Oh YES I do believe they're THAT EVIL. I think they'd rather nuke the world & hide in their Project Eden underground lairs until their moment arrives again. And I will continue to Fight Them in my own little way till I die. Thank you, as always Alex!

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If course. Like cruel brats, they used 2 nukes as soon as they had them.

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If superior arms are a testimony to the productivity of Russia's economic policies, their oligarchy is doing a little better than ours. I wonder if their 13% flat tax helped worker productivity?

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Hypersonic missles are nothing new, and there are countermeasures.

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thanks for posting these, one more I think is very important


Until these people are fully exposed for the treachery they are responsible for the insanity will never stop only slowed and or delayed.

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The insane American neocons won't go nuclear. They know that guarantees the destruction of the United States, which they regard as their personal playground.

To the elite scum running the US, America is like Gollum's 'precious' ring in LOTR. It is a never ending source of narcissistic supply, and untold riches. America is a place where these psychos can admire themselves and each other, while enriching themselves in the process. Malign narcissists like them will never risk losing it, ergo, they won't launch nukes.

A nuclear exchange is far more likely to happen by simple human error or misunderstanding. Given Russia's insanely good s-500 missile defence system, if an exchange does happen, it won't be Russia that comes off worst.

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Respectfully disagree, if the new multipolar order take flight and it is, the unipolar one cannot exist. It’s not uni meaning one it’s uni meaning ONLY. It only works if it’s the only game in town. The playground you described will not be near as lovely. The US will experience some level of economic strife which will certainly lower the standard of living.

This creates the next concern for the Globalists/Neocons/Trotskyites. Without a vibrant economy there’s a genuine possibility the US military suffers. The elites are only as wealthy as their military is strong. Soros could be sitting on a mountain of gold but it does him no good if he can’t protect it. Many nations in the global south want people like him heads on a platter too. He’s only safe in the west and ditto for all his buddies. Nobody likes traitors except other traitors.

What I just summarized the elites obviously know as well. Does it not explain this crazy obsession from politicians and their media over Ukraine? It’s do or die for them and this could lead these spoiled children no good options.

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Good comment and I suppose it is possible that the psychos decide to take down everything with them. However, when you look at the history of dictatorships and banana / tinpot Republics, I think it is unlikely.

As long as these elites can control the majority by indoctrination/propaganda, while using intimidation and violence to silence/suppress most opposition, they remain in power and can continue to enrich themselves. That is their ultimate aim. They would prefer that outcome, to losing it all with a nuclear exchange.

They will simply ratchet up the lies and violence. Don't underestimate the ability of these scum to literally warp the truth, in order to control the majority. For example, if as expected Russia has a decisive victory in Ukraine, they will still say that Russia lost and the West won.

Another thing - the Russians and Chinese (but particularly the Russians) will already be prepared for anything. They will have already gamed out all possible scenarios, including alll the worst case scenarios. The Russian Stavka is the best in the world (by a long way), and the most experienced too, at this type of military planning.

Everyone assumes that an American nuke attack would be successful. in 2023, I'm not sure that I share that assumption. Russia's anti missile defences are light years ahead of anything the West or China possesses. I think the Russians can take out any incoming ICBM. I mentioned Russia's Prometheus S500 system for a reason. Add Kosmos2558, a satellite killer they've developed. Add the System A-235 PL-19 Nudol, a ground-breaking system designed to take out satellites and incoming nukes. Add the Peresvet laser system. And they are just the Russian systems that we know about.

Of course, America would be helpless against any Russian nuclear attack. There is nothing America has to defend against hypersonic missiles and other Russian weapons, such as the Poseidon torpedo. The Russians will already know the precise location of all nuclear silos or launch platforms that the US possesses across the world. They would be elminated within 1 - 2 hours.

Bottom line - the Russians are ready, the West is not. Don't Poke the Bear!

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The ruling class / conspiracy must know something we don't as they aren't afraid of Russia OR they have lost their minds. Maybe H Bombs are fake? Maybe the war is a manipulated or even fake event?

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The Western Ruling class asserts "Russia has already lost the (UKR) War", so how can we think we can be sure what they think? Repeat a lie enough times and even the liar starts to believe it. Who's to say which of them believe their own narrative, or must act according to the narrative to maintain credibility?

BTW, there was research at Bell Labs in the 50s that indicated that in mutual threat situations, threats escalate is small increments. Each small step is easy to take and people do so. the last small step, the one that is self-defeating, becomes easy despite people taking actions that hurt themselves.

When one views the world does it make sense to bet everything on people behaving rationality? Lots of data in behavioral economics indicates that there are many situations when people do not behave based on actual probabilities; they may act overly risk-adverse or irrationally bold compared to predictable probabilities. Emotion and motivation and what's worked in the past, can overcome rationality.

Mutually Assured Destruction/Global Winter research was done in a rudimentary (and inadequate IMO) way by the legendary Carl Sagan and collaborators in the early years of this century. I would contend that their goal was to deter a nuclear WW3 by convincing everyone that nobody would survive the war itself, but that, if they did, the prolonged nuclear winter would finish them off.


It seems obvious the likely victor would not initiate a nuclear exchange, if they were rational and believed they would die as a result.

But what is the US Nuclear Use Doctrine?

Starting with Hiroshima, US Nuclear Doctrine includes the alternative of "First Use". Not only just first use: During the Cuban Missile Crisis General Curtis LeMay, in charge of the US nuclear arsenal back then, prepared a strike on the USSR, but did not stop there. He also targeted enemies that had nothing to do with Soviet missiles in Cuba; he also targeted China and European countries friendly to the USSR. Yyou may recall that General LeMay ran for Vice President in 1965. Few recall that during WW2 was in charge of a massive firebombing of Japanese cities to kill civilians. He also carried out the US policy named "Project Starvation", which was a mine-laying operation in Japanese fishing waters, designed to eliminate a major part of their diet. (Look up the General's Wiki bio, if you are interested).

Would LeMay have been deterred if he believed in MAD and a uniformly fatal prolonged nuclear winter? We can't know. Do the current US leaders believe they will not survive WW3 in their bunkers?

The Russians, who as part of the USSR, lost 28 million people in WW2, also have a Nuclear Doctrine. Their doctrine is NOT to strike first. Russian Nuclear Doctrine is to destroy any enemy that uses any type of nuclear weapon against them. Russian hawks have been lobbying to make their doctrine more aggressive and offensive, so far to no avail.

I think it is logical to predict that a society is more likely to initiate a nuclear war if that society has not suffered the devastation of war and can't imagine losing a nuclear war. Believe in one's own invincibility is dangerous for everyone in a Mutually Assured Destruction situation.

To deter WW3, safely, I'd prescribe more fear of losing in those who think they are invincible. The facts justify it.

Regrettably, we don't have Carl Sagan around anymore, but the world seems to have no end of General LeMay's descendants, with a couple of notable ones from South Carolina getting a lot of the mainstream media limelight.

Russian military weapon advances provide the US with god reason to abandon a posture of invincibility. Yet, the Peace movement in the US seems to mostly be

populated by some of the remaining Baby Boom generation... perhaps reflecting what passes for "History" classes in schools.

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Very interesting to read this article and the comments in late November 2024. The group-think psychopaths of the west have taken off their masks. Here's to hoping that sane minds prevail.

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How about the crazy idea that the ruling class conspiracy thinks nuclear war would be a good depopulation strategy and that the Earth could recover better from nuclear holocaust than the current human over-population?

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The Russians would never be able to find and destroy the US ballistic submarine fleet. Russia air defense has been less than impressive and they haven't able to achieve air superiority let alone supremacy over Ukraine... much of the strategic arsenal is also likely inept though probably not ALL of it.

At least 10 to 15 years from accuracy enough to target and destroy a moving target like a carrier battle group. Expect ECM/ECCM, decoys, etc to be a big thing while the US works on DEW and our own hypersonic platforms.

The next step goes to where we were going in the early 60s and the only sure way to avoid that scenario entirely is space supremacy with orbital and suborbital troop transport and ultimately the USAF Orion battleship. US anti satellite weapons were demonstrated decades ago. GPS will be degraded but GLONASS will be annihilated, as well. Military launches would restore at least regional US military capability. While the rest of NATO, is worthless, Russia would be severally mauled in a strategic exchange.

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Oh dear.

Even the US thinks the US military is weak, my friend - maybe start your journey from ignorance here https://www.heritage.org/defense/commentary/yes-the-us-military-weak

It's a sad state of affairs. Experts and those with knowledge of this issue have been sounding the alarm about it for years.

Your comments about Russia reveal how ignorant you are. Again, you need to be better informed before posting embarrassing comments.

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I fully agree!

This seems unfortunatly to be the case with almost all Yankees (and far less Brits) who still believe in their greatness and superiority.

I am writing this in plain honesty to make the more thoughtful readers here aware of facts and NOT in order to insult anybody. Only liars can feel insulted by the truth.

There are many reasons for this ignorance:

1) The "splendid" isolation.

2) The early destruction of all other mother tongues - and English is so extremely primitive and the semantics of most words extremly imprecise compared to Deutsch. Core words are even missing (Mensch, Volk, Freund and a lot more) or have very different semantics. Monolinguism is evil and limits brain and spirit. This is why all natural multi-lingualism has been destroyed by the US/UK in the wars that they started all over Europe.

3) The extremely low education even of university graduates. Most Yanks don't even find the countries on a globe that the US is currently in war with.

4) The totally missing respect for older (and in all cases) higher cultures. US "culture" ends on the Gershwin level.

5) The extreme degree of materialism.

6) Giving the de facto rule to YHWHpeople, i.a. satanists who use the US as their military arm to rule the world in the name of satan.

7) From YHWH stems the believe to have the right to rule the world.

8) All of which (and more) results in an unmatched arrogancy and a total lack of respect for other Völker ("peoples" has not the same semantic).

There can only be peace in this world if Karma strikes the US and the remainders of the UK.

P.S. How stupid the US are can best be seen from making Red China as important as this satanic communist state has become!

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US and UK wealth stems from stealing only. Look at what they had stolen from us (Germans) and are still every day through their proxies in Berlin gov.

We have one exact word for such: Raubmördernationen!

One needs a phrase to translate that into primitive English: robbery genocide nations!

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"robbery genocide NATIONS".

Whilst this is entirely reasonable, it does not accurately or precisely attribute causal responsibility and as such risks letting the culprits off the hook if and when we get to clean house at some point in the future. Mr Krainer is also very clear on this.

Instead of saying 'the Americans this...", or "the Brits that...", or "the EU the other...", we need to start naming them for what they are - the globalist financial elite and their representatives, of which some happen to be American, some British, some German.... etc. All have one thing in common however - the betrayal of their home nation and countrymen is an initiation test, a sign of loyalty, proof of commitment to their globalist ideals.

Saying 'the US this' or 'the UK that' or 'the EU the other' is playing their game as they purposely hide behind these 'institutions' and use the labels to obfuscate the reality of what is happening and who is truly responsible. Failure to call them out for who and what they are is not going to help solve the problem - i.e. the diminution of this globalist, technocratic elite.

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Cool it with the anti-semitism...

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You got your anti semites backwards. You can no longer 100% equate israel with the jews. It's israel, and not the jews who are backing the ashkeNAZI's. It is israel, and not the jews that are backing the khazarian mafia. It is israel, and not the jews that are trying to get everyone in the world to do their fighting, and financing for them. It is istael, and not the jews who want the U.S. to attack Iran. It was istael, and not the jews that executed 911.

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I should have put a /sarc after.

I have a PhD in Yidology.

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*American psycho

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I totally disagree mainly because you are exchanging stereotypes by others.

Anglos all follow "right or wromg, my country" and their flag and that is entirely in contradiction to German behaviour, belief and tradition. There is nothing similar in the German spirit. But it would need lots of examples to convince you of that fact as you are certainly unaware of the truth and facts.

You are certainly also not aware that the Kaiser and all major German military leaders went on holiday in summer 1914 as nobody expected the British to be so extremely ruthless to start a war by surprise because of the Belgrad murder. The French had meanwhile brought their troups close to Saarland and Elsaß that they had intended to steal for a long time.

British gave out letters of marque allowing to murder and steal as a profession while at the same time the Prussians founded the Hanse together with our mainly eastern neighbors to fight piracy.

These are just three example from a much longer list.

If one follows the trail of the money, as I did, one always and always and under all circumstanced ends up at YHWH people or their deciples or the prostitutes who serve them.

These are called "elite", which is a dishonst euphemism. Satanist would be a more precise term to use.

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"Anglos all follow "right or wrong, my country" and their flag and that is entirely in contradiction to German behaviour, belief and tradition. There is nothing similar in the German spirit."

How about "Deutschland über Alles"? Isn't that a standard (to use German semantics of the word) example of that spirit? I believe Germans wrote the book on ethnic superiority---several books, as a matter of fact, starting with Jenseits Gut und Böse, and going down from there. And speaking of Mensch, care to elaborate on the uniquely German semantics of Übermensch?

Other than that, I fully agree with the rest of what you're saying.

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I respectfully would disagree a little. Not "only" stealing from you, but from their own people too (more below). In addition wealth stemmed from exploiting (in positive sense) natural resources and actually making things. Yes, there is the issue of unfair advantage of a world reserve currency also. But German industry has made many wealthy. Not your common all-garden German who has suffered under Merkel's policies of wage growth suppression, just like so many other Western nations. There's also the question of a nation's psyche. Many call Americans brash, but their confidence allows them to do things others don't do. What is behind the German psyche? What ever it is it is not helped by the psyop played on them after WWII.

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"Not "only" stealing from you"

I agree!

"What is behind the German psyche?"

It is today the deformed result of 80 years of Frankfurter Schule 100% in YHWH spirit and of a gigantic matrix of lies.

I learnt at school some 50 years ago that Katyn were the Germans. Nothing could have been further from the truth. The Wehrmacht was welcomed in Ukraine as liberators from the Bolshevics. Katyn were the Sovjets who were lead by YHWH people in the spirit of Stalins birth name "Tschugashvili" and Tschuga means Jew in Georgian, vili is son (like *vic or *sen in in slavic od germanix languages).

Kohl, Merkel and the brain-amputated idiots in power today are the breed of this spirit.

That's why I left my country in the mid-ninties after recognising that the Stasi had talen over the US colony.

Things in all countries can only be changed through a truthful press, media and history books because "Only thruth will set us free".

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Great piece. Another feature of Russia's hypersonic missiles that many say is the true game changer is their manoeuvrability (non ballistic trajectory). Only Russia has manoeuvrable hypersonic missiles. American ICBMs are ballistic only.

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Yes, correct - great point.

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I look at all events through the lense of the Bible because it is the only way to make any sense of what is going on in this world. God speaks to us through the Bible, and in it He shows the depravity of mankind … all mankind. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”(Romans 3:23). Yes, me too.

So what is on the horizon for mankind? “…Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age? And Jesus answered and said to them, See to it that no one misleads you. For many will come in My name, saying ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many. You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. But all these things are merely the beginnings of birth pangs”(Matthew 24:3-8).

So it is well known we are being mislead and finding the truth is quite difficult. We have wars (Ukraine/Russia) and rumors of wars (China/US). We have famines coming (fertilizer shortages, droughts, wars), and we’ve just had a terrible earthquake affecting Turkey and Syria. And more is to come per the words of Jesus.

But I know the end, and God wins (per Revelation, the last book in the Bible). But the road from here to there will be horrible. “…Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8). “A third of mankind was killed by these three plagues, by fire and the smoke and the brimstone which proceeded out of their mouths”(Revelation 9:18).

By the way, you may wonder why the elites of the past and present follow the same storyline (lie, kill, deceive). Because they are like the one they follow, Satan. “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him…(John 8:44).

I understand many will call me foolish for my belief in God. But my hope is that my quote of Jesus (in the second paragraph above) will spark something in you that shows you what Jesus stated is actually coming true, and that the other things He said are also true (Romans 10:9-10).

Thank you Alex.

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Thank you for sharing this. First off, I do not think you foolish for your belief in God, and something of what you wrote has already sparked in me - none of what you wrote rings silly or too far out from where I stand. I have one disagreement: that all humanity is depraved. We are God's creation so how could that be true?

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Thanks Alex. I don’t typically share my beliefs, but things in this world are getting crazy.

So God is perfect and He does not sin. Sinning means to miss the mark (think of like a bullseye target and missing the center), not necessarily depravity though many do end up there.

How do we miss the mark? We miss the mark by not being able to follow all of God’s laws (10 commandments from the Old Testament or the 2 commandments Jesus gave us from the New Testament). Let’s take the 2 commandments from Jesus (Mark 12:30-31) where He tells us “and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” Some can say they follow the first one to a tee, loving God with all their being. But can those people also say they love their neighbors (meaning every person on earth no matter how evil they are) as they love themselves? No, they cannot, they miss the mark.

God did create a perfect Adam and Eve, but then they sinned by following Satan and doing what God told them not to do. And we’ve inherited their sin from that day forward. We miss God’s bullseye of perfection. Some do not miss the mark as bad as others (a liar vs a murderer), but (James 2:10) “whoever breaks one commandment is guilty of breaking them all.” So it doesn’t matter how close you are to the center, it only matters that you missed the bullseye.

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So you indirectly write that Christus was a liar, if you refer to the daemon of the YHWH-"Bible" and mix this with the Christian bible!

The Christus said in shortened wording but semantically 100% identical: Nobody knew the father before I disclosed the father (i.e. before Christus incarnated). The original is somewhat longer, see Matth. 11:27.

Together with Ioannes 8:44 these are undeniable proofs that "the father" is never ever identical with this hate-filled, extreme rascist, blood-thirsty daemon of the YHWH "bible" that requires circumsision as blood sacrifices and this daemon at least once introduces itself (no error the "it") as El Shaddai, i.e. the Satan.

Satan has succeded in Nicaea 325 to infiltrate and undermine almost the entire Christian church. Marcion (circa 65 to 145) contradicted this much earlier. Look-up Marcon hier on this page for more details.

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No, Jesús Christ is not a liar and I will never claim this. Please do not attribute your words to me. That is not a kind thing to do. I only know of one Bible, so I am not even sure what you are referring to when you speak of YWWH Bible and Christian Bible. God bless you.

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Thank you for beeing so honest about your lack of basic knowledge.

What generally is called Old Testment is taken from the Thora, the old history book of the believers in YHWH, most of whom call themselves Jews but are are decendents of Khasarians a turkish people who converted to the YHWH cult a long time ago. This was detected by Isreali scientisted by DNA checks. I therefore have no reason to doubt these statements.

The essentials ("spirit") of Old and New Testment contradict one another entirely. Did you never notice?

As one must assume that God is the only absolute entity, one must also assume that God does not change His mind, i.e. does not turn from the blood-thirsty etc etc (see above) YHWH daemon to the one that the Christus named "I and the father are one".

This is why there are only two possibilities:

Either the mixing of Old and New Testament is a fraud (which I am certain of) or the Christus was lying with His statemenst that I quoted above (which certainly was not the case).

Unfortunately all priests, theologians etc are not aware of this but believe in their naivity that God changed somehow His mind. Which is absurd.

The fault is in the universities, which prohibit critical thinking and expect to follow their teachings even if it is as absurd and false as shown above.

I could bring many more proofs but you must find our yourself. Note that none of the many names of YHWH is ever used by Christus or anibyody else in the NT and that Christus is never mentioned in the AT.

The AT is neither the word of the Christus nor of God, but of a daemon that Christus called Satan in Ioannes 8:44 and that uses many different names in the Thora / AT.

P.S: I would like to leave it at that as this is not part of the subjects of this thread. You must find out yourself. Good luck. Knowledge in truth is something you must find our yourself, free are only lies.

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We will agree to disagree and leave it at that. May God richly bless you in all your endeavors.

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I agree. Alex, you may find this article of interest. We debate all things endlessly, and political systems are part of that debate. Yet all these are simply "chains of agency" and not the essential cause. Please consider to read and share,


Not a news feed, always free.

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Only one man in all of human history has ever detonated a nuclear device over a civilian population...

and he was a Democrat...

and he did it twice.

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"he was a Democrat"

That's as unimportant as not truely correct!

But this does not imply that I have any Gramm of sympathy for the Dems who today are pure Socialists.

Here is what Truman was:

He was a Zionist and therefore an extreme racist and satanist as he enabled the illegal stealing of Arab land to create a state for foreigners, who btw already owned their racist state reserved only for them by their fellow brother Stalin (birth name Tschugashvili, see the meaning exlained elsewhere here on this page). This state was and still is called Birobidjan and reserved to worshippers of YHWH, the entity that Christus called Satan and man murderer from the beginning and father of lies. Read Ioannes 8:44.

This Truman-founded state commits mass murdering to the rightful ingenious population on an almost daily basis and hardly anibody in the world seriously objects to these crimes. As Christus said: "The children of satan."

When I write "illegal" I refer to the only then existing "world order" defined only by the Den Hague war convention that was signed and ratified by all then "super powers" in the 1890-ies. As a side-remark: over 65% of today's Poland is still legal German soil under the Den Hague treaty, but we are different and hardly any German would expell any Pole just because of that (and this theft had been planned since 1848 (18!!).

Further, Truman - as Wikipedia writes - "served as a Shabbos goy for Jewish neighbors, doing tasks for them on Shabbat that their religion prevented them from doing".

Seems this devil was elected by the majoritry of Yankees and he continued to serve his masters.

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Michael Palmer is his book "Hiroshima Revisited" researched it and would not agree that a nuclear bomb was detonated...soort of like looking at evidence of recent "forest fires" or landing on the moon.

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Thank you Alex for sharing this very interesting piece. Especially from Croatia. I always suspected that there is much more going on in the Central European intellectual arena than whats transpiring across the indo-german language filters.

In Hungary we also have a retired prof. called Laszló Bogár economist who has a youtube series as well as now very often invited to various talk shows, and although not a military analyst he is practically a polimath and very much aware of the Venetian roots and the historical aspects, but he goes even beyond and often hints to the ultimately transcendental nature of this conflict which will need to be ultimately fought and resolved in the spiritual, moral and intellectual domains. Pointing out that this is currently only represented by two secular leaders pointing out the same. This being Viktor Orbán and the Pope.

Regardless of who manifests this currently I think its an interesting notion, which is well worth pondering about, given our own personal experiences of feeling lost in the increasing levels and vortex of confusion.

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Thank you Jay! Does prof. Laszló Bogár write or give interviews in English at all? I'll be sure to look him up. I suspect there are people like that in all nations, but few dare to speak up. Which is why people who do, like Laszló Bogár and Domazet are very important voices.

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You can use deepl.com for excellent translations!

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The problem with the transcendental is, it’s not very concrete.

My nerd joke of the day, sorry.

But the vibe about reaching into the deeper underlying ideas resonates with me. I had this image of the enemy being outflanked, due to a quality, a virtue, of mankind they could not grasp, being who they were.

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The United States and Britain with their banker, evil take down of countries that do not hand over their wealth is over, as a American I have had it with our government and our military, the DOD is now involved with these vaccines and bioweapon labs directed at the American people and the world. I see Russia as my savior, period. This must end..

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Yes, Russia is truely Christian, while the United *S*atans of America are ruled by foreign satanists. John 8:44 names them!

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It's not so much that Russia is bettering us, although they are!

It's the U.S. following the wrong business model! Cheapify everything! Screw the consumer! Avoid accountability at all costs! Ignore the law! Forget attention to detail! Add more middle men! If the project fails, have as many directions to point fingers at, as possible. And if all else fails, just bribe a politician. Oh, and all laws only apply to the peons!

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Good one Alex.

Based on your statement that Domazet "takes into account the history of western financial oligarchy, their Venetian roots, migration to Amsterdam where they formed the Dutch Empire, and subsequent move to London...", I wonder if he read this fascinating read - https://www.amazon.com/Modern-Anglo-Dutch-Empire-Evolution-Anti-Human/dp/B08T43FN9H

I would say it is an invaluable read to give one a longer term perspective. You can find PDF versions in various dark corners.

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I wouldn't know, but he talks about that stuff. And the book you link is a MUST read!!

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From reading the book description and the comments and merging in my own knowledge of history I get the strong suspicion that the author was afraid of and too dishonest to openly name the true nature and religious background of those alleged "Dutch".

We must never forget that there is a group of people who claim to be whatever currently is advantageous to them and who are never loyal to their currently choosen "Wirtsvolk" - and as their exists no suitable English translation I will give it a try: "Wirt" is host but there is no word for Volk in English as "Volk" puts the strong emphasis on the decent, the ius sanguinis (right of the blood) the true ethnic backgroup and passport does not matter. This is why all Austrians are, of course, Deutsche but not the other way around. "People(s) does not so. It corresponds to what in Deutsch is "Leute".

Current example: There are nowadays many German citizens (passport holders) who decent from Turks and they are thefore never ever "Deutsche". Note that a huge percentage of the US people are ethnic Deutsche and would therefore have the right to become German citizes (which at THIS moment I would not recommend).

I stronly doubt that native Dutch (500 or even 300 years ago they were counted as part of the Deutsche Volk) have infiltrated and taken over the "City of London" etc. These must have been disgiused members of an entirely different and "opposite" Volk. Free your imagination!

Most of the slave trade was, BTW, in the hands of members of this same Volk and as disguise they all adopted Spanish names but were neither Spaniards nor Christians.

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This is a very difficult question; historically, pointing out this "volk" has caused violent reactions to the perceived root cause of the problem, but these reactions - directed at that volk - were wrong. First, they NEVER solved the problem as they left the system intact. Second, they victimized a lot of innocents in that volk giving those who control the system an emotional/moral bludgeon. Having experienced (during Covid 'pandemic') how rabidly the crowd can turn against those they perceive to be the enemy, I think it is wiser not to dangle that label before them, nor incite hostility against a whole volk.

They've coexisted in Iran for millenia and as far as I understand it, do not enjoy disproportionate privileges there, so wiser solutions must be possible. Putin's Russia is also seeking to solve this problem in a wiser way. Long story short, I understand what you are saying, but also understand why Ingraham would leave out the ethnicity/religious aspects. Our problem is systemic, and our solutions ought to be systemic.

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While not pointing at any other poster here, I suspect that the majority of "anti-semitic" rants we see on platforms and comment sections are intended to discredit by association.

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There is also the human tendency to seek scapegoats, which has the added disadvantage of giving an excuse to avoid looking at our own faults and thereby not resolving them or growing to maturity.

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Many of your arguments are very one-sided and insofar false - but this is not the place to discuss this - agreed - difficult subject.

However and categorically I insist that "Only truth shall set us free". This implies that lies will enslave us even further and omitting essential facts are the worst form of lies.

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The reference to the Venetians is the true historical trace of the British Empire mindset which is over-represented in the American establishment. It is that which we fought in the Revolutionary War, and ever since. Amateur and professional history sleuths looking to unfold mostly every other issue will fail if they don’t understand that history. In my mind, the merchant-middlemen of old and the modern Globalists are the same Pirate class operating between shores, and with loyalty to no nation of people. I assume the merchant cartels’ disproportionate share of profits as traders put them in the oligarchical drivers seat by default.

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"with loyalty to no nation of people"

Their loyality is exclusively devoted to Satan who was named as YHWH by Christus in Ioannes 8:44 (Anglos call him falsly Jan).

This is why they had choosen Nagasaki & Hiroshima as targets, which were the most christian Japanese cities. And devil Churchill whose balls were in the hands of YHWH banks named the reason why the Brits started both WW against us: Destroy the spirit of Schiller and the entire Deutsche Volk.

I am looking forward to the annihilation of London, which will happen during the rest of my lifetime. Karma never forgives or forgets.

Chruchill and Bomber Harris still have their memorials in London and they almost murdered my mother together with >500.000 Germans children, women and elderly had she not missed the last train from Berlin by 10 minutes. She was suppost to stay that night in Dresden.

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Wow Frank. David Irving, as a Brit, is very clear on the evil perpetrated on Dresden and the disgrace that was and still is Churchill. But would you really do the same to similarly innocent victims as was nearly visited on your own mother? All while quoting John 8:44 which explicitly calls out Satan as a murderer - from the beginning - and yet ignoring the commandment - thou shalt not kill.

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Is it my quoing of Karma that disturbes you?

"thou shalt not kill" is certainly refencing to Menschen (no exact word in English again exept this fancy "human being").

Karma is devine - or call it "nature" if you prefer.

It's that simple in my believe. Do you disagree?

Just to be more exact: Dresden and all the other German cities that had the same fate are just one point on a very much longer list of British crimes all over the world. And the United *S*atans of America cought up very quickly.

And as a professing Christian, objecting the current satanist pope actor and the institutional churches (nice German word is "Amtskirchen" [Konkordat related]), I am aware that the New Testament has been consored and that the YHWH bilble ("old" testament) has nothing at all to do with the Christus as was already tought by Marcion, the most imporant and mostly unknown first Christian teacher (circa 65 to 145).

Thus I see no dissent between Karma and the "thou shalt not kill".

In other words: as long as UK & US continue to exist in power there will be no peace on earth. Ask the Ukrainians about their foreign circumcised dictators.

As can be seen at the example of my mother, Karma seems to rescue some if not many Menschen from what it does to others nearby. Would you want the rapers of Rotherham or those British officials who preferred to be quiet about these horrific crimes to be among those who are saved by Karma?

And finally: Do YOU feel entitled to judge? Or any other Mensch? I certainly do not, would not want to judge myself of have anobody else do so.

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No, it you wasn't quoting Karma, it was more you seeming to look forward to London's annihilation. I'm not sure if you're being vengeful or not but I find being vengeful is not good for one's physical health. Otherwise I agree with a lot of what you write - institutional churches, the evil nature of US and UK regimes and the people group who act behind the scenes.

OTOH, I don't find Karma a sure and consistent bringer of justice, in fact my observations are that Karma is unreliable.

And no, I fully recognize that I am neither entitled or qualified to judge others.

So as Karma would only work as a theory if you believe in reincarnation (presumably as a lesser being if justice is being served), which I don't believe, I am content to abide by these two ideas. First, vengeance is mine says the Lord and second we all will answer before the judgement seat one day.

Go in peace Frank.

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"if you're being vengeful"


"look forward to London's annihilation"

That was meant as one natural way of removing this problem through devine Karma. I clearly wrote this in one context.

Side-remark: There are many "pre-visions" by Germans (Schauung in Deutsch), people who saw huge waters overflowing and destructing almost all of Britan, all of Denmark, half of the Netherlands ("lower land" literally) and most of the German costal areas. Hannover as a harbour city. Hamburg gone etc.

I would prefer to solve this problem "my way" and that is by tearing down this giganic matrix of lies - generally and in all counrtries. I won't go further into details but the "metaphysical side" gave me the right concepts (I am certain). One problem though: This would mean total war against the "prince of this world".

"Karma is unreliable"

Aren't your expecations somewhat too high and too human?

Seriously: We have all lost all memory to previous lives. There are people who claim that this used to be different. I dunno. Sure is that Karma usually does not apply in the same life.

"you believe in reincarnation"

That is a fact that no serious half-intelligent non-indoctrinated (by churches) person can deny. BTW: In the censored NT Christus and His diciples mentioned consequences of reincarnation a couple of times. Thus, this was general knowledge in these "old days".

"vengeance is mine says the Lord"

I think you're mixing the Christus bible with Satan's bible as most churches and priests do. Christus never said anything like that. Mixing two totally incompatible teachings into one "book" is logical perversion. I have successfully nailed down several (all) theologians that I dissussed this subject with down to shutting up as I made them realize that they had no argument for this false teaching. (The word is my sword)

But I am sure that Marcion was right. (BTW: Most you can find in English about Marcion is BS. Try to find a translation of the classic work written about 100 years ago by the Lutheran theologian Adolf von Harnack (German as you would assume) and separately and at the same time by a Dutch theologian (got no name at hand and you would not understand Dutch = Old Deutsch any better).

"we all will answer before the judgement seat one day"

I am not so sure about that but I rather assume that this is done through the circumstances of the next reincarnation. Where do all these handicapped, mentally and/or physically crippled Menschen come from. Why was I so lucky to be born into a totally healthy and strong body with superb caring parents that send me abroad to learn languages in my teen ages while some of my cousins were far less fortunate. Couln't Karma be the answer?

How else would one much higher being teach its stupid little Menschen how to behave?!

The rule of Karma is BTW one of the first proverbs that I learnt from my phantastic grandmother: "Was Du nicht willst, das man Dir tu, das füge keinem anderen zu!" deepl.com is your friend.

English seems to express this posively with: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

Friede sei mit Ihnen!

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Vielen Dank.

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So very true Alex. Thanks for all that you do, I appreciate, learn from, and value your every post!

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Thank you, Anthony!!

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Very interesting article, despite I had read up about Russian missiles quite a bit.

I read it first at sott.net, by the way.

But if I may ask :

> When above target, it dives perpendicularly and accelerates to 15 mach, generating enormous kinetic energy in addition to its explosive payload.

Where does this information come from ?

All the sites available to me (including in Russian) state a velocity of Mach 10. Though it is plausible to accelerate in the terminal phase, some anti-tank missiles do the same.

Nor was I privy to details about that Soviet/Ukrainian bunker busted with a Kinzhal. I knew it was at about 150m deep, and this fact alone suggested it was supposed to be nuclear strike safe.

And picking this target amongst all the other, more "valuable" one's told me this was supposed to be a warning and a technology demonstration.

By the way, I very much enjoy your podcasts with Tom Luongo.

The finances and economics is were the fate of Europe will be decided - or was ...

The EU has been exposed as a military paper tiger, and any kinetic conflict will result in a disaster.

Though I think they could be stupid, ignorant and evil enough to trigger a nuclear exchange.

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Hi Frank, thank you for your feedback and your kind words - it's much appreciated. The information that's contained in my article comes all from what the Admiral D. Domazet laid out; whether it's mach 10 or 15, or whether the warehouse was 170 or 150m underground, I don't know - if the Admiral got it wrong, then I got it wrong. But in either case, even if it's (only) mach 10, and the warehouse only 150m underground, still the case remains - the weapons are game changers.

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Alex - as typical you are an Intelligent Thinker - one who understands subtleties, nuances, and having discernment. Keep up the great work. As you have noted - "The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks." ~ Lord Acton

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Thank you again, that's very kind! =)

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Not that I'm making a fuzz about such inconsistencies.

But it means that either the Admiral got it wrong (or exaggerated), or he is privvy to classified information, and the Russian military is understating their weapons specs. Both seem plausible, at least to me.

As some other blogger uses to say, the Russian general staff is older as an institution than the US itself. Not only do they leave the West in the dark what this 300.000+ mobilized reservists are intended for, which are still waiting in the wings. They also hold back their most modern weapons, and use them very sparsely.

But instead managed to update their ADS software to intercept HIMARS missiles, detect & locate Starlink terminals, and jam other weapons. All thanks to the ubiquitous use of this equipment in the Ukraine.

For a long time I believed there must be an extreme perfidious Western plan behind that events in the Ukraine. But I'm more and more convinced that people like Col. McGregor, Andrei Martyanov or Larry Johnson are right - it is just incompetence, ingorance and hybris. Which makes me worried, because one cannot expect rational behaviour from such people, even in life-and-death decisions.

> ...thank you for your feedback and your kind words - it's much appreciated.

As a short follow-up:

Most interesting to me were the podcasts about the role of the FED, which seems now in the hands of an American anti-WEF faction. Which is the most plausible explanation for the often seemingly schizoid and self-conradicting course of the US.

High finance and banking is not my field of expertise, and I have trouble keeping up with all the information pouring in ...

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I think we all have trouble keeping up with the information... And with regards to the conduct of war, I agree that we're looking at monumental scale hubris coupled with staggering incompetence.

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Awesome article, Alex! Admiral Domazet sounds like a brilliant man. "There is no evil to be faced that Christ does not face with us. There is no enemy that Christ has not already conquered. There is no cross to bear that Christ has not already borne for us, and does not now bear with us."

Pope John Paul II

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Beautiful, thank you Greg!

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Let's hope this information brings the US/NATO to the negotiating table, but I'm not holding my breath.

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Excellent, Alex. The one cavil I'd have is that it's not just that RF has an overwhelming advantage in long-range attack, but a similarly overwhelming (generational) advantage in AD. As Martyanov was just saying on a podcast w/ Scott Ritter and Garland Nixon today, the performance of RF layered AD has been so consistently staggering that we treat it as routine--S-350, 400, 500, 550, but also Buk, Tor, Panstsir--the Tor system in a recent *battlefield* video shot down 12/12 HIMARS--something as small as an artillery shell moving at Mach 2, 3, 4?

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