Jun 5Liked by Alex Krainer

"Tragically, it looks like they won't stop until they're knocked out cold."

Quite possibly, by nukes. Along with a universally uncomfortable portion of the rest of us. Are we having fun yet?

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If vlad would nuke DC, the entire world would be better off.

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It looks that synthetic and modified bioweaponized viruses are less costly, easier to deliver and “deniable” approach.

Just in Ukraine US operated tens of bioweapon labs.

MRFK Jr published a seminal book on that.

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Um, no. If we get there -- though I'm in full agreement due 98%, yes, to our insane West -- the world will enter a new, long dark ages, and everyone suffers enormously. The kicker is that, due to still-extant control technology (AI, surveillance, robotics, propaganda, etc. etc.) we may never emerge the wiser.

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AI is the latest tech bubble and we already have a surveillance state, but there's too much data and lots of noise. Besides the financial overhang of "free" services will be its undoing as the cost of "free" money isn't quite so free after all. This is an echo of the "reset" that can't come as the WEF crowd is losing the global majority. It's more likely to be a run down ghetto of western states. I can recall Lee Kwan Yew's observation about Australia becoming the poor "white" trash of Asia.

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Jun 5Liked by Alex Krainer

Have you come across 'Operation Unthinkable' (finaly declassified in 1998)? It was Churchill's plan to invade the USSR. The remarkable thing about it was that it was formulated in 1945, before Germany had surrended and only shortly after the Yalta conference (where the 'big three' reached agreement on the future of Europe). It was Eisenhower who killed the idea but it is now believed likely that Stalin had enough spies in senior positions in the West to learn about it.

It completely rewrites the narrative of how the cold war started. .

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The British plan was the nazi-soviet mutual destruction. But something went wrong. Then they tried to use the Americans for this purpose and finally won. The post soviet world has been Churchills final victory. Now, somehow they think that they will win again thanks to an inflexible will for victory. We are dealing with supremacist monsters here. But look at the chosen people. They have lost their cool and dont look top well these days. Same for British controlled America.

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Something usually always goes wrong with their plans.

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Jun 6Liked by Alex Krainer


And as the great philosopher, Mike Tyson said...

'Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face'.

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"Something went wrong ..."

1) Just listened to Geoffrey Wheatcroft & Simon Winchester discuss Wheatcroft's work on Churchill. One take-away: Churchill was so fearful of a repeat of Verdun-like slaughter of British that he did his utmost to delay Allied (US & British) attack in Europe -- by encouraging aerial bombing, primarily. British & Americans STILL have a hard time acknowledging that Russians did most of the boots-on-the-ground fighting in WWII.

2) re: "Operation Unthinkable" -- not exactly sure how this figures in: Andrew Buchanan discusses FDR's secret meeting with Gen. Mark Clatrk, instructing Clark to ignore the plan to combine with British forces to take Rome but instead to march into Rome himself, which is what happened. The US-British combine was supposed to enclose Germans, but instead, they got away (but US took Rome & access to Italian trade routes across Mediterranean).


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Yes, I have.

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Alex here in Ireland we have local and European elections and we are finding out that all the migrants are allowed to vote and that the Government are placing a police presence at the polling stations because they are going to bus all the migrants into to vote. Is this the only way the political class can see themselves keeping their seats or is it something else from the outside. Is this country to be chopped up into little Somalia , little Ukraine , little Nigeria , Albania, Georgia, Congo . Well it's not happening, we Irish will not allow it, the mind spell is broken and the Irish will put a stop to it .

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That is truly bizarre. How could so many people work so actively against their own interests, to do something so obviously wrong?

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They feel safer acting in the herd than seeing themselves as an outsider. It truly is one of the most pathetic states a person can get themselves into. I am ashamed and embarrassed for them. I truly didn’t think that this level of mass self deception was possible. But here we are.

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Money at the lower level, power at the upper level, and revenge (for imagined wrongs) at the chosenite layer.

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For money.

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BBC Panorama produced The War Party, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fBVvSvUawE about neocons Ledeen, Perle, Wurmser(s), +, "bound by real love" to urge US war against Iraq to "put their ideas to the test."

Psychopathic ideology. It seems such psychopathology is contagious. (Masks/blinders ineffective. Eyes-wide-open, mouth courageously engaged -- might work.)

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I don't know but mk ultra group think like a cult or hypnotism. But the rest of us have had quite enough of it .

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Life there too. It’s ridiculous. At the golf club one has to be a member for a minimum of 4 years before they can service on Council - but here in Ireland, 4 months and you can affect policy??

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This article reminds me of a story about the early days of "space race". Both American astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts discovered that Biro ink pens would not work in zero gravity. So the Americans, at great expense and trouble, designed a specially engineered pen that would work. The Soviet's solution was to simply use pencils.

Regarding the European Union President Ursula von der Leyen, I am reminded of the American commentator David Knight's take on her name - Ursula fond of Lying. Always puts a smile on my face.

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Yes, I know that story and I thought it was fascinating. Speaks to incentives in the system. With using pencils, nobody in the bureaucracy makes a buck. But apparently NASA spent a $1 million to develop a space pen. Was a lot of money back then.

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Jun 6Liked by Alex Krainer

Great post Alex. Did you notice that the MMA guy was very solicitous after knocking the knucklehead out. I get the same vibes from the Russian leaders, they're looking at us and thinking "well alright if that's what you want here you go" and afterwards when we've come to our senses the Russians will go "finally, can we now sit down and have an intelligent conversation?". In the meantime: "It's not dark yet, but it's getting there".

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Thank you Philip. Yes, it does seem that way and we'll have an intelligent conversation but not with the zealots we have in power now.

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I do not think for one second that Putin is pleased about Russia's position and the war foisted upon his country by our so-called leadership. I believe that he knows that we are being led by knaves and fools who are not interested in the welfare of their own people let alone anyone else besides themselves. His war is not with us, but our leaders, although ultimately we are responsible for them at some level. Sad. But I also think that he knows that things could and will) change a great deal in the next year. I remain optimistic.

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Yes, I think you're right. NATO just doesn't have the capability for a war with Russia and I don't see it going nuclear. But hey what do I know.

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Neither of us are experts, but we could run the world better than the evil clowns who do. I'd just leave people to their own devices and intents with some guard rails in place.

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Jun 5Liked by Alex Krainer

That's a perfect analogy! The Atlanticist/Anglo-American/NATO/WEF "West" is led and guided by a clique of self-deluded "geniuses."

There's a difference between the Kiai Master getting his ass kicked and what will finally happen to our evil masters. Our evil masters will NEVER put themselves in the ring. They send Ukrainians, long-range bombers, and other poor dupes. They'll be holed up in their command bunkers in the Blue Ridge mountains. They'll survive the first strike nuclear response to attacking Russia.

Other than that, we are led by evil and incompetent Kiai Masters.

Our only hope is that their ruse will be detected and they are dealt with appropriately.

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Jun 6Liked by Alex Krainer

Self-deluded and self-appointed geniuses. They are in fact morons. From Jobs to Gates and in between.

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I agree they are morons, 100% morons. It does not take genius to run a mafia, only absolute group loyalty and not only willingness to break every rule but deliberately do evil for its own sake. The latter being their 'element of surprise' (the sheer senselessness of it) being their claim to 'genius'.

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Funny how evil and psychopathy are so easily mistaken for intelligence by so many people. I have a feeling that the smell of their money (and their bought PR) covers the much worse smell of such people, emitted by their true motives, methods and 'fruits'.

It is becoming obvious that what we may have once been able to call our 'democratic states' have been taken over by a psychopathically criminal, globalist Mafia posing as Politicians, Ideologues, Scientists and Visionaries and worse still posing as Governments.

The implications of their illegitimacy still needs to hit home. Corrective action will hopefully be swift and brutal, as they deserve.

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"Funny how evil and psychopathy are so easily mistaken for intelligence by so many people."

Truer than true. Especially given the huge PR investment in boasting of their genius IQs (without providing evidence). The glaringly obvious LOW IQs of so many of the carefully selected West "leaders" - Von der Leyen, Annalena "360" Baerbock, Kaja Kalas, Scholtz, Macron, Trudeau, for ex. - bespeaks an interesting positioning by the MOTU: "their" opinion of the "sheeple"s intelligence is so low that they believe we are incapable of seeing the stupidity of our "leaders". A proof of stupidity in itself.

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I used 'zealots' myself in something I recently wrote, and am left to wonder at its deeper implications, which of course originated in a historical ancient Jewish sect, while just as what bedevils us so much today emanates from the same source manifested as today's cult of the neocons.

I've held this contention going back to the days leading up to the Russian SMO and wrote about US imperial motives within that context, especially as Russian superiority in hypersonics was already evident, and their novel platforms for delivery of such systems apparently far-outstripping conventional US/NATO systems.

We are left to only speculate with a raised eyebrow on the development of US weapons such as "the Rods of God," (tungsten 'timbers' shot from satellites using massive kinetic energy to destroy,) 'Direct Energy Weapons (space lasers) and electric rail guns (of which all major nations have advanced prototypes.) These vs known Russian capabilities. Speaking of irrational defense policy. . . .

What we're also left with is underpinning all these weapons (and more) is irrational zealotry, and perhaps conjoined irrevocably with the Masada Complex the Israelis are so wont to cite about themselves when questioned as to their commitment to the state of Israel. Not only the Samson Option (destroying w/ nukes Western civilization w/ themselves,) but the Hannibal Directive which was self-employed so callously on their own people on October 7, 2023. "See? Look at us! See what we are willing to do!"

The primal, apparently amygdala-implanted destructive nature of the core elements of a certain sect of Jewry---and one such that always seems to appear in moments of perceived extreme peril---is just this form of irrationality---all or nothing. Especially concerning the former Pale of Settlement and its memory that from the Nulands and Kagans of this world, aids and abets their many generations of poisonous, vengeance-dripping hatred of all things Russian.

That the Biden White House is top-heavy with interlopers for Zionism cannot be denied, though few are willing to speak of it, so intimidated into silence has the U.S.-UK-NATO establishment become. Over half of the 474 listed White House general staff positions are held by Jews. This in a nation where their numbers are but 2.4% of the US population.

Tell me I'm racist, an ethno-supremacist non-Jew, whatever, "Sticks and Stones, blah-blah-blah..."

The numbers don't lie, nor are they subject to mathematical embellishment.

So what we have, is an American White House thoroughly infiltrated and in and internally under the control of a foreign nation, one of professed zealotry whose first order of business is ultimately and always: Israel.

What is so hard about stating this in public, especially as our own, and the world's ultimate survivability under this carefully constructed scenario remains at stake?

The wildest of wild cards. Right under our broken nose, which, unable to smell anything, allows such putrid rot and evil to have metastasized, to have grown up into such a large and unheeded bonfire that threatens our very being.

"Everything's fine . . . ."

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Can you please summarize before people start to read your essay?

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Even Churchill and Patton, going back 80 years, referred disparagingly about the Soviets as 'Mongols' (ie not like us sophisticated Europeans). The propoganda has been going on a long time and runs deep.

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All this abuse emanates from protestant northern Europe (and their english speaking settler colonies) who have absorbed Chosenite pretentions through their religion. Catholic Europe is seen as lesser species, and Orthodox Europe is beyond the pale. 'Mongols' is not so bad. Here in the Balkans we are beneath contempt: not only ***slavs**** but WOGs. Greece is apparently African with Turkic overtones. Nice!!

Why "they" would need or even want to hang on to us so tightly through NATO, EU and threat / corruption is simple: we are to be their blood sacrifice proxies.

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Jun 6Liked by Alex Krainer

The Kiai master is definitely Japanese, not Chinese. He has a Japanese name, and the voices in the video are talking in Japanese language.

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Extreme concentration and organizational homogeneity and eventually comes group think, not to mention the corruption and poor personnel in leadership positions that also inevitably comes. And now we've got it all!

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by Alex Krainer

This is an outstanding and thoughtful article, including the clown illustration — congratulations !!

PS: Fauci and Hunter have SS protection -- RFK Jr. NOT... ??!!??!!

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Jun 19Liked by Alex Krainer

Kissinger's book published in 2001 'Does America Need a Foreign Policy' page 75 tells all that's needed to understand Putin.

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Jun 9Liked by Alex Krainer

"someone at the Pentagon finally thought it a good idea to read up on the Russian military strategy. . . .they ordered some books."

Don't get your hopes up. Top of the list: ‘Strategiya: The Foundations of the Russian Art of Strategy’ by Ofer Fridman.

Here's Fridman on Russian strategy: (spoiler) "Russia's strategy is to sow chaos to destabilize, driven not by strategy but by opportunism. In short, Russia has no strategy."


OR -- check out Fridman's version of Gaza-Israel conflict: "Palestinians are all about emotion to cover up its terrorist violence while Israel is forced to work overtime using facts and reason in its hasbara." https://www.academia.edu/110046399/From_Hasbara_Public_Diplomacy_to_Influence_in_the_Gaza_War

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Quite right - I'm aware of the titles they ordered, but the very fact that someone even suggested learning more about the enemy suggests that people may be questioning the groupthink.

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💯 agree 👍🏻

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Political capital has no reverse gear. We need to restore our constitutions so real people power can hold the executive to account, as was the case before the usurpers and usurers turned up. Take back control.

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The first thing the Arrogant West needs to do is drop the dammm Arrogance, shit.

Nice piece bro

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