It's about the fetish of power, a superset of money. (Another in that set is intelligence, a fetish so pronounced it is a moral divider.)
What I don't understand is what end-state they expect this hybrid war to lead to. Once they get rid of all of the "bums" and "dummies" that comprise 90% of the population, do they think the top 10% will live in peace?
It's about the fetish of power, a superset of money. (Another in that set is intelligence, a fetish so pronounced it is a moral divider.)
What I don't understand is what end-state they expect this hybrid war to lead to. Once they get rid of all of the "bums" and "dummies" that comprise 90% of the population, do they think the top 10% will live in peace?
It's about the fetish of power, a superset of money. (Another in that set is intelligence, a fetish so pronounced it is a moral divider.)
What I don't understand is what end-state they expect this hybrid war to lead to. Once they get rid of all of the "bums" and "dummies" that comprise 90% of the population, do they think the top 10% will live in peace?