Absolutely brilliant article, thank you. I'd say, as usual, but this is even better than your usual brilliance. I have one complaint, though. You somehow neglected the true greatness of the said Zelensky, for he is:

• A German Charlemagne Prize laureate.

• France’s Chevalier (Knight) of the Legion of Honor.

• An Oscar winner via Sean Penn’s loving gesture.

• A recipient of the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise at home.

• A recipient of The Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, awarded to individuals 'who have made significant contributions to the fields of social, philanthropic, and humanitarian activities.'

• Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, awardee because 'President Zelensky has united his nation in resistance and counter-offensive, and demonstrated a mastery of international diplomacy.'

• The 2022 Liberty Medal recipient.

By adding his incomparable achievements, you'd let your audiences know how truly magnificent this man is - the one instrumental in thrusting the final knife into the Empire of the Sun's already putrefying corpse.

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LOL! Thank you!

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Those instrumental of this rabid gaslighting campaign are deserving of the death penalty - as they are responsible for the hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians and Russians, followed by thousands of exterminated via disenfrenchisement citizens in the west.

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In a sane world, the death penalty would be handed out for massive state corruption generously. The harm created by the corruption is enormous, and causes death, war and poverty all the time. I envy countries that punish the wicked in their elite, like China does.

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We should consider the possibilty that the death penalty was abolished in places where those who would be deserving of it by ways of corruption arranged for its abolition. Notable exceptions are China and Iran - both Nations treat corruption with capital punishment. Saudi Arabia is different. People have their heads chopped off for misdemeanors or dissent.

A while ago a Chinese government official was executed for corruption - guilty of having stolen large amounts of public funds. When I wrote about that, questioning why in the U.S. only murderers of up to dozens of people are given the death penalty, while those responsible for the extermination of thousands to millions give book signings and those enjoying huge financial gains by implementing policies that are either destroying the fabric of whole societies and bring suffering and death upon the citizenry get lucrative jobs in the MSM, I received some nasty responses.

Needless to say that I am more than ever in favor of the death penalty for corruption - as it is the cancer of western societies.

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"Notable exceptions are China and Iran - both Nations treat corruption with capital punishment."

The CPC treats corruption "case by case". A government official convicted of corruption isn't only given a death sentence. ALL sentences depend on severity and can also include prison term, house arrest, probation and fine.

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I was under the impression that the death penalty given is corresponding to the crime perpetrated. In the case I wrote about, the damage to the people was in the range of $ 1.5 billion dollars.

Although corruption can be mere favoritism, I trust the jury to apply the sentencing according to the crime.

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You are correct. My reply was to point out in China, the penalty is "case by case". Reason for clarification is "The West" has a habit of de-humanizing it's opponents (i.e. China, Russia, Iran, Syria, Palestine etc..) by making paintbrush statements like "China imposes death penalty for corruption". This kind of rhetoric makes naive readers think other countries are "not refined or uncivilized" because they don't have the capacity to judge crimes and punishment like the so called civilized West. Western Imperialism is subtle; words like "First World and Third World" or visual images like map projections (Mercator (scale favors Western Empire) vs Gall-Peters or Autha-Graph) distort truth.

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Alex. Thank you. I heard the words banking cartel and Rothschild. A reference to bankers not caring about the plight of the poor and hungry and cold. Can this be a part of the BIS out of Switzerland? And perhaps the Swiss Bank Authorities operating out of Basel and Zurich, Lugano? More dots. Seems I read that the money center bankers have divided the globe into 38 districts and the US of course into 12 Reserve districts. This thinking allows for these cartels to avoid making decisions about nations and individuals people but only about bank districts where there are no sovereign citizens but rather subjects with minimal rights.

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Thank you William. They don't spell it out for us exactly, but what you laid out seems more than plausible. I have not come across the idea that the bankers divided the world in 38 districts, but that too seems credible and worth investigateing.

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He has billions in offshore accounts.Meanwhile,the UK has the worst child poverty in Europe and some of the living conditions are of third world standard.The country is literally falling apart.I couldnt care less about Zelensky.

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Nobody of influence and authority in britain cares about british child poverty.

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I can't say anything about anywhere in Europe, but that definitely fits the Canadian elites that run the country, and FWIW, even when confronted with the facts, many my age(73) don't WANT to know.

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He has billions in offshore accounts—and a hypersonic missile target on his back.

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Zelenskii has done exactly what his American Master wishes, and America's european catamites have responded accordingly.

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Thanks for letting us discover who DIDN"T reward him :-)) Phew!

ie Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Bulgaria etc etc...the list is long - and an investment for the future.

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A genius and a scholar, for sure. Standard ops for Western leaders.

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Justin Trudeau gave Elensky a sloppy blowjob, as well. The highest honour Canada has.

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I've noticed for a long time now the banal honorific "award-winning" (in nearly any field, but especially in journalism) as a cliche that I mock whenever the opportunity presents itself. I imagine it will soon enough disappear. Maybe the spies on this site will get the ball rolling?

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Does that make Charles the Sun Kink?

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Well the empire has kindergarten goldstars for adults…show me the people who would turn down all the orders of the merit - gongs,Nobel prizes, Oscar’s….its how they make people jump through hoops of fire

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Terrific material.

Two points I would make:

1. The Ukrainian incursion into Russia was a desperate attempt to show lenders that they are still in business. It’s what many businesses do when things are bad - put on a show of some kind.

2. The U.K. is no doubt on the point of an apocalypse. This will be nasty for a while but it will not be possible for the rulers to sustain it & the regime will collapse under the weight of its own inherent evil & incompetence.

In time something better will gradually evolve from the ashes.

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Thank you!

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Point 1, euphemistically termed 'jumping the shark.'

These are great points, thank you.

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UK...UKRAINE...OK, it rains, typical English summer...in Kiev, it pours...missiles. You know the saying, America sneezes and we all catch terminal pneumonia...I think it is slightly misleading to point to any specific link in the crumbling Atlantist daisy chain, all joined at the hip, the lip and more often than not the zip. You might as well point to the Japanese slo-mo disaster. Putin has full control over his turf and runs a chess masterclass, while the ruler of the Middle Kingdom plays the even subtler game of GO(d). Where you should focus your attention if you really want to pinpoint a real catastrophe, it is Gaza, the Empire's last colonial outpost and the bonfire of all human illusions, the orgiastic climax of a level of barbarity I find hard to detect a reference in History. Even the Nazis did attempt to hide their crimes. But the Sionists, in full daylight, in full view, exult in their genocide on prime time...that is truly the End of History!

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A masterful description of systemic moral and intellectual collapse exhibited in the Gaza genocide unabashed and in full view of the West whose populations have been trained and controlled to acquiesce as fascist barbarity is demanded by the “Masters of the Universe” to preserve an imploding hegemony.

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Everything I was taught at school was part of the national indoctrination process whereby we sustain and grow our Empire and noble actions to help the world progress.

Our support for the Zionists and lies needed to support that approach shows the hypocracy of our claim to greatness and demonstrates to the world our place with Fascist empires of history.

Free speech,democracy,rule of the law.truth,honesty are all meaningless concepts when associated with England.

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Indeed, but not even scratching the darkness under the surface. Anyone who has seen the images of the DNC with the cheerleading participants that was reminiscent of any Reichsparteitag - having not succumbed to the acute derangement syndrome prevalent - knew that the jig is up. Anybody that ever asked the Germans the now famous question "How could you have let this happen?" must now ask "Why do you let this happen?"

Why are people cheering like braindead zombies, while a genocide is perpetrated in their name and funded with their tax dollars, that is already outperforming every disgusting crime against humanity and every war crime in real human history?

Why is it possible to destroy the wellbeing of western populations by funnelling trillions of funds into a money laundering proxy war of Nazi-loving war criminals?

Is it because the majority of people in the west are so brain amputated that they are unable to comprehend that the real goal is the reduction of the global population by any and all means necessary? Are people so degenerated into believing that it is the "others" that will be censored, incarcerated and murdered? Exterminated by weather warfare, poisonous/carcinogenic 'food' supplies, fumigated like pests and driven into abject poverty.

When I was young, I suffered from nasty visions. Most of them I forgot during life. One never went away:

"A time will come where people wish they were never born." That time is now.

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If you studied History, not as it is written, or rewritten, by the current victors, and that takes some effort as the Academic world let alone the media, in the "west", has been entirely subverted, bought, contaminated by the "Atlantists", you may well discover the seminal bond between the Capitalists/Colonialists/Imperialists of lore and todays' Hegemon. Empire building has a solid genocidal foundation, vastly exceeding in numbers the current body count. But that was yesterday and we had a civilising mission to fulfil, the price of progress and all that jazz... indeed. America as the inheritor of all this glorious past, presents a major problem, even discarding the muppets on show, the braying Harris or the trumpeting Trump, what a tragicomic choice, but they are irrelevant in the grander scheme of things, just a distraction for the bamboozled masses, the "circenses" part, the real problem is the paymasters behind, the so-called deep state viscous blob, who totally mis-reads their chances and the real balance of power, Las Vegas poker players with a pair of sevens, bluffing their way, as usual but confronting this time around a Brics wall, far tighter and formidable than the proverbial Wall street Chinese wall, which ain't by the way, trust me on that account...or the puny-tive wall surrounding the Palestinians, so the problem, before I meander further away, is that this pair of sevens is nuclear and could well trigger the Big Bang...in which case we are all History...point final...la solution finale by the survivors of the last one. Another Ruse/Paradox of History?

If we survive that hypothesis we will need to de-nazify more than just Israel and Ukraine.

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Since my "Like" button no longer works, consider Your comment and all the others as "liked" a lot.

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Weird! I could only submit a "like" by doing a double-click.

So you are not the only one!

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A “Like” from me for this thread, inclusive.

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I agree.

We have allowed money to take possession of our future

Our childhood principles of honesty and truth have been blanked out by our nation's indoctrination to comply withthe orders of the market or else.

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There was an interesting conversation on C.J. Hopkins' substack yesterday. (https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/the-global-crackdown-on-dissent). Although I wanted to write a comment, I couldn't. It felt too much of commenters being unable to see the forest for the trees.

This is the consequence of generations subjected to indoctrination. Especially the world of finances is dominated by gaslighting and victim shaming. When it comes to "Capitalism" everybody has an opinion, but few ever get to the roots of the present problems. Adding an "-ism" to anything, is the equivalent of "for the sake of". In the case of "Capitalism", it means "for the sake of Capital". With "Capitalism", every policy aims at increasing the presence of capital. There was a song by Dan del Santo called "Money is their God here in America" and that is as spot on as it can be.

From the notion and understanding by Alan Watts - that money has no value in itself, it is like inches, or ounces a means of measurement - to the glorification, celebration and worshiping of its presence beyond need, required a thorough brain washing/programming. "From the dishwasher to a billionaire" should be understood as a conditioning towards the accumulation of assets. In short, everybody can end up having more than they actually need - if You adhere to the Mantra that the only real problem man has, is a lack of funds. Emphasized by policies enforced by 'governments' controlled by billionaires. Capitalism is antagonistic to Humanism, but if You say that, You are called a Communist/Socialist or whatever insult suits. What populations in the west now experience is the sacrifice of Humanism for the accumulation of capital. With the many having to be stripped of their miniscule assets in order to be controlled. The longer these populations remain in denial about what capitalism really means, the worse will become the conditions under which they are forced to exist. It is therefor the many that have it in their hands to bring about change - by remembering what it really means to be human. Before it simply means to be expendible, a liability - part of "too many".

As I have written about before: "There are not too many humans on planet Earth. There are too any billionaires."

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A Zen master whom I liked said: "Beware of all words ending in -isms...rheumatism...alcoholism...capitalism/communism... and the true Master's touch...Buddhism...Cheers!

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It is a pleasure to explore the conclusions of this thread. Thanks be given to Alex for making this possible. Sadly, Vanessa Beely does not allow for comments for free subscribers, but the conversation between the two is another well of inspiration.

To the "-ism" - which I am aware regarding the notion of the Zen Master via Alan Watts - I had this ironic realization after reading Your comment. You may find it entertaining and food for more thought.

I belong to a segment of the "baby boomer" generation that was diagnosed as an older adult with "Autism" and have now been thinking what that "-ism" is standing for. What is "Aut"? It may sound silly, of course, but now I am looking for the equivalent to the relationship between "Capital" and "Capital-ism" in "Aut-ism". Thank You for that inspiration.

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Well, Wolfgang, Ich war einmals, many moons ago, ein echter Berliner, Ost-Berlin, natürlich...The Master I was referring to was Roshi Deshimaru who left his teaching in Europe, primarily France. Coincidentally, my daughter has developed a practice in treating autism, especially amongst over-vaccinated young children, with some success. As to capitalism, in which I earned my daily bread, I have much to say, but not here. Reading Karl, Engels and Lenin is a good beginning...better late than never.

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Aug 31Edited

LOL your "autism" does indeed look like a Belief System or Ideology.

In medical taxonomy, my feeling is that "Autosis", or "Autopathy" may have been a better choice.

But, there you are (Here We Are), the psychiatric taxonomists had already, it seems, lost their respect for the forefathers and the norms.


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Each is an exercise in crystalizing and then imposing onto the world one's own perceptions of reality, rather than perpetually allowing the inverse.

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As indeed should be "Christianism"

Has anyone spotted the sleight of hand in giving that belief-system the "-ity" suffix, in nearly all cases reserved for measurable physical properties. Try "-ity" for yourself.

We don't apply "-ity" to ANY other religious or political concepts.

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I’ve long concluded that any -ism in its purest form requires its adherents to kill everyone who doesn’t agree with them.

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"kill them all...God will recognize his own!" The Pope's Innocent III ( I'm not making this name up!) legate Arnaud Amaury's judgement when the Albigeois city of Beziers, which also contained many Catholics, surrendered after a long siege. A tabula rasa doctrine since adopted by most "Christian" countries, and one Jewish country... shit happens, we'll sort it out later...

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Perhaps an exception is "capitalism." It wouldn't make sense to kill lots of workers and consumers unless by "adherents" you include participants in a hated system. There are enough of them that killing them would drive up wages and drive down prices. Even the homeless who think they are rejecting the system do buy stuff. True, killing them would reduce certain social costs, like mental health services, drug rehab, and social security disability costs, but I suspect it wouldn't pencil out in the end.

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"As I have written about before: 'There are not too many humans on planet Earth. There are too any billionaires.' "

I've never seen any proper rationale why billionaires are permitted (either ethically or by law). One cannot (healthily) "consume" a billion dollars/pounds. The only purpose for having billions is to control large numbers of people, and big places of all kinds.

(The same goes for inheritors of large sums, the monetary equivalent of lords and monarchs. Inheritance is in diametrical opposition to the moral claims of most capitalists regarding rewards for work.)

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That is a resounding "Bingo!"

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Our money is best described as measurement backed by murder. We are ruled by the most ruthless gangsters supported by hairless monkeys in lab coats to poison us and gun carrying goons for enforcement. They all work for the unspoken capo di tutti capi who profits from our willingly bought/sold and tortured souls.

May God have mercy on the innocent children and people of our nations.

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"We have allowed money to take possession of our future"

And with that oversight, dereliction of sense, negligence, or weakness, we sowed the seeds of our own downfall.

Surely the institution of money as an 'expression of central bank liability' guaranteed this outcome.

Therefore money is not the root of all evil, it is the very seed from which evil in the world has grown, creeping and grabbing and finally garrotting freedom and life itself like a diabolical strangler fig.

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Very well put. Thanks.

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Thank you very much. My interpretations and sentiments exactly.

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Well of course. They have told you since the beginning what their messianic End Times vision was. The Book of Revelations is the original "burn it all down that we may Build Back Better" roadmap, as envisioned by slave-raiders enamored of human sacrifice (and ancestral cannibalism.) They are trying to recreate the environmental conditions that formed their broken branch: a devastated wasteland post-catastrophe.

(As would ants or birds, using what we call "instinct"- genetic memory.)

I too dreamed for twenty years of what I called the Warrens; vast stretches of toxic city ruins. We are hearing memories of the future they are impelled to create. We are infected by their contagion within that drives them, by their vulnerability to it. We are only resistant, by no means immune. Starmer, by the way, is not ethnically British.

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Perhaps no reference in history but I do find myself wishing a Sodom/Gomorrah cataclysm to end the madness.

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What crimes? The most humane deportation transfer camps ever conceived, by the NatSoc regime that literally built Israel with the Havarra Transfer Program? (Spending billions of marks to do it, to entice the parasites that had turned Germany into another one of their many slave colonies.)

My generation was raised with that filthy, absurd, psychotic propaganda. Drenched in it, drowned in it. So stick a sock in it, while the ancient slave-raiders pull their historic pattern of betrayal and destruction, as they have since Ur. The slander and blood libel of our great European people- the height of humanity- is no longer allowed.

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Truth bro..you've written poetry here.

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Well written.

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Incredible to think that the Rothschilds inserted a clause that British taxpayers indemnify them for their own losses and bad management, otherwise known as theft.

The same here in Greece. Once France murdered our brilliant first "Governer" Capodistrias two years after independence (Capodistrias wrote the constitution of Switzerland with Greece in mind: neutrality, direct voting etc), the Brits sent some minor german royalty down here with a Rothschilds loan ....to be paid off by the Greeks. And that was just the beginning of the story...

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Wow, thank you Eleni. Didn't know about Capodistrias!

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The West, for whatever reason, has consigned the brilliant Count Ioannis Kapodistrias to total obscurity, yet he was considerd the most brilliant statesman of the age by his contemporries. (In the same way english speaking high school students have no idea that that Byzantium ever existed, another puzzle ....)

He was from Corfu and entered the Russian diplomatic service of Tsar Alexander ! in 1809. At the Congress of Vienna, 1815, as junior Russian minister, he counterbalanced the paramount influence of the Austrian Prince Metternich - the battle was really between these two - K. for sovereign Westphalian states and M. for empire. It was Kapodistrias that fought for French state unity under a Bourbon monarch (not Talleyrand) when the other powers wanted to break France into pieces. He also obtained new international guarantees for the constitution [which he had written earlier] and neutrality of Switzerland through an agreement among the Powers. After these brilliant diplomatic successes, Alexander I appointed Kapodistrias joint Foreign Minister of Russia (with Karl Robert Nesselrode).

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Forgot to add, France repaid Kapodistrias for saving it by assassinating him 7 years later. No good deed goes unpunished.

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Fascinating! With you permission, I'd like to copy this to refer to it and study.

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I do not recall now who made the statement; " eventually people will have to do battle with the banks". I seem to think it was a long former US congressman.

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It was Lord Acton: The issue that's swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people vs the banks. (not exact).

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We need to look into Lord Acton!

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Yes ! Thank you

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"Incredible to think that the Rothschilds inserted a clause that British taxpayers indemnify them for their own losses and bad management, otherwise known as theft."

Privatize the profits, socialize the losses. The corporation was created expressly with this in mind.

Before a fairer world can be made, if it can, we must first destroy and rid ourselves completely of the corporation.

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Dear Alex, I was engrossed in this article and enjoying it until I got to the subheading 'Kwarteng's "mini budget" was a foreshadowing'. Please note: UK taxpayers do not reimburse the Bank of England (BoE) or anyone else or cover the losses for anything and nor does the UK Government spend taxpayers' money. All revenues including taxes disappear (cease to exist) upon receipt. Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) spells this out empirically. This paper details UK Government spending and finances in detail. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4890683. Unfortunately your fifth paragraph from the end completely misunderstands and misrepresents MMT. Britain (the English Establishment or their puppets the Treasury and BoE) cannot be "intent on embracing the Modern Monetary Theory, ....." as MMT simply describes how Britain's (or any sovereign currency-issuing state's) financial systems operate. As I say to everyone - Please check out Modern Monetary Theory, it will change everything you think you know. There's lots of information, resources and links at the UK's centre for MMT studies at gimms.org.uk. Kind Regards, James

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Dear James, thank you. In fact, you are right and I've already made a correction (for now I just removed the reference to MMT - I realize that my formulation was wrong). It took me 5 days to put this article together and at some point it was getting so long that I realized I needed to split it into two parts (and do further research) so I could publish this one already. As a result I wrapped up a bit hastily. Thank you again.

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Oh my .... This "All revenues including taxes disappear (cease to exist) upon receipt" = an even more dire situation!😱 Solely to keep the classes down.

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Join me in a prayer for Albion....

Our Technocrat, who art in Cyberspace,

Hallowed be thy Blockchain,

Thy CBDC come,

Thy will be done,

In digital wallets and ATMS.

Give us this day our daily UBI tokens,

And ‘forgive‘ us our cash transactions,

As we 'forgive‘ those who use them.

Lead us not into financial freedom,

But deliver us from privacy.

For thine is the algorithm, the power, and the control,

Forever and ever,


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This will probably be the invocation for the 2025 US inauguration. Brilliant

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Fascinating. Scary. Of course a collapse like this won't stop at it's shores. Thank you so very much for making this free. Excellence like this typically comes at a price I can't afford so thank you again.

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Well done, Alex. You are directly over the target. The British government is conducting a deliberate war against its own people to try to save its depraved ruling class.

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Thank you. Exactly!

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The same goes for America.

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Yes, entire Western world is under seige.

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Highly recommended article for all in the UK. The detail analysis of the downward spiral with historical facts of the last decade in the UK is remarkable. Thanks Alex.

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Thank you! 🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you Alex for explaining the connection between the financial crisis and Ukraine, with the repression going on in the UK recently. You have shown the events very clearly, it has really helped me to understand!

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Thank you Thalia!

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That was excellent but deeply depressing for me in Britain. Thank you Alex!

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Thank you Phil!

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What on earth is Uk playing at?Foodbanks everywhere and we send billions to Ukraine?What the hell have we to do with Ukraine?

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You, nothing. But the City of London: everything!

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Imagine a world constructed in order to achieve the most numbers on a spreadsheet. The truth that baffles me is that the extremely wealthy have now taken complete control of ALL western governments in order to make more money which none of them even need. Even the collapse that happened in the U.S. and is happening in the UK was not and is not a risk to the wealthy, it just means the poor have to suffer a bit more each decade.

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Yes, it's quite mental...

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It's about the fetish of power, a superset of money. (Another in that set is intelligence, a fetish so pronounced it is a moral divider.)

What I don't understand is what end-state they expect this hybrid war to lead to. Once they get rid of all of the "bums" and "dummies" that comprise 90% of the population, do they think the top 10% will live in peace?

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Super article thanks Alex, just a little heads up , I have heard on the grapevine that all the steel suppliers in Ireland are down 20% on last year.

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Congratulations for this absolutly brilliant analysis. It opened my mind to a new interpretation of reality. I totally subscribe it. The City's hedge capitalists got consecutive black eyes in Afghanistan, the aborted Syrian pipeline project and the 3C initiative, where, with the help of their Polish minions they were up to recreate the Lithuanian-Polish confederation. Big money had certainly been put forward in advance with the catastrophic result of losses and significant reimbursements to make.

It is worth noting that the three major failed financial initiatives were meant to isolate Russia what indicates that imperial prejudice is still the leading mindset in the UK.

From your excerpt we can infer that:

- Fitch's move indicates harsh tensions between financial factions, probably inside the Blackrock et al ownership.

- The EU and Japan are completely enslaved colonies which are actually paying the British losses, not Ucraine's. They are the one being milked in the first place.

- But still this will not be enough to cover the abyssal British investment against Russia. London is finally showing its true monstruous face, like Dorian Gray.

- Those hyenas wont stop trying to kill as many people as they can before they give up. They are oneway fanatics, learnt only in domination and looting, accountable for innumerable crimes in history and rotten to the bone.

- Their climate change carbon credit reset, the jewell of the crown, steered from London, has lost steam and financial nerve.

One thing is for sure. They still think they can win. They wont give up. More little girls will be stabbed by MI6 agents if not worst.

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Thank you Yoni! I appreciate the feedback also!

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Spot on and very well put. Cheers.

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Thank you, Alex! Great article with tremendous insight into the “Western” financial situation.

Can you make an educated guess as to what the train of events will be once the British banking system collapses under a mountain of debt defaults? How will the British collapse ripple throughout the BIS member nations? Is this the prelude to the global “Debt for Natural Resources” that results in the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy owning all of the land, water, air, and natural resources? Ever heard of the World Wildlife Fund’s “Big Bad Bank” and King Charles’ Terra Carta & Astra Carta, the Rothschild & Vatican Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism, or Larry Fink’s plan to Tokenize everything?

There is an alternative path that could save humanity from the clutches of the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy and their quest for a One-World Global Empire, and subordination of the people into a neo-serfdom. Once upon a time back in the 1800s humanity was on that path, but the British Imperialist Oligarchy recognized that that path was an existence threat to their existence and so they instigated the Russian Revolution, WWI, WWII, and a conspiracy to erase any understanding of that alternative path from the history books.

The Alternative Path is The American System of Political Economy with a National Bank and a National Credit System that was devised by Alexander Hamilton and improved by Friedrich List and Henry C. Carey.

Here’s a proposal for A New Monetary System with A New National Bank:


History of Globalism: The American System of Political Economy Vs. The British System of Political Economy:


The “Global” American System of Political Economy

Russia, Germany, China, Japan, Ireland:


Debt for Nature Scam:


World Conservation Bank:


The Big Bad Bank:


King Charles’ Terra Carta & Astra Carta:



Rothschild Council for Inclusive Capitalism with The Vatican


Tokenized, Inc.

BlackRock’s Plan To Own The Fractionalized World:


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Thank you William. I don't think the collapse will be sudden (i.e. Lehman Brothers or Northern Rock style). Instead, we'll get the banana republic-style inflation -- high inflation -- hyperinflation progression that could last a few years.

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How the British Invented Globalism

Modern globalism was born in Victorian England. The plan was to merge the British Empire and the United States into a single superstate.


How the British Sold Globalism to America

The Secret History of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Anglo-American Empire


How the British Caused the American Civil War

Britain's Scheme to Partition and Recolonize America in the 1860s


How the British Invented Communism (And Blamed It on the Jews)

The Untold Story of Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, MI6, and the Russian Revolution


Anglo-American Rewriting of US History


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