Speaking as a Brit, i think we may need to define what we mean by the 'British Empire'. What I think is going on is: Firstly, there is a group of powerful European families, that broadly cooperate with each other in order to seek to control the world. Some are well known names but some we rarely mention. Secondly, these families are globalist in outlook but for purely historic reasons, several are UK centric. They use the City of London (which is technically not part of the UK) and the UK government to supply the Generals and support staff, to coordinate and implement their global agenda. If anything, they are anti - British in their outlook. Consequently, the British people are screwed over by this system, as much, if not more, than any other nations.
Yes, agreed. This is why I tried to point out that it is a mistake to conflate the empire with a host nation. And they absolutely do screw the people of such nations, abuse them as unscrupulously as those in the colonies.
What's left out is the London System of Fractional Reserve banking inherited from Medieval Venetian gold smiths,.A Ponzi scam that allowed the British to pay for their overseas adventures! To this day.
This empire predates grande bretagne, thisbis the empire that killed Christ. If you dont understand this is a supernatural realm, you'll understand nothing
The Pentagon didn't open until January 15, 1943, long after the future MICIMATT complex took over the British Empire's empire, buy protecting the UK from the Third Reich that couldn't cross the British Channel.
The Constitution didn't give much power until the federalists started misconstruing it.
That is why both Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson started anti-federalist political parties that have morphed into the federalist major parties of today.
If you knew what federalism is all about, you'd know that it always leads to imperialism in the absence of a population resistant to it. The Articles of Confederation restricted and limited the powers of a central government.
I agree with you & would add that they showed their hand because they had no choice.
They reached the point that they had long known was coming!
The point where their Ponzi Scheme financial System would break down.
Before reaching that point they planned to gradually & seamlessly jump into a new scheme with them still in control! But what they planned was/is so far fetched as to be impossible to succeed by them or anyone else! Their plan,if Carroll Quigley is to be believed,was to have a world wide hi tech Feudal society With them on the top! to accomplish this they would need to murder 2/3 of the Human Race. That is probably why they went into germ warfare with Covid 19,to mass murder billions of People
Ah yes, but Rhodes's expedition to the southern reaches of the African continent was financed by the House of Rothschild. They are everywhere a potential profit exists to be accrued. (And they own the Economist and started the London School of Economics where Mr Soros was 'placed' as a young man.)
It is outside the jurisdiction of the UK Parliment and the monarchy. As such, it is not bound by UK law nor was it ever part of the EU. It is the therefore the ultimate tax haven, hiding in plain sight. You have to dig deep, however, to figure these things out as they try to distract you with stories of quaint old, medieval rituals. It has some similarities to the Vatican, which is outside the jurisdiction of the Italian Parliament and therefore also outside the EU.
The model for the Basel Bank of International Settlements, outside Swiss Jurisdiction, founded by Bank of England chief Montague Norman and Hjalmar Schacht - Hitlers Finance Minister.
Montague Norman,...Along with Ben Strong at the Fed,who created the political
Adolph Hitler in the 1920's Wiemar Republic!
The Fools created Nazi Germany & actually believed that they could control Hitler & the Nazis.
The Agenda was to have the Germans go to war with Soviet Russia And watch both rip each other to shreds,.Then the bankers would step in & pick up all of the pieces for themselves!
The reality was that the Nazis attacked west instead.Both France & Britain were dragged into war in 1940!
A war they thought they could watch from the sideline
The Monarch is a Doge, a Venetian Primes inter Pares, not an absolute power, beholden to the Privvy Council, since the Venetian Party took over England during Shakespeare's time. The City of London Corporation is Venice reloaded. See Shaxson's movie above.
"The City of London forms part of London as a whole, along with the 32 London boroughs who have responsibility for local government services within their local area."
The City and Empire have gone to great lengths to keep out of public view. As AlexK wrote the Empire is a system of governance outside any concept of national sovereignty. I fully understand people caught in the Spiders Web. See Shaxson's movie linked above.
I was pleased to see Tucker bring up the possibility of assassination, because it is a very real possibility. This danger must be openly and loudly discussed to make it less likely and not more likely. And how convenient for humanity that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is also now a major political figure calling for a populist uprising against the elite tyranny. The universe works in mysterious ways, but what better time for another leading figure to appear who is directly descended from two victims of the deep state. As institutions continue to crumble, human values will ascend as we look to family, community, and our essential humanity for guidance. Those are values that can never be extinguished.
I have no doubt you are right Alex. We are in for a rough ride, but humanity will prevail. We are on the brink of a golden age as we cast off the chains that we have allowed to shackle us and our jailers are utterly defeated. But we have work to do, and openly exploring the potential for evil as we keep our eyes and ears open is essential. You sir are part of this process. Bravo.
I also believe that things will improve & Improve radically in the near future after a bit of confusion!
1) no help will come from Washington,the government & the Swamp are Democrat territory & the reality is that the Republicans there are just guests,there as place holders with little real power!..They are there to make believe that there is a real 'Political Process' in Washington!
2) Salvation will come from the Sovereign States by default as the Democrat regime in Washington collapses financially in the near future! Collapse it will & soon!
Fools wait for the 2024 election in Washington,this is a sad dream,time doesn't stand still & Washington politics won't go on as though it will go into suspended animation for the next 14 months....When this collapse occurs,in the next few months, it will be a whole new set of future circumstances! the Republican States will need to step in by default & the whole scam from 1913 will start to unravel.Unravel back to where it was before the Wilson Regime!
Than it will be time for a drastic rebuilding back to Constitutional Governance!
"We are on the brink of a golden age as we cast off the chains that we have allowed to shackle us and our jailers are utterly defeated. But we have work to do, and openly exploring the potential for evil as we keep our eyes and ears open is essential. You sir are part of this process. Bravo."
I'm sceptical that anyone in power would sanction a hit on Trump. Historically, and the US and Brits have plenty of experience here, it's very dangerous. You risk making the person into a martyr and a touchpaper for unpredictable levels of social uprising. I think the deep state would be more likely to protect Trump.
This whole situation is coming about because 30 years of ZIR stability and uncontested hegemony convinced the West that it would soon take over the world. They got arrogant and lazy. Now Trump, Putin, Xi, Africa etc are scaring the crap out all the fools who slowly drifted into power in the post-Soviet era. But that situation will change. At the end of the day, Trump isn't a terminal threat to the vested infrastructure of state. They just have to relearn how to adapt to a changing world and that is happening.
Yes. I am horrified that it has to be discussed, but ignoring it endangers Trump and the rest of us infinitely more than openly exploring the evil we are facing.
Precisely the opposite. If you are confronted with a loved one who is profoundly depressed and you are fearful of the possibility they are considering suicide, you do no favors by ignoring that and being afraid to bring it up. By openly discussing it you are making it less likely - not more.
I thought I made it clear that I was pleased it was openly discussed and brought out into the open by a person, Tucker Carlson, who clearly wants to avoid the horror of the assassination of a political candidate. We all know too well that deep state players will stop at nothing, as they have been unrestrained in the past. Given what they are doing in terms of "lawfare" to sink his candidacy, we cannot pretend that some would not be willing to go all the way. Assassination is an unspeakable crime against humanity - but it must not remain unspoken of - not with the Kennedys' Martin Luther King's, and Malcolm X's history. Evil must be called out before it occurs whenever possible.
What is Trumpism? In order to understand Trump’s popularity you must first understand that the USA is not divided between Republicans and Democrats, but between Nationalists and Globalists. Nationalists want to live in an independent sovereign nation-state with a Constitution and Bill of Rights that guarantee and protect each citizen’s personal liberty, property rights, and personal pursuit of happiness in a capitalist economy. Nationalists are America First MAGA Patriots. Globalists want to abolish independent sovereign nation-states. Globalists want open borders. Globalists want to abolish the US Constitution. Globalists want the sheeple to subordinate their personal liberty, property rights, and personal pursuit of happiness to the “community.” Globalists want to replace capitalism with modern fascism in the form of Global Public-Private Partnerships. Globalist Fascists want to use Global Public-Private Partnerships to force upon the sheeple Digital ID, Digital Currency, a Social Credit Score System that will be used to control sheeple’s access to money and whether or not they can get bank loans, mortgages, and goods and services. Globalist Fascists want to use Global Public-Private Partnerships to implement UN-WEF Agenda 21/2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) dictates that businesses will have to adopt in order to get bank loans and capital investment. Globalists want to replace independent sovereign nation-states with “Mega Regions” that will be governed by a more empowered, both financially and militarily, United Nations. Of course the Globalists will have to change the name of the new governing organization from “United Nations” to something more in line with their New World Order of global governance.
In order for the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy to finally achieve their centuries old goal of a One-World Global Empire they must first accomplish two prerequisite goals:
1. The “Great Collapse of Society” using the methods propounded by the Frankfurt School.
2. The abolition of the US Constitution that legitimizes the USA as an independent sovereign nation-state, and that guarantees and protects citizen’s personal liberty, personal rights, and personal property ownership.
The only thing standing in the way of the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy achieving their goal of a NWO One-World Global Empire is the US Constitution that legitimizes the USA as an independent sovereign nation-state, and guarantees and protects each citizen’s personal liberty, personal rights, and personal property ownership. Donald Trump is the leader and standard bearer of the “America First MAGA Patriots” movement that holds the US Constitution in its fist and waves it in the faces of the Deep State RINO Establishment and the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy. This is why the Globalists have declared Donald Trump as their Enemy No. 1 who must be destroyed in any manner possible, legal or not, at all costs. Enemy No. 2 is anyone who supports Trump.
The “Great Collapse of Society”
“The Frankfurt School and “Critical Theory”
The “Frankfurt School,” or Institute for Social Research, was set up by a group of Marxist intellectuals in Germany in 1923, affiliated to the University of Frankfurt and independently of the Communist Party, which has been influential in the development of Marxist theory ever since.
The Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief – or even the hope of belief – that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.
To further advance their ‘quiet’ incremental cultural revolution (Fabian Socialism) – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):
Divide and Conquer.
The oppressed and their oppressors.
1. The creation of racism offenses.
2. Continual change to create confusion.
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking/drug abuse.
7. Emptying of churches.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pan-sexualism’ – the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:
• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors.’
I might throw a little Tom Luongo into this. It appears the US has trained up the leaders of these African coups, and the US doesn't seem to be the target of their anger.
Has the US Oligarchy broken with the European/Brits? We blew up the NS2, and are now cutting France off from its natural resource empire. All the while the Fed's actions are draining the world of offshore dollars, at a time when more and more BRICCS trade is being settled without dollars. The Fed has said they are OK with more reserve currencies.
It appears to me the US financial oligarchy has already chosen a side, and it isn't The City of London or Brussels.
Unfortunately the US politicians don't s see em to have gotten the memo yet.
Yes, all these developments are extremely interesting and it's clear that there are mutually opposing factions struggling for influence in the US. It is THE core battle for the future of humanity.
Yes, and in the last two weeks there has been a culturally galvanising song, "Rich Men North of Richmond" that seems to have spread across so many groups, but in common is the understanding that the song speaks to the dispossessed and the woke/left is apoplectic. And not just one but three songs in the top ten apple music chart... And yet I wonder how this slipped through the censorship matrix.
We will make it in America because we have The Free & Sovereign Federal Republic of America.
Republicans in Washington are the weak party because most of the politicians are little more than pretty faces with a good line of sweet talk.Big talk & little else.Very few,if any, leaders among them.
There is nothing coming out of The Republicans in the House.Many of them may be personally compromised in some manner & fear getting dragged down with the Democrats.So they do nothing but talk!
The American half of the Anglo American Establishment is decoupling from the Anglo half after
110 years of collusion together!
Britain no longer has it's colonies & is now just another small nation devoid of power. The American Bankers may be cutting ties with their Anglo partners who are now seen as a liability!
One sign is the Feds. continuing to raise it's Prime Rates!
The European Central Bank needs to do the same to keep capital from flowing out of Europe & into the USA. This is drying up investment capital in Western Europe!
I can't see this happening without the approval of America's Bankers & financiers! The EU will soon break up into it's component parts & the only nation that will be able to prosper will be Germany!
Have you considered the possibility that the financial oligarch has chosen a side at the behest of the City of London? (To sacrifice Europe while concurrently consolidating imperial power in by overthrowing the U.S. Constitution, in the midst of what they recognize as the inevitable collapse of the multi-trillion dollar derivatives bubble). They are playing chess, while your fidget with checkers.
The hidden global imperialists no longer seek to conquer nations as in the past.
Rather they seek to gain financial control over nations.Gain financial control while hiding behind the curtains & manipulating the elected leaders into doing what they,
The "commodities based system of Russia & the BRICS" is transacted with fiat - Rubles Renminbi Rupe Real etc... which are all created same as all modern currencies: double entry bookkeeping.
You can 'spend' these currencies on whatever is for sale in the economies where they are accepted as payments: if that's what you mean by "Redeemable"? If you mean "Redeemable" into gold, then sadly this is not possible via central banks for any currency globally now today in 2023, nor has it been possible since Nixon took the dollar off gold convertibility on demand in 1971.
Britain & western Europe are Thru,..,Their 500 year domination over the rest of the world with their Colonial Empires is gone.They were defeated by the Russians & BRICs financially.
The London bankers & their Fiat money can't compete with resource based financial systems of the Russians & BRICS.
America can do fine! North America can severe it's financial ties to Britain & the EU.
North America is a big, resources rich,continent that can revert back to to a commodities based financial system it had before 1913.
The USA needs to decouple from the London bankers,..& get rid of the FED.
Europe is a dead man walking. This process has been in effect for a long time. BRICS is a result of the failure, not the cause.
Eventually, a cannibalistic system will collapse of its own bloat and inefficiency. That is what has killed Europe. Limited resources, lack of innovation and creativity. Living on the reputation of a gilded age long past. The party had to end sometime.
This was because the western Europeans were a couple of centuries ahead of the rest of the world in technology 500 years ago.
They also were near the water & could send their wooden ships all over the globe to exploit less advanced peoples. Today all of the Colonies are gone & are now Independent Nations.
Without their Colonial empires these former Imperial powers are just small nations with little wealth!
The British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy control the USA through three primary organizations:
1. The US Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was created to be a subsidiary of the British Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House).
The British control the US State Department through the CFR.
2. The FBI/MI5 and CIA/MI6 and NSA/GCHQ were created to protect the wealth, interests, and New World Order Agenda of the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy, and not to protect the citizens of the USA and subjects of the UK. The “Five Eyes” was created to coordinate global intelligence collection, analysis, and policymaking amongst the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA.
3. The US Federal Reserve System was created as a subsidiary of the Bank of London, and now the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), a sovereign “entity” located within Basel, Switzerland, is the Central Bank guiding all subsidiary national Central banks.
Thus, the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy control the USA by controlling the US State Department through the CFR, by controlling the US Department of Homeland Security, and it’s lesser National Intelligence Apparatus, through the “Five Eyes,” and by controlling the US Federal Reserve System through the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
That's why we need to return to the States.There will be no salvation coming out of Washington.Washington has been completely warped since 1913 in order to meet the needs of the Central Banks.Most of the changes in the Federal Government & it's agencies since that time are unconstitutional & thus illegal!
Alex,I have some differences of opinion with you,but they are small!
The British & Western Europe are thru after 500 years of being the world's center of power!
Kissinger wasn't a Minion of the British Establishment!
He was a Rockefeller stooge!
That being said,the Rockefeller's were allies of the British Banking Empire!
That being said, the Anglo America establishment may be coming apart.
It may very well be that one of the reasons for the large increase in the prime rates at the Fed in NYC is an effort to destroy the European Central bank The ECB must also raise rates at a time when the EU needs cheap money for investing!
I believe you are right it is coming apart -- in part due to the need to tamp down those pesky Neo-Cons that start the wars on time to benefit Kissinger and his string pullers in the City of London. War is a very profitable racket. But at some point you get out-- that what Kissinger was trying to tell the Neo-Cons in Davos.
Thank you Sidney - I don't disagree with what you said. I brought up Kissinger's statement to make a point, but you are right the relatiinship is not necessarily direct
Kissinger is a consigliere of the Rothschild banking family. (remember his recent trip to Davos?) To the extent that intersects with the Rockefeller's, I agree.
Within (geographical) London, the non-jurusdictional part is known as "The Square Mile", so slightly larger than a few (London sized) city blocks. Its also known as "The City of London" (not to be confused with Greater London) or simply as "The City". Neither the monarchy, Parliament, the regulatory agencies, the military or any of the UK's police forces have any jurisdiction in that square mile. By definition, the Square Mile was never part of the EU. There is a theory, however, that "The City" was in favor of BREXIT as they feared that EU MEP's and financial regulatorors might start taking an interest in its special status but that is conjecture. What is clear is that they have been very successful in ensuring that difficult questions, about their status, are never asked in the UK Parliament.
And whenever you discuss this or BIS in Switzerland and how strange it is that BIS employees have total immunity of prosecution, even lot better immunity than diplomats.
Then comes along some guy whose comments you have never seen anywhere before and starts to derail the conversation by gaslighting and strawmanning and constantly demanding sources or proof even if you provide those, what a coincidence.
Same thing usually happens before local elections too, a discussion forum that i use, gets always multiple new users just before elections who badmouth those electoral candidates who seem to be honest and true, and promote the career politicians, using same tactics as the BIS / City of London conversation derailers. Those users are then not seen anywhere after elections are held, again, what a coincidence...
Same thing with Gab.com , mostly uncensored social media site, that i occasionally use ; every time some US gun law changes, there are hordes of new users selling that now newly illeagal part in suspiciously cheap price.
These are feds and other leos of course, but luckily people have gotten wise on them and they now get mostly booed and leered. (some of those sellers IP addresses have actually been verifiably in government locations)
Aside from Dr. Henry Kissinger, appointed an Honorary Knight Commander in the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (KCMG), here is a list of US KCMG's :
I am puzzled by your comment. Forgive me if I am being obtuse. LaRouche was considered a conspiracy crank back in the day as I recall, just like Jones and they are proving to be ahead of the curve with many of us playing catch-up. I protest nothing in regards to Jones or LaRouche - we need many more such people to call out the crimes and draw back the veil.
I know Quigley. The point about LaRouche is Mueller - Trump is getting the fulll LaRouche treatment. As we now know Tucker openly discussed the assassination threat, for a reason. Trump could have openly exonerated LaRouche for the very same reason.
Ok. I am not at all familiar with the Mueller and LaRouche connection - interesting - I'll have to explore that. Trump does have to firmly establish his populist bona fides in his next term and LaRouche is certainly a substantial figure in the populist movement. I still don't get the Shakespeare reference to my comment - maybe just being a little slow today.
There is a document on the WH website about the special relationship with the Brits. It reads like there is no daylight between us - as if the US has no interests of its own that might supersede the partnership. It made me wonder whether the US was a sovereign nation after all. It sure didn’t sound like it.
Great to see the curtain parting. BRICS11+ and counting with the new NDB sure causes earthquakes.
Trump had chances to do something such as pardoning Ed. Snowden, exonerating Lyndon LaRouche, and declassifying ALL the JFK files as required by law. Instead he pardoned Bannon. Looks like he thought he could make a DEAL with the British Empire. Trump said if you had seen the JFK files you also would have refused to open them. IMHO the only thing that could have shaken Trump is FORINT foreign intelligence in those files, i.e. the British Empire. This time around I suspect Trump is in less of a mood to deal!!
The Venetian velvet glove is off the NATO iron fist for everyone to see.
Another great analysis. So good to have some clear and well-researched info as we all struggle to get some clear picture of where we are in all this. Many thanks!
Great work, Alex (comme d'habitude). You put some nice pieces together, linking Trump's relationship=building with the BRICS nations (originators and the new ones alike) as an existential threat to the British Establishment.
A thought that I had while reading it was that, perhaps, the amazing bridge-building with Kim Jong Un was, at least in part, a backdoor to relationships with China?
Thank you Jeff. You are probably right. Much of what Trump did as president turned out a lot more interesting than it appeared. There are strong reasons why London went apeshit over his term in office.
A bit of topic, but while talking about the City of London, I should add that Panana has some similarities. Panama (the country) is very poor, run by a small group of old families, with the only real revenue being from the canal itself, but yet Panama City hosts multiple offshore financial service companies. Why there are why did Carter give the canal away? My suspicion is that the primary purpose of it being given away was to create such an offshore haven. Think about it - whereas countries like Switzerland has had their offshore financial haven status slowly eroded by EU pressure, no western power can afford to pick a fight with Panama, as their economy is too reliant on the canal. I have thought this for some years (since visiting there) but was recently struck by Trump talking about the decision to give away the canal, with me thinking that he knows more than he is saying.
Speaking as a Brit, i think we may need to define what we mean by the 'British Empire'. What I think is going on is: Firstly, there is a group of powerful European families, that broadly cooperate with each other in order to seek to control the world. Some are well known names but some we rarely mention. Secondly, these families are globalist in outlook but for purely historic reasons, several are UK centric. They use the City of London (which is technically not part of the UK) and the UK government to supply the Generals and support staff, to coordinate and implement their global agenda. If anything, they are anti - British in their outlook. Consequently, the British people are screwed over by this system, as much, if not more, than any other nations.
Yes, agreed. This is why I tried to point out that it is a mistake to conflate the empire with a host nation. And they absolutely do screw the people of such nations, abuse them as unscrupulously as those in the colonies.
What's left out is the London System of Fractional Reserve banking inherited from Medieval Venetian gold smiths,.A Ponzi scam that allowed the British to pay for their overseas adventures! To this day.
This empire predates grande bretagne, thisbis the empire that killed Christ. If you dont understand this is a supernatural realm, you'll understand nothing
Can you not conflate it with the British Navy which did all the heavy lifting for the Empire's fascists?
Yes, the Royal Navy, supported by the British Army, was the globalists military arm for nearly two hundred years, until the Pentagon took over.
The Pentagon didn't open until January 15, 1943, long after the future MICIMATT complex took over the British Empire's empire, buy protecting the UK from the Third Reich that couldn't cross the British Channel.
The people behind the British Mafia controlled the Third Reich, and YOU know it.
And the world is quickly waking up to it.
Until May 1940 when Hitler turned West instead of East & invaded France
The Third Reich was financed by American banksters.
Just remember when you point a finger, three of your fingers point to you.
The learned elders of Zion have been replaced by the Nazis of Netanyahu.
No Doubt,
Maybe, in The long run, the British people,the everyday people,will be better off without the arrogant establishment it now supports!
Just as the American people would be better off without their bipartisan dictatorship limiting their electoral choices for their own benefits.
That's why America needs to get away from Washington & back to the states & the Constitution!
They chose to go to Washington when they overturned the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution.
For starters,there was no Washington D.C. when the constitution was signed!
For another thing,the Federal Government has gone far beyond its legal mandate & today is operating in a largely illegal manner!
The Constitution never gave the Federal Government the authorization to operate as a powerful Central Government
The Constitution didn't give much power until the federalists started misconstruing it.
That is why both Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson started anti-federalist political parties that have morphed into the federalist major parties of today.
that's caused by the concentration of power in few hands in Washington.
the Federal Government which is Constitutionally Illegal as America's Central Government!
The Constitution never Authorized Washington to be an Imperial Central Government.
Only a very mandate restricted & limited Central Government.
If you knew what federalism is all about, you'd know that it always leads to imperialism in the absence of a population resistant to it. The Articles of Confederation restricted and limited the powers of a central government.
I agree with you & would add that they showed their hand because they had no choice.
They reached the point that they had long known was coming!
The point where their Ponzi Scheme financial System would break down.
Before reaching that point they planned to gradually & seamlessly jump into a new scheme with them still in control! But what they planned was/is so far fetched as to be impossible to succeed by them or anyone else! Their plan,if Carroll Quigley is to be believed,was to have a world wide hi tech Feudal society With them on the top! to accomplish this they would need to murder 2/3 of the Human Race. That is probably why they went into germ warfare with Covid 19,to mass murder billions of People
"Keep your head down" "Tick all the boxes" "Sometimes we have to eat what's in the fridge"
Want a glimpse of the thought process's of the British Establishment elites?
Read the quotes of Cecil Rhodes!
Rhodes believed that the world was created to be a playground for the British gentry!
Ah yes, but Rhodes's expedition to the southern reaches of the African continent was financed by the House of Rothschild. They are everywhere a potential profit exists to be accrued. (And they own the Economist and started the London School of Economics where Mr Soros was 'placed' as a young man.)
Interesting questions about Soros,
who is currently an agent for the Privy Council!
How did young George do currency trading in Post War Hungary while the nation was being absorbed by the Communists.?
How did teen age Soros get papers allowing him to go to London from chaotic post war Hungary?
Which strangers lent him money upon arriving in London? Barclays Bank? The Quakers? Who got him into the London School of Economics? Why?
The City of London is the financial district in the city called London but it isn't in the UK?
It is outside the jurisdiction of the UK Parliment and the monarchy. As such, it is not bound by UK law nor was it ever part of the EU. It is the therefore the ultimate tax haven, hiding in plain sight. You have to dig deep, however, to figure these things out as they try to distract you with stories of quaint old, medieval rituals. It has some similarities to the Vatican, which is outside the jurisdiction of the Italian Parliament and therefore also outside the EU.
The model for the Basel Bank of International Settlements, outside Swiss Jurisdiction, founded by Bank of England chief Montague Norman and Hjalmar Schacht - Hitlers Finance Minister.
Montague Norman,...Along with Ben Strong at the Fed,who created the political
Adolph Hitler in the 1920's Wiemar Republic!
The Fools created Nazi Germany & actually believed that they could control Hitler & the Nazis.
The Agenda was to have the Germans go to war with Soviet Russia And watch both rip each other to shreds,.Then the bankers would step in & pick up all of the pieces for themselves!
The reality was that the Nazis attacked west instead.Both France & Britain were dragged into war in 1940!
A war they thought they could watch from the sideline
It is physically located in Greater London, making it physically in the UK.
what do you not understand
I think this guy,Vonu, is a sadist who likes to play with other peoples Minds!
Mostly incomplete sentences like that.
So is BIS, not Swiss. The London City Corporation is explained in Shaxson's movie linked above.
Moxies are fictional.
So is money.
The City of London financial district calls itself the Crown.
It is an autonomous few blocks in London & has it's own representative in parliament.
the rep is called,The Remembrancer or something like that!
How does the King feel about them calling themselves the Crown as he does himself?
The Monarch is a Doge, a Venetian Primes inter Pares, not an absolute power, beholden to the Privvy Council, since the Venetian Party took over England during Shakespeare's time. The City of London Corporation is Venice reloaded. See Shaxson's movie above.
Primus( nom. masc. sing.) pares ( acc. masc. plur.)
Primus inter pares
Fractional Reserve money transplanted to London by the Gold Smiths!
And, once again, a movie is a fictional work.
Not according to the Venetian Gold Smiths who went into the banking business with other peoples gold!
So is money, once again.
I will ask him the next time a meet him for tea!
The King gets loans from the bankers at discount rates!
Unlike the United States Government.
Nope separate charter--lots on it to Google 😊
Via Google, in britannica.com/place/Greater-London, it says:
"The City of London forms part of London as a whole, along with the 32 London boroughs who have responsibility for local government services within their local area."
Geographically, yes. Politically, no. It's like saying the Vatican is part of Rome. It's one of the ways they distract you.
The Vatican is an independent member of the UN from Italy.
Does the City of London have its own sovereignty outside of the UK?
Saying I am detracted is just an ad hominem attack.
The City and Empire have gone to great lengths to keep out of public view. As AlexK wrote the Empire is a system of governance outside any concept of national sovereignty. I fully understand people caught in the Spiders Web. See Shaxson's movie linked above.
No. In that sense it's true status is subject to greater concealment than the Vatican.
But there isn't any of it to cite?
The City of London's website is https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/, indicating that it is part of the gov(ernment) of the UK.
That's not evidence anymore than using +44 as country code is.
It has a representative in the British Parliament but is not subject to rule of the British Parliament
See movie link to Shaxson above.
Reply here, I can't find the link to the Shaxson's movie
Shaxson has 2 books, and this documentary:
The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire | Documentary Film
I was pleased to see Tucker bring up the possibility of assassination, because it is a very real possibility. This danger must be openly and loudly discussed to make it less likely and not more likely. And how convenient for humanity that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is also now a major political figure calling for a populist uprising against the elite tyranny. The universe works in mysterious ways, but what better time for another leading figure to appear who is directly descended from two victims of the deep state. As institutions continue to crumble, human values will ascend as we look to family, community, and our essential humanity for guidance. Those are values that can never be extinguished.
I have no doubt you are right Alex. We are in for a rough ride, but humanity will prevail. We are on the brink of a golden age as we cast off the chains that we have allowed to shackle us and our jailers are utterly defeated. But we have work to do, and openly exploring the potential for evil as we keep our eyes and ears open is essential. You sir are part of this process. Bravo.
I also believe that things will improve & Improve radically in the near future after a bit of confusion!
1) no help will come from Washington,the government & the Swamp are Democrat territory & the reality is that the Republicans there are just guests,there as place holders with little real power!..They are there to make believe that there is a real 'Political Process' in Washington!
2) Salvation will come from the Sovereign States by default as the Democrat regime in Washington collapses financially in the near future! Collapse it will & soon!
Fools wait for the 2024 election in Washington,this is a sad dream,time doesn't stand still & Washington politics won't go on as though it will go into suspended animation for the next 14 months....When this collapse occurs,in the next few months, it will be a whole new set of future circumstances! the Republican States will need to step in by default & the whole scam from 1913 will start to unravel.Unravel back to where it was before the Wilson Regime!
Than it will be time for a drastic rebuilding back to Constitutional Governance!
Agreed 100%. Except the Republicans are not 'guests,' they are for the most part willing accomplices.
I was trying to polite,
But you are correct
"We are on the brink of a golden age as we cast off the chains that we have allowed to shackle us and our jailers are utterly defeated. But we have work to do, and openly exploring the potential for evil as we keep our eyes and ears open is essential. You sir are part of this process. Bravo."
Hear hear!
Thank you Carol! 😊
Thank you!
I'm sceptical that anyone in power would sanction a hit on Trump. Historically, and the US and Brits have plenty of experience here, it's very dangerous. You risk making the person into a martyr and a touchpaper for unpredictable levels of social uprising. I think the deep state would be more likely to protect Trump.
This whole situation is coming about because 30 years of ZIR stability and uncontested hegemony convinced the West that it would soon take over the world. They got arrogant and lazy. Now Trump, Putin, Xi, Africa etc are scaring the crap out all the fools who slowly drifted into power in the post-Soviet era. But that situation will change. At the end of the day, Trump isn't a terminal threat to the vested infrastructure of state. They just have to relearn how to adapt to a changing world and that is happening.
Yes. I am horrified that it has to be discussed, but ignoring it endangers Trump and the rest of us infinitely more than openly exploring the evil we are facing.
“Pleased” makes it sound like you want Trump to be assassinated.
Precisely the opposite. If you are confronted with a loved one who is profoundly depressed and you are fearful of the possibility they are considering suicide, you do no favors by ignoring that and being afraid to bring it up. By openly discussing it you are making it less likely - not more.
I thought I made it clear that I was pleased it was openly discussed and brought out into the open by a person, Tucker Carlson, who clearly wants to avoid the horror of the assassination of a political candidate. We all know too well that deep state players will stop at nothing, as they have been unrestrained in the past. Given what they are doing in terms of "lawfare" to sink his candidacy, we cannot pretend that some would not be willing to go all the way. Assassination is an unspeakable crime against humanity - but it must not remain unspoken of - not with the Kennedys' Martin Luther King's, and Malcolm X's history. Evil must be called out before it occurs whenever possible.
You made it very clear 😊
Trumpism is Nationalism over Globalism.
What is Trumpism? In order to understand Trump’s popularity you must first understand that the USA is not divided between Republicans and Democrats, but between Nationalists and Globalists. Nationalists want to live in an independent sovereign nation-state with a Constitution and Bill of Rights that guarantee and protect each citizen’s personal liberty, property rights, and personal pursuit of happiness in a capitalist economy. Nationalists are America First MAGA Patriots. Globalists want to abolish independent sovereign nation-states. Globalists want open borders. Globalists want to abolish the US Constitution. Globalists want the sheeple to subordinate their personal liberty, property rights, and personal pursuit of happiness to the “community.” Globalists want to replace capitalism with modern fascism in the form of Global Public-Private Partnerships. Globalist Fascists want to use Global Public-Private Partnerships to force upon the sheeple Digital ID, Digital Currency, a Social Credit Score System that will be used to control sheeple’s access to money and whether or not they can get bank loans, mortgages, and goods and services. Globalist Fascists want to use Global Public-Private Partnerships to implement UN-WEF Agenda 21/2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) dictates that businesses will have to adopt in order to get bank loans and capital investment. Globalists want to replace independent sovereign nation-states with “Mega Regions” that will be governed by a more empowered, both financially and militarily, United Nations. Of course the Globalists will have to change the name of the new governing organization from “United Nations” to something more in line with their New World Order of global governance.
Trumpism is Nationalism over Globalism!
In order for the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy to finally achieve their centuries old goal of a One-World Global Empire they must first accomplish two prerequisite goals:
1. The “Great Collapse of Society” using the methods propounded by the Frankfurt School.
2. The abolition of the US Constitution that legitimizes the USA as an independent sovereign nation-state, and that guarantees and protects citizen’s personal liberty, personal rights, and personal property ownership.
The only thing standing in the way of the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy achieving their goal of a NWO One-World Global Empire is the US Constitution that legitimizes the USA as an independent sovereign nation-state, and guarantees and protects each citizen’s personal liberty, personal rights, and personal property ownership. Donald Trump is the leader and standard bearer of the “America First MAGA Patriots” movement that holds the US Constitution in its fist and waves it in the faces of the Deep State RINO Establishment and the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy. This is why the Globalists have declared Donald Trump as their Enemy No. 1 who must be destroyed in any manner possible, legal or not, at all costs. Enemy No. 2 is anyone who supports Trump.
The “Great Collapse of Society”
“The Frankfurt School and “Critical Theory”
The “Frankfurt School,” or Institute for Social Research, was set up by a group of Marxist intellectuals in Germany in 1923, affiliated to the University of Frankfurt and independently of the Communist Party, which has been influential in the development of Marxist theory ever since.
The Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief – or even the hope of belief – that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.
To further advance their ‘quiet’ incremental cultural revolution (Fabian Socialism) – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):
Divide and Conquer.
The oppressed and their oppressors.
1. The creation of racism offenses.
2. Continual change to create confusion.
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking/drug abuse.
7. Emptying of churches.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pan-sexualism’ – the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:
• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors.’
I might throw a little Tom Luongo into this. It appears the US has trained up the leaders of these African coups, and the US doesn't seem to be the target of their anger.
Has the US Oligarchy broken with the European/Brits? We blew up the NS2, and are now cutting France off from its natural resource empire. All the while the Fed's actions are draining the world of offshore dollars, at a time when more and more BRICCS trade is being settled without dollars. The Fed has said they are OK with more reserve currencies.
It appears to me the US financial oligarchy has already chosen a side, and it isn't The City of London or Brussels.
Unfortunately the US politicians don't s see em to have gotten the memo yet.
Yes, all these developments are extremely interesting and it's clear that there are mutually opposing factions struggling for influence in the US. It is THE core battle for the future of humanity.
Yes, and in the last two weeks there has been a culturally galvanising song, "Rich Men North of Richmond" that seems to have spread across so many groups, but in common is the understanding that the song speaks to the dispossessed and the woke/left is apoplectic. And not just one but three songs in the top ten apple music chart... And yet I wonder how this slipped through the censorship matrix.
We will make it in America because we have The Free & Sovereign Federal Republic of America.
Republicans in Washington are the weak party because most of the politicians are little more than pretty faces with a good line of sweet talk.Big talk & little else.Very few,if any, leaders among them.
There is nothing coming out of The Republicans in the House.Many of them may be personally compromised in some manner & fear getting dragged down with the Democrats.So they do nothing but talk!
The politicians are the hired help for the people you just described!
Long ago it was decided to give the appearance of inside info to the general public.
Pundits were unofficially allowed to voice attacks upon the Political Sector.
It was spectator sports for the public.The public believed that they getting to the truth!.
But it was a diversion from the truth. No pundit was allowed to go after the financial elites who own the politicians from behind the curtains!
Finances dictate the agenda & not politics as seen by the Public!
Bread and circuses... the more things change, the more they stay the same.
The problem is that the Bread is getting scarce while the Circus lingers on!
From a practical standpoint, that could actually become a problem for [them] -- hungry peasants tend to be restless peasants.
The reality is that most of Central America & Mexico are failed states!
They are overpopulated feudal systems that can't survive such a huge population of Illiterate/semi literate peasants!
We will end up supporting them with aid.But let it be down there & not up here!
The American half of the Anglo American Establishment is decoupling from the Anglo half after
110 years of collusion together!
Britain no longer has it's colonies & is now just another small nation devoid of power. The American Bankers may be cutting ties with their Anglo partners who are now seen as a liability!
One sign is the Feds. continuing to raise it's Prime Rates!
The European Central Bank needs to do the same to keep capital from flowing out of Europe & into the USA. This is drying up investment capital in Western Europe!
I can't see this happening without the approval of America's Bankers & financiers! The EU will soon break up into it's component parts & the only nation that will be able to prosper will be Germany!
Tom Luongo wrote about that too.
Love your Tom take!
Have you considered the possibility that the financial oligarch has chosen a side at the behest of the City of London? (To sacrifice Europe while concurrently consolidating imperial power in by overthrowing the U.S. Constitution, in the midst of what they recognize as the inevitable collapse of the multi-trillion dollar derivatives bubble). They are playing chess, while your fidget with checkers.
The London Bankers & British Establishment are thru.
They no longer have colonies & their fiat money can't compete with the commodities based system of Russia & the BRICS in Global commerce!
If any EU countries can survive & prosper on their own,it would be Germany!
Exactly. Financial system implodes without collateral and colonies were collateral which must be defended by the force of arms.
Empires are expensive, and collapse when the cost of defending them becomes greater than the economic benefits.
That's old hat.
The hidden global imperialists no longer seek to conquer nations as in the past.
Rather they seek to gain financial control over nations.Gain financial control while hiding behind the curtains & manipulating the elected leaders into doing what they,
the bankers,tell them to do!
And we know what has happened to Germany. Now France is being targeted -- riots, now Niger, Gabon. So who's next -- Italy?
The "commodities based system of Russia & the BRICS" is transacted with fiat - Rubles Renminbi Rupe Real etc... which are all created same as all modern currencies: double entry bookkeeping.
Not Redeemable?
You can 'spend' these currencies on whatever is for sale in the economies where they are accepted as payments: if that's what you mean by "Redeemable"? If you mean "Redeemable" into gold, then sadly this is not possible via central banks for any currency globally now today in 2023, nor has it been possible since Nixon took the dollar off gold convertibility on demand in 1971.
There is a new game in town known as the B.R.I.C.'s with a new /old form of global finance.
It's called a commodities based system led by gold(or silver) !
The are bypassing the western fiat based system which they will replace.
The Russians are now doing this & America,resource rich, can follow!
Zoltan Pozsar at Credit Suisse, noted that,
"We are witnessing the birth of a new world monetary order''
The old fiat western financial order is dying!
Britain & western Europe are Thru,..,Their 500 year domination over the rest of the world with their Colonial Empires is gone.They were defeated by the Russians & BRICs financially.
The London bankers & their Fiat money can't compete with resource based financial systems of the Russians & BRICS.
America can do fine! North America can severe it's financial ties to Britain & the EU.
North America is a big, resources rich,continent that can revert back to to a commodities based financial system it had before 1913.
The USA needs to decouple from the London bankers,..& get rid of the FED.
Europe is a dead man walking. This process has been in effect for a long time. BRICS is a result of the failure, not the cause.
Eventually, a cannibalistic system will collapse of its own bloat and inefficiency. That is what has killed Europe. Limited resources, lack of innovation and creativity. Living on the reputation of a gilded age long past. The party had to end sometime.
Western Europe thrived thru Colonialism.
This was because the western Europeans were a couple of centuries ahead of the rest of the world in technology 500 years ago.
They also were near the water & could send their wooden ships all over the globe to exploit less advanced peoples. Today all of the Colonies are gone & are now Independent Nations.
Without their Colonial empires these former Imperial powers are just small nations with little wealth!
The British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy control the USA through three primary organizations:
1. The US Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was created to be a subsidiary of the British Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House).
The British control the US State Department through the CFR.
2. The FBI/MI5 and CIA/MI6 and NSA/GCHQ were created to protect the wealth, interests, and New World Order Agenda of the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy, and not to protect the citizens of the USA and subjects of the UK. The “Five Eyes” was created to coordinate global intelligence collection, analysis, and policymaking amongst the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA.
3. The US Federal Reserve System was created as a subsidiary of the Bank of London, and now the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), a sovereign “entity” located within Basel, Switzerland, is the Central Bank guiding all subsidiary national Central banks.
Thus, the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy control the USA by controlling the US State Department through the CFR, by controlling the US Department of Homeland Security, and it’s lesser National Intelligence Apparatus, through the “Five Eyes,” and by controlling the US Federal Reserve System through the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
Spot on!
That's why we need to return to the States.There will be no salvation coming out of Washington.Washington has been completely warped since 1913 in order to meet the needs of the Central Banks.Most of the changes in the Federal Government & it's agencies since that time are unconstitutional & thus illegal!
The Bank of London was founded in 2021. Did you mean the Bank of England?
Yes, thank you!
Alex,I have some differences of opinion with you,but they are small!
The British & Western Europe are thru after 500 years of being the world's center of power!
Kissinger wasn't a Minion of the British Establishment!
He was a Rockefeller stooge!
That being said,the Rockefeller's were allies of the British Banking Empire!
That being said, the Anglo America establishment may be coming apart.
It may very well be that one of the reasons for the large increase in the prime rates at the Fed in NYC is an effort to destroy the European Central bank The ECB must also raise rates at a time when the EU needs cheap money for investing!
I believe you are right it is coming apart -- in part due to the need to tamp down those pesky Neo-Cons that start the wars on time to benefit Kissinger and his string pullers in the City of London. War is a very profitable racket. But at some point you get out-- that what Kissinger was trying to tell the Neo-Cons in Davos.
Thank you Sidney - I don't disagree with what you said. I brought up Kissinger's statement to make a point, but you are right the relatiinship is not necessarily direct
Alex,there is so much hidden/suppressed history that most don't know!
Go on a blog site for the many who only know soundbites & slogans.
Mention the fact that the Federal Government in Washington is operating in an illegal & Unconstitutional manner & get back puzzled responses!
It's not as though they disagree,they don't.
They don't because they can't even understand what was written & can't even understand the implications of what was said to them in the comment.!
Yes, sadly, this is true. But, we've come a long way and today many things are being revealed.
The Problem in many cases is that many people don't know what to do to right whats wrong because they don't realize there is anything wrong!
That's what Trump is good at,he knows how to reach simple people!
Slowly at first, then suddenly.
Kissinger is a consigliere of the Rothschild banking family. (remember his recent trip to Davos?) To the extent that intersects with the Rockefeller's, I agree.
Within (geographical) London, the non-jurusdictional part is known as "The Square Mile", so slightly larger than a few (London sized) city blocks. Its also known as "The City of London" (not to be confused with Greater London) or simply as "The City". Neither the monarchy, Parliament, the regulatory agencies, the military or any of the UK's police forces have any jurisdiction in that square mile. By definition, the Square Mile was never part of the EU. There is a theory, however, that "The City" was in favor of BREXIT as they feared that EU MEP's and financial regulatorors might start taking an interest in its special status but that is conjecture. What is clear is that they have been very successful in ensuring that difficult questions, about their status, are never asked in the UK Parliament.
And whenever you discuss this or BIS in Switzerland and how strange it is that BIS employees have total immunity of prosecution, even lot better immunity than diplomats.
Then comes along some guy whose comments you have never seen anywhere before and starts to derail the conversation by gaslighting and strawmanning and constantly demanding sources or proof even if you provide those, what a coincidence.
Same thing usually happens before local elections too, a discussion forum that i use, gets always multiple new users just before elections who badmouth those electoral candidates who seem to be honest and true, and promote the career politicians, using same tactics as the BIS / City of London conversation derailers. Those users are then not seen anywhere after elections are held, again, what a coincidence...
Same thing with Gab.com , mostly uncensored social media site, that i occasionally use ; every time some US gun law changes, there are hordes of new users selling that now newly illeagal part in suspiciously cheap price.
These are feds and other leos of course, but luckily people have gotten wise on them and they now get mostly booed and leered. (some of those sellers IP addresses have actually been verifiably in government locations)
Aside from Dr. Henry Kissinger, appointed an Honorary Knight Commander in the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (KCMG), here is a list of US KCMG's :
Her Majesty’s grand knights of treachery
The dark heart of Power in Britain is the Privy Council that George Soros is an agent for!
They were largely responsible for the fictitious Russia Gate attack on President Trump!
I am beginning to think that Alex Jones is the spiritual son of LaRouche.
Methinkks thou protesteth too much!
I am puzzled by your comment. Forgive me if I am being obtuse. LaRouche was considered a conspiracy crank back in the day as I recall, just like Jones and they are proving to be ahead of the curve with many of us playing catch-up. I protest nothing in regards to Jones or LaRouche - we need many more such people to call out the crimes and draw back the veil.
Mueller cut his teeth on LaRouche, Trump got the Mueller treatment.
Trump must exonerate LaRouche if he gets back as POTUS.
Forget LaRouche & Jones.
If you have the patience for real Scholarly work,
Read Carroll Quigley for real in depth reading.
But be warned,..he was very heavy reading!
I know Quigley. The point about LaRouche is Mueller - Trump is getting the fulll LaRouche treatment. As we now know Tucker openly discussed the assassination threat, for a reason. Trump could have openly exonerated LaRouche for the very same reason.
Ok. I am not at all familiar with the Mueller and LaRouche connection - interesting - I'll have to explore that. Trump does have to firmly establish his populist bona fides in his next term and LaRouche is certainly a substantial figure in the populist movement. I still don't get the Shakespeare reference to my comment - maybe just being a little slow today.
There's a way you can check if someone is likely to be a conspiracy theorist...
That is to spot a conspiracy therapist.
Ask CIA vet Larry Johnson about conspiracy theorist - CIA psyops.
There is a document on the WH website about the special relationship with the Brits. It reads like there is no daylight between us - as if the US has no interests of its own that might supersede the partnership. It made me wonder whether the US was a sovereign nation after all. It sure didn’t sound like it.
Great to see the curtain parting. BRICS11+ and counting with the new NDB sure causes earthquakes.
Trump had chances to do something such as pardoning Ed. Snowden, exonerating Lyndon LaRouche, and declassifying ALL the JFK files as required by law. Instead he pardoned Bannon. Looks like he thought he could make a DEAL with the British Empire. Trump said if you had seen the JFK files you also would have refused to open them. IMHO the only thing that could have shaken Trump is FORINT foreign intelligence in those files, i.e. the British Empire. This time around I suspect Trump is in less of a mood to deal!!
The Venetian velvet glove is off the NATO iron fist for everyone to see.
NATO response : https://twitter.com/GunterFehlinger/status/1695733432045752800
to target all BRICS countries, not just Brazil for breakup into regions.
Holy Shit ! NATO's iron fist? That smells more like Nancy Pelosi bending the knee.
Austrian economist, I gather.
Pardon my French.
NATO does tend to mass slaughter - Yugoslavia, Libya, Afghanistan, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine,... With a grin of course,.
Another great analysis. So good to have some clear and well-researched info as we all struggle to get some clear picture of where we are in all this. Many thanks!
Thank you Michael!
Great work, Alex (comme d'habitude). You put some nice pieces together, linking Trump's relationship=building with the BRICS nations (originators and the new ones alike) as an existential threat to the British Establishment.
A thought that I had while reading it was that, perhaps, the amazing bridge-building with Kim Jong Un was, at least in part, a backdoor to relationships with China?
Thank you Jeff. You are probably right. Much of what Trump did as president turned out a lot more interesting than it appeared. There are strong reasons why London went apeshit over his term in office.
good overview... thanks...
A bit of topic, but while talking about the City of London, I should add that Panana has some similarities. Panama (the country) is very poor, run by a small group of old families, with the only real revenue being from the canal itself, but yet Panama City hosts multiple offshore financial service companies. Why there are why did Carter give the canal away? My suspicion is that the primary purpose of it being given away was to create such an offshore haven. Think about it - whereas countries like Switzerland has had their offshore financial haven status slowly eroded by EU pressure, no western power can afford to pick a fight with Panama, as their economy is too reliant on the canal. I have thought this for some years (since visiting there) but was recently struck by Trump talking about the decision to give away the canal, with me thinking that he knows more than he is saying.
Shaxson has 2 books, and this documentary:
The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire | Documentary Film
The City of London Corporation.
Remember the Corporation Remembrancer sits unelected at the Speaker's chair in Westminster.