Great article, displaying rational, measured response. But, I fear we are in the grip of non-rational State representatives who do not actually want peace, but rather the destruction of all who oppose or disagree with them. I might be wrong, I hope I am, but the actions carried out so far by these supremacists speak for themselves.
There are plenty of supposedly unhinged madmen in leadership positions, who'll do anything to fight more wars and have more and more escalations to current conflicts, but maybe they are not so unhinged, but are just doing what their masters are telling them to, or are unhinged, and 'elected' to their position for just that reason, to have more war.
Because the 'hidden hand' behind these geriatric puppets like Biden is the Money Making Machine that benefits immensely from wars, by manufacturing and selling the munitions and equipment, giving the loans needed for their purchase, rebuilding infrastructure after it has been wiped out etc.
Unfortunately the media is complicit in this charade that causes innocent lives being lost in the name of profit and control. Glad we still have places like substack and very few independent journalists.
On that note : let's hope that Zelensky's latest falseflag plan (to blow up German embassy in Kiev and blame Russia) is again exposed enough that they will be forced to cancel it , like they were most likely forced to abandon the ZNPP falseflag earlier when it was exposed too widely , link to the currently planned flaseflag :
I do agree with everything you're saying. And I'd also like to point out that actually the US have also visibly taken some steps to walk back from increased conflict or nuclear risk in Ukraine. When the Brits proposed Ben Wallace, a well-recognised pro-war individual, for NATO Gen Sec, it was the Biden admin that chopped him.
I agree Devaraj, good point. However, the worry is that seeding the war theater with so many US/NATO military assets is a minefield of possible false flag mishaps. If there's a mass casualty event against US or other NATO troops, the chain reaction could be irreversible.
It certainly is a very volatile and worrying situation right now. Here in Turkiye, Erdogan was absolutely pounding the EU yesterday for not standing behind the convention on human rights. Many Muslims are getting more and more enraged by the Israelis and the Western govs not demanding a ceasefire.
The US now has moved 4 aircraft carriers & numerous warships into the region, as well as supplying more arms to Israel. Repubs are talking about $1B in aid.
As per video, last week they vetoed the ceasefire proposal because it didn't specifically condemn Hamas.
I absolutely agree that the situation is worrying to say the least. I'm also pointing out that, if the US had WW3 or nuclear engagement on the agenda, then that could easily have been achieved in Ukraine earlier this year. Yet, they actually chopped the Brit attempt to bring it on.
To me, that's more about strategy rather than about trying to start WW3 or go nuke.
I actually don't agree about Russia-Ukraine, TBH. Ukraine is the central "heartland" of Eurasia that geopol types got taught about in their military academies. Controlling central Eurasia, or the "rimland" surrounding, is a big deal for these guys.
I'm not saying we're trying to create a nuke Holocaust or hot WW3.
Or that Ukr is not a big deal. I'm saying Ukr is 1. A longer term plan, for future resource theft & 2. It's not the only deal in trying to weaken Russia. Eg Chechnya, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Niger.
And I am saying Israel is our main outpost in tbe ME, our *current* supply. Cut off Syria, & were in trouble. Block the strait of Hormuz & our goose is cooked, so to speak.
The real danger, though, is that it is *personal.*
Biden & Netanyahu both face criminal corruption charges that will destroy them. And Biden's handlers & followers are arguably rabidly, pathologically filled with hate.
And the very small seas are getting increasingly crowded.
Fair enough. Yet the post was about invoking Armageddon. That was the topic.
Given that the US is actively blocking a UN call for ceasefire, whilst simultaneously bringing military assets into the area, does make it look like they will green light a Gaza invasion once they have assets in place to back the Israelis up. That's what I figure.
The US' main forward bases in the region are actually in Muslim Brotherhood-supporting countries (Turkiye and Qatar). Israel may be the focus, but it is not where the US assets are.
"When lives are at stake" is a relative thing. Last time we had a world war, Russia lost 16 million lives. Maybe you want to study chess moves before you make moves you can't undo. The idea that Sputnik V is based on AstraZeneca - have you seen any evidence of that? (I'll spare you the effort, you've seen the same kind of evidence as "Saddam has WMDs" and "Iran is behind Hamas...") You've seen no real evidence. Your last question and suggestion "think hard" - I have thought hard and I know the answer. If your answer is that they're "controlled opposition," then you need to think harder still.
Even if sputnik v was not based on AZ, have you looked at the total death count increase since it was released? Like other vaccinated nations, deaths increased after the shot was released, even though 2020 was the peak of the pandemic.
Also ask yourself why many Russians avoided the shots, in some cases getting it faked in order to bypass regional/city mandates. If it's so safe, why would they do this?
Also keep in mind that Russia doesn't even have a safety monitoring system like the UK, EU, USA, Australia does. With that kind of transparency, why do you think it's safe?
I'm not saying that they're controlled opposition, I'm saying that they are complicit in the covid fraud, including shots and promotion of the WHO.
That's not a government I would trust and I'm sorry but how are you not suspicious of their COVID response?
Think hard means you are refusing to see that Russia doesn't really give a shit about challenging the Western propaganda of a hyped up flu.
This requires a separate article, but: by going along with the C19 hoax, Russia completely blew up the globalist plans. I'll explain but can't in a short comment.
Alex, both you and Tom Luongo stress how complex this all is. There are enumerable moving pieces now and in the past. You both discussed this so well in your most recent talk with Shaun Newman and why I now follow you two exclusively - not because you're perfect, but because you are both wise, knowledgeable and humble in the face of this jungle of facts, theories, and stories. People and communities come to understanding gradually and from different paths. Russia is far from perfect, but who is? But they are part of a major counter-offensive against the globalist elite morons. We can't afford to demand purity of anyone or any community. The drive for impossible purity and perfection is the source of this evil poisoning our world.
Thank you! Yes, nobody's perfect. Roses have thorns, it's the way nature is, but then some schmuck will try to pick the rose, get stung on the thorn and throw a tantrum and curse the rose and burn it down. Like some unhinged psychopath.. 😉
Hi Alex, I would love to hear this explained. As I learn more, it is becoming harder for me to discern how much of Russia's extraordinarily restrained, life-preserving, and outwardly gracious response has come from a position of (hard for most Americans to understand) strength and wisdom vs., a more passive, it not being worth responding. I see plenty of signs of Russia wanting to be part of the Big Club, too.
Are those really the choices though? Is it not a contrast between emotionally-based performative outrage, on one hand, and strategic/intellectual reflection on the other? Most US (and Israel, UK, etc) aggression is preceded by false-flag events intended to whip up the emotions and 'justify' a hot-headed, vengeful response.
What I wrote are not choices. They are hypothetical explanations for what we see: Russia's extraordinarily restrained, life-preserving, and outwardly gracious response to provocations.
You MUST recall that 'Conspiracies' are ubiquitous, and as often as not opposed.
Like two supermarket corporations will work together on lowering taxes and food safety requirements, but still undercut each other at any opportunity too.
Even WEF insiders will struggle for position, and influence, including backstabbing if need be.
There are more active conspiracies than humans on the planet. Considerably more.
Slavsquat cites sources. I'll take those sources seriously until they are addressed and sorry to say, all I hear are name calling instead of actual challenge. People still think sputnik V is safe. Prove it because there's many articles Edward cited that show it's not and Russians distrust it.
What makes you (Karen) say that? He has citations from across the political spectrum in Russia. Writing him off is the easy way out. It would be nice if that were the case, but we can't run off of "wouldn't it be nice" any more (if we ever could).
Sputnik is a traditional vax, not gene therapy. Simple google search confirms. The spike causes most of the disease, so any intro of spikes is not good, especially the original, pre-mutation version. And Russia, too, rushed the process.
Re: Ukr, Russia was not in a position to do anything more10 years ago. It's in a very different position now because it spent tbe last decade preparing. Note the steady stream of new weapons, some based on new physics, introduced since 2018.
But that doesn't mean it should make rash moves. It's moving carefully to build a global consensus & give the psychos sitting on nuclear triggers a chance to calm down before they irradiate the globe, because there is no putting that toothpaste back in the tube.
Sputnik V has serious issues, like Johnson and AZ did.
I actually question the mRNA story because mRNA or not, all the shots have clotting issues
I'm not sure of the Chinese shots because the data is not transparent from there.
Russia was in a position to petition the UN for recognition of the Eastern part of Ukraine.
What good were the Minsk 1 + 2 accords if they didn't stand up for the violations that Ukraine committed for 7+years?
Also, it would be nice to see Russia and China stand up and call out the ridiculous rigged security council veto power. Without veto powers, there would actually be some form of democracy among the UN member states and we wouldn't be in this mess today.
Obviously, they won't do it because they also enjoy veto powers. It's selfish and sick!
I question the spike, as COVID itself was not deadly... Even at the peak It had an ifr around the flu.
I blame the toxicity of the chemicals in the shots.
Even though sputnik, az, and Johnson didn't use nano lipids, they use polysorbate 80, which has similar issues with the blood.
Moderna had issues with their shots before covid, when they were doing gene therapy for cancer, nothing spike. The sputnik shot is based on an ebola vaccine which also had issues.
It's the same with the flu shot and other shots, which have less toxic ingredients (though the HPV shot is close to COVID shot in damage).
Hindsight? Even Russia knew their shots caused issues.
It was no different than the moderna, Pfizer, az, and Johnson shots.
Instead, they persisted in pushing the shots even after knowing that they were ineffective. If we give Russia an excuse, the West is entitled to the same logic. I refuse to trust any group that pretends like there were no issues. This applies to all of the West AND Russia. (China, no clue, but they did continue locking down even after weak omicron)
The Salk Research Institute determined by May, 2019 that the spike caused the bulk of covid disease by binding to ACE2 receptors, blocking molecular signaling & leading to cell death & that it didn't need to be on viable virus to do so . The spike subsequently was found to damage the endothelial cells (the lining of blood vessels) causing clotting issues & DIC.
The mRNA vaccines increase the clotting & cause additional problems due to:
* mRNA persistence, which leads to general inflammation & continuous production of spikes,
*toxicity of the nanolipid envelope & adjuvants,
*& in the case of the most deadly lots, contamination with e-coli plasmid rings containing genes for antibiotic resistance
Sputnik is a traditional vaccine using an adenovirus vector.
In just the same way as Angela Merkel acknowledged that the Minsk Accords were a placeholder, a way to buy time, that extra time benefitted Russia, as StBW points out earlier in this thread, while also enabling Pres Putin to signal diplomacy and, yes maybe, passivity. There are differences between strategy and tactics and VVP has exemplified this for many years. It would be a mistake to conclude that his seeming passivity means he will accept every provocation. How is Prigozhin getting on these days??
Hmm.. How do we go from something shakespeare once said to diagnosing "the whole west vs brics+" a fraud? Maybe a more rigorous approach would be appropriate.
Humanity will not know peace until it knows truth. Thank you for being a reporter of truth - may the desire to know it become as contagious as a fake virus 😉
Alex you are the voice of reason in this madness. I like China representative response, he nailed it. HAMAS is obviously, but did Israeli government admit they part in financing it? There is one interesting detail as well, in 2012 G.Kissinger( who’s hell awaits shortly, amen) saying that Israel will not exist in 10 years..?
I feel terrible about civilians from both sides, nobody deserves such horrific events. 20 years ago, friend of family, Greek origin asked me a question. Why in WWII 27 million Russian people died, vast majority civilians and nobody talks about genocide of Russian civilians. I said, maybe because we won and our allies put” iron curtain” as we were enemies? We have been played and still played to this day. Same people, same organizations doing same ...... over again. Once you see it, you can not unsee it. Thank you Alex again!
The west provoked the swine and chicken flu pandemics in China as well. Russia and China knew very well who stood behind two decades of terrorist attacks, but they were not prepared. Now they are. This is the reason why the anglosionist empire cannot envisage any other outcome that a Russian total defeat and partition. Good luck with that.
As always Alex, right on the button. Thank you for your measured and thoughtful pieces.
Thank you Philip!
Fine article, short, sharp and a point well made. I look forward to your posts.
Great article, displaying rational, measured response. But, I fear we are in the grip of non-rational State representatives who do not actually want peace, but rather the destruction of all who oppose or disagree with them. I might be wrong, I hope I am, but the actions carried out so far by these supremacists speak for themselves.
There are plenty of supposedly unhinged madmen in leadership positions, who'll do anything to fight more wars and have more and more escalations to current conflicts, but maybe they are not so unhinged, but are just doing what their masters are telling them to, or are unhinged, and 'elected' to their position for just that reason, to have more war.
Because the 'hidden hand' behind these geriatric puppets like Biden is the Money Making Machine that benefits immensely from wars, by manufacturing and selling the munitions and equipment, giving the loans needed for their purchase, rebuilding infrastructure after it has been wiped out etc.
Unfortunately the media is complicit in this charade that causes innocent lives being lost in the name of profit and control. Glad we still have places like substack and very few independent journalists.
On that note : let's hope that Zelensky's latest falseflag plan (to blow up German embassy in Kiev and blame Russia) is again exposed enough that they will be forced to cancel it , like they were most likely forced to abandon the ZNPP falseflag earlier when it was exposed too widely , link to the currently planned flaseflag :
Oligarch puppeteers are struggling more and more to drive and control the narrative. The desperation grows as will the ugliness unfortunately.
100% agree Alex.
Btw, very good talk with Tom on Shaun’s podcast. You guys are AWSOME together. Luongo is brutal, I love it!
Link please? New here so catching up.
Amen! Shaun is great because he lets them both talk.
Right on, Brother Alex!!!
Thank you!
I do agree with everything you're saying. And I'd also like to point out that actually the US have also visibly taken some steps to walk back from increased conflict or nuclear risk in Ukraine. When the Brits proposed Ben Wallace, a well-recognised pro-war individual, for NATO Gen Sec, it was the Biden admin that chopped him.
I agree Devaraj, good point. However, the worry is that seeding the war theater with so many US/NATO military assets is a minefield of possible false flag mishaps. If there's a mass casualty event against US or other NATO troops, the chain reaction could be irreversible.
It certainly is a very volatile and worrying situation right now. Here in Turkiye, Erdogan was absolutely pounding the EU yesterday for not standing behind the convention on human rights. Many Muslims are getting more and more enraged by the Israelis and the Western govs not demanding a ceasefire.
I think that might be part of the plan unfortunately.
The US now has moved 4 aircraft carriers & numerous warships into the region, as well as supplying more arms to Israel. Repubs are talking about $1B in aid.
As per video, last week they vetoed the ceasefire proposal because it didn't specifically condemn Hamas.
Talk is cheap. Actions say prepping for war.
I absolutely agree that the situation is worrying to say the least. I'm also pointing out that, if the US had WW3 or nuclear engagement on the agenda, then that could easily have been achieved in Ukraine earlier this year. Yet, they actually chopped the Brit attempt to bring it on.
The Biden administration does not want WWIII just yet. They want it to coordinate with the 2024 elections, so Puppet Biden can stay in office.
Strategically, Israel is far more important to the US than Ukraine. There is no comparison.
Russia is a longer term goal & can be "bled" (in their minds) from any # of places.
Not only is Israel their main forward base in the ME & lock on ME oil right now, look how many Zionists are in high positions in government & finance.
With Israel its personal. Ukraine, not so much.
To me, that's more about strategy rather than about trying to start WW3 or go nuke.
I actually don't agree about Russia-Ukraine, TBH. Ukraine is the central "heartland" of Eurasia that geopol types got taught about in their military academies. Controlling central Eurasia, or the "rimland" surrounding, is a big deal for these guys.
I'm not saying we're trying to create a nuke Holocaust or hot WW3.
Or that Ukr is not a big deal. I'm saying Ukr is 1. A longer term plan, for future resource theft & 2. It's not the only deal in trying to weaken Russia. Eg Chechnya, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Niger.
And I am saying Israel is our main outpost in tbe ME, our *current* supply. Cut off Syria, & were in trouble. Block the strait of Hormuz & our goose is cooked, so to speak.
The real danger, though, is that it is *personal.*
Biden & Netanyahu both face criminal corruption charges that will destroy them. And Biden's handlers & followers are arguably rabidly, pathologically filled with hate.
And the very small seas are getting increasingly crowded.
It's a recipe for disaster.
Fair enough. Yet the post was about invoking Armageddon. That was the topic.
Given that the US is actively blocking a UN call for ceasefire, whilst simultaneously bringing military assets into the area, does make it look like they will green light a Gaza invasion once they have assets in place to back the Israelis up. That's what I figure.
The US' main forward bases in the region are actually in Muslim Brotherhood-supporting countries (Turkiye and Qatar). Israel may be the focus, but it is not where the US assets are.
Last I saw, both Turkiye & Qatar are leaning toward Brics & Russia.
(It may have been re:the cease fire votes. But it was something very clear in tbe last week or 2).
My issue is that Russia has consistently taken it on the chin, like with the Syrian incident.
Instead of creating a big issue about it, they sit quiet and do the motions.
They didn't push for Eastern Ukraine independence or to join Russia from 2014 until the war.
They did nothing to prevent the mess in Libya...
And now with Israel, they're still playing "chess".
When lives are at stake, playing chess is sort of numb and psychopathic.
Remember, Russia and China promoted lockdowns and untested vaccines too!
Sputnik V is very harmful like the astra zeneca shot it was based on. With the Chinese shots, we have no real information.
Why would they both go along with the western big pharma covid story?
Think hard...
"When lives are at stake" is a relative thing. Last time we had a world war, Russia lost 16 million lives. Maybe you want to study chess moves before you make moves you can't undo. The idea that Sputnik V is based on AstraZeneca - have you seen any evidence of that? (I'll spare you the effort, you've seen the same kind of evidence as "Saddam has WMDs" and "Iran is behind Hamas...") You've seen no real evidence. Your last question and suggestion "think hard" - I have thought hard and I know the answer. If your answer is that they're "controlled opposition," then you need to think harder still.
Even if sputnik v was not based on AZ, have you looked at the total death count increase since it was released? Like other vaccinated nations, deaths increased after the shot was released, even though 2020 was the peak of the pandemic.
Also ask yourself why many Russians avoided the shots, in some cases getting it faked in order to bypass regional/city mandates. If it's so safe, why would they do this?
Also keep in mind that Russia doesn't even have a safety monitoring system like the UK, EU, USA, Australia does. With that kind of transparency, why do you think it's safe?
I'm not saying that they're controlled opposition, I'm saying that they are complicit in the covid fraud, including shots and promotion of the WHO.
That's not a government I would trust and I'm sorry but how are you not suspicious of their COVID response?
Think hard means you are refusing to see that Russia doesn't really give a shit about challenging the Western propaganda of a hyped up flu.
Maybe you should have a talk with this guy
He lives in Russia near Moscow.
In these trying times we should always be skeptical of governments, even the ones we believe to be "good guys".
This requires a separate article, but: by going along with the C19 hoax, Russia completely blew up the globalist plans. I'll explain but can't in a short comment.
Alex, both you and Tom Luongo stress how complex this all is. There are enumerable moving pieces now and in the past. You both discussed this so well in your most recent talk with Shaun Newman and why I now follow you two exclusively - not because you're perfect, but because you are both wise, knowledgeable and humble in the face of this jungle of facts, theories, and stories. People and communities come to understanding gradually and from different paths. Russia is far from perfect, but who is? But they are part of a major counter-offensive against the globalist elite morons. We can't afford to demand purity of anyone or any community. The drive for impossible purity and perfection is the source of this evil poisoning our world.
Thank you! Yes, nobody's perfect. Roses have thorns, it's the way nature is, but then some schmuck will try to pick the rose, get stung on the thorn and throw a tantrum and curse the rose and burn it down. Like some unhinged psychopath.. 😉
I'm interested to learn about it because right now I'm not seeing it.
Hi Alex, I would love to hear this explained. As I learn more, it is becoming harder for me to discern how much of Russia's extraordinarily restrained, life-preserving, and outwardly gracious response has come from a position of (hard for most Americans to understand) strength and wisdom vs., a more passive, it not being worth responding. I see plenty of signs of Russia wanting to be part of the Big Club, too.
Are those really the choices though? Is it not a contrast between emotionally-based performative outrage, on one hand, and strategic/intellectual reflection on the other? Most US (and Israel, UK, etc) aggression is preceded by false-flag events intended to whip up the emotions and 'justify' a hot-headed, vengeful response.
What I wrote are not choices. They are hypothetical explanations for what we see: Russia's extraordinarily restrained, life-preserving, and outwardly gracious response to provocations.
You MUST recall that 'Conspiracies' are ubiquitous, and as often as not opposed.
Like two supermarket corporations will work together on lowering taxes and food safety requirements, but still undercut each other at any opportunity too.
Even WEF insiders will struggle for position, and influence, including backstabbing if need be.
There are more active conspiracies than humans on the planet. Considerably more.
Slavsquat is an agent provocateuer and not taken seriously
Slavsquat cites sources. I'll take those sources seriously until they are addressed and sorry to say, all I hear are name calling instead of actual challenge. People still think sputnik V is safe. Prove it because there's many articles Edward cited that show it's not and Russians distrust it.
What about James Corbett, who cites even more?
Tons of info to see that they have similar corruption to what we have in the West.
I prefer that then to blindly believe that Russia is a good guy.
In a globalist world there's a lot of grey on both sides.
What makes you (Karen) say that? He has citations from across the political spectrum in Russia. Writing him off is the easy way out. It would be nice if that were the case, but we can't run off of "wouldn't it be nice" any more (if we ever could).
Sputnik is a traditional vax, not gene therapy. Simple google search confirms. The spike causes most of the disease, so any intro of spikes is not good, especially the original, pre-mutation version. And Russia, too, rushed the process.
Re: Ukr, Russia was not in a position to do anything more10 years ago. It's in a very different position now because it spent tbe last decade preparing. Note the steady stream of new weapons, some based on new physics, introduced since 2018.
But that doesn't mean it should make rash moves. It's moving carefully to build a global consensus & give the psychos sitting on nuclear triggers a chance to calm down before they irradiate the globe, because there is no putting that toothpaste back in the tube.
Sputnik V has serious issues, like Johnson and AZ did.
I actually question the mRNA story because mRNA or not, all the shots have clotting issues
I'm not sure of the Chinese shots because the data is not transparent from there.
Russia was in a position to petition the UN for recognition of the Eastern part of Ukraine.
What good were the Minsk 1 + 2 accords if they didn't stand up for the violations that Ukraine committed for 7+years?
Also, it would be nice to see Russia and China stand up and call out the ridiculous rigged security council veto power. Without veto powers, there would actually be some form of democracy among the UN member states and we wouldn't be in this mess today.
Obviously, they won't do it because they also enjoy veto powers. It's selfish and sick!
The spikes are known to literally shred the endothial lining of blood vessels as they circulate. That alone is enough to cause clotting issues.
Shoulda woulda coulda... hindsight is 20/20 vision. It is very easy to say what you would do when you don't know any details.
I question the spike, as COVID itself was not deadly... Even at the peak It had an ifr around the flu.
I blame the toxicity of the chemicals in the shots.
Even though sputnik, az, and Johnson didn't use nano lipids, they use polysorbate 80, which has similar issues with the blood.
Moderna had issues with their shots before covid, when they were doing gene therapy for cancer, nothing spike. The sputnik shot is based on an ebola vaccine which also had issues.
It's the same with the flu shot and other shots, which have less toxic ingredients (though the HPV shot is close to COVID shot in damage).
Hindsight? Even Russia knew their shots caused issues.
It was no different than the moderna, Pfizer, az, and Johnson shots.
Instead, they persisted in pushing the shots even after knowing that they were ineffective. If we give Russia an excuse, the West is entitled to the same logic. I refuse to trust any group that pretends like there were no issues. This applies to all of the West AND Russia. (China, no clue, but they did continue locking down even after weak omicron)
New update on the sputnik clot shots:
The Salk Research Institute determined by May, 2019 that the spike caused the bulk of covid disease by binding to ACE2 receptors, blocking molecular signaling & leading to cell death & that it didn't need to be on viable virus to do so . The spike subsequently was found to damage the endothelial cells (the lining of blood vessels) causing clotting issues & DIC.
The mRNA vaccines increase the clotting & cause additional problems due to:
* mRNA persistence, which leads to general inflammation & continuous production of spikes,
*toxicity of the nanolipid envelope & adjuvants,
*& in the case of the most deadly lots, contamination with e-coli plasmid rings containing genes for antibiotic resistance
Sputnik is a traditional vaccine using an adenovirus vector.
Ok so you're talking like the mRNA shots are the problem.
If that's the case, why did astra zeneca and Johnson , which use the tech sputnik does, adenovirus, have the same exact clotting issues?
In fact, az and Johnson were discontinued!
Somehow sputnik is still ok? Adenovirus vector is just another way of creating the spike that you claim cause the clotting etc.
I'll give you a clue what happened... false choice. Ban az and Johnson to help mRNA. But in reality they're all shitty.
My big question to you and others who think sputnik is safe... If this is true, why did many Russians avoid the shot?
It's not any better than az, Johnson, Pfizer, moderna, whatever bs.
In just the same way as Angela Merkel acknowledged that the Minsk Accords were a placeholder, a way to buy time, that extra time benefitted Russia, as StBW points out earlier in this thread, while also enabling Pres Putin to signal diplomacy and, yes maybe, passivity. There are differences between strategy and tactics and VVP has exemplified this for many years. It would be a mistake to conclude that his seeming passivity means he will accept every provocation. How is Prigozhin getting on these days??
hey alex I just wanted to let you know that shakespeare once said that all the worlds a stage. the whole west vs brics+ is a fraud.
Hmm.. How do we go from something shakespeare once said to diagnosing "the whole west vs brics+" a fraud? Maybe a more rigorous approach would be appropriate.
because if you read riley waggaman, and listen to jesse zurawell among others you will get a different picture of what is going on.
Humanity will not know peace until it knows truth. Thank you for being a reporter of truth - may the desire to know it become as contagious as a fake virus 😉
God bless!
Thank you!
Thanks for the simple but convincing lesson.
The bad guys in the propaganda business find it easiest to look inward in order to direct vile charges against their opponents.
I've forwarded it.... as it deserves to be.
Thank you!
But the beheaded babies Alex! What part of beheaded does the international rules-based community not understand?
Back on planet Earth, it seems quite clear that Israel got its playbook from Viscount James Bryce and his report on "German outrages" in Belgium.
Alex you are the voice of reason in this madness. I like China representative response, he nailed it. HAMAS is obviously, but did Israeli government admit they part in financing it? There is one interesting detail as well, in 2012 G.Kissinger( who’s hell awaits shortly, amen) saying that Israel will not exist in 10 years..?
I feel terrible about civilians from both sides, nobody deserves such horrific events. 20 years ago, friend of family, Greek origin asked me a question. Why in WWII 27 million Russian people died, vast majority civilians and nobody talks about genocide of Russian civilians. I said, maybe because we won and our allies put” iron curtain” as we were enemies? We have been played and still played to this day. Same people, same organizations doing same ...... over again. Once you see it, you can not unsee it. Thank you Alex again!
As if those in Gaza aren't fighting for their literal survivals.
Israel should be exposed as the funder, along with the US, of Hamas and simply withdraw their funding.
The west provoked the swine and chicken flu pandemics in China as well. Russia and China knew very well who stood behind two decades of terrorist attacks, but they were not prepared. Now they are. This is the reason why the anglosionist empire cannot envisage any other outcome that a Russian total defeat and partition. Good luck with that.