“During the lifetime of great revolutionaries, the oppressing classes have visited relentless persecution on them and received their teaching with the most savage hostility, the most furious hatred, the most ruthless campaign of lies and slanders. After their death, attempts are made to turn them into harmless icons, canonise them, and surround their names with a certain halo for the "consolation" of the oppressed classes and with the object of duping them, while at the same time emasculating and vulgarising the real essence of their revolutionary theories and blunting their revolutionary edge.” V I Lenin
Hell, at the time of his assassination, MLK was in ill graces with liberals for his opposition to the Vietnam War in particular and American imperialism in general, since these were championed by LBJ and the Team D mainstream.
We need to find the Gandhi that exists within each one of us. The solutions lie within us, as we participate in the community of our fellow humans, each with their own Gandhi.
You realize that is a completely monocultural, Western attitude & response, right? That no other civilization believes in or adheres to that? So that just standing aside when a stronger, more vibrant culture shows up will bring only the displacement of modernity with a sub-modern illiterate society of primitives: Islam.
Ghandi accomplished what he did by preying on the empathy of western women. That’s the same empathy that has given us open borders, decarcerated thugs, 100,000 ODs per year, crappy education, murder-without-consequence across the St George Floyd Summer of Love, women murdering their own children cuz post-partum depression, below-replacement fertility, and 60 years of negative impact on progress and our future via Affirmative Action. Had Ghandi been up against a vibrant civilization of men - say, Islam - no one ever would have heard of him as he’d have been beheaded early on.
If the line from Churchill about why Smuts hadn't killed Gandhi is true, your comment that this is a story, it speaks volumes on where we are today. The English (Atlanticist now) response to inconvenient, but true statements is to get rid of that person permanently. It is not that hard to see the same today in Western Government now. They wish they could get rid of us, those truly speaking truth to power. Nothing has changed. We just see more now since Covid, more of it is in the open. (Note, I am not saying this work against us started with Covid, clearly, with the benefit of hindsight, it probably started no later than 911, but it is undeniable now.)
When I click on the link for the article about Gandhi I get taken to all sorts of weird sites - different ones each time... something very strange has happened to that link!!!
It's becoming pervasive; it seems that Winston Smith and memory-holing of content are for real. Do try to copy-paste that link into "archive.org" or "archive.today" - might come up.
Thank you Alex. Short and touching homage regarding a truthful non-violent protestor of the last century. Gandhi's book 'Hind Swaraj' gives some very interesting insights into the values and dedication of getting along ('Hindus and Moslems) and together 'Not Complying ' = uniting against the British for their Self-Rule (Swaraj) of their own country. I read it almost 40 years ago and I remember clearly his description of khadi cloth, which is hand-spun hand woven cloth, and how it actually is a more resilient and strong material than machine made thread and fabric. This he states actually causes friction and has less integrity than the khadi cloth. This is his great metaphor for this issues of the country that time. Themes of Division inside the country against a 'foreign power' seem relevant today.
Another viewpoint, which may — or may not :) — be instructive, is a slim volume by Peter Gelderloos, "How Non-Violence Protects the State." He makes the case that "Resistance to British colonialism included enough militancy that the Gandhian method can be viewed most accurately as one of several competing forms of popular resistance."
He reminds the reader that "When we remember that history is written by the victors, another layer of the myth of Indian independence comes unraveled. ... The British were not forced to quit India. Rather, they chose to transfer the territory from direct colonial rule to neocolonial rule. What kind of victory allows the losing side to dictate the time and manner of the victors' ascendancy? The British authored the new constitution and turned power over to handpicked successors."
The above viewpoint represents a large shift in my understanding of history, as I am of the age where my thoughts were conditioned by the "nonviolent, anti-war movement." Those of us who are content with peaceful existence do not understand the wrath of the warring parasite class, but must, regrettably, admit that the wrath exists.
In 1988 or so while a student at University of South Florida (USF)I asked a question to Paul d' Oronzio a PHD in social work regarding Gandhi. In his class Human Behavior and Social Environment II he stated:
"a person's behaviors are the result of the hierarchical restraints of their environments and emergent characteristics of their social environment." I raised my hand and asked innocently " How would this theory explain Mahatma Gandhi who defeated non-violently the British Empire and made them withdraw from India? d' Oronzio the Marxist academic looked at me and said: "the theory is states what the theory states." He would not engage in an honest reply. Later a few years, I reapplied to finish the BSW program at USF and this Academic Leftist dismissed me stating " You asked disturbing questions in my class..." This proves Mahatma's eternal influence doesn't it?
Interersting; it's dismaying that academic institutions of "higher learning" are in fact entrenched defenders of dogmas and orthodoxies of the ruling order where you may not ask "disturbing questions..."
What is really interesting is that Erik Erikson a psychologist often quoted in Social Work academia, wrote the definitive bio of Gandhi! Erikson is taught in social work class because of his exposition of the life cycle. His book "Gandhi's Truth" should be required reading of all social work grad students.
Sorry, Alex, to rain on the parade...but Gandhi is not a sacred cow and I cocurr with the dissenters. He reminds me of Pastor Niemöller, elevated to Sainthood...First they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a trade unionist.Then they came for the jews...He turned out to be a real crypto nazi, recycled by the Americans, who by the way recycled, adopted and transfigured all the nazi apparatus, save a few scapegoats hanged for show. Modi is an avatar of Gandhi.
Rain is fine. I read some of the bad stories aboit Gandhi. I can't say if they're true or if they're psyops. Anyhow, the post wasn't strictly about him.
I dislike the requirement that heroes must be pure otherworldly angels. None are. There was good and bad in Gandhi, is that such a surprise? Does the bad cancel out the good? I don’t think so. Better to try and fall short than sit on the sidelines and point out the faults of others.
The legend of Gandhi is that massive, peaceful, non-compliant protests are the enemy of Power and the shortcut to freedom. That's why they stopped teaching about him and his movement - he brought down a small part of the empire that controls us and that scared the shit out of them.
Ghandi..? You mean the one who wrote that blacks "are troublesome, very dirty and live like animals"? The one who liked to sleep naked with little girls?
The "funny" thing is that the part I have no problems with (it being simple pattern recognition and observation of the reality he experienced in the 20 years he lived in South Africa) in today's West is a mortal sin, the part I do have problems with is just embraced, or at the very least condoned, "normal" sexual deviancy...
Gandhi was from the elite that had happily served the British Empire for years, and that is who the British turned to once they knew that they could no longer rule India. Gandhi is revered in the West because this supports the discourse that peaceful revolution is possible and memory-holes the armed struggles that forced the British to give India its independence (including the mutiny of British troops in Asia after WW2 against being used as agents of empire). Gandhi had an elite patronizing view of the poor, who he saw as requiring leadership by the Brahmins rather than given real power. Nehru made sure that the comprador elites would rule independent India, as happens so many times with "independence".
gandhi was made in satanic bank of england and was plan b to keep control
"there is not truth higher than God" turned into no god higher than truth is just proof of his deceit just like pope franky says...catholics and communists desire same ends
In 1988 or so while a student at University of South Florida (USF)I asked a question to Paul d' Oronzio a PHD in social work regarding Gandhi. In his class Human Behavior and Social Environment II he stated:
"a person's behaviors are the result of the hierarchical restraints of their environments and emergent characteristics of their social environment." I raised my hand and asked innocently " How would this theory explain Mahatma Gandhi who defeated non-violently the British Empire and made them withdraw from India? d' Oronzio the Marxist academic looked at me and said: "the theory is states what the theory states." He would not engage in an honest reply. Later a few years, I reapplied to finish the BSW program at USF and this Academic Leftist dismissed me stating " You asked disturbing questions in my class..." This proves Mahatma's eternal influence, doesn't it?
“During the lifetime of great revolutionaries, the oppressing classes have visited relentless persecution on them and received their teaching with the most savage hostility, the most furious hatred, the most ruthless campaign of lies and slanders. After their death, attempts are made to turn them into harmless icons, canonise them, and surround their names with a certain halo for the "consolation" of the oppressed classes and with the object of duping them, while at the same time emasculating and vulgarising the real essence of their revolutionary theories and blunting their revolutionary edge.” V I Lenin
Hell, at the time of his assassination, MLK was in ill graces with liberals for his opposition to the Vietnam War in particular and American imperialism in general, since these were championed by LBJ and the Team D mainstream.
Very insightful. That's indeed exactly what the ultra-wealthy hierarchical ruling class does. https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies
The World needs a Gandhi now.
We need to find the Gandhi that exists within each one of us. The solutions lie within us, as we participate in the community of our fellow humans, each with their own Gandhi.
Yes, precisely.
Had Ghandi been at Tiananmen Square, for example, he’d have been machine-gunned among woth the thousands of others.
You realize that is a completely monocultural, Western attitude & response, right? That no other civilization believes in or adheres to that? So that just standing aside when a stronger, more vibrant culture shows up will bring only the displacement of modernity with a sub-modern illiterate society of primitives: Islam.
We need several
Ghandi accomplished what he did by preying on the empathy of western women. That’s the same empathy that has given us open borders, decarcerated thugs, 100,000 ODs per year, crappy education, murder-without-consequence across the St George Floyd Summer of Love, women murdering their own children cuz post-partum depression, below-replacement fertility, and 60 years of negative impact on progress and our future via Affirmative Action. Had Ghandi been up against a vibrant civilization of men - say, Islam - no one ever would have heard of him as he’d have been beheaded early on.
Is India better off? In what measurable way?
So you’re saying India is better-off today than it would have been had it remained in the empire? Any evidence for that?
The Empire of Lies (US/UK)is collapsing.
India has still a long way to develop its full capacity.
Step by step
"True love is the love of truth. " Dartwill Aquila
If the line from Churchill about why Smuts hadn't killed Gandhi is true, your comment that this is a story, it speaks volumes on where we are today. The English (Atlanticist now) response to inconvenient, but true statements is to get rid of that person permanently. It is not that hard to see the same today in Western Government now. They wish they could get rid of us, those truly speaking truth to power. Nothing has changed. We just see more now since Covid, more of it is in the open. (Note, I am not saying this work against us started with Covid, clearly, with the benefit of hindsight, it probably started no later than 911, but it is undeniable now.)
British establishment has used assassination very routinely in their foreign policy conduct (including Abraham Lincoln).
When I click on the link for the article about Gandhi I get taken to all sorts of weird sites - different ones each time... something very strange has happened to that link!!!
It's becoming pervasive; it seems that Winston Smith and memory-holing of content are for real. Do try to copy-paste that link into "archive.org" or "archive.today" - might come up.
Yes - it's worrying isn't it? I am trying to download and save things offline as much as possible at the moment!
Thank you Alex. Short and touching homage regarding a truthful non-violent protestor of the last century. Gandhi's book 'Hind Swaraj' gives some very interesting insights into the values and dedication of getting along ('Hindus and Moslems) and together 'Not Complying ' = uniting against the British for their Self-Rule (Swaraj) of their own country. I read it almost 40 years ago and I remember clearly his description of khadi cloth, which is hand-spun hand woven cloth, and how it actually is a more resilient and strong material than machine made thread and fabric. This he states actually causes friction and has less integrity than the khadi cloth. This is his great metaphor for this issues of the country that time. Themes of Division inside the country against a 'foreign power' seem relevant today.
Beautiful, thank you Jono!
Another viewpoint, which may — or may not :) — be instructive, is a slim volume by Peter Gelderloos, "How Non-Violence Protects the State." He makes the case that "Resistance to British colonialism included enough militancy that the Gandhian method can be viewed most accurately as one of several competing forms of popular resistance."
He reminds the reader that "When we remember that history is written by the victors, another layer of the myth of Indian independence comes unraveled. ... The British were not forced to quit India. Rather, they chose to transfer the territory from direct colonial rule to neocolonial rule. What kind of victory allows the losing side to dictate the time and manner of the victors' ascendancy? The British authored the new constitution and turned power over to handpicked successors."
The above viewpoint represents a large shift in my understanding of history, as I am of the age where my thoughts were conditioned by the "nonviolent, anti-war movement." Those of us who are content with peaceful existence do not understand the wrath of the warring parasite class, but must, regrettably, admit that the wrath exists.
In 1988 or so while a student at University of South Florida (USF)I asked a question to Paul d' Oronzio a PHD in social work regarding Gandhi. In his class Human Behavior and Social Environment II he stated:
"a person's behaviors are the result of the hierarchical restraints of their environments and emergent characteristics of their social environment." I raised my hand and asked innocently " How would this theory explain Mahatma Gandhi who defeated non-violently the British Empire and made them withdraw from India? d' Oronzio the Marxist academic looked at me and said: "the theory is states what the theory states." He would not engage in an honest reply. Later a few years, I reapplied to finish the BSW program at USF and this Academic Leftist dismissed me stating " You asked disturbing questions in my class..." This proves Mahatma's eternal influence doesn't it?
Interersting; it's dismaying that academic institutions of "higher learning" are in fact entrenched defenders of dogmas and orthodoxies of the ruling order where you may not ask "disturbing questions..."
What is really interesting is that Erik Erikson a psychologist often quoted in Social Work academia, wrote the definitive bio of Gandhi! Erikson is taught in social work class because of his exposition of the life cycle. His book "Gandhi's Truth" should be required reading of all social work grad students.
Sorry, Alex, to rain on the parade...but Gandhi is not a sacred cow and I cocurr with the dissenters. He reminds me of Pastor Niemöller, elevated to Sainthood...First they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a trade unionist.Then they came for the jews...He turned out to be a real crypto nazi, recycled by the Americans, who by the way recycled, adopted and transfigured all the nazi apparatus, save a few scapegoats hanged for show. Modi is an avatar of Gandhi.
Rain is fine. I read some of the bad stories aboit Gandhi. I can't say if they're true or if they're psyops. Anyhow, the post wasn't strictly about him.
I dislike the requirement that heroes must be pure otherworldly angels. None are. There was good and bad in Gandhi, is that such a surprise? Does the bad cancel out the good? I don’t think so. Better to try and fall short than sit on the sidelines and point out the faults of others.
Amen, thank you!
The legend of Gandhi is that massive, peaceful, non-compliant protests are the enemy of Power and the shortcut to freedom. That's why they stopped teaching about him and his movement - he brought down a small part of the empire that controls us and that scared the shit out of them.
Yes, they stopped teaching about him, but I suspect they went further, trying to posthumously character assassinate him.
Ghandi..? You mean the one who wrote that blacks "are troublesome, very dirty and live like animals"? The one who liked to sleep naked with little girls?
The "funny" thing is that the part I have no problems with (it being simple pattern recognition and observation of the reality he experienced in the 20 years he lived in South Africa) in today's West is a mortal sin, the part I do have problems with is just embraced, or at the very least condoned, "normal" sexual deviancy...
Yes, I don't know what the truth is. There are bad stories about Gandhi (and others of his calibre). Maybe they're true, but maybe they're psyops.
He was not perfect.
Nobody is.
But his Satyagraha movement made him a Mahatma.
There were real revolutionaries in India, like those that led the 1946 mutiny: https://www.indiandefencereview.com/spotlights/the-forgotten-mutiny-that-shook-the-british-empire/
Gandhi was from the elite that had happily served the British Empire for years, and that is who the British turned to once they knew that they could no longer rule India. Gandhi is revered in the West because this supports the discourse that peaceful revolution is possible and memory-holes the armed struggles that forced the British to give India its independence (including the mutiny of British troops in Asia after WW2 against being used as agents of empire). Gandhi had an elite patronizing view of the poor, who he saw as requiring leadership by the Brahmins rather than given real power. Nehru made sure that the comprador elites would rule independent India, as happens so many times with "independence".
exactamundo ! this should be the real article not the rothschild bank of england version of pedo gandhi
Not a Ghandi fan; India is stuck in the caste system.
Gandhi was against the cast system.
Then he failed.
Society failed.
Anyway evolution is going towards UNITY.
both Smuts and Gandhi were likely Brtish creations...
gandhi was made in satanic bank of england and was plan b to keep control
"there is not truth higher than God" turned into no god higher than truth is just proof of his deceit just like pope franky says...catholics and communists desire same ends
In 1988 or so while a student at University of South Florida (USF)I asked a question to Paul d' Oronzio a PHD in social work regarding Gandhi. In his class Human Behavior and Social Environment II he stated:
"a person's behaviors are the result of the hierarchical restraints of their environments and emergent characteristics of their social environment." I raised my hand and asked innocently " How would this theory explain Mahatma Gandhi who defeated non-violently the British Empire and made them withdraw from India? d' Oronzio the Marxist academic looked at me and said: "the theory is states what the theory states." He would not engage in an honest reply. Later a few years, I reapplied to finish the BSW program at USF and this Academic Leftist dismissed me stating " You asked disturbing questions in my class..." This proves Mahatma's eternal influence, doesn't it?
Mirror everything wrong with the capital shooting in 21 minutes or less
J 6 is all a daytime drama
Today my fellow Americans why is this the Most IMPORTANT
It requires both poo-litcal bands to have PULLED OF
To be all in on the TREASON
HOLLYWEIRD IS who is All in
Stu SEGAL studios
San Diego
Look it up
Government CON -tract to creat ACTORS for day time MASS RIOTS
My fellow Americans Actors an or Government
WTFU it is all in the Open
TODAY A VERY STABLE GENUS leads in the POLLS an has Acted as if he can
Change this FEDCOAT democracy by being given a second chance
As if a second Trump ATTEMP by PEACE FOOL rinos will charge these DONKEY FOR
The ENEMY is in side the WIRE
To the sound of silence the magic of electricity will just be turned off
And the WAR begins
The Sound of a TRUMP=ET is the sign of all hell breaks loose