Shared to FB, Twitter, Gettr and Substack Notes with the following comment:
"Alex Krainer explains that Biden has been a war criminal since 2014 at the latest. Alternatives Trump and Kennedy both want to end the bloodshed in Ukraine. Biden wants to extend it. Wouldn't a Trump vs Kennedy general election in 2024 be perfect for ending the globalist agenda?"
Alex also observes that Obama may have been "dragged along" by individuals like "John Kerry, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Victoria Nuland." I respectfully disagree with Alex. Obama had already long been a CIA asset, following in the footsteps of his mother, Ann Dunham (, who was an employee or grantee of the Ford Foundation, USAID and the World Bank. Her superior at the Ford Foundation was Peter Geithner, Tim's father. For detailed information, see Wayne Madsen's book, "The Manufacturing of a President: The CIA's Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. into the White House." Obama or his handlers were smart enough to prevent direct US intervention in Syria in 2013 after Russia's show of force in thwarting a cruise missile attack on that country, and in Ukraine in 2014, but now the incompetent Joe Biden is in power.
Thanks, Alex, for the rundown on Citigroup's role in all this. And thanks for the divergence into James Surowiecki's “The Wisdom of Crowds." It's now on my reading list, as I've long been a believer in collective wisdom as long as intellectual variety is protected.
Thank you. I didn't mean to exonerate Obama. It seems that his portfolio was the "pivot to Asia" and he was focused on making sure that TPP happaned the way his banker sponsors demanded. He simply wasn't kept in the loop in Ukraine until after the fact.
Agree wrt Ukraine. I was viewing his behavior as a whole, from the "surge" in Iraq through Syria, Yemen, Libya etc. He may have allowed Nuland full rein in retaliation for Russian intervention in Syria and their rescue of Erdogan. It's a minor point, but I wanted to return your favor on Citigroup with the Wayne Madsen citation. I've been a fan since THE KILLING OF WILLIAM BROWDER
There was that odd moment in the Romney-Obama debates when Romney said that the US's chief enemy was Russia, a statement that absolutely left me stunned -- and I voted for Romney! Obama's response -- his best moment in the debates -- was something like, "The 1980's called. They want their foreign policy back."
To me, this clarifies that at the time, Obama was out of the Ukraine loop, while Romney was very much in it.
Not commonly known but when the Loan Shark Corp IMF saw Ukraine as an injured ( by debt and massive historic corruption) limping animal in the Debt Herd , they smelled blood.A CIA sponsored Revolution /Orange/ Maidan and later, in comes the deal: A Bailout Loan of $5.3 billion ( at interest) requiring a new banking team supplied by America to run the new ‘Central Bank’ and part-government.At the helm was none other than Joe Biden.He told the President ‘I’m leaving for the airport at 7, you have until then to sack the Head of Justice( who had all the dirt of Biden family business in Ukraine) or the deal is off’. At 6.30 sharp the call came, the deed was done, all records erased, and the IMF Loan-You-Can’t-Refuse went through.The FBI have had the Biden Laptop for two years , obviously their jobs and history are on the drive.I feel sorry for the Ukrainian people, of whom I know many, being manipulated into a proxy war with Russia, dragged in by a AmeriNATO Cabal of warmongers who are already planning the next war with China.
I'm aware of most of that including Biden bragging at the CFR, but I didn't know the money was an IMF loan. Without Eastern Ukraine, no way the loan will be repaid and I guess Alex' point is that Citi is intimately involved with that and stands to lose its shirt.
I remember very clearly, buying the book, *The Selling of the President 1968(1969)* as a ...'poor student' around 1970.
Yep. "Sellin' a product alá Madison Ave". ...New Yaark...New Yaark.
"ISBN. 978-0671780364. The Selling of the President 1968 is a 1969 book by American author Joe McGinniss. It was published by Trident Press in October, 1969. The title is a play on the Making of the President books by Theodore White . The book describes the marketing of Richard Nixon during the 1968 presidential campaign."
Seriously-speaking, I've found that Alex is...'prescient, spot-on, ...and, has 100% -Integrity'.
:) Don't-blow-Your-Ego- Up, Alex. So far, I'm ...myself...fallin'-off-my-chair, everytime I hear/read/see the Analysis given.
Hey Alex. "You need a *kick-in-the _ss". However, everyday reality surely makes You more Human than most. Inflated-Ego, I've never felt with You. Your 'body language' + facial expressions reveal your *True Character*. Anyone, who has a basic understanding of...*Human Behavior* knows, 90-95% of all 'human communication' knows...*body language + face-muscles* reveal(!) the-Person.
ps. Father met Richard Nixon in 1968, at a 'fundraiser' in NYC. Nixon's, 'law-partner boss was a guy by the name of 'Guthrie'. Guthrie was the 'chairman-of-the-board' where Father was...let's just say...'chief-financial-expert'. I swear on my Mother & Father's Grave, this is 100% Truth.
"Inflated-Ego, I've never felt with You".... I'm sure that expression comes from years of winning at Polka. They must close down the Black jack table every time Alex enters the casino in Monaco.
I remember bein' on the...*Monaco-Nice 'old road' Drive* from...Monaco to Nice. After sundown, dark. 1968. My sister could understand Francais. The taxi-driver, was doin' a...'formula 500', turbo-drive. Talkin' 'bout,..."flying curves". Probably would 'beat' any/all, nowadays films, done on 'video games'. Seriously-speakin'...WE yankee-doodles were literally holdin' -on to-our-seats. No mumboo-jumbo. True Story. I still got-in-my-mind, the 'cliff-wall(!!!)', at high-speed. Yepppp. "Reality is Better than Fiction". True Story. ;)
Hi Godfree - many thanks! Well, the perpetrators go out of their way to conceal their hand and they also systematically censor and purge the record of most incriminating evidence. It actually requires a lot of paying attention and always saving evidence locally (they eventually memory hole most stuff on the net). I'm sure there's mountains more evidence out there...
I'd like to take the opportunity to give All here a, *History lesson*. The past few years, I haven't seen/read/heard anyone mentioning 100%-fact-based-Truth regarding the...the harmonic symbiosis between the, let's call'em bankers-in-charge. Especially, the relationship between the Bank of England and, during WWII the German Riechsbank in Berlin. Perhaps All of You might take a few minutes and, read about the BIS-Bank of International Settlements in Basel Switzerland. It is a *sovereign territory*(!!!). Think about that, after reading what is written below.
Time-to...'fall off your chair' Everyone.
re: "...The Republic embraces neutrality while the Empire embraces manifest destiny....", You say Alex,. ^^above^^. Jolly-good-show *mate* :) ;)
Before reading about Montagu Norman, remember his BFF was Horace Greeley Hjalmar Schacht.
"Montagu Collet Norman, 1st Baron Norman DSO PC (6 September 1871 - 4 February 1950) was an English banker, best known for his role as the Governor of the Bank of England from 1920 to 1944. Norman led the bank during the toughest period in modern British economic history and was noted for his somewhat raffish character and arty appearance.".,_1st_Baron_Norman
"Montagu Family, also spelled Montague, or Montacute, family name of the later medieval English earls of Salisbury, who were descended from Drogo of Montaigu, given in Domesday Book (1086) as one of the chief landholders in Somerset. The family first became prominent in the 14th century, notably by the achievements of William de Montagu, who helped King Edward III throw off the tutelage of his ....".
"Hjalmar Schacht (born Horace Greeley Hjalmar Schacht; 22 January 1877 - 3 June 1970, German pronunciation: [ˈjalmaʁ ˈʃaxt]) was a German economist, banker, centre-right politician, and co-founder in 1918 of the German Democratic Party.He served as the Currency Commissioner and President of the Reichsbank under the Weimar Republic.He was a fierce critic of his country's post-World War I ...".
Gettin' the full-picture now, Everyone?.
ps. time to read-the-rest Alex. sorry. i couldn't help myself when seeing a 'factoid revelation opportunity' when the *neural linguistic programming*...kicks-in lol ;)
I'm sure you'll enjoy it, Christopher. You already have the knowledge base. I'm surprised I haven't seen Preparata on the lecture circuit. He would be a great guest for any forum (last I heard he was at the University of Beirut). BTW, thanks for the links!
and, I've listened-to-guetubes subsequent automated, Italiano-selections. GD-g'dammit, for about an 1 hour afterwards. If I had maybe 15+ years more, I'd surely enjoy Italy. Yep. Understood 50%+ of what was said, even though I've never ever studied Latin/Italiano. Arabic, yes. French, yes. Finnish, yes. Russian, yes. Swedish, of course. That's...formal studies, at language courses.
Anyway, to my point.
That what Guido takes up, is exactly the way I felt/understood over 50 years ago. Yep. Problem was then...absolutely nobody really listened. Perhaps some...*stoners* after a few 'hits' would, but, they'd say... "Ohhh wow man. What da' ya' think we should do about it? 'nother hit, man? It's wacki-weed...ya' know.".
Most americans are soo, let's say into , "Latin: panem et circenses/ Bread and circuses" that, for Me 50 years ago, it wasn't worth, 'stickin' around'. Regards. BOOK is now downloaded. :) ;)
Re: “All wars are bankers’ wars!” It seems to me this meme is useful so long as the analysis focuses on the quintessential element in a debt based system hopelessly overextended: the collateral underpinning the deal.
AK identifies this element comprehensively in just two sentences:
“This whole conflict is ultimately an economic affair, a scramble by western interests to control the labor and natural resources collateral of the Eurasian landmass.
Collateral is the essential ingredient powering the creation of credit by western financial institutions, primarily the GSIB’s (Global Systemically Important Banks).”
Then there’s that other meme, the wisdom of crowds.
AK: “The wisdom of crowds is a profoundly fascinating concept that’s manifested itself in myriads of ways and it is of utmost relevance to trend following as an investment strategy, which is based on the belief that an asset’s price reflects all the information relevant to that asset.
We’ll take a small digression, which is worth it for the sheer fascination factor of it: the markets - more broadly, the human collective - appears to have a mysterious ability to converge on the truth of relevant situations. This ability might be impossible to explain but it has been documented in many different ways, including in the financial markets.”
If the ability of the human collective to determine the value of an asset is in direct proportion to the availability of “all the information relevant to that asset,” then in a world where all the relevant information now is rarely available to the “human collective,” it appears we would be wise to focus on the quintessential element in a debt based system hopelessly overextended: the collateral underpinning the deal, rather than the collective wisdom of the markets.
In the context of “All wars are bankers’ wars!”, the momentum of the collapse of the GSIB (Global Systemically Important Bank) world is directly proportional to its inability to secure more collateral. This is an existential issue for it and is reflected in the fact that it believes it has no alternative to secure the collateral necessary for its own survival other than escalating the Ukrainian conflict, which it specifies is essential to its plans to dismember Russia to seize its resources. It is therefore obliged by its financial hegemonic obsession to deceive itself about demonstrated Russian military strength and the likely perception, from the Russian existential point of view, that it will need to counter the GSIB world with deadly military preemptive strikes. (How else explain this announcement on 5-27-23 from the German Defense Ministry, following the Russian destruction of a US Patriot anti-aircraft system in Kiev, that “Germany will move the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system from Slovakia to Lithuania to protect the NATO summit, which will be held in Vilnius in mid-July, the German Defense Ministry said.” ( ) I suggest this is the lesson the Russians learned yet again with the errors and successes of its Special Military Operation.
This is likely the most dangerous banker's war ever.
EADaily is my daily go to Russian news aggregator. Another one is , which can be accessed from EADaily. The latter daily has even more granular Russian domestic news.
I think Citi is a Davos aligned bank, like BLK. I think Wells Fargo may be as well. It is truly awe inspiring to watch history happen. Maybe the first banker's war where at least a few percent of the world's population KNOWS it is a bankers war. A few percent isn't a lot, but it is enough.
Yeah it started out that way, but some of the American banks appear to have broken ranks with the WEF. At least that is my take, and that of some others like Tom Luongo. The last 50 years was the US, Europe, and China executing (mostly failing)a plan whose last act started with Covid. China was always going to screw the west over, and probably elements in the US were always going to screw over Europe. I can't predict the outcome, but my view is the bankers are now fighting each other, instead of us, collectively.
Citigroup, I recalk how they treated the buyer of EMI records, and sunk him in unpayable debt where he was forced to break up the company to sell off bits to save the rest.He was given terrible advice I recall.He was certainly not the right person to head EMI and many of the artist roster left, even so, the Citigroup deal they brokered for him nearly wrecked a once-great icon of the British Music Industry.See how Ukraine works out for them?
Thanks for your laser-like link to Citibank, Alex. Once again, we are following the money! I haven't read "The Wisdom of Crowds", but your description reminded me of James Corbett's brilliant video in the wake of 9/11 where several financial "coincidences" were traced.
Thank you, Alex. Yes, I agree that “All wars are bankers’ wars!” - but I suspect this is something more too. It seems to me that it is also a war to keep financialised neoliberal capitalism in a driver’s seat, despite its crumbling since 2007/8.
Thanks for the Preparata link, Christopher. First I have heard from him online. He certainly deserves more exposure. His understanding of the financial manipulation involved in geopolitics should interest Alex who shares a similar perception, so I would enjoy seeing them together in an online forum.
Agreed! Now we've got to see you two together on an internet forum where you can delve into some serious stuff. I tried to contact him but I believe he doesn't know his website was hacked!
Finally....acknowledging this ancient...timeless battle. The actors...the audience...somehow believe themselves separate. The audience member approaches the mirror...wearing a mask. When we awaken...are we certain of who we are...and who we are is this so? Human beings are filled with delusion, illusion, and suggested acronym here. Sorry for the platitudes and feeble poignancy...just another scrutinizer. Grazie mille Alessandro!
When it comes to global conflicts/wars and the financially-driven motives behind each, it is easier to put the sentiments aside and escape all the misleading noises. Thank you Alex - breath of wisdom!
Please Read Alex. This is, on, let's just say the...absolutely/positively...the highest-level regarding...*analysis*. Same-level as Your...let's call-it... *evaluations*. John!!! Regards. Smile. Take-it-Easy. "Easy-Peasy" for us Guys & Girls who...'get it'. Cheers. NO reply necessary. ;) ;)
This is a masterpiece work - to me it opens a can of thinking worms I'm not even able to start controlling - inspiring a need for deep pondering.
Thank you sir! You git it - throwing up "thinking worms" is largely tje point of the article.
Shared to FB, Twitter, Gettr and Substack Notes with the following comment:
"Alex Krainer explains that Biden has been a war criminal since 2014 at the latest. Alternatives Trump and Kennedy both want to end the bloodshed in Ukraine. Biden wants to extend it. Wouldn't a Trump vs Kennedy general election in 2024 be perfect for ending the globalist agenda?"
Alex also observes that Obama may have been "dragged along" by individuals like "John Kerry, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Victoria Nuland." I respectfully disagree with Alex. Obama had already long been a CIA asset, following in the footsteps of his mother, Ann Dunham (, who was an employee or grantee of the Ford Foundation, USAID and the World Bank. Her superior at the Ford Foundation was Peter Geithner, Tim's father. For detailed information, see Wayne Madsen's book, "The Manufacturing of a President: The CIA's Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. into the White House." Obama or his handlers were smart enough to prevent direct US intervention in Syria in 2013 after Russia's show of force in thwarting a cruise missile attack on that country, and in Ukraine in 2014, but now the incompetent Joe Biden is in power.
Thanks, Alex, for the rundown on Citigroup's role in all this. And thanks for the divergence into James Surowiecki's “The Wisdom of Crowds." It's now on my reading list, as I've long been a believer in collective wisdom as long as intellectual variety is protected.
Thank you. I didn't mean to exonerate Obama. It seems that his portfolio was the "pivot to Asia" and he was focused on making sure that TPP happaned the way his banker sponsors demanded. He simply wasn't kept in the loop in Ukraine until after the fact.
Agree wrt Ukraine. I was viewing his behavior as a whole, from the "surge" in Iraq through Syria, Yemen, Libya etc. He may have allowed Nuland full rein in retaliation for Russian intervention in Syria and their rescue of Erdogan. It's a minor point, but I wanted to return your favor on Citigroup with the Wayne Madsen citation. I've been a fan since THE KILLING OF WILLIAM BROWDER
Thank you, Sir!
There was that odd moment in the Romney-Obama debates when Romney said that the US's chief enemy was Russia, a statement that absolutely left me stunned -- and I voted for Romney! Obama's response -- his best moment in the debates -- was something like, "The 1980's called. They want their foreign policy back."
To me, this clarifies that at the time, Obama was out of the Ukraine loop, while Romney was very much in it.
Not commonly known but when the Loan Shark Corp IMF saw Ukraine as an injured ( by debt and massive historic corruption) limping animal in the Debt Herd , they smelled blood.A CIA sponsored Revolution /Orange/ Maidan and later, in comes the deal: A Bailout Loan of $5.3 billion ( at interest) requiring a new banking team supplied by America to run the new ‘Central Bank’ and part-government.At the helm was none other than Joe Biden.He told the President ‘I’m leaving for the airport at 7, you have until then to sack the Head of Justice( who had all the dirt of Biden family business in Ukraine) or the deal is off’. At 6.30 sharp the call came, the deed was done, all records erased, and the IMF Loan-You-Can’t-Refuse went through.The FBI have had the Biden Laptop for two years , obviously their jobs and history are on the drive.I feel sorry for the Ukrainian people, of whom I know many, being manipulated into a proxy war with Russia, dragged in by a AmeriNATO Cabal of warmongers who are already planning the next war with China.
I'm aware of most of that including Biden bragging at the CFR, but I didn't know the money was an IMF loan. Without Eastern Ukraine, no way the loan will be repaid and I guess Alex' point is that Citi is intimately involved with that and stands to lose its shirt.
I remember very clearly, buying the book, *The Selling of the President 1968(1969)* as a ...'poor student' around 1970.
Yep. "Sellin' a product alá Madison Ave". ...New Yaark...New Yaark.
"ISBN. 978-0671780364. The Selling of the President 1968 is a 1969 book by American author Joe McGinniss. It was published by Trident Press in October, 1969. The title is a play on the Making of the President books by Theodore White . The book describes the marketing of Richard Nixon during the 1968 presidential campaign."
Seriously-speaking, I've found that Alex is...'prescient, spot-on, ...and, has 100% -Integrity'.
:) Don't-blow-Your-Ego- Up, Alex. So far, I'm ...myself...fallin'-off-my-chair, everytime I hear/read/see the Analysis given.
Hey Alex. "You need a *kick-in-the _ss". However, everyday reality surely makes You more Human than most. Inflated-Ego, I've never felt with You. Your 'body language' + facial expressions reveal your *True Character*. Anyone, who has a basic understanding of...*Human Behavior* knows, 90-95% of all 'human communication' knows...*body language + face-muscles* reveal(!) the-Person.
Thanks Alex :)
B Safe. ;)
ps. Father met Richard Nixon in 1968, at a 'fundraiser' in NYC. Nixon's, 'law-partner boss was a guy by the name of 'Guthrie'. Guthrie was the 'chairman-of-the-board' where Father was...let's just say...'chief-financial-expert'. I swear on my Mother & Father's Grave, this is 100% Truth.
"Inflated-Ego, I've never felt with You".... I'm sure that expression comes from years of winning at Polka. They must close down the Black jack table every time Alex enters the casino in Monaco.
I remember bein' on the...*Monaco-Nice 'old road' Drive* from...Monaco to Nice. After sundown, dark. 1968. My sister could understand Francais. The taxi-driver, was doin' a...'formula 500', turbo-drive. Talkin' 'bout,..."flying curves". Probably would 'beat' any/all, nowadays films, done on 'video games'. Seriously-speakin'...WE yankee-doodles were literally holdin' -on to-our-seats. No mumboo-jumbo. True Story. I still got-in-my-mind, the 'cliff-wall(!!!)', at high-speed. Yepppp. "Reality is Better than Fiction". True Story. ;)
Mon Dieu. I don't-do-crap...tables. Regards.(wink-wink).
Alex, this is first class stuff. I'm puzzled that more people have not realized that. Hang in there!!
Hi Godfree - many thanks! Well, the perpetrators go out of their way to conceal their hand and they also systematically censor and purge the record of most incriminating evidence. It actually requires a lot of paying attention and always saving evidence locally (they eventually memory hole most stuff on the net). I'm sure there's mountains more evidence out there...
Excuse Me Everyone.
I'd like to take the opportunity to give All here a, *History lesson*. The past few years, I haven't seen/read/heard anyone mentioning 100%-fact-based-Truth regarding the...the harmonic symbiosis between the, let's call'em bankers-in-charge. Especially, the relationship between the Bank of England and, during WWII the German Riechsbank in Berlin. Perhaps All of You might take a few minutes and, read about the BIS-Bank of International Settlements in Basel Switzerland. It is a *sovereign territory*(!!!). Think about that, after reading what is written below.
Time-to...'fall off your chair' Everyone.
re: "...The Republic embraces neutrality while the Empire embraces manifest destiny....", You say Alex,. ^^above^^. Jolly-good-show *mate* :) ;)
History Time:
*Manifest Destiny* expression is attributed to Horace Greely.
Before reading about Montagu Norman, remember his BFF was Horace Greeley Hjalmar Schacht.
"Montagu Collet Norman, 1st Baron Norman DSO PC (6 September 1871 - 4 February 1950) was an English banker, best known for his role as the Governor of the Bank of England from 1920 to 1944. Norman led the bank during the toughest period in modern British economic history and was noted for his somewhat raffish character and arty appearance.".,_1st_Baron_Norman
"Montagu Family, also spelled Montague, or Montacute, family name of the later medieval English earls of Salisbury, who were descended from Drogo of Montaigu, given in Domesday Book (1086) as one of the chief landholders in Somerset. The family first became prominent in the 14th century, notably by the achievements of William de Montagu, who helped King Edward III throw off the tutelage of his ....".
"Hjalmar Schacht (born Horace Greeley Hjalmar Schacht; 22 January 1877 - 3 June 1970, German pronunciation: [ˈjalmaʁ ˈʃaxt]) was a German economist, banker, centre-right politician, and co-founder in 1918 of the German Democratic Party.He served as the Currency Commissioner and President of the Reichsbank under the Weimar Republic.He was a fierce critic of his country's post-World War I ...".
Gettin' the full-picture now, Everyone?.
ps. time to read-the-rest Alex. sorry. i couldn't help myself when seeing a 'factoid revelation opportunity' when the *neural linguistic programming*...kicks-in lol ;)
The critical role of Montegu Norman in manipulating global interest rates and advancing Halford Mackinder's "heartland theory" is told by Guido Giacomo Preparata in a fascinating history of the epoch, "conjuring Hitler".
Thanks Bob. I'll check-it-out ;) Regards. *Knowledge is Power* :)
I'm sure you'll enjoy it, Christopher. You already have the knowledge base. I'm surprised I haven't seen Preparata on the lecture circuit. He would be a great guest for any forum (last I heard he was at the University of Beirut). BTW, thanks for the links!
I just got done listening to *In conversation with Guido Giacomo Preparata-29 Okctober 2022* @
and, I've listened-to-guetubes subsequent automated, Italiano-selections. GD-g'dammit, for about an 1 hour afterwards. If I had maybe 15+ years more, I'd surely enjoy Italy. Yep. Understood 50%+ of what was said, even though I've never ever studied Latin/Italiano. Arabic, yes. French, yes. Finnish, yes. Russian, yes. Swedish, of course. That's...formal studies, at language courses.
Anyway, to my point.
That what Guido takes up, is exactly the way I felt/understood over 50 years ago. Yep. Problem was then...absolutely nobody really listened. Perhaps some...*stoners* after a few 'hits' would, but, they'd say... "Ohhh wow man. What da' ya' think we should do about it? 'nother hit, man? It's wacki-weed...ya' know.".
Most americans are soo, let's say into , "Latin: panem et circenses/ Bread and circuses" that, for Me 50 years ago, it wasn't worth, 'stickin' around'. Regards. BOOK is now downloaded. :) ;)
Re: “All wars are bankers’ wars!” It seems to me this meme is useful so long as the analysis focuses on the quintessential element in a debt based system hopelessly overextended: the collateral underpinning the deal.
AK identifies this element comprehensively in just two sentences:
“This whole conflict is ultimately an economic affair, a scramble by western interests to control the labor and natural resources collateral of the Eurasian landmass.
Collateral is the essential ingredient powering the creation of credit by western financial institutions, primarily the GSIB’s (Global Systemically Important Banks).”
Then there’s that other meme, the wisdom of crowds.
AK: “The wisdom of crowds is a profoundly fascinating concept that’s manifested itself in myriads of ways and it is of utmost relevance to trend following as an investment strategy, which is based on the belief that an asset’s price reflects all the information relevant to that asset.
We’ll take a small digression, which is worth it for the sheer fascination factor of it: the markets - more broadly, the human collective - appears to have a mysterious ability to converge on the truth of relevant situations. This ability might be impossible to explain but it has been documented in many different ways, including in the financial markets.”
If the ability of the human collective to determine the value of an asset is in direct proportion to the availability of “all the information relevant to that asset,” then in a world where all the relevant information now is rarely available to the “human collective,” it appears we would be wise to focus on the quintessential element in a debt based system hopelessly overextended: the collateral underpinning the deal, rather than the collective wisdom of the markets.
In the context of “All wars are bankers’ wars!”, the momentum of the collapse of the GSIB (Global Systemically Important Bank) world is directly proportional to its inability to secure more collateral. This is an existential issue for it and is reflected in the fact that it believes it has no alternative to secure the collateral necessary for its own survival other than escalating the Ukrainian conflict, which it specifies is essential to its plans to dismember Russia to seize its resources. It is therefore obliged by its financial hegemonic obsession to deceive itself about demonstrated Russian military strength and the likely perception, from the Russian existential point of view, that it will need to counter the GSIB world with deadly military preemptive strikes. (How else explain this announcement on 5-27-23 from the German Defense Ministry, following the Russian destruction of a US Patriot anti-aircraft system in Kiev, that “Germany will move the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system from Slovakia to Lithuania to protect the NATO summit, which will be held in Vilnius in mid-July, the German Defense Ministry said.” ( ) I suggest this is the lesson the Russians learned yet again with the errors and successes of its Special Military Operation.
This is likely the most dangerous banker's war ever.
Thank You for the *EADaily* link Pogohere. The past year and a half, I believe I've seen it referenced perhaps 3, 4 times. Now taking a closer look at the website, it appears to be a high-quality aggregate source for us in the West. And, also a good alternative to RT-Russia Today. Translation here:
Description here:
EADaily is my daily go to Russian news aggregator. Another one is , which can be accessed from EADaily. The latter daily has even more granular Russian domestic news.
Thank you for the tip!
I think Citi is a Davos aligned bank, like BLK. I think Wells Fargo may be as well. It is truly awe inspiring to watch history happen. Maybe the first banker's war where at least a few percent of the world's population KNOWS it is a bankers war. A few percent isn't a lot, but it is enough.
Great article.
Citigroup, JPMorgan, BofA, Goldman, and BlackRock are "corporate partners" of both the CFR and the WEF:
Yeah it started out that way, but some of the American banks appear to have broken ranks with the WEF. At least that is my take, and that of some others like Tom Luongo. The last 50 years was the US, Europe, and China executing (mostly failing)a plan whose last act started with Covid. China was always going to screw the west over, and probably elements in the US were always going to screw over Europe. I can't predict the outcome, but my view is the bankers are now fighting each other, instead of us, collectively.
My opinion anyway.
Thank you!
Citigroup, I recalk how they treated the buyer of EMI records, and sunk him in unpayable debt where he was forced to break up the company to sell off bits to save the rest.He was given terrible advice I recall.He was certainly not the right person to head EMI and many of the artist roster left, even so, the Citigroup deal they brokered for him nearly wrecked a once-great icon of the British Music Industry.See how Ukraine works out for them?
Thanks for your laser-like link to Citibank, Alex. Once again, we are following the money! I haven't read "The Wisdom of Crowds", but your description reminded me of James Corbett's brilliant video in the wake of 9/11 where several financial "coincidences" were traced.
Spot on!!!
Thank you, Alex. Yes, I agree that “All wars are bankers’ wars!” - but I suspect this is something more too. It seems to me that it is also a war to keep financialised neoliberal capitalism in a driver’s seat, despite its crumbling since 2007/8.
Agreed - indeed, the financialised neoliberal capitalism is the west's "rules based" schtik.
I am not saavy about banking. What do you think? Was this 2007/8 crumbling "organic" or "engineered"?
In the end, it does not really matter. Personally, I think it was a collapse of a system that had been propped up and saved by printing money. 😎
Thanks for the Preparata link, Christopher. First I have heard from him online. He certainly deserves more exposure. His understanding of the financial manipulation involved in geopolitics should interest Alex who shares a similar perception, so I would enjoy seeing them together in an online forum.
Preparata's "Conjuring Hitler" is an utter masterpiece!
Agreed! Now we've got to see you two together on an internet forum where you can delve into some serious stuff. I tried to contact him but I believe he doesn't know his website was hacked!
Finally....acknowledging this ancient...timeless battle. The actors...the audience...somehow believe themselves separate. The audience member approaches the mirror...wearing a mask. When we awaken...are we certain of who we are...and who we are is this so? Human beings are filled with delusion, illusion, and suggested acronym here. Sorry for the platitudes and feeble poignancy...just another scrutinizer. Grazie mille Alessandro!
Thank you, Bill! 🎩
Mr. Krainer, what about other American banks? Are many of them tied into these overseas wars?
No, for sure. None are clean. I only sudpect that Citi is in over their heads.
When it comes to global conflicts/wars and the financially-driven motives behind each, it is easier to put the sentiments aside and escape all the misleading noises. Thank you Alex - breath of wisdom!
Thank you - very kind!
Please Read Alex. This is, on, let's just say the...absolutely/positively...the highest-level regarding...*analysis*. Same-level as Your...let's call-it... *evaluations*. John!!! Regards. Smile. Take-it-Easy. "Easy-Peasy" for us Guys & Girls who...'get it'. Cheers. NO reply necessary. ;) ;)
Wow, thank you again Christopher - I've followed John Titus for many years and have utmost respect for him - the comparison is very flattering.
I just saw now, after making dinner, your presentation in 'Bath'. Yes i.e. 'a cleansing'
Love You Alex, My Brother and...Son.
Bless You. And Your Loved-1s.
Highest Regards, Chris in Sweden
ps. Yep. You are the Son I never had, 'officially'...speaking ...wink-wink
pss. NO reason to be ...'humbled', ;) ...I'm Only stating Fact!
God Bless You and Your Family. Amen :)
Thank you Christopher!! =) God bless you too!