Why US-Russia relations matter more than anyone knew?
Hegel prophesized, that, America is the land where, in the ages that lie before us, "the burden of the World’s history shall reveal itself." Those ages have begun.
Shortly after I published my last article, “Is a US-Russia Grand Bargain in the works?”, President Trump posted a statement on his TruthSocial platform that he had a "lengthy and productive phone call with President Vladimir Putin of Russia." Among other things, Trump stated that he and Putin, "each talked about the strengths of our respective Nations, and the great benefit that we will someday have in working together." This came as a surprise, but certainly a welcome development. My last article provoked a lively discussion in the comments sections and these comments reflect, perhaps, the way this news impacted the public.
Many pointed out that the US is not agreement-capable and that Russia would be wrong to ever trust commitments by any US president. This may be true, but having relations is certainly better than having no relations, which is what we had during the last three years of the Biden criminal cabal. Having good relations makes a lot of things possible and I believe that even if the road ahead is difficult, the relationship between Russia and the US is so important, it is worth giving it a level best from both sides.
Former German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel stated in an interview with Bild am Sontag in 2018 that, "The completely shattered relationship between Russia and the US was the greatest threat to peace across the globe," and that unless the two powers find common ground, "our children would inherit a dangerous and very uncertain world increasingly armed with nuclear weapons." Today we know what Gabriel meant by his statement.
It’s the banking cabal…
Other commenters said that the US is dominated by the banking cartel of the Wall Street - City of London axis of evil, that these bankers hate Russia and will not allow friendly relations between the two powers to hold. Now we’re getting closer to “Mordor.” The role of the banking cartel has been critical in defining the US-Russia relations, reminding us once more of Lord Acton's statement that, "The issue that has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks."
This very fight could be the key reason why a new alliance between the United States and Russia is so important. I've discussed this in my 2017 book, "Grand Deception." The relevant excerpt is below:
Given the pervasive and deep-rooted hostility of the American establishment toward Russia and the role American advisors played during Russia’s transition in the 1990s, it may seem odd that Vladimir Putin remained consistently open for friendly dialogue with his American counterparts, always referring to them as our partners and even our American friends. On important occasions, Putin backed his friendly disposition toward the U.S. with real action. As Soviet defector Lev Alburt wrote, “Putin was the first to call Bush on September 11, and he offered what America needed: the Northern Alliance to help the US to defeat the Taliban and capture Bin Laden; transit for US and US-allied forces over Russian territory; Russian bases in Central Asia; intelligence; supplies; indeed everything America might need to fight terrorism. All of this and more Putin delivered, ignoring grumbling among his military and intelligence chiefs.” Trusting in the commonality of Russian and American interests, Putin has indeed maintained this attitude even in the face of disapproval on the part of many Russians. One Russian diplomat told Lev Alburt that, “In our government, there is only one man who still believes that Russo-American partnership is possible, and worth aiming for. Because that man is Vladimir Putin the rest of us follow.”
One possible reason why Vladimir Putin might believe in the commonality of U.S. and Russian interest is because he understood that the enemy that has had Russia in its crosshairs for over two centuries now, is the same system, or structure of power that has taken the American people and their government captive, squandering America’s wealth and destroying her prosperity in their drive to build a global empire. This enemy is the global financial oligarchy that has been able to impose control over most nations of the world through their system of money and credit and their central banking franchise. In biblical times they might have been called money-changers. We can also call them empire builders. Because their franchise is global and distributed across many nations and capitals, even when any given country managed to curtail their power, the money-changers always managed to burrow their way back, subverting their governments and reversing their independence. ... This very same financial oligarchy that took control of the Bank of England and set up the Federal Reserve System in the U.S., has today spawned a global central banking franchise that controls most of the world’s central banks. The ultimate owners of this system belong to the same dynastic oligarchy that has over the centuries supported multiple attacks on Russia, from Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815), Crimean War (1853-1856), the Bolshevik Coup (1917), Hitler’s 1941 invasion, as well as the 1990s raid conducted under the guise of Shock Therapy transition.
I believe that Vladimir Putin has understood – he certainly is sophisticated enough a thinker – that he could not vanquish this global oligarchy by confronting them head-on and throwing them out of Russia. That would only set them back temporarily as they would use their system of money and credit to claw their way back into Russia’s institutions and subvert her independence once more. Perhaps he has resolved instead to build bridges of understanding and cooperation with Russia’s American friends and work together to rid both nations, and perhaps all of humanity, of the money changers for good. If this truly is Mr. Putin’s game plan, and if he finds in the United States true partners and allies in this struggle, we may be so fortunate to witness a new U.S.-Russian alliance that could turn the tide of history away from the dystopian state of disenfranchisement, debt servitude and permanent war, toward a new era of peace, cooperation and prosperity.
The above excerpt encapsulates why the relationship between the two powers could matter far more than is commonly understood. It also explains why the banking cabal is fighting so hard to destroy it. It may be hard to envision just how this parasite could be dislodged from humanity, but just as it got there somehow, it should be possible to rout it out somehow. Nothing lasts forever, so neither should their degenerate, pathogenic rule.
In Russia there comes the hope of the world
The conversation between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, 12 February 2025 could be the best news we had in years. In the last chapter of “Grand Deception,” I wrote as follows:
Perhaps more than at any point in history, the future of humanity lies in the hearts and minds of the people of the United States and the people of Russia. Do we dare imagine the world we could all build together if we rejected the needless fear and hostility? What might we achieve if we turned our talents and energies toward improving our world rather than producing arms of destruction? What if we chose beauty and harmony over power and dominance? Do we dare believe that it is our privilege to move humanity forward to a new, better, more gratifying ways of living?
Life is a magical gift and our present experience in the world of artificial scarcity and manufactured hostilities may not allow us even to fully envision what life could be like in its full splendor. Like people in a never-ending sandstorm, we cannot see the beauty that surrounds us, let alone enjoy it. Each and every one of us is vaguely aware that some important part of the human potential, perhaps something divine in us, remains unfulfilled yet eager for its own realization. The future is in our hands and we ought to strive to find and fulfill that potential. That is the struggle worth all of our earnest efforts, which must begin in mutual respect and friendship among nations and peoples so that we may begin to rediscover humanity for what it potentially is.
As utopian as these musings may sound, there can be little doubt that warfare wastes more than just economic resources. It also wastes human lives, it stunts and misdirects our creative energies and destroys the foundations on which we could build a far better future.
Vladimir Putin, I believe, understood these things perfectly well and I think this largely explains his unwavering disposition to engage with his American counterparts in a friendly and constructive dialogue. In order for us to avoid making a massive mess of things, it would be important for the American side to reject hysterical demonization shoved daily down their throats and to reciprocate Putin’s disposition with friendship. As a human being and as a father, this is my fondest hope for the future. To begin with, this would be the first step toward thawing the new cold war and preventing the hot one from erupting. Furthermore, in absence of hostility, the two powers could take steps to rid the world of nuclear weapons and end the senseless and costly global arms race. That would free up vast resources that could be allocated to building a future with far more prosperity and freedom than ever before.
I don’t know whether we can attain utopia, but I do know that we don’t have to destroy the world. Perhaps, just like in the 19th century, the future lies in the hands of the Russian and American people. In 1944, American mystic and reverend Edgar Cayce said that, “In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.” I believe that this hope depends on what the world does with it.
Still, the most important struggle perhaps, is the struggle to engage the American people who I believe hold the keys to the future of humanity. As Georg Friedrich Hegel prophesized, “America is therefore the land of the future, where, in the ages that lie before us, the burden of the World’s history shall reveal itself.”
It may be - it certainly seems so - that we have reached that junction and the sleeping giant has now awakened. In addressing the American people, Ernesto "Che" Guevara said, "I envy you. You North Americans are very lucky. You are fighting the most important fight of all – you live in the belly of the beast." In that, he was right.
By referring to “the strengths of our respective Nations, and the great benefit that we will someday have in working together,” Donald Trump may have foreshadowed what Cayce had announced. I would underscore however, that the keys lie, not in our fallible, mortal leaders, but in the hearts and minds of the Russian and American people, and with them the rest of humanity.
Our allies are us
In the same way that the American people firmly rejected the sinister scheemings of the criminal Biden/DNC cabal, so they can persist resolutely to move along the path to a better future. Back in 1971, Walt Kelly popularized the quip that, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” Today we can and we should reverse this. We shall meet our friends, our brothers and sisters, our allies in this magnificent adventure: they are us. Today we are living in times when the burdens of World history are revealing themselves and the principle, that each man shall live for his fellow man, has indeed been born.
About “Grand Deception”
My book, Grand Deception was banned in 2017, only five weeks after it was published. Subsequently, I was cancelled altogether on Amazon, which also appropriated about three years of royalties, which they “forgot” to pay out (you’ll understand, Bezos’ yachts and space program cost a lot of money).
I am grateful to a reader who just alerted me that the book is available at the following link where you can access it free of charge. For anyone who prefer a hard copy version, I’m afraid the book is only available from the pages of its publisher, the Red Pill Press:
Americas: https://www.redpillpress.com/shop/grand-deception-bill-browder-magnitsky-act-russian-sanctions/
Because shipping charges can be quite high, Red Pill Press has a different link for
UK and Europe: https://www.pilulerouge.com/product/grand-deception-truth-bill-browder-magnitsky-act-anti-russian-sanctions/
The PDF copy can be downloaded here: https://www.redpillpress.com/shop/grand-deception-pdf/
Alex Krainer – @NakedHedgie is the creator of I-System Trend Following and publisher of daily TrendCompass investor reports which cover over 200 financial and commodities markets. One-month test drive is always free of charge, no jumping through hoops to cancel. To start your trial subscription, drop us an email at TrendCompass@ISystem-TF.com, or:
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one of the most hopeful essays I've read in a long, long time. very worth considering.
Putin, Trump, and Xi are up against the same City of London cabal.