The list of the evel doings which Great Britain has committed to the world and manhood since centuries is too long to have mercy with that entity.

I know, the regular people gonna suffer most, but blind trust in such politicians like Britain breeds out in several decades, has inevitably a severe price.

I followed Alex's recommendation and converted all my savings into physical gold.

Let's rumble now.

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Thank you Nino and happy New Year!

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Btw, Brits no longer rule Britian, but the same small group who occupy the US.

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The Bankers in London & Wallstreet have owned Washington for the last 112 years thru the Democratic party,since 1913 & Woodrow Wilson!

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Rothschild Mafia

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I agree with your Assessment,and even more so.

The history of the British elite establishment,over the centuries,has been almost completely suppressed.Suppressed to the point of being Cartoon strip narratives.

I don't think that any national group has caused as much world wide suffering as the British Anglicans at the top & their Episcopalian cousins in America!

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christian&eweishZionauts !!

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You are just another European race hater. You couldn't live a decent life without us though.

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You don’t know your Anthropology ! European [Ethnicities covers a Lot of territory ! How do You Reduce That to [“race hater”] without Giving Evidence of Your ? (Self-ish) Self !!

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Not saying the Brits have been perfect throughout history, but to ignore that they brought civilization to remote and backward regions across the world is a huge injustice in and of itself. Compare to the Muslim Arabs colonizing Africa today. More squalor.

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No, there were flourishing civilizations in China, India, Japan, Africa and the Caribbean before the Brits arrived there. They destroyed them, they didn't bring civilization. And you clearly haven't a clue about the Arab civilizations before the Brits got there.

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There is so much evidence under the rubble golf courses and malls of America alone which Reveal purposeful Destruction of the Former Civilisations !

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Alex in former Yugoslavia history lessons where:

The Portuguese Empire 1415

The Spanish Empire 1492

First French colonial empire, Major French exploration of North America began under the rule of Francis I, King of France. In 1524

The British Empire 1607

Good books to read:

Conquests and Cultures An International History by Thomas Sowell

Economic Facts and Fallacies by Thomas Sowell

Wealth, Poverty and Politics by Thomas Sowell

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"Arab" civilizations such as the Persians who consider it an insult to be called an Arab? Africa as in Egypt where blonde mummies are found? Or do you really think the Arab and Negroid races built the pyramids? lol. China, where also blonde mummies are found and where they plant trees on those pyramids in an effort to hide them while refusing to allow Western archaeologists into the pyramids. Why is that? Because the Chinese already know they didn't build them. India, wow, you mean because we ruled there in days gone by that is why they drink cow piss, smear cow shit on themselves, and burn dried dung to "purify" their homes? Ditto for Arabs drinking camel piss. Need I go on? It is apparent that it is you who is clueless and have bought into the false scripted historical narrative.

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Also, what is in the ME today is the result of centuries of miscegenation. Dark Arabs were never the founders of the original ME civilizations. They were WHITE and as they migrated they settled in Europe.

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Not just Europe but in all places along with their Shem’itic brothers . . .

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Racist comment from a demonstrated ignoramus.

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And what things would they be? The only thing i can think of Britain bringing the world is concentration camps and famines. Meanwhile Britain's museums, big houses and palaces are filled with the stolen art, artifacts, jewels, furniture etc looted from Asia and Africa.

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Where these precious artifacts are PRESERVED. Nothing would be left of any of it if the White man did not take a hand in their preservation from the start, all the gold would have been melted down long ago. Interesting also that wherever the Europeans colonized in Africa the people never starved and enjoyed an actual standard of living beyond tribal warfare and cannibalism. That Mafia Jews now control the Europeans through finance and their Marxist ideology is a sad testimony to a once mighty, proud and honorable people.

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You failed to answer my simple question. Name one thing whitey brought to Asia. “All the gold would have been melted down long ago“. Wow so all the golden artifacts and jewellry of the world came fully formed from where? And why would non-white people want to melt or destroy the precious things they spent millenia creating. Why don't you read about how much Britain and France destroyed and stole from China. Maybe if you visited one of your museums for once you'd learn what the Summer Palace was and what happened to it. “Oh the Chinese emperor's concubines cant possibly keep all these precious vases, lacquer boxes, jade statuettes etc, they might break them with their strong fingers. I'm going to take them to my house. Oh what a good and noble man I am." If white man is so amazing, why couldn't they make all these treasures themselves? Why did the world HAVE to be looted to fill British museums?

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You are right, what were we thinking? We certainly don't need Chinese historical artifacts worthlessly sitting around in our museums, do we?

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I would recommend Professor Roy Casagranda's lecture:

How Islam Saved Western Civilization


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And let's don't forget we have the 'scientific' evidence that all the races descended out of Africa through the Negroid race. This is the ludicrousness we are supposed to blindly accept to be part of the Marxist egalitarian world 'democracy'.

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I am aware of this false historical narrative, one among so many. Go drink you Mohammed camel piss for health and marry your 7 year old cousin.

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You forgot to mention your tradition:

Mishnah Niddah: "A girl who is three years and one day old, whose father arranged her betrothal, is betrothed through intercourse... And in a case where the childless husband of a girl three years and one day old dies, if his brother the yavam engages in intercourse with her, he acquires her as his wife."

You live in a glass house.

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If you are referring to me, I am not Jewish and would want to kill myself if I were an Edomite/Khazarian anti-Christ Talmudic Jew.

Have a nice day :)

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Dec 21, 2024 GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Guatemalan authorities searched the compound of an extremist ultra-orthodox Jewish sect Friday, taking at least 160 minors and 40 women into protective custody after reports of abuse.

The office said a complaint was made in November of possible crimes including forced pregnancies, mistreatment of minors and rape. The sect has run into legal problems in various countries.

"possible crimes"... do you doubt?

We know the global network of Jewish organizations are on this with threats of anti-Semitism and bribes.

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Any Nation would look good compared to the Muslim lunatics.

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How long ago did you do this please Nino? I moved 1/3 of my savings to physical gold at the start of the overt war on Russia. It’s gone up by around 50% since then so I don’t know if it’s still the safest place, but can’t think of anywhere else.

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You need to read more history books.

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The three corporate city states which control world affairs, known as the "Empire of the City" needs to be oreshniked.

City of London (controls financial/economic affairs), Vatican City (controls religious affairs) and District of Colombia (controls military affairs).

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I agree ! The world’ needs to perform a [“circumcision”] of thum ! lol

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You left out Wall Street & the Fed!

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There was no need to mention the servants, Sidney!

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I don't know if you have heard of the former UK Government Minister/ Tory MP Steve Baker. He has been doing alot of YouTube interviews since losing his seat. He's what I would broadly call an Austrian School follower.

He says most MPs are genuinely clueless on economics and the small minority that are clued up don't want to be the ones to tell the public how bad the situation is and have to implement drastic change.

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Thank you. I wasn't aware of Baker, but what you say makes sense.

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I completely lost faith in Steve Baker during the fake pandemic when he pushed the jab on pregnant women. An unforgivable thing, in my view.

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If it gets bad enough the people will rise up!

It just takes a spark, a dynamic leader! But peaceful!

There are about 70 million Brits today! It may be that they need a dynamic leader like Trump to show the way!

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Trump, the father of the vaccine, are you joking? He isn’t recommending a grass roots movement, far from it, I think if it wasn’t for the saviour’s return there would already be that spark in the US. I’m still holding my breath from 8 years ago when he was building a wall, jailing Hillary and draining the swamp.

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Trump is a globalist. It is tragic that so few people have realised it.

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It’s bizarre and a genius move by “them” and of course musk, a 2008 wef young global leader.

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Recall the (rituals) at the clubhouse of ‘Beth saud’

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I don't believe any official statistics. We need Alex to cut to the chase. And he does it so eloquently.

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Thank you Kenneth, that's too kind. Happy New Year.

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Boris Johnson knew there would be a war against Russia likely as he was busy, w Joe bidendiaper, provoking a full scale invasion to save the world from being forced to change our hairstyles to become like borisvirus23.

Even my dad Vlad speaks of his good hair, which must come from Boris Johnson indulging his finger in the electrical socket.

They are trying the scamdemic Harmacide economic fix again but that bird flew over the cuckoo's nest and took over the asylum...the masks on those faceless freaks is painful to behold. People don't really have time to be scared anymore...

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LOL - hairdo by electrical socket! =)))

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Maybe the British elites are after the Russians Because they still believe in

Mackinders Heartland theory & owning the world?

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I think the current generation of British Lardbuckets believe that they own Russian resources, thanks to deals done post-Yeltsin, and Putin has stolen their wealth from them. They want back something that was never theirs in the first place.

Britain believed that come 2022 Russia was weak, and would be brought down by sanctions. They convinced the EU and the US of the same. In fact, the elites bet the country (Britain) on it. Coming up to 3 years later and it's obvious they've lost. The US looks strong, the EU is toast and Perfidious Albion is doing the only thing it knows: fermenting trouble the world over. When the shit does hit the fan, the elites will walk away, wealth intact, leaving the British people to pick up the tab.

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i am a bit of a “grammar NS” Perfidious Albion has Fomented’ Division since “the camp-followers” followed the Romans back to Rome and been a Tick” in the side of civilisation since Then !

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I cannot fault your comment!

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Boris was standing up for his friendly benefactor, Lord Rothschild (pictured), who got cut out of a Russian oil company deal some years back, and sought revenge and restitution...

Rest in Peace, "Jake".


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Notice how the heat is off the Rothschilds since he “died”

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You sure? the “Upload” thing’ may carry the algorithym without a blip

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the redlord has other reasons than the contemporaneous you mention !

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Is that a Satanic/demonic reference?

Those entities, should they exist, are thought to feed upon the anguish of living souls, "Loosh". https://theethicalskeptic.com/2023/11/25/what-is-loosh/

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Thank you!

A year that goes away, another that comes!

At the end of this year, I send you my best wishes for happiness, prosperity and success.

May the new year that is opening be for you a serene and fulfilling year, filled with moments of sharing and sweetness.

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Thank you Laladge! Best wishes to you too: good health, happiness and prosperity in 2025 and beyond. And peace.

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The UK, the US, the EU and Japan have been in a currency race to the bottom for some time. We hear about the $$$ tanking, the Yen tanking, and the Euro becoming toast, but hardly ever the £££. So it's interesting to read a different perspective.

I've come to the opinion that the British Empire didn't end in 1945, it simply went underground. The City of London controls all the world's monetary hidey holes for the Globalist elites, while the Fabians infiltrated the US' institutions and took control of US foreign policy. The US in turn controls the EU. The war against Russia is very much Britain's war, and the US and the EU were convinced that sanctions would end Putin's reign, and Russia could be plundered for its resources, which would kick the can down the road for 20 years and stave off the collapse of the West. British elites went as far as to bet the country on the outcome, and as it stands they lost. If and when the shit does hit the fan, they'll scuttle off elsewhere with their wealth intact, and leave the British people to pick up the tab. Once Britain goes, the EU will follow. God knows how the US will do, with its $200T+ liabilities, many of which are off-book. Russia is the only civilised country that has no debt, so they'll do just fine.

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100% agree with all of the above.

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Happy New year Alex! Thank you for another great analysis on the miserable state of affairs in Britain! When they moved the goal posts it was a big signal we're in trouble alongside the other insane policies like the NI hikes and winter fuel cuts. My state pension and public sector pension will be worth diddly squat when I retire. They plan to waste the pensions by "investing" in Ukraine/Russian war bonds and the net zero unicorn. I need to look further a field but they have a tight grip on my nest eggs.

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Thank you Phil and Happy New Year to you as well!

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The Ukraine war is hardly mentioned by MSM media in UK. Despite change of government. Foreign policy is the same. It explains one reason why the majority of voter's stayed home on election night.

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For sure, that's part of it. But the "democracy" is so rigged that it makes little difference how people vote. I'm sure that if they had the choice to vote for someone like Jeremy Corbyn, many more would turn out.

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I did vote for Corbyn when it was feasible, the only time I ever voted in a national election, the only time I felt there was someone worth voting for.

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From your lips to God’s ears, please let it be so.

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Only a matter of time, methinks.

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Excellent read. Thanks.

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Scary read if you are British…especially if that results in people falling for some populist narratives pushed by the likes of Farage and the Reform party on behalf of their masters at Legatum.

The exercise of EXTREME discernment is required.


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Yes, I think a wholesale reform of the monetary system is a must.

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Nice work Alex. Some of the words to Kenny Rodgers "The Gambler"

You've got to know when to hold 'em

Know when to fold 'em

Know when to walk away

Know when to run

You never count your money

When you're sittin' at the table

There'll be time enough for countin'

When the dealin's done

Its time to fold.

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Thank you Rolls!

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Brilliant analysis thank you. How do the $multibillions in US Treasuries held by UK government /BOE play into this mix? Where did they find the capital to buy these bonds in the first place? printed by commercial banks (per Richard Werner analysis?), taxes, borrowed? a generous donation from a globalist? It's time to make our New Year's Revolutions! Peace.

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Well, all those billions are debt and they have to be serviced and repaid. The only way to repay is to collect taxes from a good economy. Except, the economy is shit and oversaturated with debt.

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The economy is especially kiboshed by an excess 800,000 disabilities/disability payments (personal independence payments), starting since rollouts (2021). US similarly crippled. I spent 30 years in medicine’s development. That they still haven’t withdrawn them, when so clear it’s causal (deaths, disabilities, injuries), suggests intent. So, beyond being a smokescreen for financial goings on, the ‘covid event’ seems to have a further rationale: maintaining GDP per capita perhaps by bumping off hundreds of thousands? The dose fatality rate (DFR) doubled with every 5 years of (increasing) age (Rancourt et al.). Now they’ll bump more off by withdrawing winter fuel allowance and giving combined flu/covid injections to elderly. Btw, in case anyone’s wondering, the DFR in very elderly with comorbidities is estimated at 1 in 20, so keep injecting and it’s about same odds as Russian roulette.

Can you explain Alex what covid enabled them to do financially? (Not my field) I hear various explanations such as it enabling them to slow down the economy, inject money into the system…but looks more to me like a gigantic hoovering of the old financial system from taxpayers to corporations, a money laundering scheme essentially, bleeding us dry before they then allow a collapse?

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Money, govt IOUs (I Promise to Pay the Bearer etc), originates with the BoE. Given the slack in the economy, if they wished they could create and inject hundreds of billions into the UK economy tomorrow towards productive pursuits like rebuilding our crumbling roads, schools and hospitals without precipitating us into hyperinflation or anything like it. They don't because they'd rather further establish a two-tier society with themselves in the top tier. Paying the interest is just a matter of pressing buttons at the BoE so the idea of it being a problem is absurd. When has the national debt ever been paid anyway, hmmm? Standard practice is & always has been to grow the economy making the national debt look smaller by comparison. T'ain't no thang.

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So God will.

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Well that was depressing and certainly likely, on the other hand, what a great article!

Thank you and very best wishes to you for a happy, productive, and most fortunate new year!

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Thank you Frances. Best wishes to you also! Happy New Year.

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Thank you! And how thoughtful of you to respond!

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