers build conspiracies of wealth + power, both disenfranchising the lumpen Jewish base and relying on it for cover. Any exposure of the conspiracy is labeled "antisemitism," though the power of this accusation is fast breaking down.
But there is a deeper, hidden, spiritual dimension. Human evil is allied to and powered by satanic/demonic forces from dimensions we barely see or understand. We need to fight on all fronts, the rational levels, economic, political, moral.. and the spiritual battlefield as well.
When one thinks of the stability Putin has brought to Russia and increasingly to the world it becomes easy to understand just how he is hated. And these are vindictive people.
Iain Banks's novel, The Business comes to mind.
One of his supposedly non-SciFi books
Thank you. And yes, these are very vindictive people. Which is why I think that today Trump (and his family) are in an all-or-nothing fight and if they're aware of this, I commend him/them for the courage.