A Zen master whom I liked said: "Beware of all words ending in -isms...rheumatism...alcoholism...capitalism/communism... and the true Master's touch...Buddhism...Cheers!
A Zen master whom I liked said: "Beware of all words ending in -isms...rheumatism...alcoholism...capitalism/communism... and the true Master's touch...Buddhism...Cheers!
It is a pleasure to explore the conclusions of this thread. Thanks be given to Alex for making this possible. Sadly, Vanessa Beely does not allow for comments for free subscribers, but the conversation between the two is another well of inspiration.
To the "-ism" - which I am aware regarding the notion of the Zen Master via Alan Watts - I had this ironic realization after reading Your comment. You may find it entertaining and food for more thought.
I belong to a segment of the "baby boomer" generation that was diagnosed as an older adult with "Autism" and have now been thinking what that "-ism" is standing for. What is "Aut"? It may sound silly, of course, but now I am looking for the equivalent to the relationship between "Capital" and "Capital-ism" in "Aut-ism". Thank You for that inspiration.
Well, Wolfgang, Ich war einmals, many moons ago, ein echter Berliner, Ost-Berlin, nat├╝rlich...The Master I was referring to was Roshi Deshimaru who left his teaching in Europe, primarily France. Coincidentally, my daughter has developed a practice in treating autism, especially amongst over-vaccinated young children, with some success. As to capitalism, in which I earned my daily bread, I have much to say, but not here. Reading Karl, Engels and Lenin is a good beginning...better late than never.
Having explored the possibilities of those antagonistic to peace also being behind the divide and conquer scheme regarding neurological variances, I came to the conclusion that any nomer is arbitrary. What goes on with my gray matter and that of millions of other humans, is simply a variance of vibrational frequency - so to speak. Especially in the light of a social life that considers those marked with "Autism" as "being different" in a 'odd' way, it would be best to not use this terminology. However, specifically in the professional work environment, such variance will inevitable lead to issues that are not related to performance - but to the inability to cope with e.g. moronity and intrigues by those who deem themselves superior to anybody else.
Naturally, I would love to have people discover what this neurological variance entails in me - via personal exposure. No "-ism" would be needed to describe what this variance creates, mentally, spiritually and physically. The anitdote for Psychopathy is living, human community and I hope I will be able to meet those on the bright side of life - like those, here. :)
Has anyone spotted the sleight of hand in giving that belief-system the "-ity" suffix, in nearly all cases reserved for measurable physical properties. Try "-ity" for yourself.
We don't apply "-ity" to ANY other religious or political concepts.
Such a great conclusion. Now think about "Calamity" and change it to our present state of human affairs: "Calamism". Or "Calamitism". The continued and willful creation of calamity.
I suppose it's to convey solidity, like a rock. Not a mere human belief system, but a supposed mountain of "truth" which was once (and still is) ironically and nevertheless called "faith", i.e. belief. So, to which I'll add, impenetrability, and insanity.
Respect and thanks, but all those you mention except Christainity are in truth measurable qualities. You can have a bit of Liberty, Puberty is a process from 0 to 1, Reality is always fractional (ask the meditative masters!).
I assent to Trinity because I don't know what it means or, rather, it has no place in my personal collection of ideologies.
But here's a thought!:
I was lying. My trinity is: the three qualities of Mentality, Sentimentality, Spirituality, in that order, and if some of the sayings of the meditative masters are correct then most souls do not confront this during their lifetime and some even of those in the after-lifetime.
Mentality is required for the basic maintenance of life. Sentimentality for the correct operation of the human group (our moods modified by others). And Spirituality, connection with the other world(s), parallel worlds, spirits, fairies, all that stuff, does not work where the other two remain undeveloped. The fake religion of Individualism keeps us stuck in Mentality and the group power of human advance, remember, humans exist only by and from co-operation, the power of advancement of the community: the group power of human advance works only when Sentimentality is measured as non-zero. Consequentially, without the power of the group mind working like that, we are victims of the verbal manipulation (Mentality) of those to whom we defer The Budget.
Whether that may make sense now or later I leave to Due Consideration, which takes time, always.
Your remark looks to me like a sort of decoy! LOL -- can you be a partial Christian? Believe that JC did resurrect but was not crucified? Accept the miracle of loaves but not fishes? and so on.
Christianity/ism comprises a dogma, a doctrine, a narrative, some antecedents and some prophecy, together with mythic and legendary extrapolations. All of this is accepted by a Christian. Even some of the implications of Bread and Wine, enough that, written into English Law after the Reformation of Henry VIII is that a Catholic accepts those implications whereas an Anglican does not, such that the Test Act was passed to ensure that the Catholic Church could never again sanction the English Monarch.
This makes the Anglican Christian a partial Christian in the eyes of the mother church? or vice versa?
Christianity is not in the same taxonomic class as Opacity, Gravity, Viscosity, and so on, it is NOT a measurable item.
These are all items that fall into my bag of Mentality because they are measurable, countable, comparable, and so on. Isms fall into the bag of Sentimentality because they refer to Social effects or (dis)agreements and the like. We can talk about Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Shamanism, "Satanism", Anglicanism, Catholicism, Communism, Capitalism, so why on earth not Christianism?
I hope that makes enough sense to clarify your sideways glance! Kind Regards.
"kill them all...God will recognize his own!" The Pope's Innocent III ( I'm not making this name up!) legate Arnaud Amaury's judgement when the Albigeois city of Beziers, which also contained many Catholics, surrendered after a long siege. A tabula rasa doctrine since adopted by most "Christian" countries, and one Jewish country... shit happens, we'll sort it out later...
Perhaps an exception is "capitalism." It wouldn't make sense to kill lots of workers and consumers unless by "adherents" you include participants in a hated system. There are enough of them that killing them would drive up wages and drive down prices. Even the homeless who think they are rejecting the system do buy stuff. True, killing them would reduce certain social costs, like mental health services, drug rehab, and social security disability costs, but I suspect it wouldn't pencil out in the end.
A Zen master whom I liked said: "Beware of all words ending in -isms...rheumatism...alcoholism...capitalism/communism... and the true Master's touch...Buddhism...Cheers!
It is a pleasure to explore the conclusions of this thread. Thanks be given to Alex for making this possible. Sadly, Vanessa Beely does not allow for comments for free subscribers, but the conversation between the two is another well of inspiration.
To the "-ism" - which I am aware regarding the notion of the Zen Master via Alan Watts - I had this ironic realization after reading Your comment. You may find it entertaining and food for more thought.
I belong to a segment of the "baby boomer" generation that was diagnosed as an older adult with "Autism" and have now been thinking what that "-ism" is standing for. What is "Aut"? It may sound silly, of course, but now I am looking for the equivalent to the relationship between "Capital" and "Capital-ism" in "Aut-ism". Thank You for that inspiration.
Well, Wolfgang, Ich war einmals, many moons ago, ein echter Berliner, Ost-Berlin, nat├╝rlich...The Master I was referring to was Roshi Deshimaru who left his teaching in Europe, primarily France. Coincidentally, my daughter has developed a practice in treating autism, especially amongst over-vaccinated young children, with some success. As to capitalism, in which I earned my daily bread, I have much to say, but not here. Reading Karl, Engels and Lenin is a good beginning...better late than never.
LOL your "autism" does indeed look like a Belief System or Ideology.
In medical taxonomy, my feeling is that "Autosis", or "Autopathy" may have been a better choice.
But, there you are (Here We Are), the psychiatric taxonomists had already, it seems, lost their respect for the forefathers and the norms.
Having explored the possibilities of those antagonistic to peace also being behind the divide and conquer scheme regarding neurological variances, I came to the conclusion that any nomer is arbitrary. What goes on with my gray matter and that of millions of other humans, is simply a variance of vibrational frequency - so to speak. Especially in the light of a social life that considers those marked with "Autism" as "being different" in a 'odd' way, it would be best to not use this terminology. However, specifically in the professional work environment, such variance will inevitable lead to issues that are not related to performance - but to the inability to cope with e.g. moronity and intrigues by those who deem themselves superior to anybody else.
Naturally, I would love to have people discover what this neurological variance entails in me - via personal exposure. No "-ism" would be needed to describe what this variance creates, mentally, spiritually and physically. The anitdote for Psychopathy is living, human community and I hope I will be able to meet those on the bright side of life - like those, here. :)
Each is an exercise in crystalizing and then imposing onto the world one's own perceptions of reality, rather than perpetually allowing the inverse.
As indeed should be "Christianism"
Has anyone spotted the sleight of hand in giving that belief-system the "-ity" suffix, in nearly all cases reserved for measurable physical properties. Try "-ity" for yourself.
We don't apply "-ity" to ANY other religious or political concepts.
Such a great conclusion. Now think about "Calamity" and change it to our present state of human affairs: "Calamism". Or "Calamitism". The continued and willful creation of calamity.
Thank you!
I suppose it's to convey solidity, like a rock. Not a mere human belief system, but a supposed mountain of "truth" which was once (and still is) ironically and nevertheless called "faith", i.e. belief. So, to which I'll add, impenetrability, and insanity.
I like two of your last three words there. Resonant!
"Christianism" it is, then.
Grateful Thanks.
Respect and thanks, but all those you mention except Christainity are in truth measurable qualities. You can have a bit of Liberty, Puberty is a process from 0 to 1, Reality is always fractional (ask the meditative masters!).
I assent to Trinity because I don't know what it means or, rather, it has no place in my personal collection of ideologies.
But here's a thought!:
I was lying. My trinity is: the three qualities of Mentality, Sentimentality, Spirituality, in that order, and if some of the sayings of the meditative masters are correct then most souls do not confront this during their lifetime and some even of those in the after-lifetime.
Mentality is required for the basic maintenance of life. Sentimentality for the correct operation of the human group (our moods modified by others). And Spirituality, connection with the other world(s), parallel worlds, spirits, fairies, all that stuff, does not work where the other two remain undeveloped. The fake religion of Individualism keeps us stuck in Mentality and the group power of human advance, remember, humans exist only by and from co-operation, the power of advancement of the community: the group power of human advance works only when Sentimentality is measured as non-zero. Consequentially, without the power of the group mind working like that, we are victims of the verbal manipulation (Mentality) of those to whom we defer The Budget.
Whether that may make sense now or later I leave to Due Consideration, which takes time, always.
Many thanks for your impulse!
Your remark looks to me like a sort of decoy! LOL -- can you be a partial Christian? Believe that JC did resurrect but was not crucified? Accept the miracle of loaves but not fishes? and so on.
Christianity/ism comprises a dogma, a doctrine, a narrative, some antecedents and some prophecy, together with mythic and legendary extrapolations. All of this is accepted by a Christian. Even some of the implications of Bread and Wine, enough that, written into English Law after the Reformation of Henry VIII is that a Catholic accepts those implications whereas an Anglican does not, such that the Test Act was passed to ensure that the Catholic Church could never again sanction the English Monarch.
This makes the Anglican Christian a partial Christian in the eyes of the mother church? or vice versa?
Christianity is not in the same taxonomic class as Opacity, Gravity, Viscosity, and so on, it is NOT a measurable item.
These are all items that fall into my bag of Mentality because they are measurable, countable, comparable, and so on. Isms fall into the bag of Sentimentality because they refer to Social effects or (dis)agreements and the like. We can talk about Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Shamanism, "Satanism", Anglicanism, Catholicism, Communism, Capitalism, so why on earth not Christianism?
I hope that makes enough sense to clarify your sideways glance! Kind Regards.
IтАЩve long concluded that any -ism in its purest form requires its adherents to kill everyone who doesnтАЩt agree with them.
"kill them all...God will recognize his own!" The Pope's Innocent III ( I'm not making this name up!) legate Arnaud Amaury's judgement when the Albigeois city of Beziers, which also contained many Catholics, surrendered after a long siege. A tabula rasa doctrine since adopted by most "Christian" countries, and one Jewish country... shit happens, we'll sort it out later...
Perhaps an exception is "capitalism." It wouldn't make sense to kill lots of workers and consumers unless by "adherents" you include participants in a hated system. There are enough of them that killing them would drive up wages and drive down prices. Even the homeless who think they are rejecting the system do buy stuff. True, killing them would reduce certain social costs, like mental health services, drug rehab, and social security disability costs, but I suspect it wouldn't pencil out in the end.